Joseph Price Diary


January 10th 1824 Wind S E & a very wet day we was to go to Norristown to Prove John Righters Will but So wet did not goo, at Morris’s Her Dick horse died Last night I offerd 10 drs for him yesterday I about home

11 Wind E wet morn & over Cast all day but not much rain afternoon

12 Wind N W over Cast but no rain nor frost I At T. Prices He off to town with his Stove to be mended I naild up the fence at at repeated Meeting house & work at Studs for Sled

13 Wind S E Sun up & Shind and a rainbow a Scud of rain of Course not Common in Winter not froze much wonderfull winter been 8 or 10 Night not froze any I at T. Price He Bought Me 1 lb Tobacco 3 fips Obe & I at McClenechans Barn fited in Sash & Ladder rounds after finished fence at Meeting house at Widow Morris’s boys at floor

14 Wind S & Scud of rain in Morn no frost, roads bad people plowing about ever Since Christmas, only a day or two before noon wind N W & very high wind & prety Cold at pike pint Bear & Jill whisy for Steve 11 Cents, made Sheep trough

15. wind N W hard frost & Cold Clear day afternoon at Meeting a public freind their a great preacher had a great Effect on Me I was in hopes I Should not forget

January 16th 1824 wind N W Hard frost & Cold day tho it thawd alittle at Isaac Price’s pitching his Roof Evening at the Buck with Wm Matheys Spent 10 Cents Stopt at A Levering & Supt & took a little whisy. so home Boys at Flax

17th Wind N W hard frost black Clouds to West & N but Calm down & pleasant day I off to town T. Price along E George paid me 8 drs. for his Negros Coffin I Bout a lottery ticket 350 Cents Mutton 150 Cents horse &c 31 Cts

18 Wind S Soft Giveing morn & day I off in Morn at Rhudy Righters widows to Look at Cow they want me to take for his Coffin poor old thing but ½ Lofe better than no bread back at 11 Oc- not at Meeting at Neighbour Morris s

19th wind N over Cast Cold morn a fine Snow till 12 OC then blue off Cold not at Meeting at home all day Stormey day

20 Wind N W Cold windy day widow Price kill 5 hogs 3 of them weighed 680 I was their twice Got high knock down Tip very Sorry “High” or “up”, i.e. intoxicated.

Jany. 21st 1824 wind S & over Cast Meet Blair McClenechan yesterday at Matheys He been at Genecee River this 3 Months drank too much Gin yester day did not a nothing but Santer about & knock down Tip Cold day–

22 Wind N Cold day with Isaac Price at Ant Janes they killing hogs I home to dinner Gave Lid 5 drs for Ed P Walters to fetch me lb Herren Got over the Bay I know not how Tom price & 3 or 4 over at Pike Hoffman was here to Get me Enter his tavern License

23 Wind N W. morn Large white frost Wm Mathey & I off in his dearborn to Norris to Prove John Righters Will & Praisement I was left Executor But I declin’d in the office & then filde filed it the widow pd all Elliot & widow quallify so All Cost me 50 Cents

24 Wind S by E Soft warm day I at pike Spent 1 fip home at T. Price’s took a drink Meet Hollowell & Horn

Jany 25 1824 Wind N E over Cast Sort Sleet Soon morn blue hard & raind by noon very much very alarming Such very heavy wind Ann Paschal my Nease I at Meeting She Gave Us a very Good small discourse at home all afternoon She Set off for home but hope She Stayd at Jane Walters very Stormey night

26th Wind N & Snowing fast till about 10 O’C Wind Got N W & Cleard off & a very fine day & took the Snow off the Ground so Coverd with water made a Great fresh took all the Ice out of Schuylkill I at Matheys pint bear 1 fip at Morris s took Little whisy Matthews is the new tenant & host at today’s General Wayne; Robeson has rented a tavern in the city.

27 wind N W & fine Clear morn & hard frost but pleasant day thawd much I off to hunt money along Mill Crick at T Ames’s & several places Got not a Cent So home at night

28 Wind W fine Still Clear Morn tho froze prety hard with George Mac McClenechan at his Fathers in dearborn & at widow Watkins Got 4 d & barrel vinegar for Coffin Spent 25 Cts

Jany 29th 1824 Wind w. fine Soft thawing day I at pike Boys Cuting wood William up to Watkins Got 2 Barrels Vinegar. one for Self & one for Doct. & She Gave me 5 drs. for Doct. I Give it to him & his vinegar

30 W. S W pleasant thawing day Cloudy afternoon I at Brook’s & Crossley He pd 5 drs for old Wells I paid Brook 50 Cts I owd him

31st. Wind N & Snowing Juts just Coverd the Ground Cleard off before 10 OC- very remarkablel remarkable Calm warm day I at T.P. back & at pike, Met A Carrier He treat I to ½ G He & W. Prest home with me & took dinner I with them at Matthews Spent 1 fip got up which I dispise Spent the day bad went for nails 10 lb. 80 ? Cents

February 1st 1824 Most of the entries in February and March are written in ink so faded they are barely legible. Wind N.W froze perty pretty hard New moon yesterday been amost Changeable January frost thaw &c &c not at Meeting Reading afternoon at T. Price’s took alittle whisy so home

2nd Wind N W Clear Cold morn pump froze Coldest night this winter & very Cold day I pottering about did not any thing too Cold at Matheys Evening Jacob Hagy their treated to Glass

3rd Wind S E hard frost off to pike Whet the Saw at pike boys Cut up ½ Cord of wood for School. Meet Tom Price at ant Janes He Cuting trees He up made me goo & get Rees & old Mac then made Us drink whisy. too much then Come up & take Bucket buckwheat Cakes & tea follow Tom who had taken up & Said He drink no more but Broke out again Such a Case worst perhaps than the first poor wick weak Creater is Man

2 Mo. 4rd th 1824 wind S W over Cast & Snowd in night about ½ Inch Matheys halling Ice Huffman & I off to Esqr. Elliott to Get an Order for a Negro that was Sick back to dinner

5 wind blank the Poor Negro died this Morn made a Coffin for him & Buried him before noon Stayd with McClenechan a good while at Matheys they halld Iice ice

6th Wind S W prety fine day at the pike meet Doct Anderson Huffman Sick back to dinner

7th Wind S by W fine pleasant day I off for town by the falls money hunting Got none on to town put up at James Robeson in Race Street He Just opend Tavern pint Bear & ½ Glass & 1 qt Oats 3 fips ferriage 5 cents So home & meet the Society in margin; “bees flying Like Spring”

8 wind S fine Soft morn & thawing day not at Meeting very unwell took 2 doses of oyl had a good Effect Great Singing School in Meeting schoolhouse No. Young people here Bob Yerkes here & took Ann to town

Feby 9th 1824 wind S.W & remarkable Calm morn very Little frost Tom & Rees Price here last Evening He as high as Baccous, very Rude in his address, never Read Chesterfeild a Great Polation politician a democrat Streaper & self Spliting axel trees treat him to ½ Glass & Stay & would not go to work, Gave him Jerk & off he run home & Potter about at T.P. &c Gave C Jones 1 fipt fip for pint Gin He Broke the Bottle & Spilt Gin Gave 12½ Cents He went off & Got another but not Seen him with It till morn a very remarkable thawing day

10 W. S and a very Soft foggy warm morn Spliting ax handles &c Rain about noon not much I at Stadleman George boys held a vendue to Sell or to try to Sell their Land by Jos. Evans would Sell not I Spent not

11th Wind S Cloudy Soft morn & raind about noon alittle at pike a pair of Shoes afternoon at Clarks paid me 9 dollars Mothers Coffin at Hagys He paid me 3 drs for his Son Bens Childs Coffin So home rain night

12 Wind N W prety windy Cool day pottering about over at pike Obe been out 3 nights been to town

2 Mo. 13th 1824 Wind S W prety fine day white frost I with I Price to Look atree for Joysts. not well at the Doctr. with Levering at Ant Janes to try to Get a place for R Roberts

14th W. N E & over Cast all day Raw I at T. Price Got Caster Oyl took a large dose not well pine pain on me my Left Side heavy wind Evg, wind E Evening the Oyl work me much, not much to day

15th W. E had raind alittle night Got at in Morn & a great rain by noon the Meadow roads in a float as Great a rain as has been at one time along While I had paine in Left Side

16 Wind W in morn Got prety much S Several Snow Showers Soft day after night asmart Snow Shower from S W & seem to blough up I very keeche ?, my Long & old acquaintance Edward Hastons Buried to day in his 79 yr was a partriot patriot in the Reverlution tho no Soldier Elected a Colonell but never at Camp Came to his place in Spring him & W Warner Santering The British sent out & took him prisoner & took him to York He broke his perool parole & Got home He has or was in the Legislater Honest kind of Good man

2nd Mo- 17th 1824 Wind in Morn N W but Got S and by 10 OC- Snow all gone tho it Coverd the Ground the afternoon Exceeded anything for pleasant & warm I with R. Roberts at Jane Price’s to try to get Linly place for him took alittle Gin so home at Matheys Spent not my Side very bad Doct Brookfeild here at night & bleed me the 3 time I was Ever bled not been bled the 12th or 15th perhaps not been rememberd Such a Broken warm winter

18th W. S Some white frost pleasant day till afternoon Wind N W & blue up very Gale all night I about house all day Doct fetch me a blister plaster & put it on Evening. They Buried Jacob Sloons wife here from near the ferry family Case

19th Wind N W & very fine day only high too windy my Blister Raisd fine we Cut it Boys tharshing I at Matheys a While Spent not Sister Rebecca here to dinner & tea a great Stranger we had Great talk fine Memory

20 Wind S W froze Some but a most remarkable fine Clear day at T- Price He been unwell I rather better Beef 10 lb 84 Cents Reading all day amost

Feby. 21st 1824 wind S no white frost & froze Scearsly any I think I have seen many Colder days in May & June too Great Parade with the Milatary General Washingtons Berthday 22nd that being the Sabeth they Cellabrated it to day it is wonderfull what a winter only one Little Snow not more than 3 I. Except 2 or 3 not ½ Inches & that did not Stand but 2 days

22nd Wind N & awet Cold disagreeable Morn & day wet all day being first not well enough to goo to Meetg Tomy. & Enoch Price Came to See me–

23 Wind S E & over Cast I walk to See Jos Evans If He take Streaper to Work He did not quite agree I back it begun to Snow in Evening very fine

24 Wind N & been Snowing all night & not Gaind 3 Inches Cleard off before noon & thawd prety much E Lobb here I with him at Tavern was to be a referance between him & F Sheets the men did not Come so nothing dun Esqr Elliot, & wife their in Slay bad Gooing

25 Wind N prety hard frost & Cold air till wind S & thawd & Got to rain after night I walk to T & Isaac Prices took Little whiy So

2 Mo. 26th. 1824 wind S E not froze any & over Cast & wet a little Seen & heard ablue Bird No Slaying Straing wonderfull Winter about home all day side not much Better paid Saml Ledom 3 dollrs Loyd Jones here raind at night & very windy night high Ann home to day been 2 weeks in town at Yerkus’s

27th Wind N W. & black Clouds & high wind wet night but not hard Cleard off before noon I about home all day only at Morris’s A Levering dined with Us Got a Shank 12½

28 Wind W & Smart frost Clear to W in noon but Cloudy Cold day Jos. & I off to town in Adams dear Born took 2 pigs to J. Robeson Bout ½ lb Mackarel 33½ Cents Mehoganey Boards 4 dr Tobacco & ½ G. 25 Cents ferriage & pike 20 Cts ½ G at Sheldrakes 6¼ Cents So home

29 Wind S E fine Clear Morn but prety hard frost & Cold Cloudy not at Meeting not well I walk to T. Prices, Great No. People at our School house Singing School

March the 1st 1824 Wind S W fine Clear Calm Morn hard frost but wind got N Clear but very Cold day boys Cut most all the Chestnut trees in Docts Lott I walk to T. Prices very hard Winter grain New moon Yesterday 5 OC aftn

2 Wind N black Clouds & hard frost Clear Cold day but thawd alittle about noon boys Cuting wood big forked oak by Huffmans I walk to pike Spent 4 Cents at T. Price’s he Better

3 Wind N hard frost Cold day though thaw alittle mid day I pottering pain in my side Still Continues I at T. Prices & walk to pike Boys Cuting wood black Ewe Got 2 white Lambs

