Joseph Price Diary


January 1st. 92 wind N E & wett Morning John Lewis here to Breakfast, Gave me 4s8 to get the Latches &c- afternoon Jehu Roberts here I went with him to Tunis’s, back Jehu to Rees—

2nd wind N E been wet night at Rees morning went with Tommy & Jehu to Look at Mill Near Chester, Moris’s Spent at Gibson 4s3 Stopt comeing home Tommy paid 2s3 frost Comeing out fast, home about sunset Dul Day not much Rain since morning mill, out Repair a good Deal & well Dry no spring on it or near—


Januy wind S W & Clear about noon very fine at Rees’s for pannels, at Tunis planing 3rd kitchen home & made a bill for him, work in shop

4th wind N W & froze a little (it is) & Clear at fathers for Cross Cutsaw home fore sunrise, put whiteoak posts 20 I. Long & 14 I. Diameter in smokehouse & Chesnut Slabs over & Morter floor on them hog house under, smokehouse above, Robert movd his Chest &c to David Roberts, been here or made his home here Ever since May 1788–I Bought part of his time very good, Oblidgeing Lad he has been, so warm as to make morter with Cold water & not freaze—

5th winds W a Large whitefrost at fathers helpt to kill 3 hogs, then to Rees’s help to kill 4 & 3 they had killd before I got there, home & helpt to make a Coffin for harry & Sall’s Child about or near 14 years old yet was a strange kind or some what Exstrodnyry in Nature they say not properly a man nor woman but they Calld it a Ann– a snow shower about ½ I deep & rather giving till after midnight

6th wind N.W. Clear & Cold froze all Day took Coffin Near grays & then brought her or it to Merion yard, Hannah Tunis & Jane here went home with them, back & to bed— Settled with Phillip Hoffman he had 3L 12 against

January 92

me & I had 2L 13 against him so I paid him a ballance of 19s— paid Nehemiah Evans for half a hog at 4½ per lb 26s9¾—

7th. wind N E & Cloudy’d up & begun to snow by Noon geathered about 1½ I by Bed time met the Society & paid Stadleman 3d for bear had some time agoo, Got 1 part of the 4th Vol. Incicopedia & so home Peter Ott paid me 4s for a little Chest made

8th. wind N E & over Cast all Day but no snow not 2 I deep in the hole on the whole went to Meeting afternoon to Tunis’s fiting mill to Grind barke flywheel & Role full of Little teeth Drank tea & so returnd home. Brother up afternight & went to Fathers to stay till morning

9th. wind N W & prety Cold froze hard, last night went to Abner Evan’s to a fox hunt, had about or near 1 hour start run two hours took aLive set him agooing again but made no Run, Dogs killd him Spent 3s9 In the Hole Met at schoolhouse & Chuse’d trustees Paul Jones R Tunis A Roberts Able Thomas, & self to meet the second seconday in April–

January 10th 92 wind N.W. & avery Sharp morning very at Rees’s before breakfast, home & finishd abed stid, & othere work in shop, at Tunis, & at Black Tom to get the Number of shingles that he Made for Doc. Smith home Jonathan Bought ½ Bus. Salt 1s3 Tobacco 1s4, Nails 1s8

11th wind N & N E Cleard & Cold at Rees to Borrow a brake but it was Lent so Came home without Borrowd 4 Dollars of Jonathan & went to Phila paid for Boards 22s1 paid 12s9 for watch paid 2s3d for 3 Gallons of Rum had some time paid 1s6 for Dinner paid 1s6 for oats & i jill of Wine paid 2s2d for 2 lb Brown shuger paid 1s3 for wine & ferriage paid 5½d for bear at Stadlemans, home

12th wind N.E. & overCast & remarkable Cold begun to Snow about 4, OClock P M blue & snowd Smartly, at fathers in morning for Ax boarded up Barrack & Layd afloor in it at Streapers in Evening a Little while spent not any thing Receivd yesterday of Saml Claphanson 15s & an order on John Supplee for 4 Dollars for John Adams Coffin—

13 wind this Morning geting to N W & Cleard up with a shower of snow from N W, wind prety high & very Cold, makeing Coffin for Jacob Johnson’s Child Bornd yesterday afternoon, took it home & buried it in Merion yard, Cold & snow Drifting very much, Jacob Griffee Rees & I Dug the Grave Abraham Lukens here for his Sleigh—

Jany. 13th 92 the snow I think was about 8 I Deep Light & Dry

14th wind N W Clear & Cold at Tunis’s Looking at his new mill not answer any Great End, afternoon at John Supplee, to see If he accept an order from Claphanson of Adams Estate at Wagoners spent 11d

15th wind N W & Cold Day Robert & I up to Brades Stop at Cochrons staid & sparkt the girls till 12 OC very Cloudy & Cold,— paid Bill Hawkins for Repairing Pistels 1s8, Gibson paid 14 Doll. 2 gave back

16th. wind N W & very Sharp went to town bought screws & thumb Latch 4s9 plow 11s3 ogee 3s four Chisels 3s files 1s10½ plain bit 6d Boxes for 2 Wheels 6s9 Coffee mill 8s3 Quart of Oil 1s5 ounce prusianblue 3s, almanack 11d (Dinner & oats 3s9 & 1 gill of wine & pint sider) ferriage 4d ½ gill of wine at Stadlemans 3d. Ribbin 5½d four pains of Glass 2s. saltpeter 1s5½d——

17th wind N W & sharp went to Tunis’s & took Cart Boxes to Lewis Thomas, Back to Breakfast pottering inshop the Remainder

18th. Red to sun rise & wind N. E & Begun to snow prety soon in Morning, Gaind about 2 or 3 I all day at Rusels to Get him to make Hanah pair of shoes

19th wind N W high & Cold snow gaind 6 I I think & Drifting very much Fathers Lain very full at Tunis’s braceing arms horse works by home in Evening–

Jany. 20th 1792 wind N W & Clear pedling in shop Jos Thomas Come to get Coffin for Hannah Moors Girl Name of Biven, takeing with a pain below knee. proved to be white swelling, Getherd several places, held it about 6 weeks, Hellembolt Jane wife Jane Cochron & Hannah Roberts here in slay, finishd Coffin, School Master begun to board. John Holgate by name.

21st. wind N W. in part Set off with Coffin & then Brought her to Merion Lanes ful of snow Saml & polley fetch Mother in one horse slay from there house went to Fathers got to snow afternight

22nd wind N E Snowing & had snowd about 4 I went to Meeting Cleard off before night prety Cold Thomas Roberts here, at home all Day

23rd wind N W & very Cold Day went to fathers he went to Rees with me home Hannah Neddy George Gainer Jones & James Jones in our old slay up to Radner on Meeting Busines, Dined or Drank Coffee here— in margin: “New moon to Day at noon”

24th wind N W Clear not so Cold as yesterday Tunis & I up to buck in his slay, meet Jehu Roberts & Nancy spent 3s back to Tunis’s Drank tea & home


25th Robert & I in our old slay (& Molley Morris) to town bought Cag 3s three gallens Molasses 13s6 sprigs & nails &c 2s8 turnips 1B. 2s sugar 2 lb–2s– Dinner 1s6 wine 11d. at ferry 11d, Wagoners 1s10½ fine day thawd off the houses, home after night,– –

26th. wind N E & overCast but Cleard off, went with Nancy Roberts, kittey Loyd, & Jane Tunis (in there slay) to Paul Jones, Drove them back to Tunis’s & then to Rees’s & so home Gave Mother 2s4 for Butter

27th. Wind about W. incline to South work in shopt shop, till noon after to James Jones’s with Ann Roberts & kitt Loyd Tunis’s slay & horses back Jehu & Georg Thomas there I home thawd more to day thane it has Since snow fell

28th. wind N & sharp over Cast inmorning; Clear off work at Cuting box & hanging schoolhouse doors, home all day, Robert fetch his mother here & took Ant Betty to Siles Jones’s

29th- wind N W & fine Day went to Rees’s morning he paid me 49s8 for his fathers Coffin, back to breakfast, Brother up set off to go to Brades, father takeing with sort of fit Tip overtook us at mill, & turnd back

Januy. 29th 92

stayd there till afternight, father better so home

30th. wind No. E Cold & overcast, (whitefrost morning) fathers morning he better, afternoon at Rees’s puting on Locks &c, begun to snow afterdrak dark, snowd till about 10 OClock turnd to rain, hard showers in night, Brother John to town to go to school

