Joseph Price Diary


These measurements appear on the page above the first diary entry. The size of Sheets Mill Thirty Eight feet nine I Highet of frame to square feet ?28 feet 6 I wide

1788 December the 31 Mary Parker that was now Riveley was buried in Darby 1788

Jan 1st 1789 Went a fox hunting a bag fox brought from town made a poor hunt Interlined: “planted the post before the door”

2nd of January Went to Curwins

3rd of Ja went to Town very wet

4th At home till Evening David Roberts & I went to Jane Roberts, to See the Girls

5th went to Leverings Paid him 4L 5s6 then went to Sheets took the Sise of the Mill

6th went to Bill Smiths put Rocker to Cradle

7th do. ditto to Election to vote for Electors

8th do. to town got the bill of the Carpenters work of Shippin’s house paid David Evans 19s6 for measureing the same

9th went to Curwins work at sled, 10th there till noon meet the Society at Streeper’s had a supper of fish at 3s per had Snowed about 2 I deep

11th at home went to father in Evening Brother came up —

12 Hall’d wood till noon made a draft of Sheets’s mill

13th Coppyed off the bill Posted some into Ledger Snowd all Day Raind in evening made a great freshet

2-page notebook spread, tattered, full of ink blots
Diary entries for January 14-26, 1789

14th went to Leverings & Loyd Jones, Robert Came after me to make John Righters Coffin (son of Bartle Righter) finishd it about 10 O’ Clock at Night, 15 went to town very soon brought the Corpse to his fathers very Cold fine Slaying 16th went to bury him at Church Crow preachd, in afternoon mended Tunis’s Reel 17th went to Phila got thirty pounds of old Shippin Somewhat warmer Snowd a little, Evening Wind got West snow showers and Cold bought 35s of paper for 29s2 hard to pay tax give 7s6 for two planes to make the joint of a table leafe bought 1 peck of salt 7½ pence

18th Did not go to meeting, after-noon went to fathers Brother there payd him 10L 10s that I got of Betson money to pay Back Anderson payd Ed ward 7L 2s6 viz 35s4 for cloth 55s for 5 Bushels of wheat 35s4 for Jesse Holland 17s2 towards Intrest to D. Harry paid Mother 13s1½ being Cash Borrowed–

19th went Curwin’s finished Sled Snowed in for part got more moderrate 20th at do. made Crane &c, Wind Southerly melted Crust and snow run away very much Robeson and Jehu Roberts came there in Slay I Rode in Slay Jehu my horse verry bad slaying

Still keeps thawing without rain went to fathers got sticks to pille pile Boards, Hannah JP’s sister in town bought stuff for jacket 7s6 buttons, mowhare &c 2s9 Gave her 2 french Crowns & half of One Rusher sheeting for Gibson 29s6 Hinges & nails 2s6

21st Wind East with hail & Snow Cold went to Samuel Gibsons Schoolhouse (got my horse shoes move’d) some of the subscribers met, Snowd till night Cleard up in Night Not above 2 I deep

22nd went afox hunting before sun rise Peter Matson Rais’d one on Spring Mill hills followed to Mill Crick Put 3 Dogs in Rund him almost to Crow’s and to bird in hand and Down again, up, Down, up, & I came home, Countis JP’s dog in Chase all Day except about hour throwd out by a Cur, behaved very well Not above 9 Months old, Run him till after Night

23rd at home got Stuff out for a brake, went to Thos. Georges Mat Snyder and Anto. Tunis their Mat bought Antony’s place for 6L per Acer Antoney in ’83 gave 12L per Acer Such is the fall of land oweing to I know not what, but may be aledg to the restriction on our trade, & scarcity of money at the Close of war everything almost was Imported Home manufactory stoppd and Sweept all cash away he had paid above 500L & sold it for 350L which did not clear it

25th went to Meeting afternoon at home

26 went to Mary Colton’s Burial at Darby very fine Morning got Snow & after Rain, Settle Intrest with Tom George pay him 9L l9s7d for 2 years This illegible Principal to 83L

27th went to Sheets with Bill, Call at Curwin’s Dine there went from their to Dan Malls to Look at some Sheep very Scrubbey pay Mordicatory ? for 2s9 on Joe Holland acc’t, payd Matson 2s6 for Mowing in first Crops, Giving day Sloppey Rideing in margin: “got 2 sheep of father, one very old”

28th Went to David Roberts Get stuff for a Wheel to turn with Lost my Rule, Gave Father one dollar for ½ hundred ft walnets Board Robert’s Mother Came here fine morning prety Cold, Rain’d hard in the Night

29th Went to Patience Morgans put in her Sash Ice Dropped out of Schuylkill Call at Sheets, & Tom Roberts Raind at Intervals, very Sloppy frozed prety hard, in Night, 30th help’t Gibson about a wheel for turning went to Loyd Jones, and Paul Jones & Levering, very Cold wind, N. East begun to snow 8 OClock at Night Stayd all night, Next Morning

31st the snow was 8 or 9 I Deep the bigest had this winter Loyd came with me to Smith shop got home David Roberts & Isaac Came to have fox hunt Resulution weak Inclination grate went with them, Levi two too, old Paul Drag one to the hole Isaac Warner’s Dog put another to same place Beat the bush from Mill Crick to the illegible Could not Raise one Came home verry Cold

February the 1st Verry Cold Morning as cold as any frozd Squilkil over in one Night

being the 3rd time to this date we have had this winter paid for 2 lb nails 2s Following entries difficult to read because page has been wet and ink smeared. paid Nathan Jones 2s for Breaches 2 words illegible& Isaac Taylor Came here on the way to Quarteley Meeting Stayd all night

2nd very Cold Morning Hannah went to town mended Slay went to fathers to see Benjamin Humphreys Come from Caroliney by way of York

3rd fine day Tom and Will Thrashing paid Will 2s. Streaper & Self in Slay to Supplee to Look at his turning Lay lathe spent 11d at Wagoners

4th Went to Nathan Jones got Stuf for 3 words illegible got 12 feet of warnet walnut boards Wind about West in margin: “Settled with Robeson paid him Ballance 9s9”

5th 2 words illegible wheat illegible Bushels got 1 Bushel of corn, 2B illegible paid (J Morris) him 7s6 went to Mill Left 5 B their bought 6 Bushels of Shorts by-products of milling wheat: bran, germ, coarse meal for 7s6 mett Bill Cockron been away I suppose about 3 years paid Rees Price 13s9 and 5s in work for Hall in house

6th went to Phila paid Edward for David Harry 3s12 for Intrest, paid 8s3 for 18 lights of Glass paid 2s3 for sprigs &c paid 2s 6½ for ferriage oates &c paid 13s9 for 266 feet of pine Boards & 29 of Ceder Sold half a Cord of Hickory wood for 18s Wind South West Give a little Cold night got ½ gallon of Malases on acct. of Brake —

7th At home till noon Meet the Society afternoon, Resolved to Sepress the Eccesive use of Rum Drinking & to find a Subst itute and not give More than a pint to one person or any other Subsitute as best Sutts the former and Likewise Disgust an Essay of Mr Taylor on Improveing Worne out Land it being put Whether it was the Cheapest & best was negitive, ajorn’d till 7th of March—

8th Did not go to Meeting Brother Came up Went to fathers put my horse & Brothers in Slay up to Polley Lukens to father’s, got illegible

9th Cleared up went and Split wood about 12 OClock set off Robesons Loyd & Cooper fox hunting met them in woods, Dogs & fox gone cross Schylkill, came home

10th Frost prety hard Last Night at home made a Cornish out of old Bed knobs Bill More came here in Slay fetch Sall Wickersham went with him to fathers put my horse in took illegible Polly home over set hurt Polly a Little, made her head Ake he Came and Staid all Night with me, has been

a verry fine Day 11th Set off with Bill to fathers overSet on the hill by the spring house hurt my knee verry badley warm Day for time of year

12th Knee something better, went to fathers hall’d wood for pails fence pales knee got very sore towards night Got Cold towards night, 13th keep house all Day Hannah & Boy to Monthly Meeting, Except I Rode to fathers

