Read by George Lonsdorf, Narberth
July the 2nd. 1800 The mason finished toping the kitchen Chimney I tending Carried the hood hod

3thrd About home till noon then at Richard Humphreys he Reaping Rye & Wheat home by Streapers
Streaper’s/Streeper’s, tavern later known as the General Wayne Inn, 625 Montgomery Ave, Merion.
4th Anniversity of our Independance at John Price’s Reaping Wheat & Shocking– at Jacob Morris’s he Reaping allso —
5th Wind S.W. & very warm day, Had 10 hands Reaping Viz. Jont. Walters, Quill McVaw, Isaac Franks, Edward Lollar, Isaac Price, Daniel Harrington, Bill Gill, Henry Gorden, J. Price, Horatio & Self Doct. Tunis & Israel Davis Shocking Reap 147 Doz– not finished

being first day Refraind from Labour at home all Day–
7th Wind S W and very Warm, Reaping Wheat Bot of Jacob Bear in Partnership with James Disbury, I had Daniel, Isaac, Phelix, Henry, Horatio Israel Davis & Self Viz 7 & Disbury had Ellis, Wright, & himself & 2 Qt Whiskey I had 3 qrts. Whiskey, had 72 doz. Gave last line on page illegible

July the 8th. 1800- Wind W. had Phelix, Isaac, Daniel, Gorden Horatio & Self Reaping the Remainder of the Rye before the door over Pike, Got done by noon, had 76 doz. & 125 doz. Christophers Crop Gave 40 Dollars for it Phelix & Horatio went to D. Roberts, Isaac & Daniel & Gorden to Walters & self too,
9th Wind old Course & warm Doct Tunis heare Soon to Cut my Colt D. Roberts, J Walter Jos Walter & Self Horatio too had agreat Strugel he fought hard, Cut & Seard him, 3 days after full moon Signs in Legs, after at Brot. Johns Reaping. Isaac, Daniel & Gorden
The full moon in Capricorn, which rules the legs.
10th Wind to West. Henry, Horatio & Self halld in they the Rye below Pike Put 68 doz. Hollands Barrack & 8 doz Stable over to old Place, put 19 Doz on the Stande give way so Left on Road, &c home
11th. Geard up Soon, Jont Walter & 2 horses & I 105 doz in John Prices Barrack, & 19 illegible back about 2 OC. & hall at Walters, Rye home night
July 12th 1800 Wind S W & Cloudy to W very Little Scud of Rain, Could hardly feal it up soon & over to J Walters finish halling his by 9 OC. then over to Lippens hall the Wheat we Bout. of Bare to Knox’s barn 72 doz. by & home about 1 OC- afternoon at the Dam took a Swim & at Streapers Spent Glass punch. 1s10½ So home David Roberts finished Reaping to day—
13 Raind in night not much hear Very remarkable Cool this Morn the fire very agreeable afternoon at Bill Lewis’s with one of John Hunters Sons he Dine’d hear, home Soon A number of People heare. Jos Hoskins Zell &c; my Colt Remarkable Brave never has swelled not as much as his bag was before he was Cut
14 Wind S.W & over Cast Light Shower afternoon I Plowing Corn (neglected it before harvest) John Atkinson begun the stairs viz put the Posts & String board up the horses & Platform &c. was up; before
15 Wind S W. Plowing Corn very fine day to plow the Air much Cooler John Roberts Mill Wright hear not Seen a great While

July 16th 1800 Wind N W & fine Cool Morn up Soon & Plowing for Buckwheat above one Acre to day, & over with a man at Hugh Knox to Look for aschoo Askew, I home to Supper
17th Wind S W & very dry is the Ground finishd Plowing before Noon for Buck wheat in the feild Joining the Pike, after took the Plow to New Land &c &c & halld aboard
18 Wind S W & warm day halling Rails off the new Land & Phelix Plowing for buckwheat at Locust hill home to Dinner- mending fans & Sundries about house Drinker Came to paint my Sign for the William Penn Inn
19th Wind S W very warm about house at Sundries Jont Walter went town for boards my old Mare, Therefore Could not Sow buckwheat Evening at Crows for my Part Poor Duplicate at Streapers, ½ Pint Wine 11d So home
20th. Wind S W & warm being first day at Dam morn & took aswim at home all day, poor day in the Tavern way Come on after dark 2 or 3 thunder gust 2 Wagons Come in the Midst of it
July 21st. 1800 Wind N E & over Cast Drisuld a little fore noon then Broke off Sowd the newland with buckwheat alittle Better than ½ B. I harrowed it mySelf, afternoon Spreading Lime 50 B. & 10 Old. lime, about 1 Acre ¾ Joining the pike Nomber 2, Phelix Isaac Frank & Adam Gott, mowing the New Meadow, or Sawmill Do. Pretty Good Grass, Part of it was mowd Last year
22nd Wind about N E & Cloudy & Cool up Soon & Sowd buck Wheat in No.2 Where Limed about 3 pecks, not Quite 2 B. in the hole on the whole about 3 qrts. Left, Bout. it of Watkins 2B. 10s- viz 5 pr, B. Drinker hear at Sign finished harrowing at noon begun to rain & had a wet afternoon fine rain indeed
23rd Wind E most, but Got round afternoon Cleard off plowing Potatoes with the Old Mare very orkard awkward & provoked me much Sundry People here old Morris; Drinker hear Still Painting Sign.
24th Wind S.W. & very warm day Set off to Look one Ketler to plaster & to Hitners to meet Some Gentlemen that has Proposed to rais a federal troop of Horse got their about 3 OClock I Dined their not many meet, but agreed to meet the 16 of August again, I Spent 3s9 their & 1s10½ at Streapers home about Dark

