Joseph Price Diary


January 1st 1807 Wind N W White frost & I think it is alittle Moderated Yerkus & I off to Look at the Ice & at David Roberts & Jont Jones him & Ladys in town I home & dined on a potpye, afternoon at John Thomas he signd an article refering all matters in dispute between Jos Walters affairs & his to Jont Jones & Algernon Roberts Do at J Morris & Settled his Road tax, I back & went to Rees Prices put alock on & Sup on a fine pig & oysters I think I never Eat So many at one time before & Drank Chery bounce till back about 9 OC- Loyd Jones & wife Paul Jur & wife & James Wilson made the party Spent 5½ to day at Yerkus’s in margin: “Schuylkill froze over at Righter this night the 2nd time this winter first time Stad (stayed) 1 week”

2nd- Wind N W. & very Cold Set off before Sun Rise, for the trap Trappe, detaind above an houre at Spring Mill ferry on acct of Ice fed at Norristown, off arivd at trap half after 2 OC- dined, Recd. 15 proposals of plantations, for the poorhouse Sat up in receiving & Reading applycations till 12 OClock Dinner & Club to day 9s9 ferry 25 C- Norris 25

3rd Wind S W & Cleard off fine day (tho hail & rain in night) Eat Breakfast & then Started down the pike till we Came to Thomas’s Tavern pike & Jill Brandy 17 Cents off to Norris fed & bear beer 16 Cents, then off to ferry 12½ Cents, So home about dark, So warm that I Sweat till it almost drop off my forward forehead ariding prety fast

January 4th 1807 Wind S W fine day at home only at Jacob Morris’s Evening being first day, Robins very plenty this Several day Castner Shot a great number very fat woodpeckers plenty Soft Winter I think

5th Wind S W & avery fine day tho froze hard in Night off before Sun rise to Jane Walters to help to kill her hogs kill 4 heaviest 298 lb the 4 weighed 1110 lb home about 2 OC- then off to J. Jones he & I at Wm Hagys, he much distrest at Some abuse he receivd from Young, saying that Krickbaum Said he was a theif & Lyer– Jones & I waited on Krickbaum & he said Young was a liar he had never said So & he would face him any time, he Said he might Said he was aroge rogue because he tore up Some Corner after they had run it or words amounting to that Effect but keep him to the one point that is If he had said he was a theif, Which he Possitively denied & would face Young at any time what has Pass’d in respect to their differance respecting their differance Dam we had nothing to Say or doo with, it was quite Likely they had Sd. many Illnaturd things to Each other, we Drank brandy & tea with & home about 10 OC-

6th Wind N W & prety Cool but fine day, Cuting down a locust Tree in Lot by the Shop that I Planted out of the garden in the year 89 or 90 & it will make or 2 off of them will make 16 good Posts, Evening at Stadlemans with a Notice from Isaiah Wells to Meet at Norris town the 10th Inst. on a Jury of Road–

7th Wind W & over Cast part of day Cleard off fine off to town, Hagy along Executed a deed to Jacob Sibley for the Powder Mill Lot I paid 5 Dollars for deed to Bates 1 dollar & 30 Cents for a Coppy of orphans Court 50 Cents to blank Byard Smith one of the Judges for accknoledgeing the deed, Iron for Wagon 18 lb of bar & blank lb of nailrod $1..75- Books for George & John & Tom 1 dr. 30 C- Inkcorn inkhorn 6 Cents Dinner &c 87½ Cents horsler 6 C- Tobacco 23 ferry 4C- pike 3 Stadlemans 9 So home

8th Wind N.W alarge white frost & Could cold all day at Jane Walters put 5 Cord of wood for Supplee that I sold to him for 5..50 per at Mothers paid Jane pd 4½ dollars for Rittenhouse Schooling home & at Alley Roberts for papers of Jos Walters he paid me for Betty Georges Coffin Stayd till 9 O’C- very Cold & wind prety high home about 10 OC-

January 9th 1807 Wind N W & Sharp morn at Yerkus pd him for 1 pint Brandy & ½ Jill Gin 31 Cents he & Ecrod to town in Chair I about home till night then Doct Hydrick, prest me to goo up to Kuglars as an Evidence between him & Doct Eaton, they did not all attend old Young their Eaton their I sup with them & spent 25 Cents & Supper 25- 50 total & 50 Cents gave Mick to Get Lickers for their Oysters, Abraham paid for 400 he Lost with Mick on the wt of Jane Walters hogs, I got none of them did not get home till near 12 OC

10th Wind S W. & over Cast & snowd alittle before noon Got to thaw & rather broke off tho not Cleard, Stadleman Jont Jones & I off to Norris town on a Jury of one of their Streets to Continue it to the Schuylkill, Wells & Jones was they the petitioners they gave us avery good dinner & plenty to drink home by Jones s Last about 6 OC- drank tea their then home about 8 OC Spent 25 Cents So my money & time Spent

11th Wind N W. & prety Cold day at Meeting afternoon at Widow Goodmans & at Jont. Jones’s took some Brandy & water & off he not at home- felt a good humble time at meeting today

12th. Wind N W & Cold hard frost off with Yerkus to the falls Kanadys, to Look at a Mill Seat they propose blowing through the rock at the falls, & taking the Waters of Schuylkill, which will make a grand Seat, If they Can get Act of Assemble Assembly paid 6 Cents ferriage at falls Crosst at Jones’s coming home paid Joe Evans Wife 6s4½ for shop goods or grocerys 4 Cent for Cakes So home

13th Wind N W. & very Cold hard frosty Morn Several little Snow showers from West Felix & Tommy sawing posts, Michal yesterday & today with poney & 3 of Jane Walters horses halling 5 Cord of her wood to Jesse Supplees at 5½ dolrs per, they halled 2 Cords to Supplees today & one to, McCoys he paid 5 dolrs in Cash, I over at Janes eat dinner their, then at Widow Goodmans, Stateing her Acct for Settlement in Office, drank Coffee with her home about 8 OC- froze so hard that they Could not Cross Schuylkill at Righters, this is the 3rd time, this winter that the navagation has been stop their, Spent not a penny to day Jacob Davis, a man that did Live near the Spring Mill Buried yesterday, I have been on Jurys with, very Lively Chearfull man & Stood very high as an honest man & good Judgment in many matters–

January the 14th 1807 Wind N.W. and very Cold froze harder in the hour than Eighther night this Winter froze the hog tub in Celler, & froze a bowl of water in our bed room nearly sollid almost, wind blue high in night, but very Calm this Morning after breakfast at the Mothers & up to Jonathan Jones they runing the Line between him & Martin Millers Est. Dined at J- Jones after we walk to Kuglars Sheaff s wife & wife Sold their 2½ acres that Her father Martin Miller Left to Knox & wife for 105L blot then Back & drank tea with Jn- Jones Owen Jones, Charles Wister Norton prier & alittle Inglish Doct. Nevens, walk up from Phila. to Dinner, & Rode back in Carrage– I home about 9 OC- Spent not

15th Wind S W & much Moderated, Jacob Morris heare very soon to tell me he was gooing to John Dickinsons, & that I Should have any Part on S Side of darby road, I off about 10 OC to David Bicken about Money She wants from her Childern for their board &c back to Jont. Jones & at Widow Goodmans took her papers to Eliots, with Jont Jones to Ratclifs to Look at a horse Eliot & Morgan along back with them & drank tea so home

16th Wind W by S & fine day much warmer Hagy & Self off to town to present the deed to orphans Court to Gett the Sale of Sibleys Powder Mill Confirmd, got it done but did not get the deed home

Bought a hat for Joseph 2 dollrs. pocketbook 50 Cents, Ink Powder & Almanac 25 Cents $3..50 paid Rich & George for hat for Thomas had agood while agoo, Reckening at Eliots 87 Cents horsler 6 Cents, ferryage 4 Cents pike 3 Cents So much for other peoples Business home about dusk fine to West but Seems to have got Colder

17th Wind N W or More N. & much Colder than yesterday froze hard, after breakfast went to Jacob Zells to here how he was he taken very Ill yesterday Rather Easier back to dinner, after at Society 13 Members meet, very pleasant time Judge Peters very Pleasant, Black Jess their to dun me for Makeing Cog wheel I gave him 5 dollars & 10 I give him at John Thomas vendue, Mick & Tom halling Posts all day, out of my woods–

18th Wind N E & Snowing Smart in Morn Continued till about 10 OClock but gaind none after, about 2 In. deep very light over Cast till evening then Red to W. & wind to W. at meeting after at home all day, David Zell Castner Jarvis & Morris Yerkus too I help to feed & Cut wood, Charles Noble paid me 3 Dolrs. for his son‘s Coffin, he very much displeasd with Morris buying Dickinson place for he has Rented it, wind Riseing in Evening,

19th Wind N W. & very Cold about home till noon then off to Look my Sheep, found them at Felix & Showing black George to Some trees for firewood at widow Goodmans & at J. Jones drank tea their So home

January 20 1807 20th Wind N.W. & Cold Clear day about till noon; Roads Like summer as Smooth as Can Emagin & Dusty, Posting up Edw Georges acct then walk up, with Yerkus & Jarvis to Jont Jones Back & drank Coffee With Yerkus so home

21st. Wind W. & very fine day, Jarvis & I Set off afoot to town, went to Jerimiah Warders & dined, then Meet at Cammerers tavern as an Evidence between Jarvis & his Ant about his acct against his uncle Saml Jarvis, Junr. Jont Jones, James Crukshanks & Wilson was the Arbitrators, we stayd till 11 OC- Sam treated to Supper, Terripins, Stude & Rosted Oysters, beef Stake, I Sup much, Yerkus & I Lodge at the widow Powls, Spent not to day

22 Wind W. Whitefrost Cold. or Sharp up Soon at Elliots Yerkus & I Drank a glass Gin I meet John Wilson at his Lodgings alittle While then back & breakfasted Eliots, then off to Court & at Millners Could not find my Recpt. at Clark of orphans Court got the deed, for Sibleys Powder Mill, Charge 1 dol I had no Change he Trusted me tho I never Seen him before Except in Court before repeated & he never Seen me to know very uncommon in officers to give trust, then down to Owen Jones & dined their, after he took me & Jarvis in Carriage home I did not spend one Cent, but I owe Eliot for my Breakfast, I Caut a great Cold & not well, I walk to town Last time is to(o) hard

January 23rd- 1807 Wind S by E in Morn & over Cast Sharp Morn whitefrost at Yerkus’s Bout 15¾ lb Butter at 1s2 per lb 18s4½ Bout 10½ lb Chees of Titus for 5½d per lb Broken oned Came to 68 Cents paid him 25 Cents pint Brandy had a few days agoo & 10 Cents for gin had to day, I very Sore & Stiff by walking, very bad cold, Jarvis is too much used to walking for me, drank tea & Spent the Evening at Castners–

24th Wind Near W. & not so Cold been alittle Shower of Round Snow in Night it Over Cast but I Beleive it will blow off perhaps, Such along dry Spell, or not to Exceed it in Summer If their had happened to been a good Snow they might aSlayd till they where tierd, Schuylkill & delaver has been Stop or So that Ships do not move out or in this 2 weeks I think, about home all day till omission then up to Jont Jones’s him & I Rode to Wm Thomas’s place to See a horse one Green had but he had parted with him, Calld at Elliots & Morgans Drank alittle Brandy So off home Cleard off & prety Cool tho not So very Cold, healthy fine wether