14th got fathers horses & hall’d plank & boards from Leverings, put the Cornish round Cupboard in Little Room, very Cold Sally Wicker sham Rode my horse to town, threw her in Commons hurt her Cut her Lip, 15 Did not go to Meeting Tunis brought the ascosiation paper to be signd, keep house all Day very Cold, Clouded up in Night got to snow

16th Snow about 2 I deep & still Continues Cleard up about noon, hall’d a Chesnut Log to N Jones,

17th Very windey from Nor West Exceeding Cold about house all Day, Joe Holland sold ½ cord of Hickory for 19s Brought a Heffer calf from fathers to Rais

18th at home Cobbleing, Sole’d my shoes, Gibson work at Clock Case, Bobby at Sash, North wind & Cold

19th Very Like for snow begun about 10 OClock at it all Day, Dry snow & very Cold, went to fathers & set off to Loyd Jones’s met him going from town told to Come for 20L that he owd me Returnd home took a Nap on Cheair Rowsd up Read a Chapter in Testament & went to bead bed (William Cockron cal’d this Morning on his way to Carolina)

20th A very Stormey Morning snowd all night and at it, yet, Drifts very

much, Left off about noon, the snow about 15 I Deep the most had I beleave this 2 or 3 years, sold soled Roberts Shoes, went to Loyd Jones got 20L all he owed me, Came home heel tapt Bobby’s Shoes (knee got prety well)

21st prety moderrate morning to what we have had Tunis & I to town in Slay, paid Isaac Lewis’s Bond of 20L and 20s Intrest, paid 3s5 for files &c paid 3s6 for Dinner & Club 11d. for ferriage 5d at Wagoners, Snow Settle much, Roads bare in some places, David Roberts & Robert In one horse Slay overset in Race Street, (no hurt) Snow in night, about 3 I deep

22nd Rain & foggy this Morning, Quit Raining before noon, went in Slay Abraham Lukens & wife & I & Clayton to Nathan Jones’s, bad Slaying Came home, Got verry sick in Night

23rd Cold fr oze not Quite hard a nouf to bond (Not Quite Right) Went to Nehemiah Evans’s one of his Childern Dead, hunted out his Row for to Dig the Grave, John Evans here Makeing me a Jacket, & suttute surtout or overcoat, spit snow

24 verry Cold Morning wind to the West– got my horse shod, after Noon to burial of Evans Child, verry Cold they complai n much of it thawd very Little or none, sent by father for 1 yard of Rusher Sheeting & Curtin rings 3s9 all the Money I have at present, not one penney Left bad anuff, but I have more when I get it

25th. Cold Morning, the old, Ewe two Lams this morning, Wood 3 Dollars ½ Cord, this is Exceeding Cold Spell, in gowing to fathers, cake of Ice fros’d to my Eye About 3 OClock in afternoon twin Child of Jacob Bear’s Dead

26th. finished Coffin & went home with it Buryed at freinds yard, Merion this is a Cold Day, but not so Cold as yesterday & Day before, took a walk to Rees Price’s Evening, Saml. Gibson got my horse took Mother to Darby, the People all that have wood & horses are Busy takeing wood to town

27th at home about my turning Irons. it thawd about noon till it run a Little, the first it has since first Day

28th went to fathers to turn a Mandrel a spindle, on foot Slay could not make out, Dradgd dragged home a Little wood Raw Could cold Day wind about NorEast, this has been a Study steady Cold Month & and very fine Roads, the sheep have hardly got their nose to the ground, it has been very trying on my old Ewe

March the 1st the Wind to Sotherd & thaws Bravely, Brother up gave me a Check on Bank for 25L 7s6d that he got for me of Shippins.

Borrowed 7L 10s of John Roberts to pay John Zell This has been a fine Day the snow Run away very much, without Rain or fog hardly seen the Like, & Did not appear to be sulterry nor hot but south wind

2nd. the other Ewe Lambed, Ram with black spot on Side & a bay or brown Culler on the place where the horn grows, this is a fine Morning, Borrowed 4L 2s6 of Father, Paid Zell 37L, at Nat Jones’s fetch Chesnut boards & 30 f Scantling, wind about North, snow did not run Like yesterday, but thawd a good pace

3rd. Cloudy this Morning fors’d a little Suun sun, our pet Lam got his Leg broke, Splinter’d it, went to Bill Smith’s to help to Move his Slaterhouse slaughterhouse took whole to the place he bought broke the Axeltree beyond Bonds Left it, verry wet raind hard, took Corn Crib poles

4th. Cleard up in Night verry Cold, afternoon took the Slaterhouse to place & put it up, good deal Rock, wild illegible in such Roads, 5th. at work at Lay’s in afternoon went to take the Length of Jos. Smith in order to Make a Coffin for him, he had Measels but thought to got over them, but Dyed in fit

6th fine Morning wind Surtherly, finished Coffin took it home Buried him afternoon at Church, got to rain

7th Rain’d hard in night, Wind West and Clear, finishd Kerbrights Coffin took it home, windy & Cold Society night Did not meet 1s fine for that, Robert put a Seat on the herse,

8th. Clear & Cold froze’d verry hard, bad night for winter Grain, for Snow is Chefly Gone, and it is Quite Exsposed

at the Burial of Kerbright, haverford Graveyard, Dine’d at S. Gibson, Jos. Potts preach’d, Call A. Ge orges Coming home

9th Fine Morning, Clouded up, Cleard off again went to Robeson & Jehu Roberts, Countis Charged of Sheep killing in Company with John Jones Dog at bonds & Bares I believe her guilty, 10th the most Spring like Morning we had, got the Lathe to work, went to W.- Stadlemans to measure a kitchen in order to make a bill, bought ½ gallon of Molases 1s3 paid Gibson 3s that was borrowd the Measels Come out on Gibson, Wire Countis to prevent her Rambleing, bought 4 Warnuts of Rees Prices which he offers for 4 Dollars & trust two or 3 years & take it out in Work, in margin: “10th Levi tell me he going to move”

11th. fine Morning wind South, Went to A. Georges to work, Came home at night very bad Walking frost Coming out

12th. Wind Southerly, got 5 lb Nails of Jesse Thomas & 2 pair of hooks & Eyes for 2 Gates Pailing yard before the Door frost about 2 f Deep in ground, Gibson very poorly his father Bled him

13th Rain Last night, went to Stadleman with the Bill of Scantling, Gibson abed all Day, –

14th fros’d Last night wind Westerly, two Carts halling Dirt about the well, Jo Wood, Fisher & Jo Holland, Helping, I suppose we hall’d 40 Loads, Gibson got good Deal Better, Lewis Scathorn had some kind of fit, Came up here for Chisel as he said

after but at that time Could not think of it he would say is not there–turn about I Can’t tell it got so as not to speak, got him Bled–

15th Went to see him got so brave as to get up & Dress’t himself, North wind this Morning, fros’d Sharp, Brother Edward up, took a ride Snyders & All. Algernon Roberts’

16th Fine Morning wind West, hung 2 Gates, turn’d a post for a Stand at home all Day–

17th. Northerly Wind but Clear, Read red to sun rise has been a fine day, put up big post for Large Gate by the Shop, fetch two Hives of bees from Matthias Snyders on the Shears shares Lynch got a Game Cock Barter’d for Enions onions, frogs Crying —–

18th. Wind East Read Sky this Morning, Cloudy and Rain Evening, went to John Mays to see Jonathan Pearson, an English man, payd him 2 Dollars & half for Masoning a Wall below kitchen Door

19th Thunder & lightening in Night North wind, Cleard up hall’d large stones to put before Door went to Zells one Star a Saddler, here all night agreed for part of the House

20th, froze’d a Little Last night rais’d a horse block, big Stone, went to Allaways, got 10s. on acct of work, to Wagoners Settle with him got 27s the Ballance, Borrow’d 4 Dollars of Father,

21st. Got 44L of Mathias Snyder, went to town, payd one Carpenter 46L 8s3 on acct. of Widow Johnson, bought Boards for Stadleman, Came home home went to township Meeting Elected Supervisors & Settelers & assistants to overseers of the poor John Jones Gulph, John Jones Esq Jehu Roberts, Al Roberts & self