31st. wind S W & very foggy & roads all in slush warm sudden Chainge; Study Cold since the 6th. no rain no thaw of Conciquence, been most remarkable fine Slaying, but now Don over, kild a Calf Robert & his Mother & Ester Jones Come from Ben Jones, in old slay, the women here all night. Siles Jones paid me 3 Doll towards his Childs Coffin. Bill Brades here wanting to settle about Britsons Est. Red to sun set. Evening, moon to be seen 7 Days old yesterday

February 1st wind N W. & froze, but not so as to bear horse Bought Chees 17 lb at 9d– 12s10, 5 lb shugar 5s7½ sissors 11d glue & saw 5s0 Coffee 4s2½ Nails & pencil 3s5, Chalk 1s6 Lock schoolhouse 8s9 Dinner horse &c 4s ferriage 4d Candles 10d, took 2 Quarters of veal to Market & brest & 2 foul, got 16s8 for them Receivd 4 Dollars of Siles Jones Daughters Coffin—-

92 February 2nd wind N W. froze prety hard about home till noon at Rees’s & up to Robesons Got my horse shod before, went to Bill Roberts paid his Wife 30 Dollars being part of her Dower of Bridsons Est. Stopt at Nathan Jones, spark Nan; & home again paid Rusel 7s6

3rd wind. Westerly & prety pleasantday at Tunis’s afternoon with John Roberts, to see Bill Lewis, & Thomas Garret, Concerning Bonds father & he Concernd with Lewis Stop at Jacob Warners Dine’d & Drank Coffee there

4th wind S.W. & raind prety soon morning, not much till Evening then several Light showers, Meet the Society at Stadleman’s, paid 3s Quarterly payment paid 7s6 towards abourer a borer that the society agreed to rais by Subscribsion paid 7s6 for Supplee, paid 7s6 for Nehemiah Evans, paid 5½d that we over run our Limits, got the Incicopedia

5th- wind N W & Butiful Clear pleasant Morning Brother up, Brades here but Did not settle went to Fathers, thawd very much

6th. wind blot west & thawing day after Got the remaind. of Hd.hogshead of Sider from Sniders, at Lewis Thomas’s & Tunis, afternoon at Alloways fastening on shetters &c & hung two Doors for Streapers–

7th wind N E & froze hard work inshop begun to Snoo snow about 4 OC. afternoon

February 7th 92

& snowd very fast, slackend apace Rain a few Drops, went to Morris’s home got to snowing again & Snowd violently & Blue Evans & A Tunis here Evans paid a Dollar that I paid at Society for him Storme

8th.. wind N E & partilly Quit snowing the snow about 12 I Deep, as big as any one snow this winter I think, Ewe Lamb out in the snow, found her afterbreakfast. the lamb not Quite Dead but Died soon after brought in Tunis & I in slay to Lees to Look for plaster spent at Buck 1s6 they made a preasant of young peaCock & hen, home & went to Rees’s him & Thomas gone to Jehus in Valley

9th wind N W & prety Cold went to town with Tunis in his slay, spent at Dyers 3s9, oil & paint 3s9 at ferry 11d. Sup on Oisters with Tunis & so home Hannah Zell with us in slay to town

10th. wind S.W. snow a little giving went to Meeting it being monthly meeting here work in shop afternoon at Fathers Saml. Gibson & Polley there in one horseslay, wind got to N E overCast all day

11th. wind N E & prety Cold & overCast, afternoon Buck 1 B. Cloverseed 12 Dollars & 1 peck 3 Dollars up to Curwens Drank tea there &

Feb 11th 92

back to Buck spent 6d 1 Jill of wine prety Little Shower of snow in the Evening home-

12th wind N E & overCast, at Meeting Dick Cochron here afternoon, Brother up Evening at Rees’s

13th- wind N E & Cold & Cloudy went with Latch to Norristown, Court time spent 1s10½ there 1s2½ at the ford (Latch paid for our horse to hay & oats &c 3s for bought both of us) Cold rideing & begun to haill & snow home afternight

14th wind N E & snowing 4 I Deep fell Last night & about as much to Day, went with Tunis to Robesons, Thomas Roberts & I up to Brades in Tunis’s slay Dine’d at old shallaly’s stopt at Cochron’s & at Rees’s home before night Lent my mare & old slay to Rees’s to go to town, wind high & Cold, at fathers, to get the slay for Rees’s Boys

15th wind N E & Cloudy all Day Got Tunis’s slay & Tunis & T. Roberts father & self went in it to Brades’s, settled Britsons affair Concerning the plantation Recd. 381 pounds & two Bonds one for 100L & one for 81L some odd of Brades, being the whole Lodg the old articles of agreement in R Tunis’s hands so returnd home, good Slaying but badley Geard run the hill

February 16, 92

16th wind N.E & overCast all Day, Snowd about 1 I Last night, snowd a little today but thawd, snow soft Road most bare where trod, turning rounds for Tunis all Day Evening went to buck for Cloverseed spent 1s4¾ master Holgate along & Jacob in slay home about 8 OClock Read the news paper–bed &c

17th-. wind N.W. & Clear sun work’t off the snow brave, the only Clearday since the 9th, turnd Rounds for Tunis’s Bark Mill at Fathers for peice of fish skin, afternoon work at Tunis bookCase, at Tunis’s Evening, paid Jacob 10s6 for smith work Ant Betty went with Jehu to Valley in slay

18th. wind N W. & froze hard Last night, Clear & thawd a good deal in sun, put the mouldings on book Case &c. sent the money got of Brades by T Roberts to Brot. Brother Edward at the Bank, old Robeson & 4 of Jonathans Childern here in slay, Number of sleds & slay Running

19th. Wind N.W. & prety Cold Morning, But very Clear at home till Evening Master Holgate & I went to Tunis’s first day, very Cold Evening & high wind—

20th wind N W & Cloudy to E but very Cold went to David Roberts’s & at Fathers Jos Davis wife & Mother witness to Bill Streapers Indenture work in shop

21st. wind N W & very Cold Robert & I to Valley Dine’d at Ben Jones’s Drank Coffee at John May spent 8d at Bird inhand gooing Back there & fed, spent 1s10½ & 5½d to horsler Robert pd 8d– home about 9 OClock at night, May paid me 3 Dollars for a bedstid

22nd wind N.W. & sharp (Cold) thawd in sun work at fret for Tunis’s bookCase afternoon, at Tunis’s yard looking at his Mill, home Read some & to bed– young Ewe Lambd, would not take it— one that Lamb’d the 8th & Lost it takes to it is very fond of it. If a Ewe Looses her lamb, & have one that you which wish to Make her take, skinn the Dead one & tye the skin round the one you wish her to take & she will fondle it, provd,—in margin: “Moon new 12 OC 6 minutes morn”

23rd. wind N W. & raw overCast in part tho thawd agood deal work in shop, home all Day– —

24th wind about S.W. & Clear & the pleasantest day for some time work in shop at Fathers Evening, paid off Jehu Jones 24s3 being full for beeff, had in all 52s4 worth, moon 3 days old this morning 6 M. after 12 tonight–

25th wind S. W. & overCast– at home turning bed stids &c wind got W. & prety Clear, settled with John Righter & found 13s3 Due him, thawd a good Deal

26th. wind N.E. & overCast went to meeting, after went with A & B Tunis to Nehemiah Evans & at Morris’s got to rain prety smart & wet night– Brother here

Febr 27th, 92 wind got to N W & Cleard with snow showers & very high wind & Cold turnd, bedstids for Tom Roberts & went to Tunis’s got his Mill prety Compleat,

28th. wind about: W. Calm & Clear, thawd prety much Jacob Trashing threshing at Fathers, there & at David Roberts got a Warnet board of Robert for Book Case

29th. wind W. & whitefrost, got 3 of Fathers Horses & halld a walnet log from Rees’s to Levering mill saw mill froze up, from about the Beginning of January & not Loos yet afternoonn at Rees’s Tom Roberts Gone to Vallee Alloways & N Jones, got walnet board about 8 feet of N Jones home about 9 OClock Red some & to bed thawd much to day-

March the 1st wind S W Butifull warm day thawd much Got Fathers horse & went to Saml. Gibson took him ½ B Clover seed at 6 Doll, he had 4L 18s5d against me, & I had 5L 16s against him, paid me Ballance of 17s7, so set off Calld at John Supplees he paid me 4 Dollars on acct Addams Est– B Tunis wife Brought to Bed of a son walk half over Schuylkill on Ice at Gibson almost might Crost with safty all over