July 25th 1800 Wind S.W. & very warm Got David Roberts Oxen & halld the hay in from Sawmill Mead 3 Loads perhaps near 2 tonn, G McClenechan hear to Dinner, on his way to town Stayd till near 4 Oc – I at home all day very tired from rideing yester– Felix Washer & Gravel Cut my oats Prety Shower & Goodeal wind
26th. wind S W warm thunder in Morn. Gust about in afternoon but none heir, at Sundry Places Collecting Poor tax Viz Leadoms Zells Able Thomas Stadlemans &c &c. home before night Stadleman treated me to ½ Pint Wine
27th Wind S W Warm day, being first day at home & about home all Day
28th Wind W.& Cloudy in morn Light Showers & Cleard off very warm over to Knox with 2 Irishmen to thrash the wheat bought of Bare, I at James Disbury to Get him to board one of them, Jim Come heer whent with him to Knox, Irish men had thrash 2 Doz & Shut doors & run, I home With Michal Scholt to black horse to Settle some Matters in Dispute between him & Land Lord, home between 11 and 12 O’C at night
July 29th 1800 Wind S W. fine Morn but warm day Cuting Steps for Garret Stairs &c &c poor Dull day very little traveling– afternoon at Jacob Morris’s their to Bowmans Got 5L 13s. for Sawing & 40 Dollars for Christophers Rent that he was Ordered him to pay me So home-
30th. Wind, S,W, & very warm day about home all day, work alittle halld the the repeat hay below the Race in & Sundries
31st Wind S W & very warm day Set off Soon for town, Payd Knox 20 Dolrs. for ¼ Cask of Wine that I had some time, pd. 5 Dollrs. for Bridge Shares, pd 2½ Dors. for Gingum gingham for Coat 7s6 for nankean 1s4½ for Sprigs Rule 3s9- Exspences, Pike &c 11s6 So home
August 1st Wind S W. & very warm forenoon after over Cast & Showers above none hear at work in the house, Knox Evening
2 Wind N E & Cloudy a fine Light Shower before day, the buckwheat Looks Chearfull this omission, up Soon and over to Jim Disbury to Get him to help to Clean wheat, he Gone to Market, home, Paid Hannah James 16 Dollrs Intrest yesterday

August 3rd 1800 Wind N W & fine Day being first day at Meeting. home to Dinner about home all day Several People hear.
4th Wind N W. & fine morn over to Knox to Clean Wheat Bot. of Bears, home. John Lewellin hear wants board for his men he Left two hear & his Carter– had a unhappy Dispute in the family about boarding them
5th Wind N W & Cool Over at Streapers to Get Beef Bill Smith, did not Come theirfore got none, at Work at the house
6th Wind N.W. Brot. John hear Neddy Lollar dead been Poorly Some time Lay in John’s barn found Dead between the house & Barn Supposd to be a fitte, at Esqr Curwens to Get him to hold an Inquest But Lawyer Porter was their, thought it was not necessary so back I Came & helpt to Burry him G McClenechan at funeral him & I agreat Disspute about Politicks Got high; I very Sorry to Day Spent 5s7– I hope by the help of God never to Get in a passion about it or any thing Else
Augt. 7 Wind I forgot but Prety fine day at work at Garret Stairs at home all day I beleive
8th At work at or in the house Drinker painting Sign he at McCleneghan’s yesterday, Mac & him back today over his heat. & very Clever, I very Sorry alittle Shower–
9 Wind S.W. at home all Day Drinker finished my sign Old William Penn fine Rain all the afternoon– had a disagreeable Letter from Polly Stearper Streaper, that Accusing me of Speaking Disagreeable of her Reputation Gave me some disagreeable fellings feelings but being Concious that I had never had, & it was a Melishous Lye
10th W. S W & fine Shower this morning after Cleard off & fine day, Sundry People here, at Streapers in Evening. & Cleard up to her Satisfaction I beleive that I never had Spoke Ingenous ungenerously of her Charactor Glass Punch 1s10½ & so home–