22nd. Raind a Little this Morning, went to Darby to burial of Ester Mosgrove, Came to Dinner to fathers

23rd. Froz’d hard Last Night hard, window windy& Cold went to Able Jones to Neddy Williams, paid John Zell 9s2 for 2 Bushels of Plaster lime, my money all gone again

24th. Cold Morning & Clear, at work at Stadleman’s for his kitchen 25th. at Stadleman’s, Afternoon went to John Adam’s Vandue, bought 8s3 of old trumperrey, Wind about North Cold Spent 3d for a pint of Bear at Wagoner’s

26th. Cold froze’d hard Levi Moveing to Bill Smith old house planted pairtrees about the hill—

27th. at Stadlemans makeing Windowframe North Wind

28th. at Ditto. Cloudy Got to Rain about noon Wind East

29th fine Clear Morning Wind West, went to see Gibson sick at his fathers Call’d at buck, pint of bear 3d went to Curwins, John Jones Esq. Robd of about 20L Cash last Night, interlined: “(people talk of it)”

30th. Wind NorEast & Rain sowd near two bushels of Plaster on the triangle lot & Stockyard where I Last year sowd Clover Seed, Rather Windy for Sowing for it Carries when high Greate Deal away, there fore should be an object attended to, about 10 OClock had for about 2 hours a Sokeing rain, abaited till Evening when we had thunder & a heavy Shower for a few Minutes, bought hooks & Eyes of Streep’s weighing 7¾ lb

31st. went to Stadlemans afternoon to Jonathan Walters Vandue, Spent 4d at Streepers. prety fine Day Wind to West

April the 1st Rainey Morning sowd about 6 Quarts of Clover Seed in orchard, Wind West, Snow Showers went to Humphreys swamp, got some Magnolys

April 2nd Westerly Wind went to Tunis’s bengun begun his Shop Streepers youngest son died. it was about 2 Months old

3rd. Sat up all night at Streepers last night, went to Tunis work till Noon at the Burial afternoon Rode to Sheetz

4th. Makeing Coffin for Widow Pearce, Daughter of Isaac Kite whent went to town with Sheetz, to buy boards &c for his Mill, Met the Society at black horse, find fined, Clear Day

5th White frost & froze’d the ground a Little, whent burial fetch her Merrion Yard, Afternoon whent to Samuel Levis, 6th Wind East Went to Stadlemans got to rain a very wet afternoon, borow’d a Coat to come home.

7th Wet & Windy morning Wind got to West & black Clouds with Snow showers, though not much Cut & hall’d 3 Loads of Wood suppose about 1 Cord ¼ plant 5 pairtrees & 4 Cherytrees & 2 before Shop Door–

8th Wind to West & very Cold. Ice ½ Inch thick, ground froze prety Hard, at Stadlemans, masons at Work begun the 5 of this Instant, been a Clear Day but Windy

9th froze the Morter Quite hard Last night, Cloudy great part of the Day Layd a floor Joysts & Doorframe Cato Came here in Evening of the 7th with a pass to look for a new Master, took some notion of him wrote to Brother Concerning him, & this Evening he returnd again but Do not know the terms till I see Brother

10th, very Wet Morning southerly Wind, got to West Cleard up in night, at home turning &c

11th Windy & Cold Snow Showers, at home till afternoon, went to Al. Roberts,

12th Cold froze’d the Ground & Made Ice father taken Ill, Tip came for me about midnight, got better Raw unplesent day, Went to Sheets’s Call Roberts Sup their, Discourst Tamzin Roberts a while & came home

13th went to Stadleman soon, to Work, verry Cold for this Season of the year Ice ½ I. thick Ground froze’d prety hard, Roberts’s team fecth fetch500 f of pine Scantling, to make window frames, for Sheets, Gibson at tunis’s Robert With me Enoch at home,—-

14th at Stadleman’s, not so Cold this Morning as yesterday, Warmer this afternoon than I have felt it this Spring Looks Smokey as if it would be warm– Humphrey Ellis a fuller passt Meeting with Polly Lukens of Haverford, Enoch begun at Sheets window frames, (this illegible & his Intended Bride called the 11th & told he would not move here Such is the Conduct of these trifling Creators and acting Contrary to that Maxim of Doing as you’ll be Done by)—–

15th Change in Night Cold again Wind to NorWest Drying winds at work at Stadlemans

16th. at Stadlemans Still Cold unpleasant, in Morning, & Drying winds

17 at Do.— ground froze’d Raisd the Rafters NorW. Wind

18th at Do.— a Large Whitefrost & Ground froze’d, Drying Wind got 10 lb Clover Seed of Tunis at 1s4 per lb—-

19th the Mildest Morning had this week, wind Raisd, Some Light Shower, went to Curwins, Delt for his Sorrel mare 10 years old for 12 L, stopt at Jehu Roberts, Brother up-

20th Sent for the Mare & Cato begun to Plow for flax & Barley, at Stadleman, Spring Like day, warm & Lite Showers, things begin to vegitate appel, pairs & Chery are most out in Leaves, got 5 B. Corn from Rchd Bare at 3s per B. 15s. made a misstake in a bill of Lathe had but half Enoghf, went to Jones to Get him to Send more. Lightenin & thunder Some Little

21st at home till noon, Wind Easterly with Light Rain at Stadlemans afternoon

things begin to Show like Spring but Little Rain

22nd Plesant Day wind about West Shingleing at Stadlemans, Came home at Night

23rd. Sowd about a peck flaxseed above Shop got to rain afternoon got very wet aShingleing at Stadlemans very heavy thundering in night, 24th, Wind about South W. With Light Showers Blowed up in Evening, 25th Wind N.W. & high and Cold, at Stadlemans 26th. Wind S.W. & Calm the Ground froze’d ½ I. thik the dam froze half over. a very greate frost at this Season of the year Went to newtown Gave the Mare Luke Morris’s Samson Got Cold and hale’d & rain’d, sowd Clover Seed by the Shop top of flaxseed—–

27th at Stadlemans till noon then at Edwards Childes Burial, at David Jones’s in Evening

28th at Stadleman’s Still Raw & unplesant

29th Makeing Coffin in Morning then to Stadle– back to Tunis Raisd his Rafters & to Stadleman again then home at Night—-

30th North Wind and Raw, at Stadlemans

May the1st Cold So as to feel unpleasant and they Say was white frost, got warm about 11 OClock and was warmer than I have felt it this Spring Cloudyd up in Evening & wind to S.E and rather cold, 2nd Wind S.E. and Raind, Cleard up Society Met at Stadleman there at work

3rd. foggy this Morning, took the Mare to horse, Newtown had two illegible

this has been a very fine day very warm help to put All. Roberts Lightening Rods

4th. at Stadlemans, Cloudy most part & wind S. East, sowd about 5 pecks of flaxseed in the Bottom this Ground has been plowed twice this Spring it illegible somewat grasse grassy at Stadleman’s

5th. fine Day. a light Shower, Sowd about a ½ Bushel of Barley, the Grownd was Not well till’d. broke it & harrowed it, then sowd the seed & plowd it Down & harrowd it again, at Stadlemans afternoon to Rees Price’s, 4 Different places at work now, hard Set to keep them all in good humer sowd about a Quart of Clover Seed top of Barley harrow’d it again

6th at Stadlemans Remarkable windy from N.W. it turned a peice of old Roof about 12 f Square that was laid on Shed at Stadlemans farely over So Cold as to be unpleasent

7th Large White frost, got Rain got very wet, at Stadle– afternoon at Rees Prices about Spring house, Choes Company Officers Raind hard in Evening Spent 18d.—–

8th Wet this Morning, at Rees’s Shingled his Spring house after went to Brig’s to Muster & Chues a Major, I was Elected Dine’d at Bird inhand Gave horse 4 Quarts of oates Spent 2s4

9th fine Clear Day, at work at R. Tunis’s Quit before night and Sowd 2 Quarts of Timothy seed & about the same Quantity of Clover, on flax Ground (otherways where I sowd the 5 pecks of flaxseed) as above) 10th wind about S.E. begun to rain about 8 OClock, Raw & Unpleasant, Paid 8d for tobacco, went Robesons and Sheets wet afternoon