4th wind N by E hard frost Clear Sharp morn but remarkable fine Pleasant T. Price & Self over Schuylkill at Spring Mill to one Leytz with Little mare with the lame leg they Say He preforms performs Great Curers cures but It was rong time of moon at Harreys ferriage & Gin 50 Cts

5th Wind N by E remarkable warm day the roads Geting fine frost most out at T. Price took a Drink so home

March 6th. 1824 Wind S foggy morn no rain Pleasant day I made alittle Coffin for Negro’s Child at Paul Jones Springhouse and attended the Burial at our yard in Evening 2 f Long

7 wind about S & foggy morn & rain a shower or 2. at the most Sun Shind but Cloudy & dull all day & a little about noon not at Meeting not verry very well at Singing School Gave Streaper 1 fip 1 qt Gin 12½ at T. Price’s He Rees & Enoch Price dining McCleaver Taylor I Spent the day mostly Reading from Penns no Cross No Crown a Smart rain after night

8 Wind N W & blue off high wind but pleasant day in the hole Charles Jones & Self at pike Spent 12½ Cents, so home to dine afternoon at Buskerks vand vendue Bought not Spent 12½ Cts So

9th Wind W– Cloudy morn but fine day froze not hard I & George McClenechan at Kingsessing near the Bell tavern at at Sale of grafted apple trees Bout 50 25 at 5¾ 25 at 6¼ Cent 1 pint 4¼

March 10th 1824 Wind N W White frost but fine day over with Obe at pike 2 lb Nails for Mac barn 36 Cent & pint whis for Obe 6¼ back, Phillip Lower here from valey to dinner him & I at T Price’s at Mac Barn & at Morris Sent Streaper ½ Gin 25 Cents

11th Wind S by W white frost Calm Clear morn & very fine day I at pike John Huffman & I off in his dear Born & horse at De Havandue Dehaven’s vendue near the Gulph I Bout Sadle bags 131 Cent pd

12th Wind S by E very read to Sun rise few fleaks of Snow or hail Jos with McClenechans wagon to Kingsess for apple trees 50 for me & 75 for Mac mine 323 Cents I at T. Prices at Wicoco with Ricd. Roberts pint Bear 6¼ all my Cash

13 Wind N W & over Cast but blue off avery Pleasant day we planted 50 apple trees in old orchard and next to wood Meet the Society Spent 1 fip 13 Members meet

March 14th 1824 wind N E and got to Snow about noon & keep at till night, I walk to T. Prices at Matthews ½ G- 1 fip, Cleard off about 10 OC- or Moon Shind

15 Wind W fine Clear & thaw soon in morn Snow about 2 Inches Jos & Self in Adams dearborn to Get Cloverseed & to See A Carrier about Stone Jont Jones Got, dined at A. C Calld to See Thompson our old School Master He Looks bad at Buck Great number people their Cr? of poor Wm Dill Spent 1 fip on to Taylors not at home no Cloverseed 2 fips one gooing & 1 back Calld at Isaac Ellis’s vandue on to Wm Penn 1 fip so home over Cast but not Cold

16 wind N E & Snowing fast It 2, I- deep Got rain before noon not much but over Cast all day I off with T. & Isaac Price for Clover Seed at Taylors ½ Bu 2 dollars Spent not So home had alittle Spar with Obe

17 Wind N E & Snowd in night & mist over Cast but not much Snow or rain at Meeting a Great preacher one Comley, after with Reed May Exectr Serving Supeneys subpoenas on Mary Tunis & Conrads & others

March 18th 1824 Wind blank & over Cast but thawd prety much at Morris’s & about home all day make out Jones acct. at Matthews Pint Bear & 1 lb Tobacco 25 So back not well

19th Wind S W very fine Clear morn Boy Sowd ½ B Clover Seed & ½ B. orchard Grass in Lott below the Barn & the remainder in No- 3 on winter grain I off at D. Roberts John Roberts & Wm Penn Bear 12½ Cts home & at the Election for Const- Suppervisors &c Streaper 1 fip Spent not so home Great time party thaw till noon Snow most all off the feild over Cast afternoon

20th Wind S by W & Cloudy but no rain Cleard off about noon I at Mathews A Great Rabble their all night Several fights & Squabbles in night they say Rees Price Got much hurt Bill Thomas Jr. Strip off his Shirt and had a sort of fight Grate Ruffians the young men are fell Morral & manners Gone

21 W N W & hard frost at T P He not returnd from Market down again He home back to dinner afternoon at D. Bickens & Hagys So home

March 22nd 1824 Wind S E I off with Mary & Prissey Tunis & John Conrad‘s wife in Adams Dearborn to Phila. to Cort about Peter Mays & Fann May She tropt trumped up accy. against the Est. walk below South St. after Phil Lower– nothing at Reeds took the women their to Stay all night I at Robesons Race Street to Lodge wet afternoon in margin: “Smart rain in Night”

23rd wind S W most remarkable moggy morn Breakfasted at Robesons & small Glass 50 Cents at Yerkes’s & Cort Several times no trial dined at Yerkes’s Started with my women 3 OC for home arivd about 5 O’C- Cost me 150 Cts beside 16 qts oats 50 Cts & 25 Cts for drink not paid ferry & omission 30 Cts

24 Wind W. & prety fine day Started to Norris ferry at Harreys 12½ Cts I on to N Town at Bank to Get 100 drs. but my note was not right but they fill one up without a indorser for the inspection of Directors, muss must Call on 27th 4 qts Oats & 2 Small G 25 Cts Oysters 12½ Cts at 7 Stars 1 fip flat rock 2 Cent Mat.thews 1 fip so home

March 25th 1824 Wind W & Cloudy Cool morn not froze, I pottering till noon then at pike pint Bear 5 Cents on to John Leadoms about Charles Jones rent at Kuglars to Get Constable to Seize Spent 1 fip so home with McClenechans horse Boys halling rails for repairs

26th Wind W Cool rather Cloudy & Cool but no frost heard the frogs Last Evening Prety Lively, much Pegeons flying wild Gees flying in Great flox’s Adam & I off in his dearborn at Edw Lobbs vendue I Bought Several Small Articuls, Mother his wife & omission their fetch them home Adam stade frogs Crying “Adam” is Adam Hansel, a blacksmith who will rent JP’s frame house formerly occupied by Dr. Brookfield and the soon to be evicted Charles Jones.

27 Wind W fine Spring Like morn Borrowd 100 Cent of Mathews Him & I off in dearborn for Norris Crosst flat rock bridg on to Norris Got 100 drs out bank only the Intrest I Suppose for 2 Mo Small Glass & oats 18 Cts two Gates 16 Cts John Hagy 12½ at bridge 6 Cts Grow 12½ So home & at Morris’s vendue went Bail for David Bicken 17? dr

28 Wind E & over Cast & rain before noon very wet afternoon I at Tom Price’s to Get to Goo to Lentz So wet not goo I home paid Mathews his dolr back He Lent me

March 29th 1824 wind N W. tho Cloudy but no rain I at Lintz & paid 95 dollars & Gave him my note for 10 drs so back paid T. Price 2 drs He Lent me; at pike & Wm Lewis Got Peach trees paid him 12½ Cents Obe along

30th This entry, judging from the handwriting, and his second attempt below, seems to have been written after too much to drink. W S & wet morn noon pleasant at Charles Jones about moving high Time I home to T Price Took a Little drink So home to dinner pleasant day

30th Wind S by W & raind hard by 7 OC Charles Jones moved from my Doct house to Leadoms Great time all high after T. Price part Ballance that I four words illegible any thing Cleard off about noon & very fine Clear after I at Charles Jones & at Roads Nursery Got 2 apracots 25 Cts So home with Jos. in dearborn

31st Wind S W. froze the Ground & Some Ice Jos. helping to Move the Welshwoman from Jont Jones’s widows place to Meriboys I Stayd & help to put up Bedstids &c they Say She is avery prudent industreusous industrious Woman Streaper & John run to the moveing

April the 1st 1824 Wind W & fine Clear Cool morn froze Some Great day of moveing J Willison to E Georges place Saml Price to Saml Youngs Suplee to B Brooke’s place to Gulf Welsh Woman from Jones’s to Morris’s place I pottering about Charles Jones & wife Cleaning my Doct house & Jos. took Cart & took their pig &c over, I at pike Got 2 Locust trees & 1 qt. Gin 12½ John Huffman pd me 3 drs for 4 Lumbardee poplar trees in margin: “John Duckett paid 4:50 for his Fathers Coffin”

2nd Wind W Clear Cool morn Little Ice I off in Dearborn to Phila went falls road Pratt paid me 3 drs for Childs Coffin on to Robeson 1 G & oats 25 Cts. at Yerkes 1 fip Mehoganey boards 15 drs I paid 8 drs ferriage & pike 18 Cts Elliots 1 fip so home P. Lower along most remarkable Cold day Snow Shower Got 2 drs 55 Cents prize in Lottery–

3rd wind S W sun up Soon & soon to bed Cloudy raw Cold morn but much Pleasanter towards noon at pike mending fence 1 qt 12½ Cents John Huffman paid me 50 drs so home to dinner Lower here to dinner I at T. Prices to Borrow horse He at Market I Back & at Morris’s boy not their any of boys their so home at Matheys illegible the horse & illegible — of Hagy

4th Wind N Clear Calm morn white frost paid Obe 100 Cents for Duckets Coffin I at Meeting rather dull time on Us walk to T Price’s & Matheys 3 Cts Bear Reading Churchmans Journal

April 5th 1824 Wind S W prety fine morn & the most Like Spring day we have had, but so much N high wind the Ground Seems to be dryd up almost the roads as dusty as Summer, I Borrowd a horse of Isaac Price & road to Leverings to Look boards for Society Book Case not dry Got none Calld on Paul Jones & paid 31:50 Intrest on a 525 Bond for Building the Doct house So home to dinner William P. Price & his Mother went with dearBorn to Move Adam Hansel the Smith to my Doct. house at 50 drs per annum they Came up Late I their & took a drink with So home He treated Generously (tho atite Saveing man) & they hung on till they drank him out, He only been Married few days

6th Wind S E fine Soft Morn Joe plowing Shop Lott the first of our ploughing I at pike 2 pts bear 12½ 1 qt Gin 12½ knife 12½ Cents dined their Got to wet afternoon at T. Prices to Borrow a horse for to morrow took a drink so back

7th W N.W. Cleard off black Clouds & too Cold, Got T. Price’s horse & went to Wm- Stadlemans paid him 12 dr Intrest on to Leadoms dined their on to Charles Jone’s He on to pike mug of Beer & ½ pint 25 & Lent Charles 12½ Cents So home took horse home

8 Wind N W Cool day Obe says Ice I at Keens for Board Spent 12½ Cents pike 10 Cents So home at T. Prices

8 Gave Obe 12½ Cents to Get a quart of Gin in Evening He was to come by sun rise on the 9th

9th 7 OC- no Obe He Came before 8 OC- Little up, remember never Trust him to Get 1 qt- again

April the 9th 1824 Wind W Cool Clear morn white frost & Ground froze Obe at book Case prety high all day I Pottering about, at T. Price’s Sup their

10th W. S W more Calm & warmer Obe here him & I made 2 Little Coffins one for Latchs Child about 1 year old the other Bill Croppers Child a black man at Hamiltons villige Burried Latch Evening our yd- I at Society they paid me 10 drs book Case

11th Wind E & wet morn very wet Set off with Cruppers Childs Coffin near the ferry, Got to our yard about one OC- no rain as we Came up rain Evening at T. Price’s took a drink So home

12 Wind N E & over Cast & raind in morn Streaper off for Lancaster County Gave him 50 Cents, Obe 12½ Cts. Spent 12½ abated a while, then wet afternoon I off to widow Clarks to Buy a horse sHe not at home She ask 75 dollars I at T- Price’s took Some whisy. so back

13 wind S.W. & over Cast & weting Little Wind N W & blue off before noon the boys halld C Jones Slay from Morris’s to Huffmans at pike & halld C. Jones’s Wagon Cart & Gig from Leadoms to pike I Seize them for rent & to be Sold on 15th. I at Roads to Look at his appletrees on to W. Prest Spent 12½ on to Winns to Look at horse to buy on to Wm. Stadlemans He has Gave up Taverning I suppose has been this 2 or 3 words illegible I remember