2nd. wind S W & Cloudy, got to rain, Cleard so as to see sun near sun seting, work in shop

March 2nd 92

Evening put two Locks on for Streapers, paid Hannah 6, Dollars that Borrowd

3rd. wind about W. & Clear froze but Little Last night, went to see Bill Smith hurt falling trees bad but no bones broke home to Dinner Meet the Society, Jonathan Supplee paid me 11d that I gave him too much, Drank tea at Tunis’s Dublin his horse Left me & Come home—

4th. wind N W. & whitefrost prety fine morning the feilds begin to get bare, the first time I seen the wheat since the fore part of Jany. it Look prety Green the blue birds jirping & looking in a hole in the old Cherry tree the Ice wore away against Leverings, they Rode over it there the 27th Last– not at Meeting Robert here Rain & Little snow amongst it

5th wind N.E heavy rain & great deal of Lightening & hard thunder, about Day & after, wet till about noon & wind got N W Cooler & most Clear went to Esqr Peters about his Barn and at Alley Roberts, he paid me 5L being in full for his barn at old Tom’s & so home bad Rideing,

6th wind about W paid Virginia Will 5s work paid Jacob for Smithwork 5s7½ paid 7s8 for shorts went to Loyd Jones & at N Jones— Ice Broke up and took all bridges away

March 7th 92 wind about N & Clearday went to town signd Deed as Assignee to Molley Miley, Roberts & Tunis Likewise, Layd out 8s3 for furniture for Book Case 3s4 for sprigs, at poltneys 8s1½ for Bed screws glue &c, 3 lb of oarker ochre 1s6, paint, & Brush 2s musterd 1s3 varnish 1s10½, 3lb of Sugar 3s3, Recken at Dyers 3s ferry 9½d horsler 5½d at Stadlemans 5½d, paid for board 15s for Carving 2 Roses 4s6, home Crost in boat bridges gone very bad Rideing–

8th wind N E & Cloudy begun to rain & hail & snow before Noon, Continued till Late at night, went With father to place he Bought of Bill Lewis at Sherref sail going to Rent it Call at Johnson & Lewellings, & so home Disagreeable Riding & Stormmey Day—-

9th wind S W & Butifull day the snow Run away fast, it was about 6 I Deep work in shop at Tunis’s Book Case all Day Gave Andrew Smith a bill for a shop Cloudy to west Evening

10th. wind N E & rain beforeday and Continued all Day very stormmey & wet Indeed finishd Tunis’s Book Case went to Rees’s Drunk some sperrits with Thomas & so home, bad walking for true finish my kag of Rum

11th Wind N W. Clear morning & thawing much Snow shower from W. & got Cold. went to Tunis’s Drank tea there T. Roberts along being first day, paid John Thomas 7s for two Days mowing & sixpence towwards Reaping Last harvest was a year, home &c

12th wind N W & froze prety hard took Tunis’s Book Case home & put it up home & turnd bed posts, paid Georg Crow 4s2 poor tax at Morris’s Evening Cold Day, Mordeca Rees, (son of W. Rees) young man about 22 perhaps Buried yesterday Died with Consumphtion, the father Died about 2 years agoo with the same Disorder

13th wind N W fine Morning but Got Cloudy & Raw turned bed posts went to Sheets’s Robesons & Ben Hollands Tomme Roberts along at Rees’s So home

14th wind W. white frost, went to Hugh Knoxs old feild got Stuff for Table Joints, afternoon to Tom Wyns Vandue spent 5½d at Wagoners so home

15 wind N. E. & very red to Sun Rise went to town Roades Dry in some places, funiture for Jacob Amos’s draws 12 handles 12s seven locks at 9d 5s3, 7 Eschution at 3d 1s9, bed pins 1s6 Recking at Dyers 4s– horsler 5½d ferriage 4d–

March 15th 92

got Snow very fast stop at Stadlemans so home about 7 OClock—

16th wind N.E Snow about 6 I Deep & at it yet thawing geatherd none to Cloudy all Day & melted agood deal, at work at Tunis’s home at Night. old Hannah Tunis very high.

17th wind N W & Clear & froze prety hard, at Tunis at Work afternoon Township Meeting John Roberts & John Curwen overSceeres of highway Brooks Righter Tunis & self Setlers auditors of Township accounts, spent 11d, Borrowd 5½d of David Roberts so home again

18th. wind S W & rain, at Meeting, afternoon Jehu Roberts here & Tunis, went to Rees’s with them, Drank tea there & so home

19th. wind S W Dull & warm at Tunis’s at work afternoon at Jesse Thomas’s with Tunis Jacob Zell killd a snake, John Lewis, paid me 10L wanting 1¾d.–for work

19th March 92

the frogs a Crying very Lively the first this spring. Sup at Tunis’s. Raind a Little home

20th wind S W cool but not froze & Clear fine day at Tunis’s till noon, after at Conrad’s vandue, bought 3 Rams for 22s. Drove them spent 11d at Streapers, Read the papers &c paid Sister 45 Dollars for house keeping

21st. wind S W. & Clear froze but very little set off for town pickt out trees for hewing for Peters’s barn. Got there about 12 OClock. 3 set bed pins, at 4s6, stone oker 1s3 oile 1s5, Coffee & sugar 4s9, Doz. Gimblets 3s1 Ribon 11d Cuting hair 11d at Dyers 1s10 horsler 2½d, wagoners 2¼d so home a very Great Burial of an Indian, that Dyed, he was one of 50 that came in some little ago, the greatest Geathering of people perhaps Ever Collected on the Like occation, was Interd with the Hons. of war. got 20 Doll. of Edw for Britson Widow

22nd wind S W & froze prety hard Clear, about home tillnoon, went to Robesons, paid him 2Dollars for Richard More he Left for him at Hellembolts at Bill Roberts paid Hannah his Wife 10 Dollars, at youngs at N Jones– John Jones Gulph’s Carter (Negro) overset Load scantling & killd him, Near 4 Mile stone

March 22nd 92

sowd 1 peck Cloverseed on the Wheat—

23rd. wind S.W. & over Cast rain a little at Bill Smith paid 56s5 for beef, boys at work there home painted 3 pair of bedstids, Borrowd 7 Dollars of Sister to pay as above– Smart rain in Evening Jacob helping fathers to sow Cloverseed feild before the Door

24th wind S. & over Cast smart showers this morning paid Morris 10 Dol. for 20 B. Corn, at Haverford at Griffe David’s vandue, sold the old frog tavern to Jehu Jones for 4L per Acer so home

25th- prety fine Day at home till Evening walk to Rees’s back & to bed, being first day.– Gib Come up from Saml. Gibsons

26th wind N E and unpleasant Raisd old frame by Shop, afternoon to Jacob Amos’s Vandue back & begun to Rain

27 wind S.W. & over Cast sun Shun alittle at Tunis puting arm hors to push his mill by, Gibson wants to buy his time

28th wind Southerly Dull but spring Like day Gib agreed to give me 10L for his time 3 months & 19 Days to stay, painting &c till noon, Israel Davis pd 7s6 for Table went Betty Georges vandue Bought a couch for 3s three Chears for 11s–at Wagoners ½ lb tobacco 8d Grog 6d–

29th wind S. & foggy Cleard & very fine spring Like day at Lees got 20 B plaster at 10 Dollars home & sowd 2 Bushels, went to Leverings with Antoney Tunis to Look at a frame he wants to Move, Cut 3 Rams that I Bought at Conrad, spent 6d at Streapers

30th. wind S & pleasant day up to Curwens put pins in Bedstids & Settle with him, he 1L 19s6d Due me, at Wilsons fetch my old Brodaxe away, at Sheets’s home Evening–

31st wind N W & Cool frost sowd a Little plaster at John Supplees & meet the society at Stadlemans 5½d paid Extra, got two Chalk Lines of Balor paid him 1s10½d went to Loyd Jones’s supper of oisters, at Pauls Discourse Sally & Stayd all night home soon morning

April 1st 1792 wind N W. & froze alittle at home forenoon the family Chefly at Meeting afternoon at Fathers Brother up & Saml. & polley

2nd wind about W & Calm whitefrost Sowd the Remaind of 8 B. plaster on No 2, then sowd ½ B. flaxseed by the barn planted 30 apple trees