Augt 11th 1800 over to Fred Marks for the apple Mold. back Wm. Cochron hear been away perhaps 3 or 4 years Tenesee Kentuck &c afternoon up to Court apply for Licence 7s6 to Clark clerk, 1s10½ to Cryer 2s6 for a bond back with Stadleman by Dusk
12th at Work at apple Mill for Rees Price– at home
Rees Price: JP’s cousin, for whom he built a house in 1803, still standing at 714 Montgomery Ave., Narberth.
13 at Do– for Do–
14 wind N. W. & Cool up to Court witness to Will Betty Evans Examined home about 10 OC
15 Wind S W & Raind till near in night & till 6 OC this morn off & Calld to See John Harry’s funeral up to Court, Dinner & Club, Stayd till near night off for home begun to Plead on the Will the Jury Sat till near 12 OC & broke the Will
16 Wind S.W Set off to Hitners to Meet the Troop Smart Shower on the road, was Elected Capt of the troop
August 17th 1800 Wind N W. being first day home all Day.–
18 Wind N W. turning apple nuts for Rees Price, hard bad Stick
19 at Work at the Mill–
20 At home at work at Do
21 Wind N W & very Cool Morn 22 Wind finish’d Rees Price’s Mill afternoon Put it up & home by Mays & fetch Ann home
22nd Wind S W & warmday about home till noon then Rakking hay in John Swamp Meadow, Washer & Franks Mow’d it for me on the have’s halves— paid Robert Roberts for the deed for Willm. Lewis’s Place to us 32s6 he fetch it from West Chester Sherreff deed. hard rain in the Evening.
23rd Wind S W & over Cast, no day for hay Set off about 12 OClock to the falls. 14 of us, Dine’d on fish, & Punch Club’d 9s4½ per man very agreeable Party home about Dusk- all Clever

August the 24th- 1800 Wind blank and Cloudy but Cleard off. first day at home all day Isaac Bonds to Inform him I have the Deed
25th. Wind S W & warm day, halling hay John’s Swamp I 2 Loads & he 2 Loads And 1 Load Hollands Lot I think a ton
26th Wind S W & Warm about home at Work, Evening at Jones’s Building not been their since Last fall Large house Isaac old mare & Cart for Water Millions melons
27th Wind at work at hanging Shetters at the Bar alittle Rain about noon John Atkinson Strikeing out Rails for Stairs, very warm day
28 Wind S W and very warm day till noon Come a thunder Gust one very hard Clap & avery Great rain one Shower after another till after night with very little intermition, made a Great flood
29th. wind N E & Cloudy but Cleard off to a fine day at work at Garret Stairs afternoon at Aggie Levering Burial after at Streepers Spent 1s4½ at Pearsons to Get him to Plaster, he was Gone off home about Dark–
August 30th 1800 Wind N W. afine day till afternoon then Raind Several Showers till after night, at Work at stairs till noon then off to Elliots, to meet to form by Laws for the troop Spent 7s6 and paid Berry 3 Dollars for his horse to my Mare, Gate &c 2s4 Raind so I Stayd all Night
31 Wind N.W. & very Cool Day Left Elliots very Soon & home to Breakfast the house full all day amost at home all day after
Sept 1st Wind Cool At home & begun to Work the handrails for Garret Stairs
2nd Wind N & fine day Alloway begun the Oven Borrowd Jonatn Walter horse & went to town afternoon Bout. 250 Brick at 6 per 15s- Back not in town, work at Stair Some in forenoon
3rd- Wind N.W. & Cool at Work at Stairs & tending to Mason Sumtimes
4 Wind N.W. tending to Mason at times & at the Stairs Large Drops of rain from West very Cool Evening

September 5th. 1800 Wind N W Cold morn up Soon 3 Wagons heare all night Steping my Stairs nearly finish’d them–
6th Wind N.W. at work at Garret Stairs morn; the old Mare very sick & Like to die in John’s feild, Stewart Bevans Admr. here he advertised the Credettors to meet him here to day McCleneghan here, Drinker here wanted pay for the sign gave him 5 Dollars helpt Knox & Colflesh to Lay Road tax at home all day, tho promisd Mac to goo & See him Could not Get away
7th Wind N W Cool morn but Prety warm day at home all Day paid John Roberts 29s–
8 Wind W & Cool 6 of us Cleaning mill Race, Old Mare took her Exit yesterday about noon Great Loss to her freinds as She was a good & well disposd old Creator I Suppose about 20 years old
Sept 9th 1800 wind S W & fine morning up Soon Lincorn & blank helping to Clean the race finish very full of Leaves &c &c
Sept 10th wind S W foggy morn Cleard off warm day Set off to town, Got very Cool in Evening Bout. 300 Cucombers at 2s4 per h. at Lawyers with Bond to Examine deed for Bill Lewis Place we sold to Isaac Bond
11th Wind S W & warm at home till noon after over on the Ridge Road to Get Nannomaker to Plaster 5½d ferriage Home over the ford. Spent at Streapers 1s7 So home–
12th Wind W & very fine Day makeing Shed over the Oven & halld 2 Loads wood with my Mare, very Jadey
13th Wind S.W. & very warm, fiting & hanging back kitchen door, afternoon at Buck spent 1s2 at hoskins Smith shop Got my Old Bridle Bitts, home Evening