25th Wind N.W fine morn two Light Snow Showers from West & got very Cold, windy in Evening, at Meeting, afternoon at Jacob Morris’s, then home drank tea, big John Evans here to tea Excchaing’d my Bully rock horse, a large gray horse I raisd 10 years old

that I think I might had 200 dollars for when about 3 yrs. old I was offerd 150 dors when he was about 5 I now gave 20 dolrs. to boot for a mare worth about 70 dolrs 8 yrs. old paid him 10 dolrs. down & to pay 10 in 2 or 3 weeks, down to Yerkes’s & treated to mug Beer, Converst awhile with Coln. Johnson he on his way to Lancaster, then home Evans took off Bully & I Lock up his mare for fear She might be taken out

26th Wind N.W. & very Sharp morn Ice froze in pump hand Stuck to handle & Latch of door off before sunrise to Mothers, to help to kill hogs kill 8 weighed 1894 heaviest 284 lb, Felix Colbert, Abraham Cerrier, M.Smith, Black George & Will, Solomon, finished & Carried them down before 2 OC- I off Jont Jones Call their I off with to Yerkes then walk to Jane Walters & Charles Bevans & then back to Jones I Calld it to Inquire how Drake was he Indisposed So home Jarvis along, heard Evans parted with Bully I felt a great pitty for the poor Beast Least lest he Should get abused

27th Wind S E & over Cast, Like for Snow all day about home till noon, then off to Hagy’s finishd assignd award between Bicken & Boyles Drank tea their home about Dark. it Seems to Give on the N sides of the Hills about Hagy all the appearance of rain or Snow, Godfrey Shod my new Mare all round Shee appears to be very Safe rides pleasant too, but She is very small

January 28th 1807 Wind S W up soon was amaised when went out to find such an Alteration in the air it was warmer out than in the house to the feeling thawing viz the Ground Seemd Moist & Ice giving I off about 9 OC- to Jont Jones’s Wm Hagy him Self & Jones off to See the Delaware poor house, near Providence Freinds Meeting perhaps 9 or 10 Miles from blank we viewd it well the house is 75 feet Long by 45 Wide had 53 & one dead in the house not interd made 54, it is avery Commodious house for the perpose, the Expence of the house is as Stated by Audittors 11350 dors or their abouts they Built a fine barn, they have not Calculated the Expence 137 ½ Acres Cost them 4000 some odd dollars the total Expendittures is uperds of 20000 dollars, I think they have built it with great Eoconemy, Spent 12½ Cents at Bittles, at atavern Near the poor house 2 ½ Jills Gin 31 Cents 12 quart oats 40 Cents, dinner 3 of us 123 Cents 41 Cents each & very poor fair forgot ½ pint wine 12 perhaps which reduces dinner to 37 Cents per back by Gibbons pint Lisbon 50 Cents very Recched poor Dinner, then to Masons on West Chester road, 2 qts oats apeace pint wine ½ pint gin 56 Cents I Spent 112 ½ Jones 112 ½ Cents Hagy 118½ So much for poor house

a Most Butiful day it Cleard off before noon Like Spring Seen a woman sitting in Peazar piazza kniting Like Spring back to J. Jones Stay & drank tea their home about 9 OC

29th Wind S w Large white frost & very warm pleasant day Enoch Jones & wife Set off to Juniattiee River I off to Charles Bevans, John Evans & Tom Shingling his Spring house, the Mason work done Last Summer was a year, Back about dusk Spent ½ Jill to day

30th Wind S.W. a large white frost & very fine day tho Rather Cooler than yesterday, made a troff for a Chimney at Bavans & took it over, detaind 2 hours, that they had Set afire in Bevans Swamp, it got to fence had to take many pannels down & had some Troble to Get it Stopt, I dined at Jane Walters, then Calld at Jont. Jones drank alittle brandy & water, he not at home off to Doct. Hydricks, to Get him to goo and see Bevan, he Ill by intemperance I beleive not much Else, so home about 4 OC- heavy to Sun Set ½ Jill to day 6 Cents, Titus very full of Takeing my tavern If Drake goos off

31st. Wind East & a hail Shower about day froze prety hard, about Breakfast begun to rain Smartly & Looks Like & feilds feels like a Cold N E Storm raind very hard all day from E. blue hard afternight, the frost Come out much, so warm Michal Trashing threshing all day I about house drawing up Rees Price’s acct of work Spent 5½ & Read 3 Nombers to the farmers in the Aurora Paper

February 1st. 1807 Wind N.W. & Cleard off, had snowd about ½ Inch in Night, & froze alittle, up Soon Jacob Morris & Jarvis here by sun rise at Meeting Silent afternoon at Algernon Roberts, Old Jerremiah Warden their, Still Antious to Sell his Farm for the poorhouse I Chatted till omission drank Coffee & so home Got on a very agreeable Conversation about our forefathers the Welsh Settleing this province, my Great Grand Father Edward Rees, they say was a stout Strong man, they have handed down a Story that him & some welshman Set off to mill with 1½ B wheat to Mill at Chester or Namans Crick, on their Shoulders, the other give out & he told him put it on his Shoulder- & Carried Both Loads, & a number of old Annodotes He avery inteligint man Viz Alley Roberts; 1 qt whiskey 20, Cents or 18d. wind high & prety Cold towards night, the Ice broke out of Schuylkill to day. (the 29th two Carts Crossed at Righter on the Ice with one horse Carts for Pigs.) the Jermantown & Ridge road people depend on the Welsh Shore for pigs nearby–

2nd Wind S W & over Cast & Red to Sun rise, thind think Sure to rain before night, but it Cleard off & very fine day prety pleasant, I Borrowd Jane Walters dick & Tommy hall wood Michal Cuting I pottering about not much, David Roberts halling Stone for to wall the well at Castners, paid Gardener Balort 2 dors 41 Cents that Israel Davis Left for him for hemp he gave 10 Cents, Chainge for him when he Calls

3rd Wind N.W & froze very hard & very Cold off to Rees Price for his fann to Clean our Rye in Yerkus’s barn, Isaac Roberts for me to goo to Charles Bevan he very

Ill, I off their, he much distrest in Mind & wanted a will made put him him repeated off till he got alittle better for he Seems to have no bodily Complaints but his head is Rong, had a great drinking time, & has Left off Suden, I think is the Cause, Went to Jane Walters to Dinner then at J Jones & at Vises Store ½ lb tobacco, So back to Charles & Staeyd stayed all night Sat up with him; all night

4th Wind N W & perty Cold day alittle Snow Shower from the West, Cold day about day our finishing Cleaning Rye 35 & 6 Bushels we Cleand Some time agoo, my hole Crop 44 from 87 doz. at Meeting one Able Thomas preached a good much & old Parrish tryd alittle & did very well at Morris he in the fret on acct. of Makeing up 1800L for the first payment for this place he Bout of Dickinson at 4800L I Soon to bed interlined: “viz 240 acres at 20L per” in margin: “Bill Miller Crosst on Ice but held on by the Rope this being the 4th time this winter at Righters”

5th Wind S W. & avery large white frost & got Cloudy about noon, I off to see Bevans, he Better I think, Meet J Miller Jont Jones, Gooing to Bevans to pay him 600 Dol for peace of Land he Bout of him he was so Ill he wish him to put it off a few days

February 5th 1807

Back with them to Jont. Jones dined their & drank alittle Maderia So home in Evening the Judge & wife Miller & Morgan their Also interlined: “Evans & Tom finished Shingling & cut out Sash”

6th Wind W & a snow about 1 Inch deep begun with hale, begun to be windy & blue a herrican all day & most tremendious Cold Evans & tom yesterday finished Shingleing at Bevan & Cut out the sash this Morn went for them about 12 OC Came for me to take Measure of Jacob Zell he dead, taken about 3 weeks agoo with a violent pain in his Leg, Mortifyed & so killd him, back to Dinner & at Coffin John Evans helpt, It drove Snow that you Could Scearse see aCross the road, & blue as If it would Clear all before it and so Cold, I went down & back from Morris’s & I Could hardly bare it, the Coldest Evening that perhaps this Seven yrs.

7th Wind N & wonderfull Cold beyond Conception up soon & Joind the Coffin Great firer fire in Shop Stove

but we Could Scearse Stand it Up with Bowman to grave yd- & Seemd as my Ears would froze Stiff finish Coffin about 12 OC- geard up the Wagon & took Coffin down & put him in it. Dined their, & Set off about 3 OC- & interd him at Merion yd– Every person Complaining of the Cold & did Seem more than one Could bare almost, it was so hard as to froz Delevar over Last night

8th Wind N. & very Cold the water froz almost sollid in pump only dribbled out, off after breakfast to J Jones thence him & I walk to Buck & Elliots I wanted him to Draw a petition for a road down to J Jones & dined on a line loin of veal, one Santzinger Dine also a lump of Ice froze to my Eye as I rode up & one when I walk to buck it is remarkable Cold, back about sunset, Loyd Jones here to tea, he wants to know when Jos. & Arche Watson died

9th Wind N W white frost & not so Cold as 6 & 7 tho Sharp went with Loyd Jones in his Chare to town, Quallifyd to the death of Jos. & Arche Watson, in Court a tryal between the Widow of Jos Campble, against her uncle Joe Watson for Wages, Some hansome pleading on both sides Ingersel for Defendant made a hansome defense tho Lost

February 9th 1807

the Judge’s Charge much in favour of Campble, the Jury went out but did not return, the Court adjournd to 10 O’C- to Morrow Loyd & I got in Chare for home, I said If I was in blast I stay & goo to the play he Sd. he would Give me aticket & goo home as Soon as heard the verdick & we might get home by noon put up the horse & off we Sett to the play a Comidee Sir John fallstaff, much of it very Irksome mear Scriv Stuff, did not injoy it much, the farce Some what Effecting, almost made the tears back by 11 OC- to Canada’s & Lodge their in margin: “Loyd Jones paid me 12 dollars in town for for (repeated) two Campbles Coffins”

10th Wind W by S. Moderated Much fine Morn I walk to Delaware, ½ Glass Gin 5½ Elliots to breakfast & one I owd from Last time I was in with Jarvis so pd him 62½ Cents then off to Court they returnd their verdick 570 Dol. to the Widow the plaintiff Loyd & I went with Jury, to the tavern, he paid 3..25 Cents their Expences, we off I Bout ½ lb Bacco 12½ Cents Bed & ½ Glass Gin 18½ Cents Left town about 2 OC home by 3 OC- so Look about Sheep &c Antoney Zell here to Consult about his Fathers Est.– I Gave him Some advice I fear Henry Bowman will plage him or them he so very dashing

February 11th 1807 wind S W & very fine day, at Mothers helping to kill beef Cow, Stophel Shubert their after Me About Youngs Fishing place I back to Dinner Evening, at Charles Bevans he much Better, been out as far as spring to day then at Jane Walters, so home after night paid Phillip Hoffman 10s6 a ballance due him for Makeing a plow Shear, then paid, Gracy 22s6 for Makeing a plow in spring

12th Wind S.W. Whitefrost, Red to Sun Set, froze alittle Last night, I think some Chaing before night at Mothers Sent word by Rebecca to Old Jacob Moll, that the Man he recommends may have Jane Walters place If Can agree, back & set off to J. Jones about a petition for Road, dined their, then off to Esqr Youngs & Morris Lewellin & Crossd the feilds to Judge Jones, drank tea their & home, Jontn. Jones their & back with me to old road, Spent 5½d to day- Charles Bevan gave me 20 dolrs to Settle the Cost of an action between him & Joe Carr begun to rain about 4 OClock & Raind prety Smart till night wind blue & moon to be seen