3rd at David Roberts forenoon, & grafted few plumstoks, after helping A Tunis to Make shingles,

4th At Rees price’s hanging doors &c sowd 8 B. of Plaster in No.3, on wheat

5. wind S & a light Rain planted 30 appletrees & grafted Cherry, went to Richard Humphreys to Look Corn, home &c

6 wind S & foggy Went with Tunis to Look horse, at Ned price’s Dinner &c there to Cristey’s at Rolings at Tokel? Potts & Snyder he had able work horse for 45L back to Ned fed at buck & so home about 9 OClock at Night

April 7th 92 wind N W. & Cool, raind before day at Streapers a Jury there to Disposes dispossess Robert Taylor, after Settleing township account—

8th. wind W & Clear Tunis & I to look horses, fed at Baymounts tavern on new Lancaster roade. Tunis paid all, there to Moses Meredieath, horse gone solde, Back by Riseing sun to hunters Tunis staid there I home spent 9d at Streaper’s

9th. Brother John fetch 50 shad for me from Phyn Roberts, Cleand &c met at schoolhouse at Rees’s Evening, put ketch to Morris’s Gate

10th wind N W. & Cool, at Supplee’s marking logs for Peters spent 5½d at Wagoners, home & got 25 B shorts at 2s. Rees halld from Ned & 2B of screening—

11th wind S E & rain hard. set off to Curwins there before Dinner, Laying barn floor stayd all night—

12 wind N W & Cloudy till noon home about 2 OClock & went to David Jones’s pull’d Down his kitchen and Layd out his new one home &c—

13th. wind N E. & Cloudy & raind a triffel at Thomas George’s makeing Gates, sent for to makeing Coffin for one Richard McCarty a stroling man some what Derangd

April 13th 92 that Dyed at Zells been there about 4 Days, took Length & so home R. Tunis there, he overseerer of Poor this year

14th. wind N & Cloudy few drops of rain Cleard off about noon took Coffin & fetch him to Grave yard & Interd him, hung 2 gates at Meeting house yard, afternoon at A.Tunis’s boys shingling his shop– at Casper Frees’ to get him to hall Lime at Jacob Jones’s paid him 14s3 for Couch & 3 Cheairs bought at Betty Georges vandue, thence to Paul Jones’s supt & stayd all night, Spark Sally a little, high wind & Cold, paid kilneyley for cuting wood. 7s6

15th. wind N W & Cold Ground froze hard & Iceticle shot up from the ground, got home to breakfast– afternoon at fathers he poorly, Brother up

16th. wind W prety fineday at Thomas Georges Bilding little house & puting up pails pales home at night—

17th wind S.W. at do. fine shower & warm another Evening with Lightening & thunder,

18 wind N & wet till near noon, went to Saml. Gibsons for tools at J. Jones & David Jones & at Fathers stayd there all night, trobled with shortness of breath Cant sleep in bead bed

19th wind N W & white frost & little over Cast; went to David Jones, begun his to work at his house home at night–

20th wind N.E. went to Fathers there to David Jones begun to rain Continued till omission very Cold made a shed to work under– home at night

21st wind N.E. & rain hail & snow in night it Lay on shaveing at Shop till it Coverd them makeing Coffin for Conrad Hovers Mother at Rees’s Borrowing T. Roberts’s oilstone Evening up to N. Jones there all night—

22. N E & Cloudy & raw, home soon & set off with Coffin took it to town Buried in fifth st— opened it in town, put my horse at Anderson Tavern, 3 Q oats. 9d. ½ pint wine 1s. at ferry 1s2 oats & grog to man that Led horse & 2 Grogs at Leechs, Cleard off Evening

23rd. wind N. W & very Large frost froze the Ground some Little at David Jones’s home Evening

24th. wind W & pleasant day at work D.Jones home at omission

25th wind N E & rain at David Jones rain hard staid all night

26th wind N E & Rain forepart, afternoon Broke away 11d for tobacco home at night

April 27th 92 wind S.W. & very pleasant day Borrowd T. Roberts Mare up to Curwens puting pins in Bed stids, at Cochrons, at N Jones &c paid T. Roberts 7s6 for 2 Bus. Corn

28th. at David Jones’s finishd makeing windowframs meet the Society at Stadlemans fine’d 1s Stopt at Tunis’s & so home

29th. wind N. & W prety fine Except a little raw home till noon, at Fathers he poorly, at Alley Roberts & Phineas Roberts & so to Philadelphia spent 5½d at Ferry, at Dyers all night

30th wind S W & Little shower in Morning Bought 3 pad Locks 8s3 Bolt 1s6. & 8 bed screws 2s9, half Gallon oil 3s1 2 lb ocker 1s Litterish literature 5½d, 2 lb sugar 2s2 wafors & Ink powder 11¼d Reckening 4s at Stadlemans 11d Conrad hover paid for Mothers Coffin 50s Gibson paid 7L 10s for work, afternoon at work at David Jones’s there all night

May 1st wind S. W & a thundershower, raind hard fine Clear warm Day after put Spouts up for Jos George & so home planted Lumberdy poplar tree

May 1st 92

paid Ned Price 52s for shorts, paid Seal 7s6 for spinging spinning tow—–

2nd. Wind S W & several showers, at home turning high bed posts for Tunis, Jacob Marking out for Corn for I at B. Tunis’s, at father Evening he poorley, Paul Jones fetch aload of Lime from Sep Coats’s kill kiln

3rd. wind S W. in Morning & raind, Broke off Clouded over & wind to East & raind before night prety much, at David Jones Laying floor of Joyst, & home paid 11¼d for Grinding brod axe.

4th wind S W to N W overCast Clear warm Cloudy & smart rain & raw wind Evening work in shop & hung shetter at Meetinghouse at Fathers there all night he very poorly

5th wind S.W. perty fine part, rain Cool repairing Clock Case for Morris & paintimg bed stids spent for Drink & tobacco 17d– paid Humphrey Ellis for fulling 17s1¼ at Fathers all night very poorly

6th. wind & whether much as above Described. afternoon at old Fries’s & paul Jones & Rees so home paid B Trot?, 31s5½ for weaving

7th wind S W & rain a little shower morning up to B Humphrey he very Sick Down to David Jones home at night

May 8th 92 wind S W. & rain smart till most noon hung a gate for Zell & at David Jones, back at night

9th wind N W & cool morning prety fineday at David Jones, home Evening & up to B. Humphreys he very bad, home about midnight—

10th wind S W & fine Clear morning at David Jones up to Benj: Humphreys, Sat up all night home Morning

11th up to Bird in hand to meet Battalion small gethering Mustered none, spent 6s8. Drank tea at Curwens. Call at B Humphreys paid Rambow for 50 B lime 30s Recd. 3L of Rees & Jonathan Thomas, home

12 at home work in shop afternoon at Rees’s, Paul Jones Stayd till morning — —

13th home paid Holstone 4L 10s for 150 B. lime paid Enoch Jones for Work 15s. Recd. of Rees & Jonathan 3L- warm Day at Fathers he very poorly again up to Cochrons, & at B Humphreys, he very bad home at Fathers all night

14th Wind N.W. & Cool at Fathers, & up to Cort 4½ at Robesons for tobacca. Dinner & Club 5s horse 1s punch 1s3 horsler 5½d Sup at Cochron & so home paid 2 Dollars to Crage

15th 92 wind S W. & prety fine day at Fathers Edward makeing his Will, Down to David Jones Raise afloor of joyst so home

16th. wind S.W. foggy & alittle rain Broke off about noon, at R Tunis’s framing joysts &c ½ barrel Rye Meal 7s- planted Corn 14s5 plowing No.1 for Buckwheat—

17th. wind N E overCast & Cool R T Richard Tunis morn up to Curwens with sash at B. H. Benjamin Humphreys, with Doct. Currys to Fathers, & up to Ben Humphreys Dot. says on mend home turnd in Clover No.2 very fine took Colt to Richd. Tunis to paster, Smart shower of rain

18th. Wind N W. Cool & Clear at Fathers Rather Easyer up to Thom. Cochron’s, Clossets at Chimney, back to Fathers all night

19th Wind N.W. & very large frost Grass stiff, rote my Name on board in frost after rideing up to Cochrons, work, home, at Fathers all night

20th wind N. little Cloudy, Brother up, Fathers & home Cheif of the Day being first Day

21st at Tunis’s till noon Laying joysts. David Jones afternoon, home at night att Fathers, he bad