April 14th 1824 wind W fine Clear rather Cool morn Ann & Hansel’s wife off to Market Wido Rivley paid me 16 drs for her daughters & Sons Coffins I at there yesterday Ben Hagy here Soon to get a Coffin for Abe Tunis wife Sent for Obe & we fell to work & finish’d about 4 OC- I took up & put her in So home before 10 O’C very dark 1 qt Gin 12½ Cents–

15th Wind N.W. Clear wind in morn I with H. Henry to Look for aplace to dig the Grave for Tunis’s wife at Thoms Price’s to Borrow a horse took Breakfast their Back at pike Obe hanging Gate at woods home to dinner then at pike attended the vendue of Charles Jone’s wagon Cart &c &c in margin: “Obe & Jos. attended the Burial”

16th Wind W at the pike Got Chaines I bought and at widow Clarks to try to Buy a horse She not home back at Matheys Several their

17th Wind N W Jos. & Self in town to Buy a horse but Got none did not Like them at Robesons horse &c 75 Cts most remarkable Cold

18 wind N W & very Cold morn Ice plenty Ground froze not at Meeting at T. Price’s He Rees & Self down at Sam Wynn’s to Look at a horse at the Widow Clarks She ask 75 drs for the horse I offerd 65 She would not take It So back to T.P. & took tea R. Yerkes here from town went home after night

April 19th 1824 Wind N Clear Cold morn white frost & ground froze Raw Cold day, at pike & at Ann Mores vendue Bout 7 Bells & Got over the Bay drunk Spent 50 Cents Charles Jones home with Me, did not See Shankner Taylor & Leadom did nothing

20 wind N fine Clear Cold Morn with white frost– but pleasant day about home all day Spent 3 fips

21 W. South fine morn no frost Off by turnpike to Phila. at Robesons dined their with him & at horse Market I up after Dinner & bought a 4 year old mare for 56 drs Borrowd 6 drs of Saml Forder Reckening horse & 1 Glass 37½ Cts & 25 He Lent me & Hoffman 75 Cts

22 W. S & Hasey morn I very Ill pain in my Right Side Sent for the doctor He Came & bleed me very much & I took 3 doses of Oyle It work me very much towards Evening, Jos. tryd my new Mare to plow She went very well Doct. here in Evening fine rain in Evening & great part of night

23 Wind about S & over Cast most Spring we have had trees out much this morn, I think my Side better Several Little Showers wind W. & blue up Evening I about home all day T. Price here & took Bucket Cakes & tea Doct Call to See me

24 W N.W. Cool Clear morn plum & peach trees out in Blossom fine it Got to be a very pleasant day I much Better Jos for plaster 10 B from Hestons pint Beer

My Diary 1824

April 25th Wind about W. Clear Cool Morn but fine day. not well Enough to be at Meeting my nease Ann Pashcall & her Son & daughter Here went to Meeting & dined here She has appeard in the Minisstree been under blot Exercises

26th Wind S W & Some what Cloudy I at T.Price’s Borrowd 6 dollars to pay for a Mare I Bought in town Jos. plowing in new Orchard Hestons the Painter put in 13 Glass in the Doct house so Calld the frame at Carrier I at Matheys paid him 8 drs that he Paid Saml Forder He Lent me in Town & I had 2 pints of Bear

27th wind N Cloudy Cold morn wind Got N by E held up till towards Evening & had a heavy rain till 9 or 10 OC. Carried down the Book Case to tavern & rais’d 2 pints Beer & pint Wine

28 wind Still E & wet morn & all day very Disagreeable Cold day; E Walter Obe & Self Moved the old Book Case & fastened up the new one; Pint Beer 6 Cents Gave Obe order for Shoes

29 Wind E & wet morn but wind Got W. & Cleard off a very pleasant day I walk to Shanks pike & He paid me Eleven dollars Spent 1 fip at Wm Penn Spent 5 Cents home to dinner off to Abe Tunis Vendue Bout Jug & Lamp &c So home

30 Wind. N W. Clear Cool Morn but fine day I off to town in dearborn for Mehogany Boards 6 feet for Book Case 7 feet 140 Cts on to Yerkes’s horse & Cyder 25 Cts Boy 5 Cts Oyl &c 60 Cts, Screws & files 82 Cts Lock for the Book Case 130 Cts ferriage & pike 21 Cts Elliotts 12 Cents so home before night paid Yerkes for a letter from George Price

May 1st 1824 Wind w Cool morn heavy due Like fall at pike pint Cyder 4 Cts back to dinner, afternoon mending fence back feild at Rees Prices, to Look where they Layd out they the Barn, at T. Prices at Matheys ½ pint Beer 3 Cts John Matheys treated pint Beer

2nd Wind S W foggy vegatating morn very fine warm day all things Looks gay apple almost full in Blossom I at Meeting Rather a dull time on me Robeson here & made me go to Matheys with He had a Carriage & pair of one Reed that Englishman that took in the people about the valey & followd him into York Government & fetch him Back I beleive He was a great Rogue Some thinks He ought to be Cropt, I paid T. Price 6 Drs. He Lent Me

3rd Wind S E very sofft soft foggy morning Little rain in Morn wind S by W & a very fine afternoon Great Militia day Matheys Troop & Stadlemans vollenteers Meet at Matheys Troopers dined their 30 odd I their Looking at them took a Cut of dinner & dish of Tea at the perticular request of Matheys, Spent 1 fip for Oysters

4th wind S & weting a little Soon in Morn fine growing time this 3 days up to Taylors a Jury meet their to Lay out aroad from Gulph road to turnpike they lay it out on the old tract between the house & barn Taylor Gave them a Grand Dinner 20 of Us dined at first table I home by Hoffmans wind N Blue up very Cold fire pleasant

May the 5th 1824 Wind N & wonderfull Cold morn & till near noon then wind Got most S & pleasant afternoon made a Coffin for a negro Child at the Benovelent Benevolent School Lower Merion Academy & interd it in Evening 3 f. Long flat Lid– 2 pints beer 12½ Cents Borrowd 3 drs. of Isaac Price to town to Buy Board &c for Book Case

6th Wind N E & Large white frost had to make up a fire this morning Alfred & I off in dearborn to town for a board & hinges for Book Case total 207 Cents pint Cyder & pint beer 12½ ferriage & pike 21 Cents So home by 2 O’C- my hands & feet ake with Cold gooing down

7th Wind S W & wet night & wet morn till about 7 OC- then wind W. & blue up & black Clouds afternoon fine Obe finished the doors of Book Case & hung the Lower part I help Some & at Rees’s Masons their digging out for Barn I home to dinner & Layd out Bottom rail for Lain to Spring house fence Ann & Wm at Market with Calf home before night

8th Wind S by W & over Cast Obe & Self finishd Book Case by noon hung doors & &c Jos marking out for Corn I at the widows they diging out for Barn Back & meet the Society but 10 Meet Got no Cash Spent not I wanted pay thunder Gust to N & Some to S fine Shower here

9th Wind N W fine Clear Cool morn & windy day at meeting after at pike & Jane Walters Mary Walter, JP’s niece very Low had the measles doutfull If She Gett up Spent 6 Cents

May the 10th 1824 Wind N Cold Clear Morn & Smart white frost I makeing draft & bill for Rees Price’s Barn & took down & Isaac Price’s too at his Barn John & Wm on the roads Cool Evening

11th Wind about W no frost tho Cool Morn but fine day I mending harrow Jos harrowing Corn Ground Black Tom mark it out, Jos helping to dig out Barn I off at pike & E P Walters, Mary Better 1 qt oyl 12½ Cents at Rees So home warm in day

12th Wind W. fine Clear rather Cool heavy due Like fall I help to drop Corn the Boys planted all by noon Obe help I off on Ben Price’s horse to Mac McClenechan at Hollands, at Saml Youngs at Esqr Elliot & Taylors not a Cent from them pint Bear at Savages ½ G at pike 3 Cts

13th W.S W & amost remarkable windy day, I made a rafter Level & took to Rees’s home to dinner after at pike 9 Cts. at Charles Jones s Jos. & 1 horse help Rees to dig out the Barn Celler

14th. Wind N.W high Cool wind Cleard off at the Widows Laying out petition partition walls in their Barn Abraham Carrier up with me to Dinner I with to Taylors mug abeer at Matheys 2 at Taylors made me very high I fell Lost my Timothey Seed & handkercheif Got to Bens & Huffmans 1 Glass got home & Layd in Barn most froze amost remarkable Cold night I am Most hurt at Commiting my Self Some person Seen me in road wanted me to go back to Taylors but I would not Sd. He knew me Taylor’s was the Red Lion in Ardmore.

May 15th 1824 wind N & most remarkable Cold day at the widows & at pike 1 G. 12½ Cts back to dinner at Mathey Spent 21 Cts treated a man with 2 Mules to a Glass

16 Wind S by W over Cast & wet alittle Gave my horse & mare the horse Last night & this morning at B & T. Price’s not at meeting

17 Wind N in morn & Cool day at the widows & Tom Price’s & E P Walters & I Sow 3 B. of Millet in new orchard & repairing Adams Pump & at the widows & pike Looking for Obe He at Walters Adam Hansel was JP’s new tenant in “Doctor’s house.”

18 Wind N W Cool morn & white frost Obe made 3 door frames I at pike for auger 2 fips So at Rees, 3 Masons at work I home to dinner down their work none Jos. 8 B Corn Huffman rain Little in Evening Cold day

19 Wind S W & over Cast & raind about noon some Obe at work at Barn Set 5 door frames I their & helpt Some Cut out 7 Windows at Isaac Price’s to Look at windows Chatle cattle Got in the wheat mending fences

20 Wind N Clear Cool morn & afine Shower with thunder about 4 OC Joe plowing Obe’s Lott Tunis Lee here perhaps I not Seen him 40 years was out with him in 76 as first Sarjent & other words was Elected as Insagn ensign of my Company He was a republican of 76 moved near the Maraeland Line not illegible In the British Army at this time the Ensign was a commissioned officer who was standard-bearer for the Company.

May the 21st 1824 Wind W fine Clear Morn fine rain in the Evening I at neighr Morris’s Last Evening hard Shower & hail I off dutchman at pike & Leans & on to Widow Bonds for Husbands Coffin money got none on to Buck 1 fip on to Taylors no money so home

22nd W. W fine Clear Cool morn Jos. Tressel Says white frost plenty towards the ferry but I seen none here Young man at Saml. Wynns his Brother inlaw dead & Sent here for a Coffin, Sent for Obe & we got to work & finish about 4 OC- & we took It down & put him in Obe along Tunis Lee here to dinner his home in Chester He was with Us in 76 at Camp in Jersey amboy Burgin &c I Suppose I have not Seen him this 30 years He Most 72 Yr I recolect him perhaps near blot yrs

23rd wind N.W. Clear Cool Morn alittle frost not at Meeting Set off about one OC- and attend the Burial to our yard Large Gethering; Great Meeting at School house Some young Minister from Phila pint Cyder 5 Cents Tune Lee here to tea & Stayd all night I not very well–

24 Wind W & Cloudy Morn but a pleasant day at the Widows blot & dined their off at pike & Leadoms & He paid me 10 drs for articuls Bout at C Jones vendue So home

May 25th 1824 wind S W & over Cast & raind before noon fine Shower planting potatoes in meadow Sod fine afternoon at Widows & in woods with Rees at pike pint of ail at Taylors He paid me 6 dr on acct D Humphreys along treated me to Small glass back to William Penn So home

26th. Wind N Clear Cool Morn at T. Price He gone to Market I off in Chare for Norris by Spring Mill at Bank paid 10 drs. out of a 100 96 Cnt. Intrest I Borrowd 100 drs 60 days back horse & dinner & 1 G- 50 Cts ferry & Small G. 3 fips at ford 1 fip at Eliots So home at Rees Prices took a drink with Rees Tom Price their

27th Wind N.W rather dull but held up with Rees & John Levering marking Logs Jury at Matheys valuing Road damages for McClenechans & Lewis’s

28 Wind S fine warm day at Rees Prices Masons their Set window frames fine thunder Gust in Evening and fine Rain in Night thunder & Lightening

29 Wind N W & fine Chearfull morn & warm day warmest this Spring I felt at the Barn back to dinner Obe not their till noon I at Starns Vendue of Rhille Rhudy? Righters Goods He deceased owd Starn & He administered on the Property & Sold at Matheys I bought 3 Chairs 30 Cts