11th. Dull this Morning, but Cleard up prety fine day, at Sheets’s helping to pull Down, at R Tunis afternoon 12th at R Tunis, prety fine Day went to fishing place got back about 12 OClock

13th Makeing a Coffin for Ben Holland’s Child and sowd 2½ Bushels of Oates in middlefield raind a Little wind N.E. great Deal of Lightening and thunder

14th wet wind N.E. and very Cold at R Tunis sowd 3 B. oates & ½ B. flax seed Samuel Gibson moved to Philadelphia

15th at Stadlemans Wind N.E., all Day Sun Shun a little While but So Cold as to Numb My fingers a Shingleing that Could not put them together, afternoon so verry Coold cold that it was Disagreeable, Raind into night,

16th wind S.E & rain’d hard, wind Shifted to W. & Cleard off about 10 OClock and was the finest warm Day we had this Spring, Nature seems to Look gay, wheat begins to grow-

17th. Wind N.W. fine Clear Morning, Rather Cool took the Mare to horse, & bled bred her Derect,

18 at Stadlemans fine warm day, black storm from N.W. of Wind a Little rain, begun to plant Corn, finished at Stadlemans—

19th. At Rees price’s Makeing door, and up to Sheets a fine day finished planting Corn

20th Went up to Sheets Lay out the Mill Masons there Raw day a little Rain White frost, Morning

21st. at Sheets unpleasant & Raind in afternoon.

22nd Wind N W & Clear & Cold Lewis Scathorn informd me he seen Lumps of Ice on the bridge at Fathers: at Sheets Cut a poplar at Morris Lewellin’s for Girder—

23rd. (Clear & frost Lewis says) Wind S.W. Went to town bought Grose of Screws 4s 1000 sprigs 3s6 Rule Quarter Dollar, two pair Compases 1s2, pair Gloves 3s9 oats & Syder 0s9d. ferriages & bear 0s7d, punch Receivd of Stadleman 12L 10s paid Bair 15s for Corn, Warm Day, paid Solomon Humphrey 4s for work he Did Last Summer—-

24th. fine Clear Morning Wind about W. got my hair cut by Wood Gave him ½ jill & 0s3 breakfasted at fathers, paid Brother 4L10s in part of ten pounds for Cato, went to old Amos Buryal,

25th at Sheets Raind to Brooks Bought 3 Augers 11s 4d, paid Enoch 3s9d, wet night

26th Wind N.E. Wet, Went to Humphrey Ellis’s wedding to Polly Lukens, Cleard up about 11 OClock Makeing Coffin for widdow widow Crease—-

27th Clear & whitefrost, took Coffin and Buryed her– (afternoon to Sheets’s)–at Merion yard

28th. Wind N.E. and Wet, Boys Come home from Sheets’s at work at omission in Shop went to A Georges Concerning his old Barn, to Stadlemans for my great Cote paid John Adams 8s3 for things bought at his Sale, Spent 6d for half glass of punch went to Sibleys & Settled for Build his house finde a Balance Due to me of 2L 5s, Cleard up about noon North about not Stand Long, (it stood to the Evening of 30th) Planted pumpkins

29th- Clear North Wind and a large whitefrost, went to Sheets’s on the Girder was frost & lumps of Ice as big as Shot and Remarkably Cold for the season the Like Not Remembered, as to a backward Season, & so much Cold rain

30th. Cool this morning. Wind N.W. it has been fine Day hewing at Sheets’s Settled with Tom Roberts

and paid him a ballance of 16s5½ being full of Demand a thunder Gust Came up whilst there, had 2 Sharp Clapts and raind very hard, my Corn not Cum up yet—

31st. Went to David Roberts breakfasted at fathers afternoon to Luke Morris’s and to the Square tavern, Spent 6d tryd the Mare to the horse would not take him raind a Little

June planted Corn between the Popkins, the best I had to Sheets fine day hewing & the 1st raising a floor joyst

2nd at Sheets Do. fine day halld the sills home–

3rd. at Sheets Do.– begun at the frame

4th- at Sheets fine Day, Came home at night

5th. at Sheets, foggy Morning a Little rain but Clear day and hot—

6th at Sheets rais’d a floor joyst and Came home afternoon and planted 4 Bushels of patatoes by ploughing the Ground all up & Dropp ing in the 3 farrow furrow & harrowed the ground after, went to the falls got 100 catfish for 2s6 thunder Gust rown about but no rain here Society meet fined

7th. Went to fathers and to Meeting Wind South and warm Rain thunder gust but Light went to Tunis to Nehemiah’s All Roberts paid him 3s fines & Quaterly payment makeing 6s in the hole Society dues and fines for non-attendance

8th Cloudy in Morning Cleard up about noon and verry warm at Sheets at work mason got up to Square—-

9th. Wind Southerly & very warm, borrowd Sheets horse and came home, the Greatest Quantity of fireerflyes that I Ever seen they Showd Like a Camp Elumenated

10th Southerly W., Raind a little in Morning & several Lite Showers throughout the Day got Benj Tunis Mare & Came home paid Jehu Roberts 1s10½ for a Doz files, Ben is at Sheets at work fine Growing whether Wheat Streches brave

11th, up to Sheets’s Wind S. & Misty sun Shun out a Light Shower in Evening fireflys very Plenty Borrowd Sheets Horse Came home Read the papers and to Bed we go–

12. went to fathers ask him to Raising Wind N.W and Coold cold up to Sheets’s illegible finished the frame made a Shaveing horn and went to Jacob Warners to get him help to Rais Cato at pappays? home & soon to bed & so——

13 Up to Sheets had about 20 hands Raising the frame, Wind S.W & warm got Done about 5 OClock Call’d at Schoolhouse at– paid for Bowl of punch 3s9d

14 Sotherly Wind & warm Went to fathers got 2 Doz of Catfish this Morning, went to Meeting after to Warners & Ben Tunis’s home & to bed

15 Wind S.W. at Sheets Shaveing Shingles, find fine Day with a fine Breas Came home at Night

16th Cool this Morning Makeing Coffin for Morris Lewellins Child, took home Buryed at Haverford, Came to Sheets Jacob Balor Came up for me a Coffin for John Adams Came home Robert Came with me Begun it about 6 OClock

work till about half past twelve got the Lid Spriged

17th. finished the Coffin, took it to town John Adams had been in town about 1 Week went to work at a tobacco press, was unwell 4 or 5 days Sometimes on the bed & in porch &c in morning got up Dresst himSelf, man went Down to breakfast, took a dish of tea up in order to get him to Drink it, and to his Serprise found him Dead, poor fellow’s Intemperence Struck him up its believd he said told them he had Laid in a hayrack or Stable of new hay all night he Complaind prety soon after, Planting potatoes, Read ones & some White

18th. fine Morning finishd planting potatoes Coverd them with harrow went to Sheets Shaveing Shingles till noon took sick—–

19th. Warm day Latheing heavey Shower for 10 Minutes, & thunder, came home at night

20th. Warm Wind S.W very fine Shower about 3 OClock afternoon, prevented us from work about 20 Minutes, at Sheets’s & home being sevenday

21st- Warm & Clear Sun Shine at Least Went to Paul Jones verry warm got stroberrys & Cherry

22st.nd at A. Georges Shingleing front of old barn oake Shingles heavy Gust with thunder it raind near 2 hours, Quite hot, Sweat till most blind the Clostest & warmest Day this Summer It is Allowed

23rd. Wind N.W. & fresh breas pleansant pleasant

Day to work at A. Georges bought 1 yard of tobacco finishd harrowing Corn Came home rote verry Sleepey & So bed two words illegible

24th. Wind N.W. up to Sheets’s Shingleing the Mill got 2 Bushels of Wheat of father & bought 1 B Corn 3s3 of T. Roberts, paid Cato begun to Mow, got Tunis’s Mare & Came home,

25th. up to Sheets’s Cool that I went to fire & felt very pleasant work up all the Shingles Cato Mowing got Sheets horse Came home

26th up to Sheets North Wind & Cool but Clear fine hay Wherther, wrote to Colo Coates Concerning Dublicaty duplicate that he says he sent to Stopeh Stophel Miller, So Cold this Evening that sat by the fire as if been fall all night at Sheets 3 in bed hard Berth