22nd at David Jones, framing Rafters, home at night

23thrd May 92 at Tunis’s till noon, then to town R Tunis to Buy Shingles, Tunis paid all

24th at Nat. Jones, & at Buck Ruth’s marriage to John Donwoody at Cochrons & so home— 25th- wind S W & Dry. at fathers morning at N Jones framing barn over again, Afternoon Settled with John Lewis Carpenter work of his house, paid me balance of 13L 17s9 at James Jones, Phines Roberts paid 50s for Thomas Warners Coffin so home

26th at Tunis’s Raisd Rafters on kitchen & up to N Jones’s Raisd his barn Walter Raising Remainder of the Rafters at David Jones, paid Sister 10 Dollars Borrowd and 5L 0s6d on acct, paid T Roberts 15s Borrowd

27 wind S W. & Little rain Last night paid Robeson 22s6 on acct. 2 words illegible 10 Doll. of Britsons Money— at Rees’s Saml Prior from London up with Brother–

28 at Tunis afternoon at Thomas Georges–

29th at Tunis’s Shinglinging shingling kitchen

May 92

30th at Tunis work at kitchen warm Day

31 at David Jones & to town, paid 21s for 3 Gallons rum 21s for 6 puter Dishes at vandue paid 10s6 hankerchef & stripe for trousers 2s2 files &c 3s3 for oile 4s6 for Boards 1s9 at Dyers 1s6 at ferry pepper & musterd 1s9, home & to Grif Davies Jehu Jones paid him 275L for old frog tavern, Grif paid Bond paid of fathers 60L. off back to fathers allnight

June 1st Enoch & I to David Jones at Cornis for his house I home at Night, shower in Evening

2nd Wind S. & Light Shower morn & another Evening home & Schuylkill for 2 Doz. Catfish at Pauls all night home soon

3rd. wind S overCast & pleasant, at Fathers, Grif Davis there got 300 Dollars of his Money, had keeping for him Brother up, Sarah Dyer Ned Tompson there paid Tom Roberts for newspaper 20s

4th very foggy Morn, Richard Cochron here to get Coffin for Benj. Humphreys, Dyed 9 or 10 OClock last Evening ben Long very Ill proceeded from afall off his feet against a Chear Broke 2 ribs, went to town a wet Day Settled on his Longs lungs Got in waste or Decay It thought, finishd Coffin took home, Enoch helpt me back again

June 5th 92 foggy morn, Cleard off warm up to illegible in Haverford, there to Dinner so home Antony Tunis Cut neutered my yearling Colt

6th. wind S W. & overCast, fine thunder shower afternoon, at David Jones shingling finishd his house Roof home at night

7th at Rees, in order work. home & to Tunis’s afternoon Tunis & I up to Benj Humphreys & praisd his property there I stayd all night– smart rain Evening

8th. Lock up the house & Dischargd David Young & Jane to Cochrons, so home to breakfast wind North & overCast little rain & very raw & unpleasant– home makeing rakes &c

9th wind N & wonderfull Cool for season people Rideing with great Coates on midday at Tunis working floorboards

10th wind N & blowd Like September begun to rain about noon, at Fathers Brother up Tommey Levis there & young Melcher, from Carliles,

11th wind N by E & very great rain Esqr Lewis Din’d here, at Cochrons afternoon boys at home

12th wind N but Clear Day at R Tunis’s at work– Morris got in some hay

13th At R Tunis’s work at kitchen fine hay Day

14th at do– — do. Fathers mowd Meadow by the house, fine hay Whether

15th. Wind N W. & Cool Morning, at Fathers all Last night very poorly, Mast. Holgate paid me 6 Dollars for board.– up to John Eliots, to Chuse a Major; I was reelected unanimus spent 17s. Exept 3s9 Lent Morris’s Lewellin,–

16th wind S.W. & warm at Ricd. Tunis at work Jacob plowd new peice in Meadow for Turnips– at Fathers Evening Brother Edw Left old Bank– father very poorly home —

17th. at fathers Morning there to breakfast, home before Meeting. Brother Edw. & I up to Cochrons back at —-Brot. to Father I to home

18th. at Tunis’s, Caried up stairs in kitchen home & at Fathers, he very poorly, there all night, at

19th at Tunis’s he agreed to Administer with Edw & I on Benj. Humphreys Estate stop at fathers signd his will Tunis Evidence he very Scencible up & Down; at Buck to get Jont. to sign praisment Spent wine 11d oats 5d-

June 19th 1792

Dind at Bird in hand Club 5s6 to Norristown Got a letter of Administration I paid 15s for it & Edw 3s9 Reckening Tunis paid Thos. Cochron & Frederick Sheets Bondsmen for us back to Fathers about 10 OC. night he very much alterd, took no Notice of us Holgate & I sat up

20th home at Tunis’s back to Fathers & about 11 OClock made motion get up to pot, got off took Drink Water ask him wanted Stule I think sd. yes, Mother say there the pott Dady where (he say) help him to it Dyed in aminute I beleve on it, with a Little Grone & no struggel Concluded he had fainted, Layd him on bed, was no More very warm Day, Bill Horskins Mowd my lot

21st wind S W & very warm, back & forward all day Enoch & my boys Makeing Coffin thuunder to W. Gust raisd, bore to N Got about N.E. Wind fetch back & raind violent wind shifting to W. & blue most violent & raind white large halestones, blue up Erleli early Chery at Corner Garden & smokehouse & fences Down. Greatest storm at or about 4 OC P.M.

22nd June Wind S.W. & warm Morning father Change very much so that by 8 oClock screwd him up, movd at 10 oClock a Great Number of people had Meeting 50 or 60 people Dined there. I there all night—-

23rd. wind S & foggy at Mothers all night John Wilson there morning Brother & him to town begun to Rain about 11 OC. Raind till about 4 OC P.M. Tunis & I up to B Humphreys place, agreed to let Bare have meadow to mow on shears– home in Evening-

24th. wind W & Cool & Cloudy at Mothers & Tunis’s & at Meeting at Mothers to Dinner Cleard afternoon prety warm—

25th wind N.E & smart rain afternoon Clear at Tunis at work home Reced. of Brades 80L & note for 3L. odd of Britson money–

26th wind N W & fine hay day got 5 Loads in from turnip Bottom Small one there yet, Mowed the 20th bad Wether-hay Tobias Mowing

27th. Makeing hay fine Day

28 John Conrad helping at hay halld in & mowd some

June 29th 92 Philip Tobias Rees & self mowing finish about 10 OC.

30 Tunis & I up to B Humphrey’s to Divide the hay Mowd on shears by Bear Got all my hay up

July 1st. at Meeting afternoon at Tunis’s about 4 OClock Came up a most Violent storm of wind Little rain, blue ten or 12 trees for me, overset Large Ship & great deal of Damage in town the violents gust of wind, perhaps Ever was in town

2nd went to Phila. Bought furniture for Desk 12s Shugar &c 10s, paid boards 9s7 Dinner &c. 5s2 at ferry 1s6½d, 11d to horsler Drank tea at Saml. Gibsons Polly got ayoung Daughter JP’s sister, Polly Gibson

3. Cloudy & rain Morning fine afternoon at James Jones’s mending floor, they Cuting Rye home in Evening, put in bank 213½ Dollars Britsons money yesterday

4th. wind N E & wet all day at Mothers at old Tom, Got to come up to mend

July 4th

my barrack Tops & Enoculated Cherry, this was Reese price’s Reaping day but raind hard & pervented–

5th wind N W & fine Cool day, at Rees Price’s reaping, I reap all Day, he had good wheat.-

6 wind N. in part. Reaping at Mothers & 2 throughs in mine. had 24 hans Reapers, took 11 Doublehands & 4 or 5 shokers Drank about 3 Gallons of Rum at 7s6 per Gallon– had very good wheat

7th wind very Changeable & overCast till afternoon then Clear, finishd reaping mine by 9 OClock had 110 doz & 8 sheaves went to Rees Prices finishd before dinner– thence to Morris’s Reap 4 through for him Cut my thumb, very little-

8th. being first day refraind from labour, & at home all day only at mothers & Later Evening to try to hire Walter

9th wind S W few drops of rain Morning Cleard off fineday at Richd. Tunis’s Reaping, finishd before night & took one through at Zell’s

10th wind N.W & fine day Sowd 3 B. of buckwheat at B. Tunis’s helpt Morris to shok &c & halld 25 doz. of my wheat in