May 30th 1824 Wind N. heard the flat rock Dam Came up before 7, OC- a great fog or Smoke till it appeard Like dusk but Cleard off Pleasant day, not so hot as yesterday, not at Meeting reading Bible at at repeated Tom Price’s & widows & pike 1 Jill wine 1 fip Tobacco 5 Cents So home Enoch Price along at pike

31st wind S W & heavy fog Cleard off fine warm day two men mowd my Clover feild No.2 Grand Crop rather young but want the paster pasture Jos harrowed the Corn I at Rees’s & with the Mowers back & forward

June the 1st Wind S & very foggy Morn & Come on about noon fine Showers all the afternoon turnd & Spread the Clover & their it is a bad way I over at pike pint ail 1 fip Bout a hand ax of J. Huffman 125 Cts Let out the Cows they not Come home Wm.& I back to dam found them in Ant Janes Meadow so

2nd Wind S by E & over Cast & heavy Shower before noon & very Great One about 2 OC- with Sharp thunder, Kill a horse in wagon & 3 others fell but recoverd the man Escapt in turnpike near the Wm Penn, a wett day in hole no hay day I at pike ale & Tobacco 12 Cts at Rees’s barn the petitions Layd out rong they had to alter

June the 3rd 1824 Wind S E & over Cast & misting at times no hay day I Shall lose all my Clover been wet Every day Since mowd halld a Jag home for the Cows it Green not Spoilt I Bout head & pluck 25 Cts, at Grows & Hagys He repairing his Mill at E. Holgates no Cash Tyson Gave Me Mess of Fish Spent 1 fip & Lost one “head & pluck”- calf’s head and entrails

4 Wind S Very foggy dull morn & wet day about 10 O’C- the Sun Shind for a few minits & Mason to work but Got to rain by 11 O’C- & Showers all day thunder Gust to S 4 Showers in Evening from West Obe & I made a Coffin for John Green dyed at Buskerks a relation of theirs at widows Bout 75 Oysters for 12½ Cts So–

5 Wind S E over Cast Heavy dull morn I not Seen Such a week but once that 40 years agoo perhaps rain Every day but 2nd day my Clover Lost I beleive rain to day took the Coffin up forenoon & attended the Society & they paid me 20 drs for Book Case

6th W S W fine warm day Obe & I attend the Burial to dutch Church Smith & Obe made a Coffin for Preists Son perhaps 10 men & boys rake up my Clover feild tho it is first day paid Smith & Obe 50 apeice for makeing the Coffin a man overset his dear Born at Burial Dearborn, type of horse-drawn vehicle named for Gen. Henry Dearborn, Secretary of War, 1801-1809.

June the 7th 1824 Wind S by by repeated W remarkable warm day I off about 9 OC & attended the Burial of Prest’s Child to Swedes Church very trying it so hot we arivd & Buried about 2 O’C- Stopt at Righters waterd at 3 tons Tuns 12 Cts on to Elliot Spent not Carried Prest to Grave Yard & Carried Taylor from Torrances home so home walk to M–Mathews Doct Anderson & young Doct. Mac they in high Case Jumping &c & drinking porter I drank Some with them not agree with me headed poor Stuff–

8th Wind S W very remarkable warm day at Rees Barn afternoon at pike paid Obes wife 5 drs for Book Case & 10 drs & 12 Cents for Lutzenbergs on acct of illegible Barn at pike Gin 12½ Cents So home

9th Wind S by W very warm day at Rees’s barn Obe their Jos. halling Stone & illegible I home fore night Jos halld Henrys dung for potatoes Little Rain in Evening went Round to N & blue up very Cold

June the 10th 1820 1824 Wind N & very Cool morn, but pleasant day I off for Norristown to Give Evidence between St Clear & Gardner respecting Saml Jarvis Est Esqr Young, Hagey & Directors of Poor house they St Clear Got a rule of Court from Phila to take our Evidence 37½ Cts for horse &c & 25 Cts at ferry 6 Cts at Matheys St Clear pd our dinners &c at Webs, I took aletter with a Check to Bank for Morris McClenehan & Presendent wrote back but I know not Contents St. Clair was brother-in-law of JP’s old friend, Sam Jarvis, deceased, who had been separated from his wife for many years.

11th W. N & remarkable Cold morn I at Rees Price & at E.P. Walters & Back & rais’d the Caps & put on Some of the Joyst fine Pleasant day Obe their all day at work

12 wind S Calm Still morn hot day I at widows Jos. planting potatoes for Obe, Rees’s planting day of potatoes Evening put on all the 24 of Joysts on Barn I at pike Spent 21 Cents Great Gust after night I at Matheys Jill & Spar his wife for nott giving Lodging to a poor Traveling illegible man put him without a blanket in Barn

13th Wind N.E & wet forepart and dull all Day Sent for Obe Soon to help to make a Coffin for John Whitemans wife we fell to work & finished about 4 OC & took it and put her in Obe along Spent 6 Cts at pike So home

June the 14th 1824 Wind N Cool Clear morn & fine hay day I attended the Burial of Whitemans wife to dutch Church back by 12 OC- & we halld in from pike 2 Loads of hay & John Huffman halld 1 horse Load for Us, Jos. harrowd Corn till noon, I at Jane’s & help to Span the Joysts, 1 Galn Gin 50 Cts

15th Wind N.W Cool Clear Morn no frost hear here Joe harrowing Corn till noon then halld 2 Loads of hay from pike I their & at E P. Walters his man finished the Smoke house Roof took ½ G. at pike put me over the bay & I fell in Crick at the widows & at T. Price’s Sup their, seen his Daughter Het. from West town

16th Wind W fine Clear pleasant Morn & fine hay day Obe mowing his Clover yesterday to day at Ant Janes Raising Scaffell poles I their, old Judge Rittenhouse here Cleaning my Clock halld 2 Little loads of hay from pike Joe & John mowd most of the Lott by Barn

17 Wind N, been a Shower in night but fine day John & Joe mowd apeice in Meadow I at Rees He at T Prices He hasnt mowd

18th Wind S W fine hay day I Pottering at hay & with Ritenhouse He Cleand my Clock I Paid 3 drs & off He went to town I got 1 qt Whis to treat him

June 19th 1824 Wind S W & very fine hay day I very unwell took a dose of Oyl John & Joe halld all the hay out the old Orchard & 2 Loads meadow Huffman & Holland mowing my omission the Lump payment 4 drs halld H. Henrys Barrack poles & afternoon help at the hay, & the Smiths help Some Got word this Evening that our Son George Price was dead or dyed in New orlane Jacob Printz Returnd from their who went with him their poor boy He was a fine Disposition but rather intemperit

20th. wind S over Cast & wet alittle being first day, Meeting at School house Some man that holds meeting at Church I walk up but He not came I back but He Came after I much Better not well Sent to Doct. for Sum Oyl, Stars about 10 O’C- Robert Yerkes & 2 young men from Phila. here & took tea Allen had my Mare to Goo to Buck Evening-

21 Wind S by E & very dull hay day my Mowers Came back to Mow my Meadow they finished before night not 2 days quite Jos. begun to run furrows to Corn it no hay day

22 over Cast & wet times not fit to open hay wind E & S.E all day, boys at Corn I with Dotr Brookfeild in his Gig at Jon Taylors & at Esqr Elliots the Doctr had Bisiness with him Calld at W Mathey Loyd Jones treated to Glass Gin so home

June 23rd 1824 Wind S & remarkable foggy morn but to S W & Cleard off a fine hay day we Spread & Rake up much of in meadow & got one Load in no help but the Boys Jacob Printz Came to See me who was with my Son George at Orleains & Gave Us the hole narritive of their travel & the death of my Poor George who dyed raised in Pensylvania went off to Settle in Orlein a very fine Disposition Boy, but would take a tramp

24th Wind S W. had two or 3 Smart thunder gusts from S W before 6, O’C- morn Seem to brake off & Spread & turn Some of the hay but dry’d but Little we rake & Cock the most of it but about 4 O’C- had two heavy thundergust heavy thunder I walk Evening to T. Price wind N W & blue off

25 Wind N W Clear Cool Morn & black flying Clouds all day prety high wind prety drying day without sun turn & stack the hay & got 5 Loads in a little scud of rain in Evening McClenechan Here & Staid all night I work all day at hay Obe help well–

26 Wind N W fine Clear Cool morn & very fine hay day Obe here and John Joe & Obe mowd till noon then at the hay hall 5 Loads all out off the Meadow Bill & I Spread & heapt it

27th Wind W. fine Clear warm morn & fine hay day tho the first day many people work & halld in, I walk to pike Cyder 1 fip afternoon at T. & I. Price’s they halling hay

June the 28th 1824 Win S W Cloudy to W. & Come up Smart rain with thunder & Continued till 9 OC- then quit so we finishd mowing Obe & Jos. I at Ant Janes they mowing their old Orchard I made 3 pig yokes not Stird my hay prety fine afternoon Cleard up so Late Come on in Evening smart rain in margin: “New Moon the 26th 27 & 28 fine 29 prety fine”

29 Wind S by W. & Cloudy to S & W trying time on hay makers Master Allen here very Soon in morn for Charlestown Wm. Sent John & him in dearborn to Bird inhand, Spread out the hay about 10 OC- & got 4 Loads in

30th Wind S Looks prety fine for hay day but it Come fine Little Shower before 12 OC & heavy thunder Gust went to N. Got 2 Little Loads of hay in not very dry at afterdinner but a Smart thunder Gust before 3 OC- Stopt our progress, Jos. in morn putting furrows in Corn for Obe He Jos. back by 10 OC- & fell to work at hay Obe helpt 2 or 3 hours I walk to T.P in margin: “30th rain”

July Wind N W & very fine hay day Jos. plowing for Obe him & Jos. home by 10 1st OC- & we Got all our hay in been a month at it off & on begun the 31st of May & finish to day been a very tidetious tedious time on hay halld 3 Loads for H Henry Obe & Jos. I Meet my old Freind Wm Hagy He Treated to a Glass Doct wife & his 3 Childern & Tabitha Bowman here to tea

July the 2nd 1824 Wind S W hasey forenoon but held up prety fine for hay Jos. helping Rees to hall in Got all in that was Cut mending fence at I & T. Price they hay halling I gave the Lame Mare the horse at Matheys

3rd Wind S W fine warm hay day Jos. finished furrows to Corn I at Rees’s & Corn feild; afternoon meet the argriculter Society Judge Peters Gaven Hambleton their 15 or 16 members meet, Judge Peters in his 82 year & appears to retain all his faculties Memery & recelection wonderfull; & I in my 71 year & Cant Call any Person by Name hardly If any Person tell me anything a day or 2 back Cant recolect who told me

4th. Wind N Clear Cool morn remarkable Change in the air So Cold & yesterday hot almost, at Meeting two Emminent woman Preachers I was very much humbled & I hope I will reform after at Pike to See If Huffman would goo to poorhouse tomorrow but He has Give it up He Espects expects their will be Some Party to Cellebrate 4th of July July the 4th 75 76 Independence was declaird 49 years ago, on the 4th July I was in Jersy in margin: “1777” at Camp returnd 3 or 4 day after they had keep up the 4th July in Phila. being the first Celebration of Independc.