September 14th 1800 Wind S.W and very warm Morning up at Whites Look John to tend Plasterers after at Meeting Wilm Savary Preach’d & prayd, a Great Good man I think, I was Closely touch with his Discourse it was a Good & humbleing time. may the Lord So order that it may be Lasting with me
15 Wind N W & aremarkable Change in the air, at home in Evening at Streepers with my Bridlebits to be mended
16 Wind- Dry & warm about home and Picking apples at John for Cider
17th Wind N.W in Morn Cool but warm after set off to town by Jarvis’s for his Coate as a pattern Spent Dinner &c &c 7s6 Got home after Dark–
18. Wind S.W. warm Zells team halling Sand for Plastering. I Cleaning Rye 19½ doz. made 11 Bushels after noon at John Whitemans to Get him to make my Bridle home–
19th warm & Dry at D. Roberts, met Cato their hired him to make Morter at Smith Shop after makeing Ready to make Morter and begun
Sept 20th 1800 Wind S.W & warm over Cast & begun to rain alittle, in town bout.a Cap 4.50 Cents apple lets epaulets 6.50 Bear Skin for holsters 1.83 Cents Stuff for Horatio 14s- at Eliots 6s So home, Bill Gill overset Load Brick & Joe Walter’s Barrel of Rum & Sugar Stove the Sugar, but did not hurt the Rum home about 8 OClock
21st- Wind S.E over Cast & a fine Rain about Day & Several Showers in morn at Alley Roberts to Borrow his Pistols back to Dinner, J.Jones & G McCleneghan here afternoon
22nd Over Cast Phelix begun to Sow Rye in the Corn, then Raind Sowd 15 Lands
23 Wind N E & Rain very wet Sowd no More this Week–
24 Wet Plasterers here Isaac Sowd Some on 2½ days this week. interlined:”I Bout 250 Brick 15s”
25 Wind N E & over Cast & Rain–
26 Wind N E. & Raind till noon the Sun Shun alittle, afternoon off to town Got my Coat & Cap & George McCleneghan along home about 8 OC at night

Sept 27 1800 Wind W. Set off to Meet the Troop at Hitners, Jarvis along Meet & Paraded a good Deal Dinner & Club 7s6- went up to ford their the Militia Officers Met Wine &c. 3s9 begun to rain and Raind very hard all the way home Jarvis along Got very Wet–
28 being first day at home all day Sundry People here & 4 Wagons all day Raind a Good much
29th wind N W. not Well afternoon Set off to ferry & Bout 2 Inch Plank- 7s- 3 hundred Lath 3s9 so home after dark Old Will here Spliting Lath
30th wind N W about the House making Morter Puting out Strips &c &c
October 1st Look to the Left, John Atkenson here & help me at Stairs he was here 4 days
Oct. 1st 1800
Wind N W & fine day, Set off to York road to see horse race 3 horses run 3 Miles, a Sorrel horse from Maryland took 2 heats & won the Purse 200 Dollars, I home by town John Atkinson at work at Stairs
2nd Wind N W & fine day at work at half hand Rails all day, the Plasters here
3rd. Wind N W & White frost at work at stairs, Polley Gibson here, Plasters went off at noon– I at Mothers Evening
4th Wind N W & fine day after Breakfast Set off to Alley Roberts, then to township Meeting Elected Wm. Hagy Inspector & John Righter assessor Spent 11d- so home–
5th Wind N.W. at home all Day being first day
6 Wind N.W. at work at Stairs after the dam afternoon Plaster here I halling Sand from Knox’s Run
7th Wind N W at work at Stairs puting up half hand Rails afternoon about Morter &c &c

October 8th 1800 Wind N W White frost very warm day in town, Hoskins along; Bout 2 B. Sand to put in Cast Coat Morter 3s9d & 1s10½ to man to hall it up. Hoskins Bout. Sowrd sword 11 Dollars Pistols 18 Dollars Cap 4½ D.– I Spent 7s6 So home after dark
9th. Wind W. at home about Sundries till afternoon at Buck Got the Colt Shod then home– Spent 11d-
10th wind N W off after Breakfast to meet Torrence about the Poor, Dined at Esqr Curwens, at Judg Jones, Drank tea at Thoms. Cochrons so home by Dark
11th Wind N W & a little Cool Meet the Troop at the Buck 38 of us in Uniform I Exercised them, fine Looking fellows & good Horses Dinner & Trumpetter 11s3 horsler 1s10½ So home
12th Wind S E & over Cast all Day being first day at home
13th Wind N E, & over Cast & Rain one very hard Shower, about home till Evening then at Knox’s Leadoms & others to turn them up to Election Blue off in night
14. Wind N W & so Cold as to ride with Great Coat up to Election they Beat us 800 votes
October 14, 1800
the federals did not turn out I home about Dark–
15th Wind S W & over Cast but no rain at Smith Shop Got Mill Saw mended & finished thrashing the Buckwheat by the Pike & Cleand it had but 15 B– Plasters here again
16th Wind N E & Rain, about home till noon then up to Buck to Get Colt Shod behind home about Dark–
17th Wind N E. Raind about noon Set off to town, to Look for Britson Money John Wilson Says I Can Get it at any time Spent horse & ½ Pint wine 1s10½ ferry & pike 1s10½ 5 Wagons hear–10 B oats Sold to them 4 Dolls.
18th took above 6 D. this Morn, about house all day Plasters work till noon Raind all day. a most Violent Rain about 2 or 3 OClock, Slack alittle in Evening & Star Light, but Clouded & Raind
19 very Much this Morning wind Got to W & blue a hurrican about noon it Playd mischef with my dam yesterday Run over from End to End tore 3 or 4 bad holes in it Evening at Widow Thomas’s & Streapers Jill Wine 5½