11th. wind blank & fineday halld the remainder of my wheat in & 3 Loads at Mothers John Holgate, & I went to Peter Jones

July 11th 92

to get Enoculations, & at Saml. Gibsons went in to swim. Eat some bread & Chees & so home

12th. Borrowd 2 Bus. of wheat at Mothers & took it to Brook’s mill & went to Bill Smith helping to Billd a Barrack, stopt at John Roberts, had a Letter from Bill Lewis in Chestergale Chester jail. & one from Brother in Bottom

13th. at Morris’s makeing a harrow, 6 f Long 5 feet wide head & 5 f 6 tail he finish’d halling his wheat a little drop of rain, fine wether no rain since 4th– to stop work

14th. wind S.W & very warm & Dusty roads, went to town Got 3 Dollars of George Jerret for bedstid Gave Rich George 1s10½ for a poplar tree that I Got of him planted before Door, paid at Dyers hors &c 3s4 paid Dinner at Lanes for Dinner &c 2s4 paid 6d at ferry, 5½d for 6 Cucomers home

15th. wind S W & Dry & warm at Mothers to breakfast, back afternoon at David Lewellings about Bill Lewis’s grass

16th at Tunis’s Cuting out Door, Enock made it, at David Jones Cuting out sash home at night rain in morning Clear after

17th illegible S & been avery fine rain in night Shower in Evening home

18th at David Jones Makeing sash there all night

19th at do.— Jacob sowd 3½ B. Buckwheat in No.1 new orchard

20 at Do finishd sash & begun to Lay 2nd floor home at night at Streapers a Little—

21st wind S W & little shower Morning went to town, gave Tod afee of 2 Doll. Concerning Bridson Estate 2 lb sugar 2s4 Dyers 3s9. ferry 1s8– so home

22nd. prety fine Cool day being first day at Mothers at A.Streapers had some plums Ripe in garden Brot. Edw. Grafting

23rd wind S. E & raining till noon very Moderate, went to Esqr. Peters Eate breakfast with him, & went with him to John Supplees, & where Jacob Amos lives fixt on place for the Barn & so returnd home & meet at school house being Quartely Day

24 wind N.E. & fine Easy rain till noon overCast all day, at Tunis’s puting bolts Locks &c on his doors, John Roberts Carters wife Hannah Dead, 4 OClock morning David Roberts came bespeak order Coffin home & begun it Enoculated 7, or 8 harvest plums Garden

25th July wind N.W & fine Cool Day Cuting oats at Mothers, finishd Coffin & took it home Master Holgate went along

26th Wind N W. Cool morning but warm day, attended the funeral, had a good Discourse Delevered by Longstraw, at Whiteman & Sheets– & so home again master Holgate paid 32s6. Ballance due for ¼ Board, I paid 10s for 1 of Gills Childern schooling

27. went to town with Lewis Jones Coffee tea & sugar 9s6. plain bits 3s files 1s10½. Dinner & horse 2s7 ferry 4d Wagoners 8d so home & at Rees Price’s

28 at Rees Prices till noon then to bird inhand spent 3s1 at Nathan Jones gave black Will 11d. s.—- –N spark Nan Rain fine showers but not hard

29th, first Day afternoon at John Roberts about Bill Lewis, home Evening

30th at Rees Prices at work up to Cochrans afternoon Vandue of B Humphrey goods bought 4 Chears 2 Casks Chisel & stone ax shaveing bowl & took the horse & sold him to Jacob Humphrey

July 31st A Roberts R Tunis & self at Longs Tavern Concerning old Fimple Comeing on township there to West, best Improvd place in the parts 50 head of Cattle– home Evening Martha Newland Buried to Day, Dyed sudden 2 or 3 days sick sore throute

Aug 1st at David Jones at work

2nd wind N. E. overCast, went to David Jones to work, about noon Jacob to make Coffin for man name Carr Blue up by powder Mill, of Kisser & Frayleys built, Thos Roberts place that was by Schuylkill former property of Thomas Roberts, new mill been Gooing about 3 weeks well Constructed with 40 stampers, burnt about 3 toon of powder kill Kisser & 3 more burnt another Cant live its thougt, broke the Legs of Frayley Daughter by peice of timber at near 100 yd. Distance, one of the men was thrown into Schuylkill 30 perches from place I fish on Kisser was at the spring goeing towards the Drying house brains knockd out with timber, Maloncoly accident to relate work till near 11 OClock bed & slope—

3rd wind N W & Cool finishd Coffin & took it up, Destruction & Desolation appears, there brought him to strangers yard, & Interd him, home before 12 OC– afternoon went to Wagoners & to David Jones’s Stayd all night

August the 4th at David Jones’s makeing Door. Brother Edward up, home Evening

5th North W. & fine Cool Day at Curwens & Esq. Jones & widow Britson at Streaper & so home

6th at Mothers sold there Irish boy James to aweaver by the falls Brother up sowd Turnips, at Tunis’s & no where at work to Day

7th at David Jones work at stares–

8 at Do– — — at Do home at night Hannah at town with pairs pears

9 at Do– ——-

10th at Do– very warm paid Bridsons widow 3 Dollars–

11th at David Jones very warm about noon at Alley Roberts puting up his Syderworks home summond to turk head tavern Concerning Bill Lewis affairs

12th at Mothers Morning Brother Ed. there at home & about home all Day—

13 wind N.W. & rather Cooler John Evans here makeing Breaches, at David Jones Cited by Bill Lewis, on same action as above home at night

14th wind S W. & several Light showers, & got towards Evening omission at Esqr Peters, took a fram Down that was over spring. John Dickeson & Ned along, stop at Edw. George’s home late

15 wind high & Remarkable Cool, at David Jones at work– staid all night—

16th at Do.– home Evening at Mothers

17th at Edw Georges makeing sider troof of plank, Evening at Jacob Amos’s & so home

18th at David Jones’s work all day & so home

19th went to Doct Bensel for Streaper afternoon to Judge Peters about his barn spent 19d-

20th. Started about Day for West Chester breakfasted at Riseing Sun paid 3s8 arivd at the turk about 10 0Clock Dine’d in the Gaul for 1s. Court held till 9 OC at night spent 11d for wine & 9½d for Barber 11d for Ribbon to bed a noisey set poor night rest, at Webbs Tavern

21st wind N E & Coole Eate Breakfast & Cort opend in the Judges Room in the Tavern for the Tryal of Bill Lewis, Lawyers Debated strong, & so broke up Judges not Gave sentences when we came off, paid for Edw & self & for 6 Quarts of oats for Robert 18s6 got home about sunset

22nd. went to Jacob Amos to Lay out the barn, at John Supplees, Lost my Rule at Wagoners, Tobacco & Drink 2s– at Streapers he very poorly sat up all night,

23rd took a little sleep & then meet at the Black horse on Arbitration between Snyder & Mary Latch & between Snyder & David Latch, we all agreed & fined Snyder 5L for abuseing old woman, Evening at Streapers he has been tapped took 3 gallons & 1 pint of Water from, Dyed about 9, OClock in Evening. very Easy without a strugel helpt or stayd till was Layd out to bed about midnight

24th makeing the Coffin took it Down & put him in fine Rain

25th went to town & Bought 2000 sprigs 5s1

grosse of screws 4s. 3 lb of nails 3s6 glass paper 5½d sprigalls 11d. Repairing watch 3s0, Dyers 9d ferry 9d., Rum 3s9 Bottle 1s6, met at Streapers at 2 OClock. & Interd him between 3 & 4 Hughs & Cochron Drank Coffee with me Interduce them to Polly Morris Bought Combe 11d

26th Tunis & I to F Bickens & at Benj. Humphreys Tennats, home to Dinner, afternoon to Bill Smiths & at N Jones— home 12 OClock

27th. Herskins here to get Coffin for John Robeson, With Tunis to John Righter he agreed to take old Fimble till 25 of March for 4L. he to fined them firewood & to petition partition Room off in storeroom or in kitchen for them, help to Lay poor tax; finishd Coffin & took it home put him in, home &c —

28th wind S W & prety Little rain, Cleard off before noon, attended Burial, at Merion at Fishbern’s to Look for Dickeson & at Alley Roberts, home &c

29th to Jacob Amos begun Peters’ barn made 2 Doorframes, & spent 5½d at Stadlemans — so home

August 30 1792 Went to Jacob Amos’s Doorframes at night went Saml. Gibsons

31st. Back to work made 2 Door frames by noon, then begun windowframes, went to town stayd all night