13th Wind E & overcast & Raind all day with intervals, or in Shower, Evans & Tom Repairing Shetters & Benches for School, I Posting E Georges & Jonathan Jones acct for Building their barns Smut face Ewe got a very fine Lamb, bell Ewe had 2 fine Lambs about 3 days agoo–

14th Wind N E & wet a Little in Morn not been much in Night I think from appearance Robins plenty yet, they have been here in floks their has been 1000 Shot I dare say great plenty in Market, about ferry was unsafe to Ride so much fireing at them

February 14th 1807

Wind N E all day weting or drisling till near Evening Shun sun Shind out about seting the Ice broke up above Schuylkill, this has been the 4th time this winter it Broke through the big arch at Bridge their was great fears about it for the Ice had not gone through the Last time but jamb to Bottom they Say against Each sd Arch in 12 feet water after breakfast up to Jont Jones, Got a petition for a road along Godfry Lanyhoofs Laynhoofs Owen & Jont Jones Martin Millers Jont Walters line to turnpike, Got the petition & took it to Laynhoofs & he Engaged to take it about, I back to dinner after at Jacob Jones’s to be a witness to a deed for the Meadow he Sold to Jont Jones Alley Roberts did not Come so nothing was dun back to Society,– 7 Meet Spent not So home

15th Wind N W very fine Morn not froze any off after breakfast to John Thomas & Loyd Jones to try to get him to be security for Thomas to take the place; back to Yerkes Eat no Dinner, drank tea their Jont. Jones their– I got a bad pain or Stich stitch in my Sd. or Little below my Right breast, home hot towel on it & to bed, Cold about noon & very windy & Cold at night

16th Wind N W a very hard night of frost almost as Cold or froze as hard as any night this Winter my Side so bad that I declind gooing to Court tho which wish to goo to serve on Grand Jury I have not been Since they drew the Jury by Lott and was foreman Sent for Doct had some fear he would Bleed as I never was Bleed

but Concluded to try a purge I was agreed past 53 yrs & was never bleed keep house & Drank toast & water & I think I am Rather better this Evening– a great Stur between Bowmans & Antoney Zell about Letter of administration– Bowman Slipt up Got the Registor down & Made his sister Jacob Zell widow take a Letter Bowman, here wanting me to Goo down to Compromise But from my Indisposition I declined, gooing & haveing no desire to interfere Cold day & very Rooff roads

17 Wind E. & over Cast Like for Snow Set off about 8 OClock for Norristown Court R Roberts Yerkus & nomber along very difficult y Crossing at Spring mill So much Ice 6 Reading boats down first day 15th Evening So much Ice made that or in the night, they unloaded and Set off for home as we Crosst, on to Court, Seen Jos. Tyson agreed to meet thee the Commissioners at Tysons the 2nd of March to goo & view, Gave the Cryer of Court, one doll 25 Cents to hand in a petition for Road by Jones & Martin Millers Lands to turn pike, dinner horse & Club 88 Cents 5½d at Harry on trust ferriage; at ford paid 12½ Cents at Bird in Hand tavern 12½ Cents for Ginn, very Could cold day & begun to Snow twowards towards Evening & perhaps the Roughest rideing ever Made, gave Ross an Order from Carr to Stop the Sute between him & Bevan, & Pawlin to Stop it on Behalf of Bevan, & I would pay the Cost but he sd. he Could not get the bill made out must Call Some other time, So home Came 13 of us over at 3 boot boat Loads, at the bird about Sun Set, I think Got to Yerkus about 8 OC & So home Snow, then haild about 1 Mile from home very fast & Coverd the Ground

February 18th 1807 Wind S E & the hale & snow & Sleet about 1 Inch deep & the trees Loaded with Iceticles, Raind prety smart before noon after Wind got to nearly South & had several Hard Showers till it run Strong; & blusterd in Evening I think wind More W. & I think Cold before morn Yerkes & I Meet at Antoney Zells to try a reconciliation between him & Bowman I hope we have Succeeded, Back to Dinner at Smith Shop & Yerkus’s Spent 5½ with Little Jones pumpmaker then home, Near 8 OC– & still Rains Smart

19th Wind W. & Sun Shind out very fine black Clouds to West froze not so as to bare a man, at home posting up Rees Prices acct for sawing, David Roberts here to dinner from Meeting, Set off to See the bridge it was Sd it was very high, went as far as Edw. Georges he Said Jesse had been at the bridge & all was Right the Ice had went through Last night. Stayd & drank Coffee with E. George then he & I Calld to See Claphampson, he very Ill with a bleeding through his Pinnes, so home Cold & frezing hard

20th Wind N.W. & froze hard & Cold day after breakfast at Stadlemans, Bought a Cow of Michal & Calf for 22 dollars, at Claphamsons he no better then drove my Cow & Calf home got Dinner, made a axhandle for Janes Bill, Joe Evans & his Brot Evan attempted to Rassel by arms, they both fell & put Joe’s Elbow out of Joint, I took the Little mare & run her almost to Claphansons their found the Doctor & Brout him up, but Abe Tunis had got it in before we came

Evening Yerkus & I at Zells, Bowman agreed that Antoney Zell Should admstr- with his Step Mother provided he put of up Bonds & notes to one third of personal Est. & he did then She gave him an Order for him to be inserted in the Letter of Adms. with her & Bowman gave a Receipt for what notes he Recd. Drank tea their So home, Spent 18 Cent

21st. Wind N W hard frost & fine Clear day tho very Cold day, at the woods & Felix Showing timber, for Rails, Spent 6 Cents, afternoon posting up Rees Prices Sawing, paid old Will one dollar Jarvis here all the afternoon, I at Yerkus in Evening

22nd Wind N W hard frost & Clear fine day being first day, warm & pleasant afternoon, at Meeting old Andrews Preach’d for us, Dined on apeice of Rost beef, then off to Hagys, then to see widow Bridson, and at 2 poplars, that Hagy Cut on A. Walters land he Bout. them of Tacy Jones, But he thinks they are not hers then at George Savadge Constable, to get him to Come down, that I will be Security for Jarvis, back to Hagys drank tea their Stayd till 10 OC- then home, the School Master up Cuting wood, had some nurvis Complaint that alarmd him & he would walk up to Hydricks, I off with him about 12 OC- the doctor not at home so walk back again

23rd. Wind W. by S. & very fine day, Spent all the forenoon with Savadge about Jarvis, for he had a Judgment for Execution against him at Doct Bensils suite suit Yerkus & Savadge, over to Bensils, he gave him a week & I Got Clear, I had said there was no danger of his Loosing, so he wanted to hold me to pay

23rd. 1807

Evening Jarvis & I walk to Edw Georges to See how Tom & Jon. Evans Come on at floor But Evans went on to town & never Stopt their tho he told me he would goo Down & help, only Tom their he had Come on very well walk back Cloudy & very dark, & Raind alittle Scud

24th Wind S E in morn & very Cloudy & raind prety Smart, before noon, wind N.E. & begun to hail about 12 or 1 OC- then to Snow, I down to E. Georges, finished the barn floor by noon then Straitened his Lighten rod & put his hog house roof on & naild it blue off afew days agoo with that Southerly wind got very Cold then off & Calld at John Thomas drew anumber of acct. off of Walters & Thomas drank tea their & Stayd till near 10 OC- haild very fast as I Came home John Thomas and the deceased Joseph Walter were partners in a store.

25th. Wind N W. & Cleard off this morn froze but Little some, but not very Cold– the Snow about 2 Inches deep George Ashtons Slay went up & down Suppose they had been at J. Jones, Somist some mist & bad Slaying halld or Sledged wood till noon, I off to see John Gyger at Wm. Streaper he keeping Store for Isaac Jeams James, Bought Cordery- 3½ yd. at 4s8 is 16s4 total for a pair Cherry de valays, Silk hankercheif 5s7; Shawl 1s10½ Mowhair & thread 1s1- 3 dozen Buttens 4s6 total 29s5 & I had a ballance from Moses James of 17s6 for his Coffin, I gave John Gyger the acct- Yerkus along Stopt at Buck Spent 12 ½ Cents & paid Miller 4 D 25 Cents for 1½ B Clover seeds (home about 9 OC) had last year

26th Wind N W & froze hard, about home all day being Meeting, Michal Clearing the brush in Meadow Polly Yerkus & Jane Walters here helping to make my Cherry devalleys, at Yerkus’s Meet old Esqr Young their Stayd with till midnight Spent 12½ Cents So home

27th Wind S.W & very pleasant day about home till noon then off to Buck, Bout 6 cent of Tobacco of Weist he up with me, I on referrunce Between David Evans Exect. & the widow Coulter Esqr Curwen & Phillip Shaff award 30 Dollars to Coulter, Jont Jones their We Supt at Buck would not have pay for it I Spent 25 Cents, So home about 11 OC–

28 Wind E & Like to Snow begun about 12 OC & Snow very fast but Melted as fast as fell then to rain & rain very hard till midnight interlined: “begun a Coffin for John Atkenson”

March 1st Wind N W. froze very Little got high wind toward noon finished the Coffin about 12 OC- being first day, Geard up the wagon & took the Coffin up put him in & home about dark by turn pike

2nd Wind N. & very hard froze & very Cold day Set off about 8 OC- for Tysons, Spent at ferry 1s4½ Shoe on the Mare at Spring mill 25 Cents at Tyson’s, 2s9½ then on to Pawlings above the forks of perkeyomy, 7 miles above Tysons interlined: “the 29 mile Stone” viewd 2 places their & then to Trap Supper & 1 G Gin toddy & Cyder 4s4 per man 5 of us

3rd Wind W. & not so Cold as yesterday, off, Breakfasted, Lodging horse &c 4s4, then off to Mattis farm formmily George Ashtons farm, Spent at Tysons

Tavern, 2s5½ Tyson & Esqr Tod paid arivd at Christain Mattis & viewd his farm perhaps 70 acres Bottom on Schuylkill, good Orchard Good Barn & Bad house Drank some Cyder Royal & Whis, with him, then off & Got Some Gammon & Eggs at Garvers Tavern on a road Laid out from there to parkers ford, pd. 46 Cents; then viewd one Cutwalts farm Like it prety much 120 acres of wood, 260 in the hole good water, good house & prety good Barn 100 f Long & more including a wagonhouse Back to Tavern & Viewd Markleys farm on Perkeyomy then Good Leavel plow Land but bad wood Land, then off Tyson & I Lodge at James Bears formirly one of Commissioners very Cleaver fellow, Gave Boy 25 Cents

4th Wind N. by W Soon W & had snowd a full Inch Deep in the night, off & viewd Robesons farm & then to John Jacob, he Treated us very polite, had a great Line loin of Veal & fine ham wine Cyder &c &c viewd his & off to Vanderslice at Perkeyomy viewd his, & More taken with his than any I have meet Tyson Shide and I Lodge with one Mr Dills a step soninlaw of Tyson Treated us very Polite, Sup & Breakfasted their gave girl 25 Cents,

5th Wind N & snowing very fast till near noon off to one Burnsides 268 acres at 50 Dolrs. went all round his place Snow Covering the Ground near 1 Inch Dined with him on a fine turkey, he a prety Raw Irishman

from their to Pattersons Tavern, & viewd Stephen Porters place, not Much taken with it, Gin & oats 25 Cents, off about sunset to Norris, put up at Sheets, Supper drink Oats & hay 7s6