27th, Come home about noon at hay Ned Price Wagon & 2 horses helpt us with 3 Loads, Wind every Night since Shower get to North & is Cool, in Day to S.E. & S.W. and Warm been a favourable week Makeing Grass into hay in margin: “had a swarm of bees”

28th first Day walk to Cornfeild & to fathers & up home to breakfast, after dinner to Bill Smith with Levi, Evening to Rees Price’s been Warm day

29th to Sheets foggey & Rain Cleard up before noon very warm

30th at Sheets Whertherboarding very warm all night there, Lay floor & made Storey

July 1st at Sheets, verry Windy from Suotherd warm, allmost hot—

2nd. Southerly Wind & high flying Clouds thunder’d to W.& Came on heavy Gust & not much thunder, After Sunset at Sheets’s walk home performd a Little before the Gust to bed about 10 OClock

3rd. Run forrows Round pompkins in Morning then up to Sheets verry hot Day & Rain in Evening & Thunder, & Lightening much—

4th Stayd at Sheets till noon, meet Society thunder Gust in Evening & Severral in the night & very hard bouth thunder & rain got 2 pigs of Robeson very hot.

5 Cloudy & thunder in Morning & rain before noon at fathers at Rees Prices Brother up very hot, & hard thunder & the most vielent rain, in 3 Showers, that I have seen Know not when, Did a great deal of Damage to Sellers Dam & Bill Roses & David Jones’s, & very high in Roberts’s Crick uncomminly high for this Season. Zeb Pots’s barn set fire by Lightening and burnt

6th. Cloudy up to Sheets’s Cleard off Came home at Night, Paul Jones Reaping—

7th Cato & Self Reaping Rye that Lukens Sowd on Shears shares prety warm, tho not so hot as was

8 Reaping for father, Wheat Tunis interlined: “17 hands” T Dornal & B Canary Levi & boy, M Letherman Loyd Hopkins, 2 Hoffmans Ned Price, Cotter, Enoch & Cato & Bare & John Tip, B Humphreys, R. Price, Lewis & father Stacking, Reap 307 Dozen in Meeting house feild– a Little Cloudy fine Day to Reap not so hot as ben

9th Reaping at T & Jehu Roberts, very warm, Raind and great storm of wind

10th Reaping at home Grane Lukens put to the Shears had 77 Doz Wheat. Reap Rye bought of Smith 54½ Doz for 3L had 32½ Bushel from seed he bought from Smith

11th at Richard Tunis & 2 hands Reaping 279 Doz. 14 hands pleasant Day to Reap.

12. Very foggy Raind in forpart broke off Went to N. Jones Came in the most Violent Storm of Rain & wind I have seen a good While Came home

13th Dull this Morning three or foure Showers throughout the Day at Ab. Lukens Reaping very Short Wheat–

14th. Cold Clear this Morning at Rees Price’s Reaping had about 20 hands Lead and kep Cloos too it, Came up a Shower very Onexpected to Most of us, Prevented from tyeing any Moore for that Day, Cart all Levi got the Most of ours in

15th. Quite Cool So that the fire was agreeable went to Morris’s Reap all Day fine Day to Work, Father halling in Will Cuting Bearded Wheat at fathers

16th. Went to Bill Smith Layd out Barrack for Gibson & Enoch. afternoon to Nehemiah Evans, Reap all the afternoon he had a fine Crop, the fly So much talk off of Last fall has not Done any Damage of Consequence, tho I fond a good many of there Egg it Resembles a flax Seed & is found in or near the first

or second Joint between the Leaf & Stok

17th Reap our Newyork bearded Wheat (I found not Wet there that induced us to get it) finished fathers Rye & after up to T. Roberts, got all wheat in

18th fine Cool Morning whent to Bill Smiths Boys had Raisd the Barack Makeing Coffin for old Philip Hoffman Dyed the Evening before, fine Harvest Whether

19th finished the Coffin, (my Birthday 36 years old & no better,) and took it home, Halld in the Rye bought of Smith (being first day, Never did the Like before) it Looking for rain, Went to Wilson & Curwins paid Nine pounds on acct.of a Mare, Came on about 9 OC at night a thunder Gust, a Great deal of Lightening, jist got home as it begun to rain

20th. up to Sheets, Cathern Conrad Dyed & Sent for me home about noon to make the Coffin

21st finished the Coffin & took it before noon after noon buryed her, old Jacob Colman Dead & to be buryed to Morrow, Close warm Day

22nd Buryed at Germantown

up to Sheets Warm & Dry Stayd all Night

23rd at Sheets Gibson at Smiths Cleand the Rye Bought of Smith had 32½ Bushels, Came home at night

24th Up to Sheet’s begun the Stuff Chest Gib & I, 13 f Long by 4 f 6 Broad 3 f Deep–warm Day

25th at Sheet’s, Come on in afternoon a most violent Gust of rain raisd Crick very high, thunderd went to Loyd Jones’s to fish out the Baskets

26th got but 2 fish, Sleep too long in Morning some fellow got there before us, went to town David Roberts along, 2½ glasses of punch illegible pence for ferriage 6d for oates, went to Grays to see ther Gardain, a place of grate resort, for the Citisans, Came home before Night—

27th up to Curwins Make Shingles

28th Rainey Morning Came to Sheets again, at Night home again

29th Up to Sheets’s Got 6 Dollars of him for Widow Creases Coffin Gave it Gib for his father Staid all Night

30th at Sheets South East Wind & Rain afternoon, Gib to his fathers

31st Rain Wind to West So abaited raining at Sheets

August the 1st at Sheets finish’d the Stuff Chest prety fine Day, Rained at night Society met Not ther So fine’d 1s, agreeable to Law

2nd. Foggy Morning Cleard off turnd my flax being first Day went to fathers Brother & Sister Polly up at Rees Price’s in Evening

3rd Dul & thunder raind a Little above Sheets hard, but none there but few Drops Came home Hannah at Quartyly Meeting Evans at work

4th. Up to Sheets thunder fore noon Smart Shower hard Rain afternoon mill Crick very high over Sheets’s bridg hard shower in Evening Crick higher by a foot than it was before night, not been so high severril years, Interlined: “20 David Loyd says” hevy rain Last night

5th Southerly Wind with hard Showers 4 or 5 today, & Sun shine Sometimes Come home from Sheets, Likely Loose lose flax, out yet most of it,

6th foggy this Morn Sun Shine, Rain in afternoon at Sheets’s Stayd all night

7 foggy morning again, but Cleard off at Sheets’s Set off to Robesons Stayd all night with David Loyd–

8th. foggy morning Cloudy & a Little Rain very warm Sultry weather at Sheets Still — flax not all in

9th first Day at fathers opend flax at home all afternoon very warm Wind S.W

10th up to Sheets, Rain bow this Morning, Cleard up very warm in Deed

11th at Sheets’s W to the West, & very hot borrowd his horse & went to Ned Georges & Stadlemans Concerning work Spent a grog in Comp.y with John Roberts Cato got the flax in finished Cuting Oats

12 at Sheets, hot wether & Close.

13. at Do. Borrowd his horse & went to Curwins Stayd all Night, thunder, a little rain—

14. Come in Morning to Sheets, Wind S.W. and Exstreemly Warm, severral have Dyed with the heat—-

15th Come ho at Amos Georges patched roof afternoon at Ned Georges thunder & small Shower Got all my Oats in, very warm

16. being first day went to fathers Brother and Samuel Gibson up, Went to ferry to Send him Came on a Shower Warm day With a good Deal of thunder Got very wet Slept at Stadlemans, Glass of punch 11d.–

17th Up to Sheets Cool Morning & pleasant day Nor West. W. very Clear Evening

18 at Sheets, Rain when got up, very pleassent never Less Exspected it Cleard off but Clouded up again before night Walk home— fine cool Day to what we have had—

19th Up to Sheets it again thunder in Morning Raind beforenoon. 3 or 4 showers throuout Day Cleard up Evening, Quite Cool, I was Sitting at the Door—-

20th. at Sheets foggy morning Cleard up prety Day Some Clouds, afternoon Came Meet at the School house, business of the School

21st. Went to Stadlemans, up to Sheets, Robesons at Curwins Staid all night, NW. Wind & Clear—-

22nd North Wind & Clear, Came from Curwins to Robeson’s Made 2 Shop troofs troughs one to right part, the other Sap? in, afternoon at Sheets & home left 7s6 for tax with Sheets for Shearer—-

23rd- Northerly wind & Cool, fire pleasant, at Nehemiah Evans & R. Tunis’s Came home Read a Chapter.