Sept. 1st Bought hansaw 15s. two Razors 7s6 horse & Lodging 2s4. back to work till about sun set & So home

2nd wind S. & fine Little rane at Mothers in Morning, at B Tunis’s & at Mothers Dick Cochron & sisters there

3rd at work at Peters’s Barn home at night

4th at Do at Do— Calld at T George, home

5 at Do. at Do— there all night

6th at Do. Do. Raisd Joyst, Little scud of rain

7th at David Jones Glasd 72 Light of Sash & hung 3 Doors–

8 at do Glase’d 100 Lights & put the windows up

9th wind N.E. & over Cast, went to Judge Peters Concerning his barn, Return stopt at Tunis & Eate Dinner very fine shower till run & Lay in puddles, at Streapers paid Phinnes Roberts 8 Dollars for 100 shad got in spring poorly not well

10th September 92 at Mothers after breakfast to David Jones at work, not well, home Evening at Fishburns to Look for Dickeson

11th Rode to Jacob Amos’s afternoon work at David Jones’s home Evening—-

12th at Jacob Amos’s work at barn home Evening

13th set off to do. walk down ½ Glass mint water 4d

14 at Do all night Last framing sd. barnfloor

15th at Do foggy morn aframing plates &c. Rode up with Nehemiah Evans spent at Wagoners 1s Tobacco 8d. & so home—

16th wind N.E. put up applemill firstday overCast & begun to rain about noon at Mothers & at Streapers Consented to act as administrator for Streapers. Drank tea there home & to bed very fine rain night

17th at R. Tunis’s Glassing. Clear in part. Cloudy towards Evening at B Tunis’s his wife got a young Daughter Last night, home Rote Advertisemints for Militia to Chuse officers &c—

Sept. 18th 1792 set off afoot for Peters’ barn begun to fram Rafters there all night begun to sow wheat hear

19 at Do.—- and at Do. sowd 3 bushels got of Cochron amongst the Corn

20th at Do a little rain this morning & remarkable Cold make one shiver wind N & high all Day but no more rain

21 wind N W & Large whitefrost. Joe Walter with us Raisd Rafters Gave Jacob Amos 2½ Dollars to buy Rum to Rais, Joe & I walk home after 8 OC at night

22nd white frost, at Tunis’s hewing sill for mill floor afternoon at Township meeting to Chuse men to meet County Meeting & Elected officers to the Company

23rd at Mothers Morning– Able Thomas Child Dead paid Britsons Daughter 64L some odd

24th finishd Coffin, & Buried it forenoon work at Tunis till 3 OClock & then praisd Streapers Goods & Chatels– Jacob sow 1 B wheat got of Tunis, in new Land–

25 at Tunis & work at Mill, fine Day sowing Rye at B Tunis’s

26th work at Coffin for Sucy Roberts Little Johnney‘s Mother & Pheby Jones’s Mother about 90 years old, old England born Got 12 or 13 pairs of the tree by shop hard & firm took the Coffin up

27 wind N.E & fine rain till noon, broke off attended Burial afternoon at work at R Tunis,

28th wind N W & frost at David Jones’s work at Mothers & at Streapers all night

29th wind N W & frost, got my horse shod at Wagoners 2s6 oats & mint water 1s2 & to town, got 213½ Dollars out Bank Stirrups 35s. Recking at Dyers 2s3 set off for Wences, oats & wine on Road 8d. Dine’d at Wences &c 3s9 boy 9d ferriage 6d. arivd at Cochrons about 8 OClock all night there gave 15s for flower flour in margin: “Cuting Buckwheat”

30th wind W. & fine Day Rich & I to Sweds Church

Sept 30th 92 spent at Bird inhand 2d. Dined at Peter Rambows hearing two Universalist preach gave them 1s6 & Returnd home—-

October 1st . at David Jones to work home at night raind

2nd. wind N.E a snow ½ Inch Deep Raind prety much & must asnowd very fast about 4 OClock Morning for it raind hard about 3 OC– went to David Jones & had a fineday, stayd all night

3 wind N W & a very hard frost kill all buckwheat &c. at David Jones home Evening

4th wind N.W & frost at Paul Jones’s for shingle jointer & to Bill smith & ½ Day at David Jones—

5 wind west & fineday shavd 700 shingles at Bill Smiths & home Evening

6 Takeing aprasement at Mothers afternoon township Election spent 10d.

7th. wind W Large frost up Buck Dine there spent 11d. at Curwens & home being first Day

Oct. 8th 92 wind S W & very fineday at work at Peters’s barn Lathing got a new sadle home Evening

9th wind S W. & warmday up to Election Polly Streaper along she & I took a Letter of Adminstration to her fathers Estate R Tunis & Edward Bondsmen for us provd Fathers will & praisdment & Streapers Likewise Tunis & Rees Price prasers Tunis & I provd Robesons Will Exspence 24s spent 11d at birdinhand so home Polley Morris along

10th wind W & fineday shingling at Peters barn there all night

11 at Do– — at work at Do home Evening

12 wind N E at work at barn begun to rain afternoon there all night

13 Wind S W raind till about 10 OClock Cleard off home, at Rees’s for apple mill stick, Bought 5 Walnuts trees of Rees for 20 Dollars at Mothers Evening & Streapers so home-

14th first day at Mothers & home all day—

15. wind W & raind in Morning Got stick for Rees’s applemill–

15th afternoon at Tunis’s Vandue bought grindstone & bags 8 black bottles & for blank supt there & at Streapers– home &—

16th at Peters barn shingling home Evening & at Tunis & to Rees’s borrow T Roberts plains

17 at Do & to town bought Gloves 7s Gin 4d at ferry 1s3 & to work & so home

18th Down to Peters barn very fine warm Morn then blue up about noon shower of rain & A little snow I think very Cold, I home Nancy Roberts Married to Tremble I could not goo

19 Wind N.W. & a very fineday Meet the Batalion Musterd prety strong Dine at bird inhand, Dinner & Club 7s6 paid for one Evans 7s6 gave Drummer 3s9–horsler 6d– Gave Nature a grate spur, all night at Curwins

20th Breakfast at Curwins & then to Shippens for my horse that Evans rode, so home & turnd applemill Evening at Streapers brandy 4d. home

21st wind N W prety high afternoon at Britsons & at N Jones till 10 OC– home

22 wind N W prety Cool finishd turning apple Mill & help to Dig potatoes

23rd Oct. up to Curwins Cool morning, but fineday makeing windowframs

24th at Do warm Day

25th at Do do. do home Evening John Wilson along went to Mothers

26 up to Curwins Wilsons horse back home afternoon & work at applemill—

27th at work at Do– afternoon meet society at Stadlemans & at Streapers spent 4d

28 Being first day at Capt Tunis’s Morning overCast, though very fine Master & I at Tunis’s he along to Algernon Roberts, back & supt at Tunis, he has begun to keep a flower flour store in town & Left his wife up here, begun last seconday the 22 it was this Move was against the opinion of all his freinds reference is to Richard Tunis

29th at Tunis hanging sellor Door & put my mill up

30th Down to Jacob Amos’s barn Curwen there went to town with him, spent breakfast & oats 2s2 Drink & ferriage 11½d turnd pike people out followd them up to the buck & so home Brother along, wind N by E all day in margin: “planted rye potatoe patch”

31st at work at Barn begun to rain about noon from East home Dark & wet

November 1st up to Cochron fiting sash & Glasing at Curwens back at Streapers — M.–

2nd. at work at Peters barn horse run to Jacob Johnsons found him & so home

3rd home fenceing turnips in Morris’s afternoon puting moldings to his wagon

4th. first day & very fine at Abnor Evans spent 4d. Geting him to Cry streapers Vandue Vendue Cryer, an auctioneer

5 wind S W & very fineday, at Curwens prepairin to shingling.