6th Wind N W White frost & fine day, Paid off the Cost on Bevans & Joseph Carrs Suite on acct of Carr moving the grain off, they made it up & I got it out off of Court 3L 17s8d so it is Ended, paid for a Morgage & Judgment of Ecrods from J. Morris $2..38 Yerkes paid me back, Off for home paid Rees Harry half Eagle, for 5 Dollar Note he Lent Me as I went up & paid him ferriage & Gin 37½ Cents Some of it was due from the time I went to Court, Spent 12½ at Yerkus home about 3 OC- John Evans & Tom Makeing a Coffin for Jesse Lester, this prety fine day warm–

7th Wind blank Sun Shind till noon then over Cast, finished the Coffin & off after dinner & interd him for Safekeeping in Bickens Burial yard bad Cold not well off home, Sloppy rideing–

8th Wind S.E been alittle snow in Night but turnd to rain & Moderately wett all day I much unwell took a dose of salts work prety well, at Yerkus’s one Badgster has Bout Tunis Lease from Bevans, & wanted me to advise Bevan to Give up peaceablely for them or him to occupy it treated to porter, he a violent democrat and a deist I fear & being first day

9th Wind N & over Cast but no rain till noon then got to E. & very wett till 8 OC- at night, I left Yerkes 7 OC- in Morn for Derries tavern Stopt at Norris 2 qt Oats & gin 12½ Cents off with Several of Norristown people to Derreys, 6 of the Commissioners Meet, Vanderslice Sent word he would not Sell, which defeated us much, Deraingd all our Cistom system Dine their at $1..20 per man back to Norris oats & Cyder 12½ & 6 to boy

March 9th 1807

Left their after 5 OC- smart rain till I got to ferry not in the house their, paid 12½ ferry & potterd on home after 9 OC- 4 hours geting home, such Miserable bad rideing, the Little Mare a bad walker but remarkable safe & Carefull very dark

10th Wind N & prety Clear morn, bad pain in head I beleive it must be Rhumattic pane, at home all day Except at Yerkus alittle while, Michal making post Tommy at School the roads Settled alittle

11th Wind S.W. & very fine day, Jarvis & I at Jane Walters Shewd Abraham Some Timber for posts, Dined their on a Cold peice of Cold Roast beef & pork at Charles Bevans to see how he was & to advise him not to enter into Law Suite with B Tunis about a lot he has got a leas on from his Father from there to Jont Jones, Levi Pawlin Markley & Judg Jones their had dined their, we drank 5 or 6 Glass wine they off Jarvis & I Stayd tea So home about 8 OC head very bad in Morn But better afternoon–

12 Wind W by N. & froze the ground perhaps 1 Inch Clear fine day, Mick & Felix begun to put up post & Rail put 2 pannels by Lippens the old frozt frost near 12 I deep yet, I very bad pain in my head, till almost Sicken me Sent for doctor he Came & advised me Soke my feet & poltice’s them at night, I did soke & put Cabbage Leaves to them, walk to Yerkes Ecrod Electerrised my head, help it I beleive, walk to Morris’s Charles Bevan along & Little Joseph Cloudy to Sun Set

13th Wind N E by E & very Cloudy & Like for Snow & begun about noon Snowd very smart till Coverd the ground, got to hail afternight, made a bill Scantling for Bevan forenoon, head very bad, a dose of salts Gave me 3 Stools, afternoon killd the Calf from Mi the Cow Bout of Michal for 22 D it weighed 15¼ Pound, drove Calf never thrive well I beleive we keep it 3 weeks & I dare say it was 2 weeks old when I Bout it David Roberts & Jacob Morris to See me Sent, Tommy with my acct. to Edw Georges he Sent me per Thomas 30 Dollars 1 qt whiskey 20 Cents Felix hear here but frost so deep in ground that he gave out diging holes & went off, had no ax to pint ?

14th Wind W. had a snow shower after breakfast & it Cleard off very fine about noon, the snow I think about or near 3 I. If it had not thawd think it would been the deepest this W. it hung much froze to trees did not fall much till noon very bad pain in head Set off to Jane Walters, Settled between her & Charles Bevan Board & Rent he fell 58..50 Cents in debt to her says he’ll pay next week I on to Torrence’s on a refferrence by order of Court on the acct. of Peter Matson & Isaac De haven Guardeans to John Coldflesh Childern, Superceaded by John Taylor & John Youcom, Benjn Brook & John Jones Gulph the other 2 men, Blind acct. has been keep, made but Little progress adjournd till Seventh day 21st So I home about 9 OClock, very Exstream bad Rideing on Roads head better

15th Wind W. & a very fine morn tho froze prety hard, the feilds all Coverd with Snow the roads prety bare & hard gooing Molly & Michal & Rebecca at Market yesterday in Light wagon, I had spell of head ake this Morn

March 15th 1807

not at Meeting dined on a Calf head & pluck Set off about 4 OC- for the Trap went up pike Spent 5½ on trust at Buck paid at Gate No.3 24 Cents, 3 times for the Carrage at Atkenson Burial then on to ferry pd 15 Cents, on to Norris Lodge at Sheets, Drank pint Cyder very Exstreem Bad Rideing

16th Wind W & froze prety hard Breakfasted with Sheets he not Charged me not for Breakfast, Lodging &c 3s9 & 9d. boy- on to Wm Dills meet Tyson their had a Conferance with Vanderslice about his place he promis to Come to Trap but Never perform’d arivd at Trap 6 of us Meet, & Nomber of other people Meet besides, took a vote on Several places, all throwd off but Cutwalts, Sat up till near 12 OC- drank nothing but Cyder

17th Wind N W & over Cast & begun to Snoo snow & keep at it prety fast till near noon Breakfasted & mounted & Rode to See Cutwalts place Stop at Garvers place put my mare in Shed, She got out & Run about 2 Miles I Run a Mile after her, Garvers boy got horse & Caut her at asmith Shop where they Stop her, then back to Trap, dined & then Enterd into articles with Gutwalls to give 60 D per acre pay 3000 Dollars on the 27 of November with intrest from 1st april the Remainder in 4 Equal Annual payments Sat up Late Todd & Morgan went off, Tyson Brook & Shide & Self Stayd all night Eat no Supper– them 2 pay 23s4 apeice

18th Wind N W & very Cold blue up in Morn froze hard Breakfasted & paid 29s6½ apeice & I gave the horsler 8 Cents then Tyson Morgan Spent 12½ Cents for Gin on pike Road, then I Crosst to Paterson where I had Left my Spurs on the 9th Spent 5½ on to Norris horse & Dinner 37½ Cents, a great many

of our People their Trying Esqr Young for Misdemaner as a Majestree magistrate, Benjn Pearson their a witness against him he & Doct Eaton Started with me for home Cross at Spring Mill paid ferriage & Gin 12½ the Last of 6 Dollars pearson & I off I arivd home about dusk, he on to Darby

19th Wind N & over Cast & Cold but blue off about noon at Yerkes in Morn 5½ afternoon Jont Jones Spent 12½ with him, then walk up to his house Drank tea their So home about 10 O’C–

20th Wind N & froze hard & high wind Michal to mill, 5½ B. Rye 1 B Buckwheat 1 B Corn gave him 4 Dollars to get ¼ of Wheat flower & pay Some had before of E Lobb I wrote about 100 tickets for John Roberts for Supervisor, after dinner at Yerkus at an Election for Supervisors & Constable, the Vulgar has has repeated got their resentment against Bowman Family, on acct. of the part he took for his Sister respecting the Letter of Admn. & treatment to Antony Zell not Suffering him to Admr. & Run him Bowman, Henry 80 votes & the old man 48 votes for Constable thats the people; & Rights of Sufferage, all Safly in the hands of the people, 9 times out of 10 they are wrong I one of the Judges Jont. Jones the other had 103 voters in the hole, Reckening 25 Cents So home

21st Wind N. & hard froz in Morn Clear fine healthey day Could bare agreat Coat on to ride in Midday, I off about 12 OC- with Torrence to his house, on an audit by order of Court on the accts. of Peter Matson & I. Dehaven Guardeans to Colflesh Childern, Superceaded by Jonh John Taylor & John Yocum who is Calling them to Settle their acct very difficult to get at the right thing they have keep such acct. & Matters have Slipt their Memory, that we Cannot tell how to doo Justice we hang on till I got the acct Stated after 12 OC- till first day morn, arivd at home after 2 OClock in margin: “Spent 12½ Cents”

March 22nd 1807 Wind N W & high drying wind, the roads mended much this 3 or 4 days, at Meeting forenoon, afternoon Yerkus & I walk to Jont. Jones, he gone to Jarmintown, Judge & wife their, Spent the afternoon their drank tea off meet Jones, turn back & Stayd awhile then home–

23rd Wind N W & froze prety hard Felix hear old frost in ground yet against Lippens house afternoon at Mothers a While at Bevans, & Jane Walters took an advertisement for her Vandue on the 31st So home afternight drank tea with Jane

24th Wind S W alarge whitefrost off to Bevans working floorboards for his Spring house Wind near E & begun to rain about 2 OC- raind hard till night put the boards in & off Calld at Jane Walters Jarvis along so home Get very wett Felix about ½ days work in margin: “½ day at Bevans”

25th Wind N W fine Clear Morn, got Ready to goo to Bevans but blue up from W. Such black clouds Cold high winds gave out very great Snow Storm from West about 5 OC- Sun Shind out after fine, Torrence finished the pump & put it in at Castners, it work well with him at Jacob Morris’ Bittle their to Look at his back house, I walk with them I think he not take it, back to Morris’s drank some Whiskey & home & made a draft & Bill for Charles Bevan

26th Wind N W. & froze hard Clear morn off to Bevans Begun to Lay the Lower floor Layd all But Some few peices, Drank tea Jarvis along a great Snow Shower & some rain Large round snow great Shower various Changes today in margin: “¾ of day Strong I dare say”

27 Wind N W very Windy & prety Cold hard froze in morn; Tommy off to Bevans before Breakfast I after breakfast, Jointed Boards till noon then begun to Lay the upper floor Layd it all aCross, Some Short pieces to fill in So home in Evening Strong ¾ of a days work

28th Wind W. & fine day till noon, halling Straw till noon from Rees Price Oats Straw that we thrasht their, after at Jos. Potts Vandue at McClenechans place, after with Jont Miller Reuben Morgan & one Rhudolph to Buck in Order to See Elliot, got drinkin Bear with Rhudolp had 8 Mugs, had a great disurtation on Politic’s I took on to be a high flying Democrat, but he found me out, I beleive Miller told him, Left their about 9 OC Cloudyed up & begun to rain about 5 OC- very dark & Smart rain all the way home Rhudolp Started at the same time, he– unfinished

29th Wind S E & dull & rain in Morn, Meeting while with Bagster to B. Tunis & Yurkes to Charles Bevan, to See him about B. Tunis’s Lease home to Dinner with Yerkus to Jos. Evans Begun to rain again as we Left their & raind very Smart all the way, then got to Snow, & keep at it till afternight it Coverd the Ground tho so wet and Soft, Evening at Morris s Chated their till 8 OClock or near it then home, paid John Evans 2 dollars part of 10 Dollars I owe him Boot bet? money between our horses yesterday I paid it Spent 6 Cents to day

30th. Wind N W or more W up Soon took Michal & Tommey & sowd half Bushel Cloverseed on the middle feild No- 3 before Breakfast, the Snow Covering the ground near 2 Inches deep black Cloud blue off from West not Quite disperst to E till 8 OC- after at Jane Walters to See If got a Cryer for her Sale back to dinner, tho I forgot with Rees Price at Bowmans, he paid Hannah Zell, 530 dollars and took up abond of 500 dolrs