October 20th 1800 Wind N W & very fine day not So Cold, Great thunder yesterday to South, Exspected it to be very Cold, but I have heard it said, not So When the thunder is to the South, Set off about Sun Rise to Meet the Troop, up to Sweedsford very high but we Crossd and went to Springhouse Tavern, in Order to Join Colonel Harts Ridgment regiment, but he would not Except us we raded? their & Dined Dinner & Club 13s1½ Horsler 11¼d Gave them a Shot & off we Came Stop at Davis the Leut. treated to 3 Bottles Wine & we Club for 1 B I gave 1s6– So over the ferry wine & ferriage 3s9 so home about 12 OC- at night–
21st Wind S W & very fine day indeed tending to Drying the Buckwheat Some Growe a little thrash 3 Load afternoon
22. Wind S W and fine day mending the Dam till noon, then finishd the Buckwheat 20 B Bushel from ½ B, Sowing
October 23rd 1800 wind N E & Rainey Morning begun in Evening whith with a thundergust from the West raind all day, Down at Isaac Lewis’s Vandue vendue Bought ½ Peck omission Coffee Pott horn Spoon & sundries 6s5- So home Cold & wet
Vendue: a public sale
24 Wind N W & Clear & Cold hald wood Dung, & finished working Garret hand rail David Roberts, Sowd his Rye 22 and harrowing it today the feild apposit the door over the pike. afternoon at G McCleneghan to press him to Meet the Society to Morrow Drank too much wine with him bad Wine home–
25. Wind N & Clear & Prety Cool at Work till noon then Meet the Society paid 8s Fine & ¼ payments So home Evening–
26 Wind W. & fine day up to Methodist meeting Grate concorse of People– a little Rude home to Dinner– after at home

October 27th. 1800 Wind N.W white frost & fine day about home at work Plasters here
28th Wind N.W. White frost off to town to Get Money out Bank to pay George Bridson, Dinner &c 75 Cents paid Saml Jones 5 D 83 Cents I owd him for Cloth, So home– about Dark
29th. Wind S.W. fine day at home all day- Plaster at work
30th Wind N & Cool about home all day Plasters finished about noon off they went Michal & 2 of the Ritonhouse’s here Shot at a Mark with Michal & Beet him
31st. W. N E. at Saw Mill Rees Price’s hall in logs, Isaac begun at noon to Saw afternoon at Rees Price’s Layin out his Shed so back & begun to Rain
Novembr. 1 Wind N E & wet day out Colecting Poor tax Got but 9½ Dollars, Isaac Sawing all day Dined at Richard Humphrey’s 6 wagons here all night
November 2nd 1800 Wind Got N West & Cleard off, 6 wagons here all day, & a Great number of People I at home all Day Drest to Goo aBroad but Could not Get, away
3rd. Wind N W and fine day halld 6 Small Logs 1 for Sign Posts with D Roberts oxen after noon at Rees Price’s, and at Streapers Settling ould Womans Dower, Drank tea their & so home Spent not Little Ice this morn
4th wind N.W to S.W. & remarkable fine Day, at home till noon, Woman’s Cleaning house after the Plaster’s, I paid Whites 13 Dollars for keeping Billson a porper pauper at Mordica Davis’s to Look to Build Some Sheds he not at home Spent 5½ at Streepers, So home quiet night no wagons bed soon Call’d up before 12 OC– now about two OC– of the 5th; Some Light Carts gooing took a quarter Dollar, Clock Strikeing 2 OC– too many Taverns we Cant Live by it, I fear I am one of them, I have been at too much Exspence for a pikeroad in this Country, the Company are Blind to their Intrest and Ruins Mine by keeping high tole & Erecting Scales &c &c I think I goo to bed no more 5. Bitts as I See for Me

Read by George Lonsdorf, Narberth
Novr. 5th 1800 Wind I gess about West S. West it has Such of Rest, but I will Go to my nest, I think will be best; and Let them Gess at the rest— for I am no poet I protest,
Man’s a Miserable Retch when his Mind’s in distress
For what Can for Strength with Steel Compair
Why Love or trouble has fetters Stronger by far
By Bolts of Steel Limbs are Confinde.
But Love or trouble Confines the Minde
as for the first it will not Trouble Me
A wife might keep one Chase’d and free
A Cart is Passing & let him Gee
For he’s not got a five penney bit for me
Sun rise- Phebus rose this morning fine
But from appearance will not Last any time
So I End my Clumsey Rhime.
Breakfasted & Set off to town to Dig Potatoes most broke my Back Got Done about 40 B.& 10, or 15 B Earli one’s
If JP dug 50-55 bushels of potatoes, that’s 2,500–3,000 pounds! (1 bu. = 8 gal.)
6th Wind S.W. & a fine day, after Breakfast Set off to town with the Cart, a vandue of trees in Commons, Bought a lott of apple trees for 40 Cents perhaps 8 or 10 hundred, 1 lb Bear 6 Dolars
November 7th. 1800 Wind W. & fine day, Pulling Corn & halling in &c. all day; 9 Cart loads
8th. Wind S.W. & fineday, Set off for Hitners, to Meet the Troop we meet Weak 22 or their abouts Exercised agood deal, Dined, 5s7½ the Club Trumpetters 1s10½ per man, Extra wine 11d, boy 9d ferry 11d, So home about 8 OC. at night–
9th Wind N.W. prety fine day Smokey the Sun read & Small, not Effect the Eye to Look at more than the Moon would, afternoon whent went Saml. Gibsons his Son John Badly Hurt by the Cart overseting. but I hope he’s Like to Get well
10th Wind N.W. Set off for my trees to town vandue of Some today Ch. Jarvis Bot 150 for 4 Cent apeace & I Got half at the same Claphamson, let me have 25 of his at 4 Cents & 7 Mills per peice & I halld them up, home after night