6 at Do- set the Cornish & begun to Shingle home at night

7th at Peters’s barn put up bull weathervane & Liteing rod then to town ½ Doz of finles finials 1s10½ Sheepskin 3s oats & bear 1s3 fery 1s6 sup at black horse Spent 6d. not any thing for supper

8th Up to Curwins wind N E & Cloudy a little Mist, hard rain with thunder in night,

9th wind W. & fine Morning, Cloudy about noon raind from West

10th wind N W & high flying Clouds home Cold at widow Morgans wants me to work Vandue at Streaper smith tools bought Crank for Grindstone

11th wind N W. & fine morning at R. Tunis– Richard Trimbel & his Wife there afternoon up to Buck, home & at Streapers a Little while, & to bed–

12th, set off to Jacob Amos, Tunis walk with us, on his way to town

13th Richard Streaper, Come for me to make a Coffin for Thomas Simons, finishd it about 8 OC. at night, spent 6d at Wagoner

14th Set off with the Coffin to widow Johnsons, & took the Corps to Middletown, back to Gibson spent 3s9 horses & drink, gave the boy, 2s for Leading

15th Down to Edward Georges moveing a hoghouse there all night, fine day

16th. at Jacob Amos’s at work fine Do.

17th at Do. afternoon went to town paid West for boards & shingles for Curwen 8L 12s. back & So walk home in Less than one houre

18th at Mothers Morning. Evening at Streaper illegible— paid for bear & Cherry 11d,– fine Day

19th November 92 set off to Peters barn Brother E & Tunis along warm & Cloudy, Rain Evening home got very wet–

20th. at James Jones, fiting up a Carriage house, Clear & blustering high winds home at night,–

21st. wind N W & froze prety hard set off soon to Peters’s Barn, work all Day to town Evening R Tunis & I Bought 100 Oysters for 3s9 & spent 2s4 I paid 2s4 he the oisters went to Woods the taylor spoke a Coate, back & Lodge at Dyers

22. Wind N. & over Cast, paid for horse 2s3 bed 6d boy about 3d. & to Peters Stay awhile & to James Jones begun to snowe about 10 OC wind Changeable finishd Carriage house & Made atable for Jehu Roberts & Betsey’s weding Dinner, work till 9 OC. at night wind got to N.E. & snow Brave, home & to bed we go

23rd wind N.E. & fine rain snow shue top Deep settled with Morris, paid him Ballance of 10s– Drest & to Meeting where Jehu & his Bride Executed the matromony tye agreeable to freinds rules, afterwards went to Dine her father’s James Jones, good Dinner well servd, went home with Ann Jones, got new Coate brought by Tunis at 5L3 spoke for 4 Day night got it 6 Day morning–staid all night at or with Ann—

24th wind N. sleeted (Viz) froze to trees, Light Mist all night Morning snow smart home about sun rise Lost one of my spurs, at Mother & Streapers, spent 5½d– afternoon meet the Society at Stadlemans, Elected officers for the Ensueing year, R Peters, presedint John Curwen Vice, self Secry A Roberts Treasuer, spent part of the afternoon at R Tunis’s at Streapers with Lewelling Young so home—

25th, wind N. & prety Cold forze froze good Deal at Meeting, one Sands from the East Deliverd a good Discourse, very strikeing afternoon at Rees’s & Alloways—

26th at A Tunis to Get him to kill my Cow not at home, up to Holgates to see Britsons daughter married to Mordeca Davis at Roling he paid me 3 Dollars for a Coffin made for his Girl Stopt at Streapers spent 4d—

27th at David Roberts & Morris’s he killing hogs afternoon Antony kill my Cow bought of R Tunis for 7L Weighd 478 lb fine Day snow Melted Brave Evening had about 20 hands husking Corn finish

28th Caried it up & went to town John Wilson Dined & went to town with me Stayd all night Bought Oisters ¾ of hundred & ate them at Dyers R Tunis & self

29th Novr. 92 N W Shower in the night of rain high wind prety Cold paid Reckening at Dyers 4s tobacco 1s4 ferry 4d Boy 3d. Stopt at Amos’s home to Dinner, then to David Jones to work

30th at David Jones Clear Day & froze Last night home Evening, paid Enoch 2s9 for 1 Doz Gimblets

Decemb. 1 at David Jones Makeing Dresser overCast & snowd atrifle, Evening snowd ashower from W. & sharp night, at Streap—-M.

2nd Wind N.W. & froze hard boy shuting turnips out, afternoon at R Tunis’s Jehu Roberts & wife there, Griff Davis here settled with, he paid 7 Dol. for his Mothers Coffin, paid him aballance of 260 Dollars I had keeping for him

3rd. took 10 B. buck wheat to Mill for hogs, & 2 B. Rye, afternoon to, Buck & Round B. Humphreys Est. to See Widdow Britson, spent at buck 5½d & at Streap–5½d– & so home

4th at A Roberts painting Barn Roof Raind afternoon, & so home

5 at home overCast & very fine pull & halld home turnips & hung sellerdoor at R.T. & Mended one at Morris’s Evening at Mothers

6 December fine warm Morning makeing a Coffin for George Crows, Child, took it home Buried it at Church, overCast & begun to rain & hail, went with Jehu Roberts team to Rees’s Hones Jehu boy Left a pair of Oxen here till Morning team Loaded with his wifes goods— at Streap stayd not.

7th. wind N, & froze some, a small scud of Snow, over the Ground, & prety Clear went to Peters’s barn, paid Wagoner for tobacco & Cherry, 1s1 paid Stadlemans 8d. for wine & Cherry

8th wind N.W. & Cold Day went to town Got 6L of Esqr Peters, Enterd for newspaper 11s3, at Dyers 3s4½ Hankercheif 7s6 Stopt at James Jones’s for tools so home Tunis along, paid Wood illegible 5L 3s for Coat

9th wind N W & overCast at Meeting Bill Ashbey pereach preach a Littil, at Mothers, Brother up, Stop at Streapers- illegible Blue up very Cold in night

10th wind N W. & very Cold & Clear Down to Edw. Georges to work, spent 3d at Wagoners at R. Georges, Supt there & so home

11th N W Wind & pleasanter at E Georges at work at Gates & there all night

12th December 92 wind N in Morning, a Large whitefrost & fine Day, at E Georges, home in Evening—

13th Down to Alley Roberts painting barn Cold ther all night

14th wind N E & rain so home & set off to buck spent 5½d paid David Young 3L 8s4d for tending B Humphrey, at Billey Thomas’s, at Bill Brades Got order, for3L 10s on Rees & Jonathan Thomas, paid Hannah Britson 10 Dollars spent 3d at Streapes so home

15 killing hogs at Mothers, afternoon makeing Coffin for Christain Christian Johnson–

16th finishd the Coffin & took it home & back & at Streapers not Long being first day & very Cold

17 attend Burial to Wickico below town spent illegible got 1st 2nd part of 7 Vol of Inciclopedia for Society & so home

18 at Rebecca Georges Little door for Chimney Dine’d at E Georges, & to Jacob Amos’s

19 at do– — work at Barn

20 at do.— at do home at night 1¼ of Totobacco tobacco & ½ jill Cherry at Wagoners

21st at Wagoners mending sign after at Alley Roberts finishd painting Barn & so home,

Decemb. 22nd 92 at Mothers Got a horse & went to N. Evans to get him to go warn some Tenats out at B.H. Est. afternoon met the Society at Stadlems Little rain

23rd. up to buck spent 1 jill of wine at Cochrons, tea there Down to Streapers—- & so home—-

24 Wind N.E. & rain N. Evans up with me to J. Miller along & warnd Stephen Lewis & Saml. Lewis to move–I up to Curwens with sash

25th wind N W & prety fine Glassing sash at Curwens home in Evening, Christmass day so Caled, at Streap a fewminits

26th- at Wards Glased 4 Lights stopt at Rees’s he killing hogs put in several pains at Streapers—

27th wind N W. & Cold at Wagoners fitting up sign post & hanging the sign now painted, so back & up to Cochrons put on 2 Locks & at Broades spark Molley Cochron — a little while

28 wind N W & Large whitefrost up to Curwens to Breakfast & Glased sash all Day

29 wind Do. & Do. Cold set off for home very soon at buck spent 3d. home to Breakfast, at Mothers, she killing 4 hogs, hung a falling table at Rees’s Tomey Roberts & ned price up with me

30 being first day very fine & warm up buck Spent 11d. Measured the Lodges that Lee got & counted them 18 in Number so home

Decemb. 92

Richard Cochron & Sisters here Enoch here

31 Wind N W fine Morning wind Raisd & Cool afternoon, killd 6 hogs one 194½ lb 177 lb 174 147 lb 135 lb & the Sow 116 lb Total 945 lb & one I got of Mother 188 lb 188 1133 afternoon up to Millners Settled & pd him a Balance of 3s10, back at Morris’s paid him 2s6 for Whiskey at Molley Streapers. there all night —– great fireing all night