March 30th 1807

afternoon at Rees Price’s barn helping to Clean oats, that we halld their to thrash my barn filld with hay, after at Tom Wynns to Get him to Cry Jane Walters vandue, Stop at Stadlemans, Spent on trust 12½ Cents So home a very fine afternoon the Snow nearly all gone & the rodes most dry Except a low place Evening Red to sun Set, tho it has got Cloudy I Calculate agood day to Morrow; 9 OClock Wind blue fresh from West, my Idea blow off Cold, to bed–

31st Wind N E & blowing high, I up find a snow 6 Inches deep at Least & hailing & Mixture of Snow most violent, we have not had Such a Storm this winter nor so much snow I think at one time I at Yerkes Spent 6 Cents got to rain very Smart blot Between 11 & 12 O’Clock wind got to west & blue & Snowd most alarmingly, perdigously indeed, & held for near about 3 till night with alittle abatement for near one hour Seen the Sun about 4 OC- then Snowd & blowd again I waited form from 12 OC- when the wind got W, till after 2 OC- Expected it to Clear off Every Moment, Set off to Jane Walters, Tom Wynn Came & about 12 in all put up, pompy horse Abraham Jane Walter’s hired man Bout him for 70 dollars not pleasd with Wynn for Strikeing him off so quick, but he agreed to give 75$ then Tryd the Brown Colt Abraham got him for 35 I Bout the 7 yr. old Mare 45$ & got Bevan to Buy the Leader Dungan at 50 Dolrs Snyder offerd 46$ David Roberts Lippens

& I drank tea their, then off, very bad gooing up half way horses Leg, Snow & Slush & blue like Ceaser, Cold & alarming, it was frightfull to See how it did Snow & blough from the West never Seen it hold so Long the Lains drifted much, great Banks, it Been a dredfull bad andd Snowing Storm If it had happened Spring at New Years it would not been so bad

April 1st Wind N W & blow like a herrican & the Snow will bare me Excep where it is very Wett, But has the appearance of Christmass froz in our Bed room, in the window as thick as Window glass, I at Morris Measureing his Window to Make him Some Sash off about 12 OC- to Jane Walters, made amemorandom between her & Abraham & made them signd it paid for her 75 Cents, She paid it Back & Lent me 2/25 Cents $2.25, at Jont Jones Judge Jones his wife, daughter & Driver in the Slay their drank tea so home about dusk Loyd Jones drove by here with 4 horses & 4 of them in slay their was Snow Enough only it was so soft under, the snow Melted none in Shade, run alittle in sun

2nd Wind N E & red to sun rise bad whether I think at Rees Price’s hunting Scantling for a frame for his Rowler, have not been their this 2 Mo.- I think Cosen Hannah much better been Ill all Winter back & prepaird to goo to gulf but it got to rain so fast gave it up it raind & froze to the trees, Like middle of Winter, (1 pint Bear) & such roads dredfull Lippens and family gone to Joe Carrs moving tho back at Night

April 3rd 1807 Wind N W fine Clear Morn, Set off about 7 O’C- for Norris town, Stopt at Hagy alittle while on to ferry ½ Glass Gin & ferriage 12½ Cents, a lite Snow Shower as I Crosst, then come a heavy Snow Shower from W before I got to Norris, & blue high & Cold, arivd about 11 OC- not any of the Scite site for poorhouse Men but Tyson & Self meet, Gutwalt & wife Came & Executed the deed & the Commissioners Gave their Bond, our dinner & Club 7s6- We Spent agreeable Evening. Stayd all night

4th Wind N W & very hard froze Supper & Club 55 Cents, Breakfast & horse & horsler 81 on to Sweeds ford ferry 12½ Cents on to Torrences & Settled the townships acct. Dined their town paid 6 Dolrs, on with Jones to Buck, Jones pd. for me 62½ Cents I Left him their with Elliot, R. Roberts Hughes & several others I home about 8 OC- the appearance was Grand yesterday till near noon Viz the trees all Glisend with Iceticles all froze with Clear Ice, & they Cracking & some Braking down; the site was grand the Sun Shining on them till about 10 O’C- then got Cloudy tho so late in the Season Left a maloncoly impression on the Spirrets, I was Colder than I went to the Trap on the 2nd of January I beleive

5th Wind N W hard froze & prety Cold tho Clear till noon Spent 6 Cents to day Jont Jones Calld on me I up to dine with him, John M Price, John Wister & C. Foulk dined their also, drank 4 or 5 Glasses of wine, then Jones & I Rode as far as Righters Ferry with Price So home about dusk–

6th Wind N W over Cast & Cold in Morn blue off before noon, & was the pleasantest day had this

good while the snow run off prety fast helping Yerkes to Make a bill & draff draft for addition to his house their all the afternoon Spent 12½ Cents; So; old Gordon Quarreled with the Girl & Left Yerkus,–

7th Wind N. & froze the Ground Prety hard froze off after breakfast to Bevans at work about ½ day Michal helpelping helping Jane Walters man to hall a Cord of her wood to Supplees & ½ Cord to School house I home in Evening drank tea at Jane Walters, Calld at Mothers, their awhile So home prety pleasant day tho Cold N Wind the drifts of Snow that Lay faceing sun did run much Spent 5½d to day So–

8th Wind N by W. prety fine, with Michal Cuting Logs for poles & Rails afternoon meet at Jonathan Jones’s to finish Settle the overseers of poor Acct., had a Large party Hagy, Isaac Roberts, Jacob Belors & Judg Jones, Owen Jones, Gave avery Excelent Supper Finished about dark-

9th Wind N E & Over Cast Tom & I off to Bevans, begun to rain about 8 Oc- blot one we got Jarvis along Tom & I work all day, hung 3 doors & fitted in all thee the Sash, & sundry other things very rainey day Left about sun Set wet & Cold as we Came home Eate Dinner & supper their

10th Wind W afine Clear air, at work at Jointing plank for Castners well till noon or near then helping John Lippens to Move his Shop to my ground Darby Lane Dined with him & Sup with him I halld all his stuff up in margin: “Lent 5½d to E E”

April 11th 1807 Wind N.W. & fine Clear day, off after breakfast to Charles Bevans, Glass’d 44 Lights, tind putte’d &c about ½ day Dined their, Jarvis Come their- & home with us Stopt at Jane Walters She & Abraham been at Market Sold potatoes for 40 Cents & 37½ per Bu. Calld at Drakes he been Indisposed, Some time not able to keep School

12th Wind N E. & over Cast & begun to rain about 12 OC- Smart & heavy at times Great fleaks of Snow & hail mixt at one time Badgster Tunis Yerkus & Self walk as far as Bevans to the fall in the Crick & at Willey Mores, So back, to Yerkes ½ Jill 5½

13th Wind N E & Cold & weting Some very backward time on farmers, few thats plowed any or Much begun & plowd about 1½ acre, interlined: “heavy going pa(r)t of day” Afternoon at Jane Prices, Settled between her & black George evening at Rees Price’s Cosen Hannah much Complaining Yerkus along

in margin: “14th Covering Castners well & at E Georges Spent 5½”

15th Wind N by W, Cleard off N about, I off to Charles Bevans Tom along made a door frame, then home Tom fetch our Cart from Jane Walters, Jonathan Jones here in Morn

16th Wind W. & the warmest day this Spring at Jacob Morris’s Laying out his Land & Garden Breakfasted their then home Mounted & off to E. Georges, hung 3 big Gates made agood half day So home Spent 12½ Cents buck Evening

17 Wind N E & Raw air but keep all day favourable Jesse George here & help Load 3 small white Oak Logs then off by Jont Jones’s he gone I on to Norristown B.Brooke J. Jones G.Holstein, R. Roberts, Jont Jones & Self on avaluation of damages of a road, from Norris to turnpike, allowd Some 12..50 Cents, 25, 30 & Roberts not any thing they paid our Expences, I paid ferriage 25 Cents

18 Wind E & misting alittle, Sold my order on the Treasurer of 49..40 to Isaac & Thom Price allowd the 9..40 out of it on acct. of what I owd them, Cleard off to be a fine warm day the warmest this Spring dug up several weeping willows planted 2 before the door & 2 by the Smoke house after at Society Spent 4 Cents

19 Wind S W & afine warm day at Meeting Horatio here been out to Pitt. Just returnd about 2 weeks Exchainged my Little Evans Mare for a 4 year Dark gray Mare to Give him Bottle of wine to Boot, Rode with him to Hansels he got my gray mare to Work Horatio Mare a good Match for mine Only She is 2 yrs Younger, at Stadlemans ½ Pint wine 11½ So home to tea–

20th. Wind S.W. over Cast, sent Tom to E Georges to make alittle gate, I geard up Poney in the Cart & followd help to finish & hang the Gate & put Stops in 2 others begun to rain about 10 O’C. 2 or 3 fine Refreshing Showers raind till run alittle, finished & Sent Tommy with the Cart to Hestons, for 10 B. Plaster he got it on Trust 45 Cents per B. So back about Sun Set, Bought aknife 9d Tobacco 5½d of Kittey, Most delightfull afternoon, the Leaves of Willows, Laelock lilac, out in Leaves & Seen Hyathins out & daffeys & seen a few apricock Blosom blone blown i.e. in bloom

21st Wind N.W. & much Coller cooler fine Pleasant day at J. Morris’s puting up garden fence from after breakfast ¾ of day Jont. Jones & 3 others. Calld & I must go with them to Yerkus hid the horse with them for Ginn Lost ½ Pint 25 Cents, very Cold Evening tho Clear day

This page and the next have many words obscured by a large ink spill. 22 Wind N W & very Cold morn the horse troff froze all over & ground too froze hard off to Morris at his garden fence till afternoon blot to Esqr Youngs then off back to Widows blot & Kugler, Spent 5½d. Esqr Curwen blot order to get an order to move blot daughter to Trydeffirn township blot

23rd Wind N W & a very Large white frost up soon & over to Jont Walters quarry & blot 2 piles of Stone for Willy More back to Breakfast blot Jacob Morris’s Garden fence ¾ of a days work blot work till night I am a poor Credit blot allways on other peoples Business

April 24th 1807 Wind E & Cloudy alittle blot after the Sun Shind; up about day & off blot plaster Sowd 10B on about 7 acres, the blot 5 acres & about 2 in No 2 aClover blot Plasterd Last year, did to the Cracked apple blot time & 4 Short Lands toward the house, Back blot and gooing to Set off to Norris about the blot they Sent Young Roads for me to Come, it Raind so hard that I gave out, Colbert here & killd our black Cows Calf; I at Jacob Morris’s alittle while, agreed to goo to Market with him, George Latch here about the poor

25th Wind E & over Cast & Raind till near 10 OC- then broke off a very fine warm day I off about 2 OC- Carried my Calf to Morris’s & him & I set off about 3 OC- in his Wagon to Market Smart rain when we Started & one when we got to Chapmans, arivd at the Lower Market down town, I Sold one quarter weighing 16¾ for 100 Cents & the other 94 Cents the Breast for 44 Cents the Skin 130 Cents 9 lb weight total $3..68. Spent ferry 9 Cents Gin Coffee &c total 46 Cents Coffee tea & Sugar $1..53, Chees 3¾ 50 Cents so home about 2 OC up the Ridge road & Crosst at Righters. Got 10 Shad of Morris Ketch at his place the Crick so high they Cant fish Smart thunder in Evening but Little rain