5 wind E morn S by E over Cast all day but no rain here Plasterd Some of Corn Jos halld ½ Cord of McClenechans wood that was in my feild in the way; afternoon at illegible at Taylors & A. Levering to here how he is was taken in there with a fitt Hess He’s rather Better this afternoon,

July the 6th. 1824 wind S and over Cast & misting alittle in morn but no rain till Evening then thunder Gust one went to N & one heavey to South heavy thunder but not much here hardly laid the dust I at E P Walters & up to Levering to here how he has got Stopt to See Becca Finance back to T. Price’s So home I run more than 1 mile for fear of the Gust but it went to N & South

7 wind S very fine Clear Cool morn & fine hay day we put up a pair Bars between Rees feild & our Lower feild Benney help Us Jos. help Rees to hall hay they Got all in; Kean the Board man here to dun for Mac, Bill for Lumber for their barn I at the widows & help to Rake

8th Wind N W fine Cool morn I potter about rather at Pike & C Jones’s & at John Leadoms money hunting Got none Bottle Cydye cider 1 fip Jos. Plowing for Burk

9th Wind S W fine harvest day my Reaping day between men & Boys we musterd above 20 we finished before night & they went to Doct Brookfeild 2 Gallon Wiskey &c boys 11 pt Bear

10th Wind S W prety fine day til 5 O’C- then a great Bloo blow & Smart rain old Tommey & I tyd & Shock Some poor Rye that E P W Cradled, & Echolt & Jos. halld in 4 Loads afternoon they went to Doctors or we Might Got 2 Loads more in I met Levi Pawlin at Matheys on his way He treated to Small Glass & went on

11th Wind N & Cloudy morn but held up Clear illegible to illegible W Shock all our Grane the Storm blue down & rain T. & Rees Price Harry & Self put the Docts by

July 12th- 1824 wind N by E over Cast & rather Looks unfavorable harvest day at T. Prices till most omission then Adam Will & I halld in 32 doz Rye & 5 or 6 doz of wheat & Rye & at T. Prices his Reaping day

13 Wind N by E & over Cast widow Price’s Reaping day 5 Cradlers Came went apart of around wet so Gave it Up, It Showerry all day over at pike Obe along Cut a Walnut Tree in the road by Wm Lewis’s E P Walters, sawd abut a butt for apple mill & 14 feet for me ½ I Boards one G–on whisy. Bottle Cyder 12½ home for dinner, & walk to Isaac Price

14 Wind N E & wet morn trying on Poor farmers the Cows Broke in my Grane feild & tore or over Set most all my Shocks up & over to pike & put my Slay in Shop & with Leverings team & Loaded walnut Log I Got of E P W So home to dinner after at I. Price’s He Reap his Rye dull till about 6 OC- then the Sun Shined

15 Wind S W & Cleard off fine At I. Prices his Reaping day Got nearly dun & Got much in I home at noon halld in about 40 doz, Spread or moved all the Shock in Morn J. Holland & Obe help Some He up the Tree drunk

July the 16. 1824 Wind N by W. fine Clear Morn made a little Coffin flat lid Obe help, I Spread all my wheat & Rye out Ben Price help me their Reaping day blot 12 boys at It I attend the Burial to our yard one the factory Childern from Capt. Towers Factory Sun Set fine– Rees Got or Cut all his wheat & Got it in

17 Wind N. Prety Clear Cool, morn John Jos. & me halld 25 doz. wheat 13 doz- Rye in So made a finish Rees Prices hands finish’d about 12 OC Obe & all at T. Price they Cradled all at T. Prices & finished before dinner in margin: “noon” Isaac Price finished & Got all in Tom & Rees finishd & Got all in, illegible Tom finish’d & Got all in so our harvest finishd

18 Wind about S W. few drops Last night & this morn Seem to Clear to West by 8 OC. I not well took a dose of Oyl work me much Lost 2 Sows walk to Jane Price’s & T. Prices to Look them but found not I not at Meeting, Jesse Hersey at our meeting I spent small Bottle Cyder 1 fip

19th wind S W & Came up about 3 OClk a great rain in Morn till near noon OverCast & Showers about noon here after noon We all portering pottering made alcove in window to keep my Ink Stand &c wind soon N W & Like alittle illegible Evening Looks fine to West

July 20th 1824 Wind N fine Clear Cool morn & fine day till Evening about near 12 OC in night hard Shower, I off to flat rock bridge they repairing It on to Hagy’s & dined at McClenechans on to Youngs their to Struck & Taylor Spent 3 fips down to Huffmans Spent not so home

21st Wind N heard the dam fine Clear Cool Morn Been Great Shower in night I Pottering till noon then Sowd about about repeated 1 Bushel of buckwheat in farfeild some in Corn & Some on a roof rough peice & Jos. harrowd it I at Bowmans a drover turnd in his Cloverfeild 54 Bullocks in mistake thought it was Stadlemans feild want Some to view the damages–

22nd Wind N W & very fine harvest day Viz for Oats wheat harvest over in this parts, at the widows Obe not their so back, mending fence &c at T. Price in Evening took & a Little Whiskey so home

23rd Wind S by W foggy soft morn but no rain over at pike ½ G 3 Cents back to Dine at Obes he unwell John Ott here to Get a Coffin for his Father old Peter Ott in his 91 Year a German by Birth I Cut out Botton bottom head foot &c went to T. Prices to send for Gross ½ I. Screws & took rather much of his wiskey. Lite Shower in night

24 Wind S E & overCast few drops of rain no wet then Obe over Soon & we fell to work at the Coffin & finished by 2 OC- & we took it down and put him in Shower & thunder to N & alittle here & fine Shower here in night

25 Wind W & a fine Clear Cool morn & pleasant day I attended Burial Dutch Church of P. Ott amost wonderfull Concorse of People Meeting at Church minister gave a pertinent Sermon

July 26th 1824 wind S & very foggy morn & warm day off for Norristown by Taylor He paid me 8 dollars wagon Bed ½ G on to Righters waterd & ½ G. one fip at Norris paid 96 Cts Intrest on a 90 Drs note Hat 3 drs. Dinner &c &c 60 Cts meet with Bones from BrownVil had much talk with him, on for home waterd at Righters new Tavern by the Gulph She was one of Jacob Wagoners Daughters ½ G. one fip meet Titus Yerkes at Matthews He treated Small Bottle Cyder 1 fip–

27th Wind S W foggy Still morn & over Cast all day very warm I at widows Layding ? Some work at Barn & Set two Doorframes Obe up & would not work I at I. Prices to Look at his windows walk with T. price to Look at his Meadow Joe Holland & our Jos mowing Millet

29th Wind E & Cloudy Still morn after noon wind S W & Seemed to Clear off Obe & Self made a Coffin for Gaunts’ son 18 yrs Old 4/3 Long had white Swelling 14 years Lost one Leg & one arme poor fellow He has suffer much not walk any this 14 yrs I attended the funeral afternoon to yard fine Shower to S E Little Springle & the wind S W & Look Like Clearing Obe & Joe mowd all blot lot

28 I have Lost track of days I was pottering at Rees & about home Adam‘s roof T. Prices broad? where I help them no hayday

30 Wind S by W Been the Greatest rain Ever fell in Same time from 10 OC- till about 2 OC- tore all before it almost Tore up abridge on turnpike a 3 arch brideg bridge that I framed the arches I should Suppose would most vented Schuylkill

July 30th. 1824

Wind blot & flying Clouds Ann & I off to town roads tore much, Titus Yerkes & I in his Gig to his place above abbinton Abington That his Mother had her Life time 14 Miles from Phila. Phil Lower their puting End to his Barn returnd to Pha about dark I Stayd at Yerkes all night

31 Wind —- & prety fine morn & day I home with T Price in his Cart paid the Mehogany man for 4 drs Spectacles 50 Cts at Yerkes 50 Cts Elliots 12 ½

Augt 1st Wind N W fine Cool morn & pleasant I not at Meeting Looking my Millit millet the Great rain most Ruind It beet it in Ground afternoon at Pike 1 B Cyder 12½ went to See If Huffman goo poor house to Morrow, the rain tore 2 dams on gerthley Creek, see August 5 & Great part of the house where Brooke used to live now an Englishman had nearly drowned the family took his funeter furniture beds &c & 150, or 160 dollrs their has not been such a Sudden fall of rain in my day I think

2 Wind N W fine pleasant Cool morn & fine Millet day Got 5 Cart Loads in say 2 ton & ½ one out I turnd & heapd It Jos. & Wm. halld Moorhouse an Englishman a roff fellow Called me a torry I was gooing to Strike him but treated & we Settled

3rd Wind S had a thunder Gust about day prety Smart one nay 2 of them & rain prety much till noon & all wet & thunder Gust from West went to N in Evening I at pike I at pike repeated & I Prices & T. Prices payed Mathews 50 Cts I Borrowd to N Jones for 7 Bells I Bout at Moors Vendue

August 4th 1824 Wind N by W Clear Cool morn & pleasant day I at Rees’s Barn Layd one side Barn floor peice & Obe Mortis it I home to dinner old Tommey here paid 3 drs Intrest

5 wind N W Cool fine morn & day I off at Rees’s Layd out the Mortus’s in the Caps &c Jacob Printz begun to day to work at the widows barn & Obe their I home at 11 OC- & Rode down Gertley Crick to See the damages done by the fresh It Great at Capt. Towers it took away the frame house Joining mill & his furniture but his & they his family narrely Escapt being drownd I on to J. Levering, on to flat Rock bridge Scaffel & Arches Just in all gone on to Wm Hagy’s & at Buskerks no Cash so home found Tune Lee their

6th Wind S W. Cloudy at Rees’s Obe & Printz their at work Got side framed I Back to dinner dug up the Early Potatoes & plowd & harrowd the Ground at Rees’s Evening Sister Rebecca Long talk alittle Springle of rain afternoon

7th Wind S & over Cast down at Rees’s Obe & Printz their at work I home to dinner & meet the Society & settled for Book Case back & at T. Prices Meadow they mowing after the Cattle Jos. helping so home 1 qt Whis 12½ Cents

8th Wind S foggy morn at Meeting had a fine man Atley Gave us very fine discourse & prayer had agreat Shower at one OC- from S much heavier below. R Yerkes & no of young People here fine Evening fair heavy rain after night

August 9th 1824 Wind S foggy warm morn Great rain after dark Last Evening fine day no rain I off with Thomas Price to Tombelson Vandue near the bridge Cows sold for 40 drs apeice Some imported Breed they say Wm Rose pd me 3 drs on acct of Coffin I gave a poor man 12½ Cts Spent Bear &c &c 40 Cts hogs Sold above their worth L Jones gave 17 dr for a little red Sow He Tomsn Tombelson dead

10 W N in morn fine Cool day at Rees & pike Raisd the Sd. of Granery & put on the Girders Spent 12½

11th W N W fine Clear Cool morn very fine day, at ant Janes no Masons their Abnor Davis here to invite to the Burial Owen Davis Jos. Davis’s Son I at T. & Isaac Price’s back Haileys wife pd. one dolr. on acct. of her Childe’s Coffin perhaps all I Ever will Get JP’s mother was a Davis from Darby Meeting.

12 Wind N W Clear Cool morn at Rees Masons their Back & Got Thomas Price’s Gig & took Sister Becca & we went to Owen’s Burial to Springfeild yard Great No. of People Back to house & took tea so home

13th W S W & foggy morn day I at T- Prices gave a bill for his wall at Jane Prices help to hall Stone & at illegible

Augt 13

Pike Boys finish’d Mowing the Lott I over Evening & Got 1 horse Cart Load off the Bank most all Clover Bottom been flooded much 1 qt W–10 Cnts Gave Obe 50 Cents Spard Huffman for not Letting a lame man Stay all Night

14th Wind S W & fine Cool Clear Morn & fine hay day made & Got the pike Lott all home 1 qt. 10 Cnts

15 Wind W fine Cool morn I at Meeting after at Widows & at Isaac Price’s pd. him 3 He Lent me some time agoo took a drink so home

16th Wind S by W very fine Pleasant day I off for Norris Court time up the Gulph Road drove through the ford Stop at Righters waterd & 1 fip at Norris hores horse &c 1 dr. at Righters waterd so home Obe begun a Coffin for Jos. Hase’s wife I was to be at Court by 9 OC I not gooing their

17 wind S W Rather hasey Still morn I stayd to help to finished the Coffin Jos Hase’s wife had word that Charles Thomson was dead the old Secretary of Congress during the Revolution in his 95 year Jos Hase’s wifes Coffin illegible & home before dark pleasant day in the hole

18th Wind S by W. fine Clear Cool morn & day Obe & I off in dearborn & attended the Burial of Haes’s Hase’s wife to our yard Got dinner I & Sister Rebecca attended Charles Thomsons


Burial they took him in Meeting house Lower Merion Baptist Church. Horatio Gates Jones delevered a great oration & then interd him old Grave yard in the woods they adjourned the Court & No- Norristown people their He was Secretary dureing our War he was a great Good man

19 Wind S W & over Cast but Soon Cleard off day I off in old Chair to Court about Taylor & Bill Thomas tryal it Come on but I was not Calld Spent 37½ Cents Set off home over Set the Chair & Broke it much so Left it Got a Saddle & rode home hurt my hip & back but bad 2 words illegible

20 Wind N by W illegible Jos. plowing I at T. Price’s his masons at the wall round his Barnyard at Jane Price’s Rees Unwell back afternoon at pike Hoffman pd me 5 dollars home by Ant Janes

21st Wind E & had a fine Shower before day paid Mathews 2 dors. for 10 B- Oats Jos & I off for Norris Town Taylor Bill Thomas Court fine Bill 30 drs bound up on 1000 drs to keep the peace Elliots & Bill Came on not finish’d before I off for home