November 11th 1800 Wind N.W and hard frost, Ice Plenty & ground frozed, triming & Planting appletrees all day, Sundry Wagons here & a marketman with 4 young Girls, 3 of them his daughters & young Girl from City, this is the Eleventh 12th about 6 OC. in morn, Calld me up about 4 OC- the house all Clear, Some up Some Down I wrote up my Journal
12th Wind about W & moon very Small and Red, Smokey not very Cold Planting appletrees &c &c home all Day, Planted 403 in the Garden and about 50 big anouf to Plant out will make’s, 450 I Give 40 Cents for, and a hundred I Give 4 Cents apeace for, Grafted trees; 13 or 14 Wagons here & perhaps 20 men with them.– man & Woman Lodger. in Chair
13th Wind about West & a fine Shower about 9 OC at night Raind till about midnight, very Remarkable Dark
13th 1800
Wind N West & prety high & Cool not froze any, hung about waiting for the man & woman Lodger to Get up, about 8 OC they Rose. Got Breakfast horse &c 15s– I much beleive She is a Woman of the town; he told Me he Livd in Buck County, they turnd back here & Went back to Town– Cleand 27 B. Rye Solomon thrashd at Johns of Mine help to Roll Logs at the mill & a number of things this day– old Mr Hipple at Shaff Sheaf of Wheat here to night wants to Rent my Tavern, I Conclude to try it one year more–
14th Wind N. & Pretty Cool no Ice alittle OverCast, Making hog Pen &c at home all day
15th. Wind N W. Prety Coll cold day at home till noon then at Able Jeons Jones, Bout 2 B. Cider at 3 Dollars pr. at Pratts Stadlemans Streapers horse Broke loose and Came home, Spent illegible 1s4½ So home– 7 or 8 Wagons here

Novr 16th 1800 Wind, N.W. Prety fine 4 Wagons Started before Day 3 here all day Sundry people here I at home all day being first day
17th. Wind W, & fine day, off with Barny Madden an Irishman to Several Subscribers to make a School at the Church at the Buck &c Spent 11d. Colected 4 Dollars & 82 Cents Poor tax, home about Sun Set Eat Pork Stake not very well Eat too much
18th Wind N W and raind till 9 or 10 OClock Cleard off at N.W, & Got Cold, Planted about 40 Appletrees, Evening, at Streapers Spent 11d So home–
19th W. N.W. and Cold Morning froze the hardest this fall 7 Wagons here all Night Molly went to town. Evening at Philip Hoffman’s bespeak Irons for Sign home 2 wagons here full of Market people
20th Wind N W the Dam froze half over & very Cold Day, Set off Meet Owen Roberts Burial at Merion freind yard, at Hoffman, then up with Paul Jones to Hugh Torrence’s and at Wilsons to Look for Lumberdy poplars home 5 wagons here
21st November 1800 Wind N.E. & Snowing very fast begun About 8 OClock in Evening, a dry & drifting Snow Wind Whistling Winter Like Morn, Cleard off before noon or abated Snowing. Jacob Zell and 7 More Stout fellows in a slay here Snow about 3 I Deep Cold Day
22nd Wind N West mill froze fast dam, tho Soon Got it Loose by Brakeing 4 Cogs I put them in, dam froze all over, at home all day– 9 Wagons here Cold night– Wheels Screeching Like a Cold time in winter,
23thrd Wind N W & over Cast in part 3 wagons Started before day 6 here all day, hand froze to pump in morn Cold day indeed being first day, Jont. Jones here, I on Run all day almost, to bed about 10 OClock Sold 2 B. Corn 4s6 pr. Rye Meal 6s pr B heapt
24 Wind N W & Snow Shower in Night White frosty morn, thawd a good deal in sun but Cold in Shade Getting Mill Loose till and Sawing till noon then at the Church, one Madden began to keep School, I about a illegible on