26th Wind N W & the air much Cooler at home all day, Badgster & wife dine here they had been at Meeting he Lately Married to young girl work’d in his factory named Smith & he I dare Say is Near 50, She perhaps 16 or 17 So–

27th Wind S W & fine warm day at Jacob Morris s pailing their Garden till about 4 OC- then off to E Georges to See If they had sawd my palis pales

28th Wind N.W in Evening Got to omission & over Cast, at Jacob Morris’s till noon then home & work at Rees Prices Roller– tobacco & Cakes 22 Cents

29th Wind S E & Several hard thundergust before day till breakfast hard Showers, at Felix s to get him to make posts he Came & it Cleard off fine day over at Bevans

Some missing pages, then a new style of entering daily reports– three columns on a page

May 1807 first column 14th Begun to fence apeice out of my yd. Round my young apple trees Raind prety Smart in after noon

15th Wind S W fine day finished my pail fence Round the trees qt Whis. 20 Cents Savage here a good while gooing to See John Thomas– Evening at Jane Walters & Drakes & Jont Jones Jarvis along–

16th Wind S West & Cloudy & rain at noon, I prepairing to meet Troop &c &c afternoon with Isaac Roberts to Jos. Davis’s he not at home then off to Mary Warners at Pearsons Store that was, Drank tea meet a girl by name of Betsey Wade that Was at Abe Lewis When Antoney Lewis Made his Will took What She knew about it, She Say he was Struck with the Palsey & fell in the Meadow She help him in, & made his will that day & She Say Could not understand him for Several days, I home about 9 OC at night

second column 17 May Wind W in Morn & over Cast, went to Meeting. wind got to E & raind Smart & hard rain in night Could cold & Disagreeable paid John Evens Evans 6 Do the Boot I owd him for mare 2 do for flower– 5 dollars to Barney for Weaving & an acct of money I owd him, Castner & wife here to tea

18th Wind N Raw & Cold over Cast but Cleard off, & held up a prety fine day tho windy & Cold met the Troop at plymoth musterd 27, Dined at Jos Evans 75 Cents per Spent before went out 1s4½ Spent at Harry 31 Cents at the feild 6 Cents to Mr Jones’s Negro 50 Cents Powder 12½ total 192 Cents had Jont Jones’s horse back to Jones about dusk home about ½ after 9 OC Smart Shower from West & Cleard off Cold about 10 OC in Evening, the Last time I Shall meet the Troop as a Captain, took my Leave of them been above 30 yrs The first time went to Muster was in June 1775

third column- right side of page torn at top 19th Wind W. & words missing frost off w. m. to Court w. m. they had made w. m. the day before w. m. Clear Owen w. m. up dined at w. m. 6s3, horse at w. m. 2s9. at Sheets 5s w. m. 5s2 Left their at w. m. OC- at night pd at Harrys 12½ Cents, then on to meet, with Jane Walters mare, that Hunter was working for me he had sold her to Young, I Caught her in the Road, at Israel Davis Lain, & Led her home about 2 OC- in Morn interlined: “planted Corn”

20th Wind N.W. white frost, out & Sow plaster on the Grain Feild in Meadow & Stab the muley Cow near the hip bone She had Swelld with Eating Clover, but it Soon Releivd her with J. Jones at Pughs and at the falls & home paid Hansel for a hatchet 3s9 I Bout of a fellow that had Stole it & Spent 12½ Cents

first column May 21st Wind W & fine day makeing fence till noon then with Jont Jones to Israel Davis Sale of his Lott of 54 acres, it went to $49 acre & he had bid it in at 66 dollars home by Jones drank tea so home Veist along Veist, also referred to as Wiest or Weist

22 Wind S W fine at Jane Walters & a David Evans Raising of his Barn then home by Drakes with Yerkus

23rd wind S W & very warm about noon at Bevans to See to Get 4 Logs Cut of Jane Walters home to Dinner & Washed our 6 Sheep & the widow Prices 15 So with J Jones at Yerkus Spent 9d Cyder So home

second column 24th Wind E & over Cast Been a great Shower in night. towards Morning off with Jont Jones, at John M. Prices in Germantown Dine’d with Doct. Bensel & drank Vine wine till Sunset, a very Excelent dinner & a good Glass of vine, had a great deal of Conversation with him about our Campain in 1777 through Jersey Jones pd for my horse & I pd ferriage 25 Cents home about dusk Eat some Lobster made me very Sick in night in margin: “mare to Elliots horse”

25th Wind S W & fine day off got David Roberts 2 Oxen my Poney & 2 of J Walters horses & halld 4 Logs out of Bevans feild of J. Walters 3 in Lane & 1 to her old feild Dined their home Ben Mending fence in margin: “Jacob Morris Sent us 25 shad”

26th Wind S. Smart breas went with Weist to the falls afishing Caut 15 or 16 doz. pearch Cat fish &c at all day till so dark Could not See to bate the hook

3rd column home about 10 OC- at night, & over Cast & Raind agreat Shower about or between 11 & 12 with much thunder Some hard

27 I have heard that John Roberts Barn was burnt with the Lightening & one horse burnt Sheard my Sheep 6 of them afternoon helping to hall dung for Potatoes &c– Abram 2 horses & Cart help us we to help him again Amos Moore here & been 2 or 3 days he 82 yrs & Quite active on foot. with Jont Jones at Yerkes

28th Wind N W Cool Morn & Little Shower but soon blue off fine, Ben & Poney & Cart halling Dung for Pumpkins finished & went to Mothers Ben begun to plant Pumpkins, well dunged 1 qt Whisy pd 20 Cents

29th corner of page torn off Wind W & Cool morn but fineday warm about noon I planting pompkins & Corn, in orchard or wood feilds, finished before night, Eckrod Electerrised my words missing for Rhumatis w. m. 2 willows with w. m. & straw that the w. m. back 3 weeks w. m. Jones hear w. m.

30th Wind W Rest of entry missing.

Next entry is June 28, 1807.

June 28th 1807 Wind N. Cloudy most part did not dry the hay any or much, very 2 very Smart Showers from S.W. about Sundown got very wett after 4 of Widow8:10 PMs horses that got in Meadow; I at Meeting Evening drank tea at Yerkus’s Badgster their & Titus Came for me at home all day Else, a harder Shower in night than Eighter either

29th Wind N.W. & fine hay day, Jim a black man Lives on the Widows place turn pike Came him & Ben Mowd alittle in Morn Tommy & all of us Spread the hay & tended & Rake it all up I work’d hard Fateigd me much

30th Wind W. by S. all hands at hay Spread & turnd &c thee the Negros finished mowing hall two Little Loads of Sowergrass in before noon, Bengun begun to Look doutfull got John Lippen & boy, & all hands to Rake & Cock got all but 2 windrows Rake & nearly half cock & about 3 OC- Come on asmart Shower, with thunder & Lightening & keep on one after another till night allmost blot from North with heavy gale–

July 1st Ushered in, with a fine N W wind & a Lovely hay day all aloft & knock it about & turnd &c &c by noon it all nearly fit to goo in Horatio Came about 11 OC- & help till night 2 Negros halld a fine heap in I got a bad Cold otherways, I felt pleasd with our progress to day their is a sort of ancsiety on & about a person, in harvest time that I do not know whether it proceeds from Covettiousness or from motives of Humanity for the preservation of Our usefaull useful annimals, rainny and dull wheather, make us fretfull, & we reflect improperly or perhaps it is from the Labour & fateage we undergoo, & rain adds a repetition of our Labour over again

2thnd Wind N.W. & another fine hay day got at it soon Black Jim here Ben & him halld, all day got all up but 3 or 4 Cocks Built a Little Stack in meadow widow Hannah Zell Widow Walter Widow Evans & Widow Price all paying a Lyin lying-in Visit JP’s wife had given birth to their fourth son, William, about June 11. See July 11. Jont. Jones Call I down at Yerkus’s a little with him, or we should got all the hay Negros quit tho they had but 3 or 4 Cocks & they at tanyd. allmost at hand not pleasd with them, Negro will be Negro

3rd Wind W. about or S.W. fine day I much indisposed Tom & Ben finishd the Stack, I at Morris he finished his hay to day my Ben help him all the afternoon, I with Tom over at Bevans help or hund hung his Smokehouse door, at Jane Walters & Jane Price’s David Roberts halld all her hay in for her with his 2 teams I drank tea their So home rather Better

4th Wind S W & a very warm day I at Mothers kill a fine Black lamb for them then home & Drest & Set off about 12 OC- to Judge Jones, Dine’d their with Jont Jones John Eliot & 2 Morgans, & playd Lieu Loo all the afternoon till tea then we off for home arivd about dusk I Lost 37½ Cents Come off well, So much for the Anniversity of Independance– the Judge noble in his house in margin: “great gust wind & rain here but none at Judg Jones where I was”

5. Wind S W & Raind in morn but fine day not at meeting being first day afternoon at Mothers Dan Humphreys their, In Evening Dickenson Call & told me he been on inquest that Titus Roberts had killd his Mother by knockin her down & then Stamp her brains out, & how Alley Roberts desird me to Come down & off I Set, & found her Much Mangled head broke & arm broke & much Mangled her head She was about 84 yrs I Supose

6th Wind S W & fine day up Soon & fell to work in Earnest at Coffin & finish by 1 OC- & set off interd her at Merion agreat Concourse of people they had Committed Titus to Gail Last Evening, he was here the 2nd & 3rd with a Subscription for a Widow of aman killd blowing Rocks I thought it his Derangement was only the Effects of drink he had been all the night before the 2nd at atavern as he sd. I seen nor observd any desperd despair in his Countynence he appeard rather humble He appeard Like he used to be 7 years agoo, when intoxciated intoxicated sd. to be much wilder on his return

July 7th Wind S W. warm day Tom & I took down the old Barrack in yard Cut off about 18 Inches & framd it over, Parks here & Set my Clock to Strike right

8th Wind S E & some times N E & begun to rain about day & raind very much till noon, I off to See widow Bridson & at Hagys drank tea their so home at dusk

9th wind S W & over Cast all day at Zells Shocking Able Thomas & Alley Roberts help they had 28 Reapers Got done before night dined & Sup their & so home–

10th Wind S by E & Cloudy till noon warm after Cleard I at Barrack till 10 OC- then over at Morris helpin to Shock till near night they finished all that was fitt & more 14 Reapers, Ned Price Rees’s Son Came their has been away near 9 years We where were all glad to see him, Looks well

11th. Wind S W & fine warm day at home till noon then at Able Thomas’s him Alley Roberts & Self went to See David Zell, he keeping Store at Bonsels West Chester road, he got to Tope it much, we went to advise him to quit the Store drank tea with Bonsel So home, my wife Layd in amonth this Evening But Fany Still keeps Possession paid Negro Ben 5 D.