24. Clear & pleasant, at Mathias Snyder Laying Barn floor afternoon Makeing hay at fathers, Evening Cloudy Like for rain

25th. Dull this morn Wind Southerly, Cleard off& fine day, up to Curwins Makeing Chestnut Shingles Shaved 550 Do.

26th at Do. Makeing Do. Warm Day– Came home Calld at Sheets his wife got young son

27th at home burnt brush Cato finished Croping Southerly Wind & 2 Smart Showers, Rain Evening Meet at the School house Judge the premeums

28th Wind to the North & Cool & Clear, went to Sheets about the kitchen Raind pretty Smart in Evening

29th Robert Came up in Morning to Make a Coffin for Sally Matson Daughter of Jacob, Clear’d up this Morning Cool, Meet the Society & home with Coffin paid Jehu Roberts Quarter Dollar for files bought for me– Cato ploughing Stuble for Rye A Small Shower about 4 OClock Spent 11d for punch on margin: “25s. from Han Kite for Coffin”

30th Wind about N. & Cloudy & a Rainbow at Sun rising Went to the buryal small shower on Road, Just as Meeting Broke a heavy shower Went to David Jones & A Georges Quite Cold N.W. (Got 50s for a Coffin),

31st. N Wind & very Cool for this Season they Say frost about the Mill, at Morris’s at Shingles .

Septemb 1st. At Rich Tunis’s till Noon, at Morris’s after, Cloudy & Rain Evening Wind S East

2 at Morris’s Stript his house big End, Smart Shower or 2 in Morning Cleard off till night then had a Shower with thunder

3rd At Morris’s finish’d front Side Cool windy Day Wind NW. father begun to sow bearded Wheat

4th At Morris’s Wind Westerly & Cool, David Jones came to get a Coffin for another of Matson’s Childern Came home about 11 OClock finish’d the Coffin about Dark– Dyed with the flux Cato finish’d plowing the fallow the Second time since the Oates Came off begun to harrow paid John Linch 5s for thrashing, Clover &c

5th Went home with Coffin & buryed her at Merion Rain Cool Day, was rather Cool to be pl easant Rideing on horse North W Wind & Drying Spent 3d for half Jill Brandy got 2 pigs of father & Small one to Hannah—-

6th. At home till afternoon then went with David Roberts to Luke Morises to pay for horse to our Mares, but would not take it for he had not his Book Cool Evening Spent 6d for Brandy Grog—

7th. At Stadlemans at work puting a copper gutter

8th At Do.——-Do.

9 At Do.——-Do.

10th At Do.—— Do. Dull & raind a triffle Cleard off about noon & prety warm

11th warm again– went with Gibson to Latch to repair his barn, Left Gibson & Came home, Set Cato, to plow in 30 feet Lands, Viz 2 of them Next to fathers Lines, afternoon had 2 plows from fathers sow’d 10 Lands with Common Wheat & plowd it in

Jonining joining them 10, Geathered 2 Double buts toGether with Corse forrows & Deep to harrow in, (fathers finish’d sowing wheat)

12th Dull & a little rain very light, Wind to South Sowd 1 Bushel wanting half peck of Bearded Wheat part harrowed in & part plowd in big & Little ones Sowd all My wheat finishd, plowd the Ground 3 times the oats Came off, it was very fine like Ashes Except the Stuble & Dead Grass which Causd it to Choke some, I never could wish a fineer finer time to sow it, has been Driseling all the afternoon, sowd in of my Common Wheat about 2 Bushel, & near a peck, very poor Crop

13 prety fine Day–to Meeting to fathers, to Streapers Colonel Cambers there & Sent for me Spent 1s10½ walk Down to Reeses, paid Enoch 3s. Borrowd—–

14 Wind N.W had 3 Mowers, at Morises till noon, then mowing self, in Evening at Colemans Vandue, paid Nathan Jones 18s9 was Due for Sawing

15th Wind S.E & Raind fine Modert rain till middle of afternoon, at A Georges hanging his bark Stone Came home, Darke walking, a great Gust of Wind from N.W.

16th Wind N.W. & Cool, Mowing till about 9 or 10 O’Clock Cloudy all Day, poor hay Whether Rake’d & Cock most all

17th Up to Sheets Wind North & Cold rain, sokeing rain though not violent yet it raind all Day moderrate hay all out in Cocks, frade I shall Loose it

18 fine Morning Wind N.W. and Clear at Morris’s in Morning after at hay, spread it all out & got it Cock up again

19th fine Clear Day N.W, & sometimes N.E Wind, got my hay Staked, all but the peice below Streapers, it is the first time that was Ever Mow, & Little over the Dam

20 NW Wind & verry Clear went to fathers Saml.& Edward there Spent 3d at Streaper’s—–

21st. at Morris’s till 11 OClock- then went to town bought 54 f pine Boards 6s9 oates & ½ jill of spirrits 9d. hat 3 Dollars punch & ferriage 1s1 — at Wagoner 6d. fine Day S. W. Wind & warm– paid Dernal for halling boards 9d pence

22 Went to Sheets boarding Waterhouse boys Shingleing fine warm Day S.W. Wind—stayd all night

23 Up to Robeson’s grove’d boards 18 for there flower flour Room & afternoon to Sheets’s very warm SW. Wind home at Night

24th Up to Sheets fit in sash & Glassd 24 Light fine Clear day & home at Night boys Dresing Shingles

25th Up to Sheets Glass’d 12 Lights & made StepLader SW. Wind & Clear home at Night— 26 Went to Jesse Thomas’s Got 28½ lb nails took them to Sheets, Came home before noon, Got Some roff hay in, W. N.W. & foggy in Morning but fine Day

27th Rain this Morning & rainbow N.E. wind Yearly Meeting Phila. very Little or none since Morning , went to Latches got peaches to, A. Roberts and home, read in Museum a magazine& to bed

28th Makeing Coffin for Able Thomas’s Childe afternoon to burial brought to Merion yard

very fine warm Day, paid Joseph Miley 1s10½ Due to him

29th foggy Morning, Sowd a bushel of barley wanting 2 Quarts, in wheat Stuble, plowd it about the beginen of August, 22nd of September harrowd it & plowd it again sowd a bushel of Rye, Came a fine Rain all the afternoon (the wheat harrowd in is Come up & Looks the best, owing in my opinion to it being such Dry whether that the Dues has a better Effect where it is harrowd it Laying so much nearer the Surfice)- it Looks very red to west token of a fair Day—

30th fine Clear Day Wind N.W. went to Wagoner Stadlemans paid me 2 Dollars for work Done, sowd half a bushel of Rye & 3 pints of Barley in the Meadow, went up to Sheets’s, Rode Edw. Mare Came back went to fathers paid Whood 1s1½ for bacco

Oct.1 Went to Morris’s made a fork for sider press Wind N.W. & Cool, went to Wagoners put 1 lb of Copper on his Roof he gave me 2s4 for— halld home 7 of Levi cart full of Popkins

Oct. 2nd Clear Cold Whitefrost Morning N.W. wind went to Sheets Glassd 24 Lights went to Curwins & Joe Wilsons, stayd all night at Curwins

3rd NW Wind Clear & large whitefrost & Ground froze’d Came to Sheets breakfasted there home to Tunises put 15 lights of Glass in schoolhouse, mett society at Stadlemans got new boots tite work to get them on

4th. Wind about N.E Rain & Rainbow in Morning several Showers through the Day at fathers up to Robesons & at Sheets’s first Day

5th at Tunis’s Glassing, put 51 Lights in, Cool windy Day wind N.W & Clear, had a Weding with John Parks & Ann Prest, hired man & girl of Tunis’s Esq. Jones the Parson Not well, presst at Stomack, Came home