August 22nd 1824 Wind S W very warm Cloudy morn Been a fine Shower in night; fine day interlined: “this is the 21st Contin(u)ed on” Dinner horse & boy 62½ Cts Lent E P W 50 Cents Gave Jos. 50 Cents Bed Cord & Bacco 17½ Cents, at Righters Gooing & Coming home 18½ So home very dark Last night this was the 21st the Catey dids Chearful they have been from 15th of august Thoms Price morn, I to see Rees at the Back feilds & T Price’s Meeting while Spent 1 fip this Court Business has Cost me about $3:50 afternoon Isaac Price here & walk down with him & took tea Wm. Jones & one of John Davis’s Sons here in Evening his Father & I 2nd Cosens Close warm Evening I not Spent day as I ought to done not my Boys to Meeting It hard matter to Govern our Boys in this Republic all Equaletey the Morralety & Manners gone

23 wind N.W. & fine Clear Cool morn & warm day puting up fences at the run to prevent Allons Alleson’s Cows from into my meadow after to See Rees Price at T. Price masons their at Yard fence back Saw’d 2 or 3 Whet Stones of Lewis Jones sort & took them to T- Prices & He Gave me two Jos. Plowing So Spent 1 fip

24th Wind blank & fine Cool morn tho warm day I made 2 or 3 bars after at pike to Look mowers none they all work on pike at Bridg that the fresh took down, 1 G. 12½ John Holland & 2 others Cleaning up my old quarrel quarry for trying for Stone

Augt the 25th 1824 Wind S by E fine Clear Cool morn & pleasant day John & Jos. begun to mow in Meadow Wm. 14 year old son Harrowing I at the quarrying in my meadow 3 of them at Pit poor out I home afternoon at pike to Get Huffman to buy my Note to old Will Got one G- Whisy boys mowing–

26th Wind E by S over Cast all day & raind Evening at the Quarry & at Rees & Toms. Price’s boys & Dutch man Mowing I drink too much–

27. Wind S E & foggy morn & two or 3 Showers one very heavy Shower before noon Huffman with him at old Wills & He agreed to sell my note for 80 drs., 2 hard thundergust from west, I home to dinner Spent 1 fip no hay day Sun Shind alittle while

28th wind E. before day avery Great rain filld the poon pond much I at Rees s Jos. & Adam halld 2 Small Loads of Stone to flag his Piaza I at T. Price’s him & I at the Buck horse meeting got high took Little Gin So home had Mathew’s horse Left Tom Price at widow west Wiest

29th W. E & over Cast at Meeting afternoon at Jane Prices & at T. Price & took Some drink So home few drops of rain now & then in Evening wind E all day

30 Wind Still E & over Cast this is the 5th day of Easterly wind & rain afternoon wet no hay my Grass been out Ever Since the 27 Grate time

August 31st 1824 Wind N by E & Great rain in this morn most uncommon time my hay Gone I fear this 5 day of Cloudy & rain I at I. & T. Price’s & at Rees after the hogs Alleson & Rees plage me much

September the 1st.. Wind W & wet morn but Cleard off fine by 8 O’C- mending fence awhile afternoon at the hay turnd & rake the most of it up wet under but not rotten it has keep better than might be Exspected been Cut 7 days Some of it no Sun Shine that saved It

2 Wind N W fine Clear Cool Morn & fine hay day the negro finishd tharshing & help us with the hay Got 3 Loads in at G. Wanes ½ G- 25 meet Doct. Mac & Doct Anderson Doct Mac treated me small Botl Cyder I work much at hay alittle out yet This is JP’s first reference to the tavern formerly Streaper’s, Yerkes’s, and Mathews’ as the General Wayne.

3 wind S E & over Cast & raind Smart by 10 OC- boys Cock the hay that was out So wet that we Cooldo could do nothing at it I at pike 1 qt oyl & a Glass He Hoffman Bot. my Note from old Will & I Gave him my Note for 94 drs at Rees they seem to afell on a prety good quarry

4 wind S W over Cast and raind about day but it cleared off with flying Clouds no rain I Bortheing bothering with McClenechans Acct for Building his Barn, till noon then Met the agriculter Society Got Little hay out, the illegible rain measure 14 Members Meet

September the 5th 1824 Wind S W & Cloudy raind afternoon I not at Meeting at pike to See if Huffman goo to poor house to Morrow, back to dinner at T. Prices to Rees so home & put up the mare & fed her to goo poor house to morrow

6th W. N by W wet before day Huffman here by 6 OC- Like rain but we off in dearborn & my dutch mare by Anderson at Righters ½ G- ferry 25 Cts at Norris 2 qts oats & ½ G- on to poor house They fed the mare & we got dinner & I got an order for negros Coffin & 150 Cts for Grave they Gave Huffman an order for 6 d+r for the Negroes that dyed at his house very fine day, but a great rain Last night had raisd the Cricks so we had to goo up to Perkaomy Bridge & by the Trap about 3 miles round Calld at Curteys Tavern & knew me from Long agoo & treated Us

7th Wind N & a wet morn wonderfull it rains when it Pleases & from every point I went to Doct Brookfeild to See E Price home to dinner, Got rain in Earnsest earnest afternoon very wet afternoon at M.athews 12 Cents & at T Prices Got peaches so

8 wind N E & very wet heavy Showers from before day until 9 OC- or Near 10 the heaviest rain from from 6 OC till about 9 OC I think I ever Seen do not think I Ever Seen harder Wind Got west about 12 OC, blue Smart Shower it Cleard off about 5 OC- fine with fresh Brease & to Rees for my Saw at M- ½ Glass Enoch Price Calld here to State acct– he work for Mac’s Barn

Septemr 9th 1824 Wind N. Cloudy Cool morning & Cold day 2nd Batalion of vollenteers to meet to day for day order at Genl blot I went to See them in afternoon at old Peter Otts Vandue Bout 50 Cents worth & back & went to See the blot & Observe officers

10th. Wind No fine Cool Clear morn in hole prety fine day no rain Obe all night here with him at troop illegible I in disipation dissipation at Obes & at Rees’s quarry Getting on fine Stone Mac home afternoon

11th Wind N.E & over Cast & begun to rain by 10 OC- most wonderfull Season for rain at the two words illegible has fell uppon a fine Quarry raind so fast they quit before noon– I at pike Tobacco & ½ Glass 10 Cts pd for Obe 10 Cents so home Holland I got his Sheep Order & pd one dollar I at Matheys He treated me illegible &c Matheys wet afternoon

12 Wind S E & over Cast not Seen the Sun to day but no rain Since morning I at the Quarry, at Rees’s Mathey & I & at Rees in Morn not at Meeting wonderfull time for wet

13 W E foggy Cloudy morn but no rain Sun Shind Several times the Clearest day this Long while I at Flat Rock factory Old man pd me 2 drs for Little Coffin on to flat rock bridge at Grows 1 G 12½ on to MacClenechans presented my Acct for Barn

14 Wind S W foggy morn the Sun Rose prety fine soon to bed, but it Broke off the Clearest day this 3 weeks I think I at work at Barn Obe their made the big Barn door frame

Sepr 15th 1824 Wind S foggy over Cast been a shower in night but Cleard off by noon about noon I at Rees & Got Obe to Come & help me a Coffin for Thomas Balors Child 2/2 Long finish at 12 OC- & I attended the Burial to our yd- & Esther Hardin old Abe Hardins Widow dyed in Phila. & fetch her to Bury here Merion yard I walk to Rees’ Tom & Rees their 1 qt W 12½ Cent at Rees’s to see how they Come on at Quarry, 4 of them at it do much

16th Wind S by E & Some times S & S.E. Little Springley rain but about noon S W & prety fine Tom & Isaac Price’s with 2 Carts & 2 teams halling Stones Obe at work I their they halld from 90, to 100 perch by noon, for Rees’s barn all they had Quarried I home to dinner I their afternoon Obe at window frames I at T Price’s He up here Ann Elliot & Taylors daughter here Great rain in night wonderfull Season for rain

17th Wind W & Cloudy but Clear & a fine day Masons at the Barn again Obe their I their & at pike 1 G. 12½ Jos. horse & Cart at the widows halling dirt afternoon at the Buck about 100 Volenteers from Lancester their had tents Camp kettles Eats &c &c they Pitch their tents in old feild Helembold pd me 4 drs for Latchs Child Coffin I pd Mathey 2 drs & Spent 25 cents So home

Sepr 18th 1824 Wind N Cool & Clear morn & avery fine N W wind not had such a day this moon I Cut 30 withs withes for Rees’s Barn, I down their at 11 OC- took Little drink So home to dinner- Masons their Coming on fine Stone plenty after at Wynn’s & Otts money Got none home & at the Barn they Raisd a Scafel I home by T. Price

19th Wind N. by E & over Cast & wet alittle about noon Abe Tunis here & Shaved me Spent 1 fip for him afternoon at I Prices Silas & wife their took tea their so home–

20th Wind N. prety fine day held up for Mason to be their at the Barn Raisd the Barn doors & Side of Barn floor home to dinner their afternoon Millers team fetch Load of Lime gooing well

21st. W— N Clear Cool morn at the Barn Set the front door frame & at pike Tobacco & Gin 10 Cents Cloudy most all day Sent Wm to Look for a negroman to help to hall dung got him not Gave my acct for Gaunt for Coffin Got not

22nd Wind S W fine Soft Clear Morn I off to John Levering to Get him to Settle with McClenechan at Loyd Jones about Inspector He treated me very Civil at the Barn Jos. helping Huffman

23 Wind N.W very fine day at Barn & at Princes & at I Price Jos. halling dung Huffman & horse help

Septr 24 1824 Wind S W fine Still Clear morn & a lite white frost first this fall, Boys halling I at Rees’s Barn they gooing finely I got their horse & went to Hestons to hew, back to dinner off to Goodmans he say he Come 2nd day at Taylors & Leverings to Borrow 25 drs He says I Shall have It to pay a doctr. Bill from New Orleans for attending my Poor Boy George who dyed their only He says Charge 50 dolrs for gooing 3 times 4 miles Every visit Cost him 8 miles ride Says

25 Wind N Clear Cool morn & Lite white frost I with Lower at pike Phillip Lower treated to 3 small Glasses I home to dinner afternoon boys halling dung I at the Barn & Quarry Tom Price in quarry I Back at Matheys Spent not Obe not at work guning Great preparation to meet Makes Marquis delafayet de Lafayette the little french General here in the Revolution War

26th Wind S W rather warm & Cloudy Sun raisd very red, I & Isaac Price at Jacob Printz to know If He knew Doct Debow of New Orlane who Sent me abill for attending my Son George of fifty dollars who dyed their He Say He attended 5 or 6 times 4 miles out of town He thinks 25 drs would be ample payments for his attention to him back to dinner T.P

Sepr 27th 1824 wind N W fine Clear Cool morn John Huffman here Soon him & I off in dearborn for Norris by Spring Mill ferriage & ½ G 12½ Cents I pd at Bank 96 Cents Intrest on 90 dr. note, all the Milatary up to goo to Meet Delafyet Hoffman took my order from Poor house & paid me 5 drs 50, at omission 1 G 12½ at Righters 1 fip the hole 54 Cents Back to dinner at Buck troop of horse their blot Down to Wm Penn took dinner so home Great parade at Mathey 3 troops meet their Holstons Matheys & Wayns troop meet their on to the taverns near the ferry to Meet Markes Lafayet to Morrow Morning He deservd well of Us a french Boy Came here in the Revolution about 20 years old they made him a General very soon He was a Soldier from nature But too much fuss with him volenteers horse & foot, from a great distance Coming on, viz Lancaster Reading & Else where

28 Wind N W prety Cool Cloudy morn & little Springel of rain, But held up after fine pleasant day this day Lafet Lafayette is to make his appearance in Phila. all Soldiers & Citizains to Phila to pay him respect I say deservd well but it rediclious to make Such a fuss with him I off to See A Levering to Get 25 dllrs of him to Send the Doct that attended my Son George in New Orleans Bill sent to me Spent 2 fips so home got no dinner

Septr 29th 1824 wind S W & wet morn & keep on with wet till noon I at Matheys 25 Cents with Allerson & other Vollanteers that had been Conductor Celebrating Markes De Lafayet to Phila they make too omission fuss with the man tho He deservd of america they have volunteers from as far as Harris Burg Reading Lancester now the Poor Stoupe fellows are gooing 2 or 3 & 5.6 ? as forlawn forlorn as If they had on a forline? hope It is all a Bauyl bauble? hope to make Such a fuss about Markes De lafyet tho he Deserves Every Respect from crossed out & illegible Republican but pay such Homage I went not to See him Rambling style; almost illegible script.