12th Wind S W & foggy morn boys Let out the Dam yesterday & we Caut Several Snapin tortels & anumber fish one Catfish 3¼ between the Eyes weighd. 3 lb at Meeting afternoon at Morris his Tennent Butler hallin hay at Morris’s big meadow Morris Eat Rasburys & Mill milk with us for Breakf Supper

13th Wind S W & very warm at home puting up Rafters on my old Barrack Tom & all the town at Alley Roberts Reaping he had above 50 Reapers & Shockers, hard shower about noon then Cleard off so as they Reap Jont. Jones here & Drank tea with us, then I off to get a gallon whis Stopt at Jones & he sent his man for it, I stayd till 10 OC- then home

14. Wind S W & over Cast but no rain to day had 8 Reapers Viz John Evans, Evan Evans, John Lippen & boy, Castner’s boy, Abraham Tom & Mick Smith Ben & I Shock 91 Dozen Rye & 16½ dozen wheat some not Ripe to Cut so finished before night– paid John Pawlin & Castner So goo’s time

15. Wind S W & very foggy off Soon to Widows She had 21 Reapers But took 4 off to Shock & very rude Set much out Humour with them finished all that was fitt to Cut She pd 12 of them Very Glad to be through Quariel quarrel & Cursing all day, I home about 10 O’C no rain here but thunder to west

16th Wind foggy & very warm forenoon, a shower very heavy about 2 O’C- & no more Reaping after, I at Rees Prices Shocking 17 Reapers, afternoon at Powder Mill on a reference between Brook & Homes & Young home in Evening

17 Wind S W foggy warm day & rain about noon not so heavy as yesterday thatching my Barrack Got 20 Battens of Jacob Morris, not quite finished to day Capt Edward Price here been away 8 or 9 years

18 Wind S W & a remarkable warm day finished the Barrack top & unherderd ? the Rye Shocks, & begun to hall halld 63 doz. then met the Society & at Jones with Capt Price Drank tea, so back to Yerkus & home

Price stopped writing in his journal and did not resume his daily entries until November 1. See Nov. 6.

November the first 1807 Wind N W high & been very omission this 4 or 5 weeks At home till noon doctering my Muley Cow think She Eat too Much Clover much Sweld Last Evening I not at home Stab her in the side once this summer & She did well, She not appearing Much Sweld this Morn did not apply the knife but Drench & Rake’d her, but departed about 1 OC- fine quiet good Cow Abram & I off to Saml Gibsons, Jane Lent me 6 Cents I paid pike with, Abraham treated at McCoys with aglass, all prety Cleaver at Gibsons, drank tea their so home prety Cold

2nd Wind N W & prety Cold but Got warmer in afternoon, Meet at Griffee Davis old place I Enoch John Jont Phillip Andee Linsey Griffee died the 15 of Last Month & Left us 4 Executors, But Since Making his Will he Married, tho had been Struck with the Paulsey, & had Left his Wife all the his Est. during her Life, which prevents us doing any thing, Calld at John Frees drank tea So home, him & wife in bad way I fear

3rd Wind S W & a butiful day at C. Bevans Shingling Gutters at Chimneys with Coat off about 3 OC Castner Came for me to make a Coffin for Jos Shuster a Single man about 40 years, a very industrious Weaver they say has Savd 500 pounds, his Close application to work affected his Nerves, he became Moloncoly or mind disturb perhaps 18 Mo they had not

perceivd much the Matter Since he wove Constant, on the 2nd helpt his Brother to get their Little Crop of Corn in Evening his Brother went to Mill & he to his Loom, but as soon as his Brother went he was up & down stares his aged Mother say & She Seen him gooing round the house without any Gun, Supose he put it out at the Window, went about 100 yds from house, Cut a Stick with a fork put the butt of Gun under the fence the butt & supposed to be on his knees & the Mussel muzzle to his Stumuck & with the forked Stick fired the hole Contents into his boddy it appears as If he died without aStrugel they did not finde him till next Morning Alas he is no More, begun the Coffin but Little progress John Evans off to Sit up

4 Wind W & pleasant finished & set off about 1 OC & interd him in Freinds Strangers yd- I at Rees Price’s, gave them a bill of Shingles to Cover their old End of house

5th Wind N W, over Cast & got N by E perhaps at Bevans till noon, then home & off to E Georges to Make him abill for a Carthouse back about 9 OC Isaac Heston Buried his Wife here to day

6th Wind N & haild & raind from 1 OC all night very Cold & disagreeable Raind very Smart after 2 Most perditious Snow Showers & hail & rain at C Bevans from after breakfast till near Night, bad Tramp I have not Journaled till to night this 2 months or More

November 7th Wind N.W. & prety high but Clear day off to Bevans put up door frame & Jamb Case of front door, home & meet the Society & dined their at 2 Dolrs per man, drank Madeary

8th Wind S W & hard frost Ice plenty over Cast & raind a little Evening Dined at Rees Prices on a leg of Mutton, at Mothers Evening Chated awhile their then home, told Ben I would not hire him by Month any Longer viz yesterday & he went Right off work not much yesterday making ax handle for himself

9th Wind S W & prety fine day tho dull in Morn Tom Self & Goodman at Bevans, 1 Meal their John Evans went to S McDormans

10th Wind S W & over Cast & Little Rain 2 or 3 times I off, to town, at the trial of Titus Roberts the Jury Cleard him, it was provd to their Satisfaction that he was Crasey, I Bout Compess Saw 3s9 Glass Paper 11¼, at Chapmans horse &c 43:7½ mills Oyster 6 Cents ferry & Wrights 10 Cents Gate 3 Cents tobacco 7 Cents total 1..22:3 So home about dark Raw Cold Rideing

11th Wind S W. Large White frost & Ice plenty off to Rees Prices Shingling the old End of his house been on he thinks about 50 years the Mason Topping & pointing Chimney Raw and unpleasant Spent pint Cyder to day Phillips Sent for me to Yerkus’s about Griffeth Daveys Est. Dined & Supt at Rees’s so home

November 12th 1807 Wind S W & prety disagreeable on front but Pleasanter after overcast & few drops of Rain at Rees Prices Stript back sd. & Slash’d away hard but Left 5 Courses, Tom Price & his new wife Movd to their new house Call in evening & drank Some Wine with them

13th Wind W. & high wind Several Small Showers of Snow from West Round Snow Sawd the front Eves & then finished the roof before noon & finished the paint house at the Square & home about 3 OC- & went to Linseys, their heard Griffee Davis’s Widow had aletter of Admn. very Cold back about dark

14th Wind N W & very Cold froze the dam almost over Tom & I at Bevans work till near night then home, Steven Goodman off

15th Wind N W & hard frost off after breakfast to Look for N. Lewis Meet him & went to Tom Price’s Meeting while after noon Abraham & I Rode to Jont Phillips drank tea their off at Candle light & home by 9 OC

16th Wind N W whitefrost & Ice all over the dam nearly, off at 7 OC for Chester Calld on Linsey & he went along arivd about 12 OC- went to register Registrar of Wills he very uncouth & would do Nothing Without the Witness to prove the will so dined their at 77 Cents wine & horsler 16 Cents at Masons 29 Cents total 122 so much for Griffees Will 22½ Cents yester day on the same acct.

November 17th Wind N E. & snowing prety Smartly Coverd the Ground & Roofs when I got up nearly, Tom off with the Wagon & 2 Mares to hall Chapmans wife & Childe to Radnor to be buried She was brought to bed on the 13th Child died on the Morning of 15 & the Mother at 10 OC in the Evening of the Same very Lusty fat woman, I was their on the 10th She well & Stout. I off Calld at Felix, at David Roberts to Look for Nathan Lewis, to work at Bevans; Robert Roberts their from Goshan, dined & Sup their Davids wife at her Fathers had agreat time he had Sent for qt Brandy to treat his Brot. Robert it Snowd all day Stars to be Seen in Evening & Cleard off Cold very Cold the Snow near 2 I. I think

18. Wind N W & remarkable Cold froze thick Ice in pitcher in the Room tho their was a good fire keep till near 11 O’C- Last night Tom & I off to Bevans after breakfast, I Cut out the front door, & Celler Stairs nearly & work on a beed bead round the Cirkle of front door, Eate dinner & drank tea viz 2 Meals to day Calld at Jane Walters Little 1 qt whiskey to day Jarvis & Nate Lewis Breakfasted with us to day– Begun to feed the horse & Cows Last Evening– hay

19th Wind N W & high & Cold froze hard Ben here tharshing threshing here 3 & 4 day Cuting wood & halling Stumps for himself, 4th day halld Some for Celler windows & Cut Some hickery wood, to day thrashing. I off to Bevans begun the Cellerstairs put up 3 Steps the wind fell about noon & got warmer one Meal to day not any persons at work but Tom & me Levering fetch me a good Number of Walnut boards

20th Wind W & more Moderate at before 5 OC- head off to Bevans & finished his Stairs, Calld at Jane Walters, Abraham pulling his Corn & Widow Price hands pulling, 2 Meals at C B

November 21st 1807 Wind N W prety Cool not so much as has been, Rode over to Bevans at Work till noon then went to Saw mill to Look Joysts, then at widow Goodmans their to Jont Jones Drank tea their So home fine Evening

22nd Wind S W & very fine day Geard up the Light Wagon took Ann & Joseph to Saml Gibsons dined their & then fetch Mother home been their about 10 day Sister Polly prety brave Bensil John Wister & Several others dined at Jont Jones prest me much

23 Wind W & prety Raw day at Rees Price’s helping to Lay out an Orchard at Tommys place along the Line above his New barn 100 trees he Got from the valey Valley all grafted then home took horse & went to Buck Rees Thomas of Newtown Call for me on a reference between him & M. Broade of Norris Concerning alot of Land he had Bout. of his Brother dined & Sup their I paid for my own supper But the parties pd. Dinner &c, home about 10 OC- so much for Arbitrating Loose lose my time & Spend my Money thus it is I am keep so poor–

24th November 1807 Wind N W. & Raw Cool day over at Bevans Work till noon or rather potterd dined their then Charles & I went to Widow Goodmans Vandue I Bout 3 Screw bolts 90 Cents blot Ring & Staple 12½ Cents back by J Jones drank tea their So home, old White pd 8 dollars

25th Wind S E & begun to Snow about 7 OC- in Morn & Snowd Violent till most noon Coverd the ground almost then Got th to rain & raind very Smart or fast till Late at night I home from Bevans before it got Quite dark, Read awhile, then to Bed,

26th Wind W. & fine Moderate day very foggy Morn But Sun Shine’d in part I off to Bevans & Glased 18 Lights dined their at Millers Saw Mill to Look for Joists at Widow Goodmans & back to Bevans tite times had to large blot Liver out before She was Skind, to make Dinner rain in Evening W. Goodman pd me 5 Dos for her daughter Margrets Coffin I home in Evening made but ½ day–

27th Wind S W & very fine warm morn 2 Smart Showers from S before noon after Sun Shined abit Tom Price plowing all the afternoon Steven Goodman & self at Rees’s new barn make CowStawls breakfast Dined & Sup their in margin: “this before the Revolution was the first day of fall fair Used to begin to tye up the Cows”

1807- November 28th when it Comes Wind N W & prety Cool to what yesterday was off very soon to Thomas Price’s makeing Cowstalls Steve Goodman their also, pleasant or warm Enough to work Tom & Isaac at Market potatoes 40 Cents pr bushel

29th Wind N W & a very fine day at home only with Yerkus alittle while with Jont Jones. being first day

30th Wind N W & prety Sharp white frost off to Thomas Price’s at work at his Cowstalls home in Evening

Decembr 1st Wind S W & prety fine day at Rees or Tomy Prices work at New barn, found a Wagon Stopt & Carter aSleep drove it to Yerkus & their McClenechan & Weist, Got very high with Mac on Politicks Said a great many Illnatured things to Me, but not doubting my honour or honestty It Seemd as If their was Somewhat Straing, that the wagon Should fall in the way But I had no business to Stay I knew what he was, the Lord forgive me & Stay my Mind from dispairing of

2nd Wind N W & fine day At Tommys at Stables, Steve also, I Great remorse for my Last night Conduct, allmost too Great to bare Scearsly Could keep from overpower my mind, I hope in God I never Shall so Act again