6th Gripet &, the Lax had Spell of heaving Rather better went to town Bought 1 Dozen of Gimblets 2s6 & brandy 3d oats 6d Jin 6d Recivd 2s of Wagoners Cool windey Day N W. Dust almost blind one

7 Prety well this Morning. to A. George’s Shingleing the old house where Jacob Amos, Lives, the Lower End Joining kitchen high Winds N W. home at Night

8 at Georges Whitefrost pleasant warm, Wind S.W. stayd all night

9th At Do. Clear & rather Cool wind N.W. Clear frost, Came home

10th To phila. got 120 lb of Nails at 6d. for Curwins Spent for oats & Drink 1s2 freriage ferriage &c 1s4 township meeting at Streapers 1s2— windy raw day

11 To NW wind & frost. to burial I. Roberts Childe, Nancy Harry at fathers, went to Ben Tunis & home father paid her 4 Dollars upon my account—-

12 At Paul Jones Shingleing his Barn Cold froze the ground a little NW wind home at Night Spent 5d at

13th up to Curwins boys all there, afternoon to Election, Came home at Night, spent 5d

14th Up to Curwins, Shingling W. S.W. & a Little Rain, Warm & a great deal of Lightning to West but no Shower worth speaking off of

15th at Curwins Cool & Light frost prety fine Day Wind Westerly

16th at Curwins wind N.W & Raw frost in Morning Laying Chesnut Shingles 2 f Long 10 I Course nail’d under they have been made too thin I think

17th at Curwins Wind S.W. & moild mild, Left off before night (7 Day) & Came home

18th foggy morning boys geting Chesnuts went to fathers breakfast’d there, afternoon to Phila. Sister Polly has been Poorly Rather better, a Cold that Ranges town & contry, headack Coff Chill & som fever a Distemper thought to have Come by some vessel from Urope (Ingland) Sister betsey poorly

19 Made a draft for Wilson & for Humphrey barrak to fathers Betsey very poorly up to Curwins Evening to Humphrey Ellis’s to Nathan Jones, Stayd all night Wind NW fine Day

20 Up to Curwins shingling, white frost Wind S.W. afternoon to Wilson him & I to Gulf sawmill to Bird in hand Spent 8d.– home at night Betsey very Bad Hannah there

21st Wind N. & Rain, Brother up, makeing Coffin for John Jones Child, afternoon to funeral Buryed in merion yard

Whilest there heard sister Betsey was Dead, She was between 13 & 14 years old, fine Tempered Child & pleasant afectonate, ther is something singlelar in her disorder She had not been well since some time in July I think, but Seldom Complaind, was about every Day I belive till the Day She Died. she kep very thin, no Coff no relax, whether she wore away by Urin, I know not, but had frequent & uncommon Calls I think they say, but was frequntly dry & Drank More than Common She Sufferd no pain Except when she walk would Complain her Limbs aked, 3 Day about noon Got her to bed of a Couch wher she mostly Laid & never Complaind, & Died about 2 OC 4 Day I never had an Idea of her being Dangerous till 3 Day

22nd Cool N.W wind Makeing her Coffin. Gibson & Robert finishd they took it home

23. to Sisters Burial fine day NW wind Rather Cool Brother & Saml. went to town.

24 N W wind & Cold frozed fathers Pool all over went to Ruth Tompson & put Glass in for her & hannah price, Raind afternoon more than had a great wile

25- prety fine Morning to Meeting after to fathers Brother up Polly too & Becca to town with him

Begun a coffin for Morris Lewellins Child

26th Wind S.W. Raind a good Deal in Night foggy & pleasant, sun Shun out, took Coffin home Buryed at Haverford home got Dinner went to Ned Georges Came a thunder Gust & wind, not very hard rain

27 windy N W. Cold Went to Roberts got 50 B Shorts Calld at Sheets up to Curwins, at work. there

28th At Curwins fine Morning a Little frost N W wind and high, fell in Evening, Came home

29th. Soft Cloudy morning wind N.E. set off a foot to Curwins, Cato Brakeing up Stuble Ground Eat Supper at Jos. Wilsons, Raind fast before I got to Curwins,

30 at Curwins N W wind high & Cold

31st. at do. wind N.W Cold & Cloudy Cleard off before noon, Eat Dinner there then met the Society at Black horse Spent 19d pence

November the 1st White frost, Been a Remarkable Smokeday & pleasant wind about S.W. Sun Rowned with out Effecting the Eye to Look at the Resemblence of Dry time in Spring, Recieved 3s9 of A Tunis for Sash— at home afternoon to fathers & Morris’s & home

2nd up to Sheets Layd out Stairs then up to Curwins very fine Day wind S W. framing back Shed, gave hannah 3s9 Lock Chalk line &c

3rd. at Curwins. Rain in Morning wind got N.W snow Shower for best part afternoon Stuck to pails & froze very Cold, boys & self Coff & Cold a Destemper that spreads through the Contry Some very bad with it head Acke sore throut & Eyes some it hurts the hearing it’s not Mortal

4th at Curwins, Cold windy day N W. Clear

5th at Jos. Wilson begun a Shop I went to Gulf Sawmill for Scantling Wind NW & pleasant to what it was, froze very hard the Last night

6th at Wilsons Wind S.W. & moderate day work without our Coats, Raisd the Shop 4½d for Tobacco

7th at do. fine day S.W wind. Jointing Shingles &c

8. Rain Last night went fathers, & Meeting and to R Tunis’s to Supplee s W Warner Jesse Thomas paid him 2 french Crowns for Nails, Receivd 8 Dollars & 2 french Crowns of Curwin for Nails

9th Went up to Jos Wilson, Calld at T Roberts agreed for Cow 5L paid him 50s for 50 Bushel Shorts Drank teay tea at Curwins Sleep at Wilsons foggy Sun Shun about noon Wind SW & pleasant

10th got up before Day whent to Gulf sawmill back to Wilson boarding shop very foggy till noon perty Clear after, SW wind & very pleasant Day working without Coats

11 at Wilsons Boarding Shop &c. fine Day

12 at Ann Parkers Weding (pleasant Day) to Joshua Pusey a widower from Doevon Dine’d out a Doors

13th at Jacob Moris’s Building Corn crib foggy morning wind S.W. & Cloudy, moderate whether—-

14th at Morris’s, at Do. Raind a Little in night wind S.W & very pleasant Day Remarkable for Season. Cato plowing. Remarkable Red to the North got round to N.W. it was as Light as tho there was moon Light (Northern twilite)

15 at home fine Day Brother & Brother Samuel up at fathers, Evening Cloudy

16 foggy S.W. wind Hannah Moor at fathers, went with her to Roberts, Staid Diner there, then with her & Sarah Roberts to Miles’s. Left them on Road & went to Wilsons, went to Curwins Staid all night

17th Raind in night blue up N wind & high Shingling Springhouse at Wilsons. 4½d Tobacco—–

18th at do fr oze’d verry hard & Cold Day frost in Shop all Day wind in N.W. not so high as yesterday

19th Cold & Cloudy froze hard & white frost wind got to S.W. & sun Shun out a Little at Wilsons Came home at night–

20th frost Wind SE in part but fickel Cloudy & soft to what we have had Halling Corn in about 5 loads

21st foggy & wind S.W. Drissely up Roberts Cut a poplar at B Humphreys fetch a beef Cow from T. Roberts. 5L had 30 lb tallow 50 lb hide 373 lb beef, bare bear seen in the Neighbourhood Novelty Indeed, Crost the Road Just by the Shop woman Calld

told Gibson of it, about 10 OClock but he took no notice of it. Old Jos Bond seen him in Evening, got Dogs but no hand of following

22nd Raisd about Daylight Good number of us found track in Zells field, but Raind in Night Dogs would not teach, beet the bush to Schuylkil but could not put him up wind S.W. got to NW afternoon & Cleard off

23rd to Jeams Jones’s Shingling Shed &c Wind N W. & very blustery and Cold herrican almost Snow Shower in Night

24th at Do. frozed very hard Wind SW & warmer again Came home at night Cut up beef

25th at James Jones’s very Large frost Wind S.E. Enoch Came for me, Stadlemans wife Dead very sudden well at breakfast Dyed before Night. Came home

26th very Wet night & all Day from S.E. Drove through Stone wall makeing Coffin got it finished about 8 OClock at night & took it home, head 8½ I, Shoulder 19½ I foot 7½ I. this was athanksgiving Day proclamd by the President of the Unighted States George Washinton-

27th Wind North & Cloudy went to Burial at Church Cloudy Sun Shun a little, Snowd a little in Evening went to Rees Price’s Got my horse Shod new shues

28th Cloudy wind North not very Cold, to Phila. Bought 30 pains of Glass 12s6 halter 1s Tobacco 1s3 files & Cock 3s4 Chalk 1s6 Oats Brandy 9d. ferriags 9½d Polly Came up with me in Chear Nathan Jones 7s6 Society night fined 1s for being absent.