30th Wind W prety fine Calm Clear pleasant day I off to town to See the Doct. from New Orlean & paid him 25 drs. for attending my son George I pd it to Doct Edwards, who had a power to raise it from Doct. Debow I very sorry I paid him above 20 dr dined at Robesons Oats 2 Small G- & dinner & boy 56 Cents ferry pike 8 Cts Elliots 12 Cts

October 1st wind N fine Clear Cool morn & fine day day repeated at the Barn fore noon after at the Election Jacob Stadleman Inspector & James Jones Cessor

October 2nd 1824 Wind N Cool morn but fine day for work I at Rees’s twice & at John Levering to Look for Rafters & Plates none Cut nor Logs back to Dinner after noon meet the Society & at the Barn

3rd Wind N fine day meet J. Printz & a man name of Walker who knew my Son George in New Orlean Came back with Jacob Printz Came up & dined with me & Seamore I not at Meeting

4th wind N at the Barn & Pottering their Looking Plates &c for Barn afternoon tyd & Shock’d Corn fodder Jos plowing

5th Wind N in Morn pleasant day for work I at the Barn & Leveling for the square & Looking for Saw Log for Rafters Rees along at pike 1 fip at Isaac Prices He unwell at Toms

6th Wind S & wet thunder in morn Raind prety smart till 9 or 10 OClock then held up that they work all day I at pike & at Barn Got finished plowing & begun to harrow

7th Wind N W been a Smart rain in night but fine day mason got up to Square of Barn & off at T. Price’s Obe & Goodman at work at plates &c

8 Wind N W fine day I Borrowd 4½ B Rye of Isaac Price to Sow Tom Price & E P Walters sowd it & 2 B wheat I at the Barn alittle while white frost

9th Wind S W Clear Cool morn white frost but very Pleasant day Jos Harrowing the Rye & wheat I at the Barn awhile & off Bill and Georg tharsh our Crop of Buck wheat one & half Bushel

October 10th. 1824 Wind S W fine Still Clear morn & remarkable pleasant day, I at meeting at Matheys 1 Jill wine 1 fip Reading & made a draft for Barn purlines supports for rafters of roof 10 or more young Girls & Boys Evening made a great noise Ranted & playd Pratts Latchs & others

11th Wind S & over Cast Small rain about noon but not So as to Stop the Carpenters from work I to See them twice John the Mason here to Lay the flags at Adam’s Piazar I not well

12th Wind N W & fine Clear Morn I at the Barn twice & after at the Election Small only Demo ticket the Federals made no ticket only no party work I Spent 3 fips for Bear I drank no Gin for a wonder

13 Wind S & S W held up Cool day Evening alittle rain, Peter Hansel here for a Coffin for Ellis’s Child I Sent to Enoch Jones Obe ingaged at Barn I not well I undertook to invite Wm. Hallowell to the Burial I went Calld at Taylors pint Beer 5 Cents So back & at the Barn Evening

14 wind N hear the dam over Cast & has rain alittle in night & wet till 10 OC- wind W quite fine day at Raising the widows Barn Got it very Cleaver without accidence 15 or 20 men & boys Got Rafters &c I did not taste any Sperrits 2 pint Bear 12½

15 Wind N W Clear Cool morn Ann & Wm to Market at the Barn no work all Cuting Corn I home & at Meeting Foulk preachd well I at John Leverings he accepted an order of McClenechans

Octr. 16th 1824 Wind S W fine Clear Cool morn & pleasant day I at Rees’s & at Wynn’s & Doct Brookfeilds meet Doct Shivers their He Been away Some time at Cincinnatee New Orleains Gooing to Set up at Norris town He had been their before & had a great Practice Young man of fine Parts I Lost my Garter a knit one, went back to Rees s but found it not Tom & Isaac Price their & John Evans from Radner with his Rackoon dogs Tom all tip too toe prety high all full of hunt 5 or 6 off I Sup with Tom & a drink of Cyder

17th Wind S & soft Cloudy morn but Cleard a fine pleasant day at Meeting in morning my Nease Ann Paschal here & at Meeting Gave us a prayer & Shortsermon afternoon at T. Price’s took a drink Cyder So home pint Bear at Matheys So home– had some Conversation with the Doctr about Mary He has very little hopes of Her She took Cold & Lost her womanhood Mary is JP’s 17 year old daughter.

18 Wind S W avery fine day plowd our Potatoes up had not one Bushel owing to Low heavy ground & so much wet Harray here Cleand out Docts well So Calld attempted to pump the water out but not succeed 10 feet water in it I at T. Prices Got a drink Cyder 1 qt wiskey 12½ Cts

19 wind N & Soft foggy morn & avery fine warm day I at Rees s Barn mason their home & got a small Cart Load of apples for hogs at Printz Reed up with Supeneys for Several Respecting Mays Est meet Wm Hagy at Matheys

Octr. the 20nd th 1824 Wind S & very foggy morn but held a pleasant day I Got Mathews horses & attended Joshua Notes Burial in Baptist Yard He was one of my Troopers in the Federal troop at Taylors He gave me dinner & I Spent 12½ So home & at T Price’s

21st Wind W fine Clear pleasant day I off to Ili Eli Rogers to Look Barber Barbara fishbern to Get her to Goo to Court about May Est above the Buck back to Taylors Spent Bear 1 fip Evening up to Captain Rickers He been to New Olanes Come home Sick but prety Brave now & gooing to Sea again–

22 Wind N W & very Large white frost will kill peppers &c Not been any frost to kill any thing or Stop vegatation wonderfull fine time since this Moon for Sowing & takeing up Potatoes &c Wm & I Took the Sheep to pike to Hoffman’s Ram back & killd a old Ewe very Good Mutten after at the Barn Cyder 4 Ct

23rd Wind N fine Clear morn & fine day Rees & Self in town in dear Born & his horse for nails I Bot fish 1 fip Red Chalk 1 fip Dinner 25 Cts 2 Small Glasses 12½ Cents Rees paid horse pike &c &c So home

in margin: “24 first (day) at Meeting”

25 wind N- & Cloudy Morn Off Soon for Barbary Fishburn at John Smiths back to Breakfast & on to town about Peter Mays Est & Fann to Court put off to next week horse &c 31 Cts fish 25 ferry 12½ pike 8½ at Sheldrakes 3 Cts

Octor 26th 1824 wind S. E & over Cast down to Rees’s looking to Lath John Roberts Came to get a Coffin for Isaac Roberts Child about 3 feet long Obe & I fell to work & finnished before night 1 qt whisy 12½ Cents Great rain till noon fine in Evening

27 Wind N W & very fine Clear Morn Black man Aaron paid me 2 dlrs. for his Childs Coffin I off with coffin at 9 OC- to Isaac Roberts’ back to dinner attended at 2 OC & buried in our yard about 4 OC- Samuel Gibson here old all Night He Staid & took Breakfast

28 Wind S W fine white frost morn I at Rees’s Obe & Goodman Lathing Saml along I home to dinner It blue up Cold & high wind I to Linseys to get him to help to Shingle Jont Miller treated to small Glass So home

29th Wind W Cold Cloudy Morn Cold day I helping to Lath at the Barn & begun to Shingle I at Election for Electors to vote for president Beer 3 Cents

30th Wind N W Cold plenty Ice Ground froze prety hard, Mason Give up Dashing I their helping to Shingle & help to hall Corn

31st Wind W Cold froze prety hard I at Barn & T Price’s Soon in Morn at home after Walk to Conrads & Polly Tunis’s Tom Price along in order to Get them to Court about Fan & Peter Mays Executor Reed

November the 1st 1824 Wind S E over Cast Sent Jos for Barbary & Elizth Conrad about Fan May & Reed Excr of Peter May Took Fishbern & E Conrad to town the tryal did not Come on treatyed them to dinner at Yerkes 50 Cts my Dinner & horse 50 Cts pike & Gin 32 pike & feriahe ferriage 20 Cents 3¼ so treated Black Phill 6 Cts

2nd Wind S by E & white frost Sett off about 8 OC- Call for Reed for Court Back before 11 OC- I took them their & home to dinner Smart white frost no Ice Rees took 50. B Lime of Shelline blot Samuel Linsey & boy their Put them to Shingle finished before Night I at widow Morris to See If I Can make Cyder their

3rd Wind W Cold Clear Morn Ice froze prety hard I at T. Prices soon Jos halld 2 Loads of wood Ann & Wm. to Market I at widows 4 Plowing for Rees not Sowd aney any Ant Jane pd me 10 Cents for gooing for Nails they Got 100 Brick from me

4th Wind N W Clear hard frost the masons Ruff Casting or Dashing Rees’s Barn I down their Jos & John Ground 3 Loads of apples John Holland help & we presst it Got 1 lb & ½ 1 qt whiskey 12½ Cents fine afternoon

Novr 5th 1824 Wind S thunder to S Several fine Little Showers I over at pike for the Sheep the most thunder from S to W amost Constant Roreing after along time Came up a Great Shower with Some near Claps Struct a tree near Obe’s I home with the Sheep Ben Price Holland & 2 more Came & we finish’d Huskin our Corn Cleard off fine night

6 Wind N W prety Cool but no Ice Rather Windy Cool day at pike & at Rees, Jos halld our pummeys home & Load Sand for Rees & took wood Load home Spent 1 fip at pike at Rees Masons dashing

7 Wind N W Clear Cool Morn but no Ice. Mary Continues very Ill I at Meeting & Reading Wm Penns book E Lobb here to dinner after walk with him to E.P. Walters drank Some new Cyder not well Got ½ Brandy at M No of Girls & people here to See & here of Mary

8 W. N. Still Clear Morn no Ice pleasant day Adam & Self Mending dearborn after at Obes John & Joe plowing his Potatoes He drunk I at pike pint Beer on to Sibleys Look for Steve on to D Bickens to Little Joe Lower on to flat Rock Grows Spent 1 fip on to J Leverings home Rachel Colourd woman very Ill I off for Doct. He came about 11 OC-

9th wind E & over Cast & wet a little in morn & wet day Cold rain I at Rees’s barn about home all day So wet only at T. Price’s Boys Spliting wood at wood piles

Novr 10th 1824 W— N in morn but S.W & avery pleasant warm day I at pike Jacket pattern 12½ Cts Masons Dashing at Ant Janes Barn I a grate fray with Ben Price about aload of Sand said in Jokeing Dollar & 60 aload He got in agreat Passion & Ript & Swore told him I Sd. it only as a Joke for I had no more right than him or Rees but he Ript & swore He Shute it up I tryd to prevent him & struct him 2 or 3 times He raisd the Shovel He is a madman when Intoxacated I off to J. Levering for money got none Collared colored woman better Mary No Better John & Jos halld Corn Stocks & Leaves for hog penn

11th wind W fine Calm Clear morn frost plenty froze the Ground but a delightfull day Obe John & Self Shingleing back side of Smith Shop Got 100 Shingles of Rees Price finished before night, Gin 25 Cents I had 500 hundred 5 hundred? Culler Ceader

12th Wind N & hard frost Clear fine Morn John Levering Sent Me 10blot drs by his Lawyer Deal McClenechans Order; I Paid Old Tommy 5 dolrs. Intrest at Tom Price took Little Cyder so home

13th wind N W Still Clear Morn hard frost I off about 8 OC- to Esqr Elliotts’ in order to goo to Norris He was at Tompson who Summend me He back at 11 OC- & I Give out gooing & rode to war office & to Hagys He not well

Novr 14th 1824 Wind N by W Calm prety Clear morn hard frost but a very pleasant day I not at Meeting not very well walk to I. Price back & fetch up horses & fed the hogs & John & Jos. off all day not home at 10 OC- bad Boys Spent 2 fips Bear &c

15 Wind S & very foggy soft morn John & Wm Cuting wood I at pike Bought Casanet probably casemere, woolen fabric for men’s clothing 3 yds for Pantaloons, after at pig troff for T. Price, Spent 1 fip, fine rain from 12 OC- till night

16th Wind S & over Cast no frost wet in morn Cleard off after I portering pottering boys sorting Corn & Shelling I at pike 1 qt Gin & Tobacco 18 Cts whet wood saw &c Mary no Better fine warm day