3rd Wind S W & fine at at Prices finished his Cow Stable I Some what more Composed Raind a little in night–

4th Wind N W Clear but prety Cold Laying well floor at Drakes-

Decembr. 3 4rd th

at Drakes with plank Cost 3 D 36 Cents Dined their, Jointed them at Bevans & Got his horse & halld them up, home in Evening, goodman along took the horse back to Bevans then Came home

5th Wind Right E & Smart Gale had Snowd till it Coverd the Ground when I got up Got to Rain & Blue very hard till noon then Got to West & blot up, made a Considerable fresh, off to old Saw mill with a man wants to Rent Calld at Mothers & dined their, then home Anty. Antoney Zell here, had alarm of fire from the Widow Price’s they had put the Macth match in or Swab from Sweeping the oven against a bord fence it Set that afire & blue in a Celler window filld with Straw, made a great Smoke, but they had got it out before we got their drank alarmd the widow very much drank alittle peach Brandy, So home–

6th Wind N W & prety Cool tho fine day I not at Meeting afternoon at Jacob Morris’s & Reading Boansarious, a treatise on Government—

7th Wind N W Cold, Stephen Felix & George & Self killing our Beef Cow, I at A. Zells Bought alittle Cow for Jane Walter for Beef 15 or 16 Dors. If I thought She was worth 16 Felix & Stephen Cut wood in afternoon & George & I halld in margin: “had 48 lb Gut fatt”

8th. Wind Got to S by W a very Large Whitefrost & Ice the dam froze all over Last night. I over to Bevans; from their to McIlvains yd Bought 400 & Upwards of Whitepine boards & Scantling pd.for 4 Sheets Glasspaper 12½ Cents Chees & bread 12½ Gin 12½ Bear 12½ pike 6 Cents total 56 Cents Bevan Gave me 50 Spent 6 & Lost the day

December the 9th 1807 Wind S W alite Shower in Night a very warm fine Moderate pleasant day, a Light Shower in Evening at Bevans Glased 50 Lights or pains of Glass Stephen & I home & Cut up the beef Cow Jane Walters Cow Bout of Zell turn out well 38 lb gut fatt & I think She weighed 353 lb alite Shower & look light as we Came home Goodman along he their yesterday from Breakfast Charles Bevan went to town Bout Hinges &c

10th Wind S E & a wet Morn hard at times till noon, none after but foggy & Cloudy quite warm Goodman at Jane Walters till noon Boarding up back door of barn after he at Bevans, I at Bevans better than ½ day Bevan gave me one dollar for dutch Dans Militia fine Spent 1 Qt whisy- yesterday ½ lb Tobacco to day So So Goodman & I at home Evening

11th Wind N W & blue high in Morn Cleard off to avery fine day at Bevans at work at Pelasters for Mantle made ¾ of a day good Stop at Jane Walters as I Came home

12th Wind W. & white frost after breakfast off to Bevans, at work at Pelasters for Mantle made ¾ of day bare, Goodman ½ day Nathan & I off before night & Calld at Jont Jones, drank tea their So home

13th Wind S W & foggy warm morn had raind in night & 2 or 3 Showers about noon then Cleard off warm at Meeting afternoon at T Prices & Yerkus’s Got 8 drs for Hays Coffin

December 14th 1807 Wind W been a shower in night, fine warm prety Clear day, off soon to Jane Walters Felix Colbert Abraham & Peter May & I killd kill 7 hogs for her 3 very fine & 4 young perhaps 100 lb Each, breakfasted & dined their, after over to C- Bevans, then Back to Jont Jones he killd 8 hogs I think Wt 1197 lb drank tea their So home before 8 OC pd Yerkus 3 dollars part of 5 drs for George Streapers one Months work– paid dutch Dan 1 dollar for Charles Bevans Militia fines, Borrowd 25 Cents of N Lewis to Make it I had took 25 for Whis this Morn, fine & Clear at 9 OC.

15th Wind N E & begun to haill about 4 O’C- in Morn soon to rain & remarkable Whet till noon Set off about 11 OC- for Norristown 4 Classes of Militia Ordered to Meet their & all the volenteer Companies, raind Violent till we Got to ferry, Great Number of poor wet Soldiers their, Gave George Streaper 50 Cents Gave Tom 50 do.ditto pd Jesse Pawling or lent him 100 Cents Spent horse & Gin 37½ Cents paid Rees Harry 37½ Cents I owd him Some time ferriage &c pd. ferriage 12½; at bird in hand 12½; Chapman pd me 100 Cents for Tom take his wife a Corpse to Radnor from Town I gave it to Tom derect & 6 Cents at Yerkus s So the Call was the Cause of me Laying out 306 Cents, postpond the parade till to morrow 9 OC-

December 16th 1807 Wind N W & blue off after a very wet night fine Clear day high & Rather Colder no frost Ben here yesterday ½ day, to day pottering about, I off to Bevans, Nathan their Goodman off Came back about 3 OC- I at work at Mantill Spent 6 Cents to day; home in Evening Tom off to Parade, Bevens Bevans Pawling up too they vewd thee the Troops & dischargd them

17th Wind N W & very pleasant day off to Bevans put the Checks on the Trap door Got Ready for the door So warm it quite Pleasant on the roof N. Side; Spent 14 Cents to day home by Jane Walters prety Cool Evening Ben here hall in flax & Corn fodder Felix here illegible

18 Wind W. & froze the dam all over white frost off about 5 O Clock & help Abraham to Cut 5 hogs for Jane Walters Breakfasted their then off to Bevans pin’d & fitted in the front door, & help Tom at Mantle home by Jane’s Gave Abraham 1,25 Cents for Salt & knife all Everey penney I have & good deal more

19th. Wind N.W hard froze & White frost Ann to Market I off to Bevans, Nathan Lewis to town my big Mare, I hung front door & Tom’s Mantle I made ¾ Strong Godfrey Castner made me 2 Butcherknives out of old files home in Evening wind fell, high in day

20th Wind S W white frost froze hard but a fine day at Jacob Morris’s in Morn, at home after all day being first day, no Small Clothes fitt to Goo to Meeting, Sundry People here throuout the day, fed the Cattle in Evening & Read in Testament till 8 OC-

December the 21st 1807 Wind S W & a very fine Moderate day, a great Circil round the moon this morn, up very Soon prepard to kill hogs kill’d 6 the heaviest 270 lb 238 & 210 my 3 bigest; 3 Small ones illegible one 156, 150 & 167 lb total 1191 lb Last year I had 6 weighed 1368 I think; Sold one to Castner 156 lb so I have but 1035 lb Salted up this year, had Felix Abraham, Stephen Goodman Black Ben George Streaper, & Self killd 2 for Yerkus his 217 & 207 I think, Got Done by 12 OC- after weighed & Carryed down Lippens kild 2 wt. 193 apeice Castner 2 weighed 170½ apeice a great day Like the English Sheap Shearing

22nd Wind S by W. & a very fine day antoney Zell Came for Me about 8 OC- to Come down to Able Thomas, his Son kill by David Roberts wagon run over his head with 2 perch of Stone on it he been at McCoys killing hogs with he prety Gay & would interfere with driveing Levi the Carter Could not Get Clear off of him so fell to the tail of wagon he made a Slip it run over his head & kill him dead in an instant poor Jacob an harmless Creater when sober & remarkable Scilley when intoxcicated, a destressing Curcomstance for his family, as they had lost one before from the fall off a horse, took his Measure for the Coffin & off by Bevans, for Tom & So home begun the Coffin Got sides too & Lid Cut out

December 23rd 1807 Wind S W & avery fine day no frost up soon & finished the Coffin, about 1 OC- & took it down, home to Dinner then Meet at 2 O’C- & Started at 3 OC. & interd him at Merion by the Side of his Brother Israel, Evening at Thoms. Price’s he Bout. me apair of Trowses trousers for 4 D 50 Cents which I paid him Sibley’s money I took Read the papers drank Some Whiskey so home, Cut & Salted 5 hogs Last Evening

24th Wind W in Morn very fine day Ben halling wood & I off to value Nehemiah Evans Est. to his Childern, Able Thomas Wm. Stadleman, Jont Jones, Jacob Morris, David Roberts Loyd Jones & Self where were the Jury appointed by the Orphan Court to divide or value we valued it at 53 dollars per acre they say 85 acres is 4505 dollars so home in Evening walk with Jones to Yerkus’s then home, an Imbargoo Layd on all Shiping by Congress, a great damp to Merchants & Farmers & had his its weight with our valueation land have been very high & I think it will be dull, & fall, Spent not to Day dined at Stadlemans at the Expence of the State

December the 25th 1807 Wind W. & very fine day was invited to Dine at Judges, but had no Coate fit nor not appeney a penny S. Jarvis here aWhile I Sett off, Stopt at William Tunis’s Dined their on a very fine Turkey at very Soliscititions of Abraham & Wm Tunis Set off to Widow Warners to See Isaac about Bail for Doct. Eaton Spent 1s4½ So back home, Stillwagon payd 8 Dollars for wifes Coffin

26th Wind S W. & fine day off about 9 OC to J Jones meet Hagy, & all 3 of us off to Fox tavern Meet Curwin & one Aktons, Started, & went to Malls Gate then aCross the valey hill as far as the Valey forge road, to View & Lay out a Roade from their to the turnpike, but we had no right to goo further than our County, their is Chester & Delaware County between where we Stop & the pike perhaps 1½ Miles, was but 4 of us meet we back to fox & agreed to Lay out a public road, off for home Stop at Elliots & at buck Jont Jones Lent me 25 Cents I Spent 12½ Cents, left their at 9 OC Stopt at J Jones & got my mare (I had roade Jones & Left mine their) so home,–

27th Wind, S.W. foggy in morn & froze the fog to Ice not very well, not at Meeting, Jarvis here at Breakfast & Dinner, 1 qt whis 18½ Cents Evening, at J Morris drank tea with them So home, She very Cleaver

27th December 1807

paid Barney 4 Dollars for weaveing Cloth & 6 dollars towards a note–

28th Wind S. W. a very Large frost Like a little Snow Mary over at Castners all night his wife brought forth a daughter, Goodman here to Breakfast Nathan & Tom Stayd Breakfast, then Steve & I off to Thomas Prices to Lay his barn floor work till after dinner then home & begun a Coffin for Titus Roberts, him that killd his Mother he had a trial & was made out to be Craysey, they had Got him in Hospittal, Evening at Mothers at Jane Walters, at Jont Jones to inform him which Course they would agree his road Shall goo, a very Remarkable Warm Day

29 Wind N E up soon over Cast & began to rain about 9 O’C- knock at the Coffin & had the Coffin all finished & Set off at 12 OC- Raind very much as I went from East Got very Wet & Cold Started about 3 & interd him at Merion Yard about 4 OC—k. 1 qt Whis 20 Cents Jont Jones Sent for me to Meet his Jury on or to Lay out a road from his Land, to turnpike on the head Line of Fathers old Place-

30th Wind W. by S. Clear pleasant day very fine Still day, at Thomas Price’s Laying his barn floor Steve Goodman helping, Stopt at Yerkus alittle while with Abe Tunis Treated me with a glass I Spent not so warm I thought drawing my Coat

December 31st 1807– Wind W. & a fine Clear day off very Soon at Price’s barn, Price’s killd 5 hogs wt 1172 Dined at hold Old house Lay Lost my Rule I had Several years, Set great Store by it, work very Close but did not finish Goodeal Shutting shooting at a distance