November 25th 1800 Wind N W White frost Morning only 2 Wagons & Cart here took but 4s2½ in all this night, Gave Henry 5 Dollars, he to town at Mill Sawing for Hughes, Broke 2 Cogs putt them in, Mill throwd out gear good deal work to Get it Back Sawd till Night prety Cold
26th Wind, Wind West by S and Cold Sawing for Hughes, at Phillip Hoffman for Irons for Sign, Spent 11d. at Streapers John Holget their home
27 Wind S W and very fine day Horatio Sawing I till noon Jarvis here him & I at Susanna Jones’s to Look poor tax home by Streapers, Borrowd 10 Dollars of her—
28 Wind W and fine day diging hole for sign post &c. &c. old Siddens here McClenaghan & Zell here till 10 OC- at Night,–
29th Wind N W. & froze prety hard tho avery fine day. halling Stone from old Celler, &c afternoon Meet the Society at Streapers our Election day I Declined being Secretary-
November 30th 1800 Wind N W. & fine Morn, Raind in Night then Got to Snow from West perhaps ½ In deep– this Morning Clear and very fine the Snow Melted off the Houses and Else Where none to be Seen Scarsly before 12 O’Clock Cloudy and Snow Shower before night and very Cold, 4 Wagons Started in Evening from hear, I up to Jacob Zells, he and I to McCleneghans to Look at his Sheep he Says he Give me 6, some of them very Scrubby; we Dined their. then Zell home with me Sundry People here; Jim Disbury & Fannance here,
December 1st 1800 Wind W and Clear and Cold froze prety hard; had a poor night’s rest reflecting on my Imbarissed Circumstances this building will ruein my pleasure & peace of Mind, work at Sign Posts Cato & Horatio & McClenechans for the sheep Got 6 Prety good ones– froze hard
2nd wind N W froze hard Felix & I Cuting Logs, for to Build Smith Shop after noon about house Sundry People here–

December 3rd 1800 Wind S W white frost and very fine day, Cato & Henry at J Walters Huskin Corn, He helping me to hall Logs, halld 5 Logs. one Red Oak of Johns 18 feet Long 19 Inches over at top afternoon at Saw Mill begun to Saw Millers Slay Runers about 20 Wagon here Saw one Cut then home (night)
4th Wind S W and Cloudy tho a fine day warmday. finished Millers Runners & Put on a large Log for the Shop afternoon at home, killd a hog I Bout of Robert holland in Spring Give 4½ Dols for 2 and the Sow he weighe’d 120 lb Raind alittle in Evening
5th Wind N. by E very Raw & Cold, at home Hung the Sign Old William Penn Drinker Painted it 14 Dollars and 7 Dolrs. for the Sign & Lamp B Tunis Phelix John Miller & W. Lewis help, David Roberts, here to Get them to Husk Corn Raw and Cold–
6th. Wind N. and Snow about 1 Inch deep & froze Pretty hard; Set off to Colect Poor tax Snow Shower at Jacob
got 6 D 12½ Cent at Levering Lloyd Jones and Got Dinner their, then up to Hugh Torrance’s in order to bind a Molatto Child of W. Fulerton’s Dumb’s Daughters, Fulerton’s mute daughter’s child neatheir of the Esqrs. Came therefore we made a bargin with Bill Torbert to take it for 108 Dollars and Clear the town, home
7th Wind S W & fine Morn the little Snow Melted Much in morn but over Cast after noon 3 Wagons here all Day I home all Day Got 12s. from them–
8th Wind S & Snow before noon prety Shower, but abated and Cleard off before night, went to town Bout. ahat of Dewease 6 Dollars, at Wilson’s at Bank hores horse &c 2s9 ferry & pike 12½ Cents home about Dark housefull
9th Wind W and fine day halld 4 little Logs and 2 Big Logs Sawd 3 by 10 for a Shop for Smith and so Spent the day about home took about 12 D Last night
December 10th 1800 Wind S. west white frost and very fine day B. Tunis and Phelix heir here Raising Smith Shop Sundry People here I not doing much, Got 3 Logs Round, Evening 3 men from town hear to go a Rabiting hunting acquaintens of Israel Davis 2 horses one in Chare above 20 wagons the womens Got 18 Supper, and 5 quarts of Coffee for 5 others Got to bed about ½ after 12 OC- & up about 5
11th Wind S.E. & white frost up before day Settled with the Wagoners took about 8 Dolrs. B Lewis & Davis here very Soon the Rabit men up & took Breakfast, and off to hunt I along Got 2 Rabits & one Squirrel home about 12 OC paid me 32s7 & off they set to town, Zell & John Price here halld alog for Lath I Got Little done myself– 5 Wagons here all night & 2 Lodgers begun about Dark wet night
December 12th 1800 Wind E and very wet morn fired the Chimney help to Gear the wagons Lent one of them, by name of Hoofman a pair hames & so he promised to bring them home next week, made a great fresh broke the dam begun to Saw & draw’d the far gate all So Wet Shet Down, a great hail Shower in Evening & Snow shower in night.–
13 Wind N W. & high wind and Cold Snow about ½ Inch deep, migth might track a rabbtet rabbit B Tunis and I up to Esqr Youngs I to Get Ma Mordica Davis to Build a smith Chimney home By McClenechans & Streapers, mug bear 11d home before night, 10 Wagons here 3 from Washington & Red Stone,– How & another horse man here all day
14th Wind N W prety Cold Clear being first day at home all day Sold Oats & hay
15th Wind N. W & White frost about house till noon after at Streapers paying house tax 10 Dolrs. 45 Cents, for Edw JP’s deceased brother’s Lots 1 D 33 Cents home about 9 OC. at night Cato & Phelix kill 2 hogs the Splaid Sow weigh’d 286 the Barrow castrated pig 200 the one I killd before 123 Total 609