17 wind S W & over Cast not so fine as yesterday morn with the Doct. to See old Hagy back & at M G. McClenechan their He up & stop with me bouth Got prety high abominable Shamefull

18 Wind N.W froze hard Cold disagreeable Mac here but would Eate no Breakfast at Matheys treated to 2 or 3 small Glases Him & I at pike I got very tipsey Obe & son home with me What Come of Mac I know not

19 W N & hard frost Clear Cold morn I over at pike 1 fip Mac their I home & whet my Saw & potterd about feel bad. I hope I never Commit my Self

20 Wind N here hear the dam Cold at the pike Tobacco & Gin 10 Cents black Tom to Get a Coffin for Bill Cruppers Child Obe over & we begun did not finish–

Novr 21st 1824 Wind N heard the flat Rock dam hard frost but pleasant day Obe & I finishd the Coffin Alfread Alfred, JP’s youngest son off with me Hammiltons village Stayd till 1 OC- home & interd it our yard about 3 OC fine day Spent 2 fips & one Ct. tobacco

22 Wind W Clear Sharp frost Obe & self Righting Up the Old Shop Jos. & John Cuting wood I treated Obe to Jill & ½ Jill Self 3 fips Mary no Better; neighbours very kind Some Sit Every Night

23 W N W no Ice Ann & Wm off to Market a turkey & 2 pigs & butter Alfred & Self Sticking Boards I at Pike & J Huffman Paid me 5 drs. for Cord Hickery wood 1 qt. Brandy 31 Cts I not well & took it for or as Medicien medicine after Repairing old Shop

24 Wind S Smokey or foggy morn & very pleasant day Repairing old Shop John Levering paid me 20 drs for Mary McClenechan & with him to T. Price’s & E.P. Walters Sold him 4 or 5 Logs home to dinner with Adam at Smiths Cole pit & at Clarks no money He in town widow armstrong promis Give Me an order on T. Amos for 5 drs She now married to a dutch man at Robesons Shop

25 Wind N W Cool Clear morn no Ice Self & Adam off in Dearborn to town I paid Kean 10 file & hinges 56½ Cts Tar 100 Cts beef 25 Cts

Novr 26th 1824 Wind S by W & over Cast no Ice but Large white frost, I off in Dearborn to Norris, renewd my Bond at Bank & paid 10 drs principal & 85 Cts Intrest horse 4 qt oats Gin & horsler 31 Cents So for home pike at 2 Gates 8 Cents fisher pd 5 Cents on to John Hagy’s Gin & horsler 9 Cts He with to flat Rock He pd 1 fip I up to his Fathers So home night begun to rain afternight wet night

27 wind S W & over Cast & wet morn pleasant no frost & Cleard off about noon as warm as amay day Boys Guning I at I Price awhile then Repaird a window in Shop at M.athews Spent 9 Cents Mary no Better Sarah Price Isaac’s wife here all night after at pike & Society the Election day for officers Judge Peters President J. Elliot Vice Break & E P Walters Secretaries–

28 W E by S & Cloudy damp day no rain but sort of Mist I at T Price’s in Morn not at Meeting afternoon at Loyd Jone’s to See his hogs Spanish & English Breed took Coffee So home

29th Wind S E & foggy morn & Cloudy unpleasant all day I at Obes killd his 2 hogs 1 wd 292 & other 242

30 wind SE & over Cast no frost nor no rain this the 3 day of over Cast Dull wheather I meet Mac Spent not

December 1st 1824 Wind S by E over cast all day Soft warm this is the 4 day Cloudy warm no frost not Seen the Sun but twice Since the 26th Boys & Self Taring the Roof off Adams house at M. one qt Whisy 12½

2 Wind S E Cloudy foggy Morn & misting dull day E P Waltr & Jos. Plowing No 4 Stiff Sord sod I their with them Loyd Jones, Came & took E.P.W. off to help to Settle the Horse Companys Acct. Jos. Plowed with E. P Walrs horses & plow afternoon this the 5th day not Seen the Sun Shine Clear only See it now illegible it was 2 or 3 times

3rd wind E & over Cast most wonderfull time Like English weather 2 weeks without Seeing their Sun this is the 6th day without any sun about 3 lines obliterated Jos Plowed till noon after at Mill Mary very Bad I at T.P. & Matheys

4 Wind N by W & very bloughing morn Snowing Cold Disagreeable Morn Snow Coverd the Ground the first this winter it blew much till noon & the Snow all off afternoon I took my illegible

Decr 4th 1824

I off to Look my Colt found him not home to dinner prety fine afternoon puting up kettles to kill hogs &c at Tom Prices He to horse Company at Buck their annual Meeting to have Supper

5th Wind N W fine Clear Morn hard frost but Calm at T. Price’s & at Meeting a No of People here Mary very Low Sister Becca & Becca Finance Sat up about 12 OC- at night She parted this Life

6th Wind blank over Cast allday they Calld me up about one OC that Mary had Departed this Life, John went for Adam Hansel & his wife He went for Sarah Price & they Layd Her out, Sent for Obe & him & I made the Coffin & they put her in Matheys went to town for things Young G- McClenechan Came & rode to invite Jos Stadleman rode E P W rode & Adam went to John Gibsons

7th Wind S W & dull Cloudy morn wet Some in night it Blue off & Cleard before omission Sarah Price Cathern Hoffman Miriah Jones Jane Tunis & Rebecca Finance all here attending & Geting dinner &c Adam Hansel & wife very attentive & deserved well, Great No. of People attended & we Started after 3 OC- & interd Her in the row where we Buried Richard Eckrod new Ground she is the 3rd an English woman between them back by 4 OC- & no took tea & Coffee here. A few sentences about Mary follow with parts heavily crossed out & illegible. This much can be read: “She…Child about 17 years. She used to milk & attend the Spring house… & wasted away layd Long 8 or 10 weeks”

December the 8th 1824 wind W & prety hard frost & high Cold windy day at T. Price’s to get him to help me kill my hogs to Morrow He killd a beef Cow at Maths pint bear Getten ready to kill my hogs halld a load of wood &c &c

9th wind about west fine Calm morn about 6 OC- up & made a fire under the Copper for Scalding hogs T. Price E P Walters B. Price John Holland & Obe help & Adam Hansel help killd 5. one 302 lb total 930 Cost me 3 qt. Whisy all Clever perhaps Self most Base-

10th Wind S W & over Cast raind prety Smart about noon, Wind W & held off, fine with Reed to Summons witness’s between Fan May & him He treated to small Glass & waterd his horse at Mats

11 Wind W fine Still Clear Morn no frost a remark able warm day I about home till noon after at John Smiths to Look Barbary Fishburn to goo to town, at Taylors Gin 12½ Cents Calld to T- Price He got hurt

12th Wind E Still Clear Morn no frost but Cloudyed before noon raw & disagreeable at Meeting after off to Look Barber Fishbern at John Smith their to Ili Rogers, got Her & Set off for home got very dark & bad roads Spent 18½ Cents

13 Wind S W & very hard rain in Night & wet morn Gave Barbary 50 Cts for attending Court Sent for Betsey Conrad off for Town dined at Yerkes the Trial begun Barbari Examined I home night

December 14th 1824 Wind N W Clear Sharp morn froze Prety Smart I off for town on horseback Left the wagon & Women in town Barbary dined at Yerkes yesterday & Self to day Conrad & self their to dinner & Barbary & my horse 2 days & Oats & hay 50 Cts, Gave the horsler 25 Cts I home with Conrad & Barbary in Evening Cold N W Barbary Stayd all night Conrad home

15 Wind W Clear Sharp morn hard frost but fine day off to town about Mays Business Fan had Young Anderson & all her witness their they Got through & the Lawyers Spoke & Left it to the Jury I paid 75 Cts for horse & 31 Cents drink 31 Cts to horslers Left unpaid 3 dinners for Self & 3 for the womans home

16th Wind W Calm Clear morn but hard frost but fine day thawd some in Sun off with T & Rees Price at Taylors about the road from Gulph road to turnpike Spent 3 Cents home to dinner after about home paid Matheys 280 Cents 1 qt W. 12½

17th Wind E Red to Sun rise hard frost & Look Like Snow over Cast wind got S & begun to rain after noon Boys tharsh 2 B. Rye I at T. Price took alittle drink of rom rum

18th Wind S & over Cast Great rain & very Great wind & as warm as a Spring morn wonderfull no frost

all the frost out I think very warm day Wind Got S W & W. & Cleard off afternoon I pottering about Jos whent to Rye & Corn Tom Price here Evening Says Reed & Fan has heard the Jury has alowd Fan 250 drs instead of 11 or 1200 dollar

19 Wind W fine Still Clear Morn froze very little Ice at Ponn pond Man here to Get a Coffin for Jos Garrets Child 2/6 I. Long Sent for Obe he Came about 1 O’C I got head & foot on & Side work he help to finish about Sun Set treated him to Jill 6 Cts & Self ½ Glass So John & Joe away This being first day was Just Gooing to Meeting when they Came for coffin

20th Wind N W hard frost but very fine day I off ½ after 7 OC- with the Coffin arivd bout ½ after 8 O,C-, Started about 11 OC- & interd it in our Yard home about 1 O’C- 3 feet Long Pint bear 6¼ Cents after at Pike 1 qt Gin 12 Cents Eclipis eclipse on the sun this morn Ecleips on the sun & on full on the moon at full

21 Wind S W very Great white frost & hard froze I off very Soon to Get T. Price to kill my Cow Benjn Price Came & they fell to & kill before noon Old Holland Cleand the Guts 2 qt of Gin 3 lines heavily crossed out & illegible

22 Wind S & over Cast & begun to Snow till it Coverd the ground Cold but not two lines illegible

December the 23rd Wind N W & Cold & prety Cleard Cold day off with the Coffin the Coffin for old Roreman at least 90 interd him about 12 OC- dutch Church

24 Wind S W & Clear Cold day Rees killd 7 hogs I there 2 or 3 times Jos halld 3 Loads of wood Cart wheel Gave out He back to Whiteman they wright

25 Wind S W & over Cast Doct Brookfeild here Soon to Get a Coffin for Judge Jones Geard up Jos along & bespoke a Coffin in town the first rate illegible handles &c I suppose about 80 yrs old ferriage &c 20 Cts horse & dinner &c 75 Cts horsler 6¼ Cents So home at sunset afternoon was fine Like Spring I went to one Lesley a Coffin Maker 3 Street alley along sd of the Church He agreed to make it by 10 OC- next day I home Evening

26 Wind W & avery Large white frost & Got the Coffin & home about 2 OC- & Got Obe & took it up & put him in 20 I. 13 I. deep did fine horse &c 31 Cents

December the 26th 1824

Wind S W over Cast in morn & Large white frost but Cleard off Jos. & self off for Philada & got the Coffin about 12 OC- I off for home & up with the Coffin & took it up & put him in horse &c 31 Cents ferry & pike 16 Cents Elliots 12 Cents–

27th Wind W & a very Large white frost & a most pleasant day, the Coffin Maker & herse up about 8 OC- & we on to the furner funeral house of Judg Jones & Started about 11 OC & interd at Radnor Church Spent 6¼ Cts I dined at Jont Miller no Charge I home at Sun Set a Great No of Carriages & horse people wonderfull

28th Wind N Clear Calm Morn no Ice & blue up far Colder in the day than morning I off to See Abe Tunis no money on to Grows ½ G- 6¼ Cts on to Hagys he much Better on to Clarks no Cash So home at Buskerks & Stellwagons & Holgates no Cash

29th Wind S E fine pleasant day at Rees’s, at Morris for my Saw Jos.George & 2 or 3 Carts halling Stones &c Meeting yard I their afternoon

1824 December the 30th Wind S by W morn & wet but it got west & held up & the Sun Shind out afternoon no frost of Coniquence consequence J Holland & Obe Sawing wood for me Jon & Jos Choping I with them 2 qts 20 Cents so goos the falling man 2 of my Poor boys is Gone I fear

31 Wind W very fine Calm Clear morn not froze any of Concequence Wm. & Self off in wagon to Phila took pigs to James Robesons I at Reeds at his Lawyer Sent a notice to Fan May to Move horse &c 25 at Yerkes’s 6¼ Cts ferriage & pike 18 Cts at the Joiners He & the Herse man Charge 42 dollars for Judg Jones Coffin & road Exspences, home Evening