29th. very foggy Wind SE rain’d towards night at Meeting & fathers Recivd 35 Dollars

30th. Wind N.W. Cloudy, Cleard up in Evening with high wind & Cold, up at Sheets Glassing, paid T. Roberts 5L 5 for Cow paid Molley Miley 9 Dollars Borrowd Got 25 Dollars of Sheets

Decemb. the 1st Wind N.W. high & Cold at Edw Georges about a kitchen that he is going to build Tunis’s man plowing, Georges tom son of Tunis’s Seal, Dyed very Sudden at old Toms, 2 Dollars for wooding skeats wooden skates

2nd finishd Coffin took home & Buried him at Merion yard, wind N.W and Cold froze prety hard Got a new Stove home put it up made fire in it paid 20 Dollars for it & 9 f of pipes, went to fathers

3rd to Rees Price’s W NW. and Cold A Snow Shower in Night Cut walnet tree made 3 logs, ½ Day Cato & self halld 3 Loads of wood, paid 5s7½ for Repairing my watch

4th Halld 2 Walnets Logs to Leverings took 6 Bushels of Rye to Mill for Logs froze’d hard wind N.W. & high pleasant Day, Recevd 19s9½ from hannah Kite for Coffin

5th. Wind S.W. & Cloudy Snow & hail Quit before night, Went to Supplees Stands to be turnd, Spent 6d. at Wagoners, home &c

6th Whitefrost. Wind S.W. & moild & plesant went to Humphrey Ellis’s, Went home with Ciss & Poll Lewis Cad Evens along, paid Gib 3 Dollars for wooding skeats

7th Southerly Wind & warm Cloudy Raind afternoon Boys at Ellis at Barrack, I went there home at Rees Price’s, Evening Settle’d with Morris Recive’d 5L 1s3

8th wind N.W. & frozed up to Wilsons work finishd & Came home Robert too, give him my Jack plain—

9th Wind. W. & Clear to Humphrey Ellis’s back & to Levering for Load of walnets boards at Tunis’s to Rees’s pleasant Day

10th Whitefrost wind W & very fine Day, warm at Rees’s Ruth Thom pson’s Shee moveing to town to her Son Enoch hatter her Daughter Poll too payd Ned Price 2s9¾ for halling Boards &c Benj. Humphrey 2s for Nails meet at School house Quartilly Day Judg the prises to Righter Phebe Jones & Poll Moris, at fathers home & to bed

11th whitefrost Cloudy Sun Shun & warm Wind N E and Rain afternoon at Kites Settleing bond & morgage John Supplee paid the money & father Sign’d all his Right & Intrest to him. Supplee has agreed for 50 acers which he agrees to give 420L

as soon as they can make a title, as soon as give him Possession of the Land he promises to Give up the morgage pay remainder of 200L in presence of Hastons father and Self, very wet Comimg home Call at Stadlemans got 50s for his wife’s Coffin & Leading herse paid 11d Chainge to Supplee for Father my Money pd

12 Wind N.W Clear frozed at fathers paid him 30s David Harrys Intrest, Stuck about 600 f ½ Inch board windy Cold Day, at Streapers Evening Cornelious Carmady here all night Look Shabby & Dejected

13th Cold frozed harder than it has this fall before, wind N.W. prety high, at fathers (firsday)

14 Wind N.W & very Sharp Whitefrost, killing hogs at Levi after Done went to town bought Chisels Gouge & knife 4s6 hankercheif 8s10½ oates ½ Jill of cordial 9d sugar 1s4 feriage 4d, two Swamp Sacifrac’s sassafrases4d½ & So returnd home & very Cold Ice all aCross above the bridg, paid 11s for boards

15 went to Stadleman’s got a 1 Quart Rum 1s6 John Smith here walling in Shop between the timbers wind S.W. & pl easant to what it was yesterday

16. Wind East & a rainny Day Smith & son here masoning Robert free last night finished apprenticeship

17th. W. East & high wet all night blowd in at Dormans dormers mason went away about noon went to Supplees Roads bad Came home Read some history England

18th. Wind N.E. & rain some sun Shun a Little, turning bed posts, at fathers pleasant is too Coold

19th Wind N. & Clear froze a Little paid 4½ tobacco Cut willow oak Brake teeth, at fathers morning Lent Sheets my horse to town, made Draft for Edward George—-

20th wind N. & frozed hard & Cloudy. went to Streapers Spent 6d, went to Reeses Brother Came there; home & to bed we goo & so—

21st Wind N. by E. & Snow this morning ½ I Deep perhaps. Snowing a Little most all Day but not so as to Geather any Depth helping fathers to kill 4 hogs Gave Robert 15s he haveing worke 3 Days for out which he bought 4 Screws Gone to town

22nd Wind N. this morning & Clear, hard frost but a fair Day for Season at home made 2 malls turnd bed pins &c, an account in Museum that haws off of the thorn will not grow without Cows Eating them, or get the freshest Cow Dung put it in tub have warm water on it. to Reduce it to Consistence & warmth as even as in a beast maw– the haws was thrown in & all stured up & placed near a Constant fire for keeping warm as Blood (no Great Exactness was observed) sometimes Cooler, Stood 3 Days, more warm water was added at times & answered well for young thornplants Come up plentifully,

23 Wind South & be W. Large Whitefrost & grownd hard frozed– a Butiful Day, till noon Cloudy after

Halling 8 Load of wood my 2 horses Moris’s waggon

24th Wind S.W. and Snowing got to West & Cleard off warm, snow about ½ Inch, at Rees’s mending springhouse door & at fathers in Evening

25th. Wind W. & froze prety hard, halling Logs from B. Humphreys Land to Roberts. broke two bolts of Carriage broke a pair harnes bought set of bedstid stuff 2s6 poplar boards 8s1 paid Robeson 29s9. been a very fine day warm Day Christmus day, boys makeing Coffin for Shubert Child, about 2 months old

26th took Coffin home, took it from there to Barren hill Church where it was interd (Rode Schuylkill at Lewellin Youngs) got Dinenr dinner at his fathers the other Side Schuylkill, Home and Down to Stadlemans, Society night, fined 1s for not being there by 4 OClock white frost wind S.W. and moderrate Day—–

27th. wind SW & Rainey & foggy. Rain all Day, at home all Day being first Day

28th wind S.W foggy & Rain Still a thourow brakeing up of the frost I think, most remarkable warm Day, Makeing Coffin for Jacob Sloon, son of old Jacobs, young man, had not been sick Quite a Week

29th wind N.E. & rain after I got up very hard Gibson home with Coffin I went to Rees borrowd his mare & to burial new grave yard, about 11 OClock got to Snow & Snow violent about 2 I Deep, Clear to W before night, afternoon helpt Rees to kill hogs

30th Wind S.W Clear & warm thawd prety much killd 3 hogs all I have wt. 597 lb bought 1 Quart of Rum 1s6, afternoon at Algernon Roberts, & at E Georges took the Bill of kitchen home verry bad Rideing

31st. wind East Rain a Little, & warm & smokey or foggy– Went to fathers got ½ B. Salt Evening at the Widow Conrads paid me 40s for Coffin, 2 or 3 heavy Showers from South home Cut up the hogs, Read Some in paridis Lost & to bed