December 16th. 1800 Wind N.W. White frost & very fine day B Tunis & Phelix Raising the Remainder of the smith Shop & Framd the Rafters- John & John Atkinson here work for the Church Petition partition I home all day Except at Streapers Evening–
17th. Wind N.W. & White frost. at work for Church, afternoon Atkinson & John & Self over to Church & Put the Petition up so home
18th Wind N.W. & White frost Cloudy in part but avery fine warm day 5 Gentlemen from City Viz Major Pancake, Miller, Shade, Durnal, and another, Came last Evening Davis & Lewis here Soon, out we went, killd one Rabit 1 Squirel & 3 Phesants; home to Dinner, Reckening 65s– two others Came to meet them–7s6
19th Wind S.W. & over Cast John Thomas here Jacob Bare here from Meriland Master Holgate from Meeting Evening up at Zells to See to Get him to hall a log–
20th. Wind S E & Rainney morn & hard in night Tore my dam some little several wagons Started this morn McCleneghan Dined here Evening at Streapers paid her 10 Dolr I Borrowd
December 21st 1800 Wind N W A Remarkable fine Clear warm morning the frost all out the Ground, very muddy yard 7 wagons here first day– I at home all day
22nd Wind N W & very fine Morn Cloud from west & a few drops of Rain Rather Coller cooler up to Torrances, to him Get him to Come to Lanhoofs to Bargin to keep awoman that with Child throwd on town, Got my horse at Buck, Spent 2s4 So home
23rd Wind S W & very fine day Sett off for town Bout Beef 13s1½ veal 9s4 nails 15s- Anderson’s Pills 1s10½ quicksilver 1s10½ Dinner & Club- 7s6 ferriage & pike 12d. Isaac Bond 1 Deed 6 Dollars 4 Blank Indentures 1s10½ Judgment Bond 2s4 blank So home after night very full house & noissey out of temper up till 1 OC– and Call up twice before day again Mordica Davis here Building Smith Chimney, no frost fine warm
24th Wind W and very fine day Davis Masoning all day John Thomas Tending to him he to work in it I up to Torrence’s him & I at Wilson’s to See If he Owd the Woman above Spoke of

5 or 6 Pitt teams here, took about 10 Dollars of the Great Swearers repremanded them, they bore or took it Calm– I up till 12 OC then Calld up about 3 OC to put 2 young Womans to bed, to Sleep again up about 6 O’C–
25th Whind wind S.E. & over Cast 3 Pittmen to Breakfast, Christmas day So calld John Roberts Sent aload of hay, Davis Masoning Strong all Day Cleard off without rain not frozed the Ground at night this 3 or 4 nights at home all day
26th Wind S W and remarkable fine no frost and the Roads dryd So as to be Pleasant rideing Jacob Zells team here for Lath I up to his Place by the Buck Cut alog 12 feet Long & he halld it for Shingles for Shop, then he halld 1800 of hay from Enoch to my (old Road) Place Locust hill, Brot John & I at Esqr Linseys to Acknoledg a deed to Isaac Bond, meet with Jacob Zell and Titus Roberts Gooing their, all went toGether; paid Esqr. 3s9 for Acknoledging deed So home we Came– 6 wagons here; Spent 2 Ginsling & one I owd before at Kuglars 2s9 Mordica Davis underpining Shop; work without Coats, like Spring
27th Wind S. by W and over Cast but blue off again 5 wagoners here & Sleep in the wagon & Said they where were quite warm, a remarkable time & held so Long, Hugh Torrance overseer poor with me
December 27th 1800
and Esqr. Curwen here We Bound alittle Girl to old Henry Lippens, had no Parents to Bind her Bound a Molato Child of Poll Fulertons, the dom dumb woman’s, Cant Speak or here, but has afealing Sence a nomber of People here so busy that I got not to Society, Got rain in Evening very much; 5 Wagons, all the Wagons Stables would hould hold, Sup Late–
28th Wind N E & Still raining & Cool, Evening or afternight haild & snowd, perhaps ½ inch Deep Yankey here all night
29 wind N.W. Clear and Cold froze Prety hard, after breakfast, Set off to Hipples near the 25 milestone the Yankey in Company Peola pint wine 3s9 at Hipples 7s6. Informd him I Could not move, back at Peola ½ Pint Wine Left their at 8 OC. home about 11 OC at night Prety Tired– Cost me near 2 Dollars
30th Wind N W and Cold up Soon at home all day Bill Smith and I Settled I fell in debt 30L illegible it is Vengence to buy Beef by the lb. at home all day
31st. Wind N W. & very Cold day about house all day Sundry neighbours here, 18 or 19 Wagoners here up till 12 OC- not agun fired near hear,–