Joseph Price Diary


January 1st. 1799 Wind N E & Cold Set off to take Acct. at the New tavern below & Rownd by Taylors Knox’s &c Begun to snow about 10 OC Gaind near 1 Inch then Got to Sort of mist home.—

2nd Wind W. & Clear & prety fine day Set off begun with Wilm. Thomas. So Round by Elliots & at Curwens Stayd all night

3rd Wind N E & Snowing breakfasted at Curwens & Set off by Peter Evan’s Brodes’s John Taylor Young &c & home about dark. Got to rain about noon & froze as fell very Cold–

January 4th, 1799- Wind & prety fine day Set off afoot J Roberts Bares & home to Dinner after Measuring my house &c at Locust hill at Morris’s & Streapers pint bear 5½ So home

5th Wind N & overCast most part very Cold day Uncovering the Well at pike, it so Low that we have had to hall all the Water this 4 or 5 weeks John Holland bail the water out about 6 I in it I went down in order to Judge where to put a blast of Powder Dined at Tunis’s then set off Goodmans Kuglars Fiss & Hortons so home

6th Wind N E & snowing very fast but very fine. Snow about 1½ Inch Deep then the Sun Showd out alittle & prety David Roberts & I in the sledge to Meeting home to Dinner, then him & I Down to See old Harry & Sall on Worrel place Marshals Road, old Abby Sals Mother Dead, perhaps 90 yrs old my Grand Father Sold her perhaps 50 years agoo to one Custboard in Valey, She Came Down about 5 Weeks agoo, walk about 20 Miles, very hartty to appear for her years, was Struck with somthing Like Palsey this day week & dyed this Morn I Gave Sall one Dollar & David Roberts 3s9 towards Burying her several words illegible Stop at Mother Leaches 1 Mug bear 11¼ So home Drank tea at D R. most Exstreem Cold, I drove the Slay about a mile Cold almost more than I Could Bare

January 7th 1799 Wind N.W & very Cold Set off assessing at Goodman Sturgis Widow Morgan Charles Thomson Jones Horns, Stopt at McClenechans, Drank tea their Jacob Morris & wife & Hammilton their insledge I home about 8 OC night

8th Wind N.W. & Cold up to Goodmans Linches Jones Corchron Cochron &c &c Noo Dinner Stop Spent not, Calld at McClenechans Got his return So home Cold night–

9th Wind W & rather more Moderate Snow Last night about 2 I. Clear to Day at Righters Warners Robesons &c &c Evening Calld at Streapers 5 Fiss’s Bill Lewis & John Miller all in one Slay, I Spent not Drank 2 or 3 Glasses of wine with them So home

10th Wind S W & much Moderated the Snow run away much to Day the only Giving day this Several weeks, Alloways Hagy Bickins &c &c 10 in All that I Got over Stopt at Jarvis & Drank tea mare Slipt & run away Got home she not Come back & found her at Locust hill

January. 11th 1799 Wind S. W. & very remarkable fine day the Snow Melted & the Stream Ruts run in Streams, at Wards. Sibley Crows Jones 9 in all, I meet with my Match at Liza Sibley She did Spurn till She Curld me, Come again Got the return at Last; & off Dined at Jarvis’s he very Clever at George Crows his wife paid me off it makes them so mad that they take account of Windows, I not Like the Sound & it Give opponients opponents to the government a great handle for they have Lead the vulgar to beleive their is 4d tax on Every Light of Glass I have much to Doo with them, Jarvis with me at Loyd Jones, Paul & Silas Jones & Rees Price’s so I home Got 1 hind Quarter of Beef of Brother Johns old Working Ox

12th Wind S W & very Remarkable warm day Sun on Ox in Wagon Down with wood open his Mouth & Loling his toung Like Sommer at pike morn then at Paul Jones Leverings & sundry places, & meet the Society & so home begun to rain about dark Raind all night

13 wind East & Driseled all Day but not hard first Day Cut the Mill Loos & Saw 2 Cut the firstime It went this Severall weeks Raind all night Run over the Dam the first time Since august

Jany 14th 1799 Wind S E & Rainey morning about the mill & home all day David Roberts halld 4 Logs one of them Left in the Crick halld them on Little Sled it overset in Crick Saml Briggs here for me to serve on an arbitration between him & Chapman, by order of Court; very thawing day

15th. Wind N W & Cold froze Prety much Set off to town, Polly & Dick Streaper went too, Dined at R Tunis’s bout 2 Dollars worth Assents Musterd horse & 3s home afternight–

16th Wind S W & very fine Able Thomas &c &c Alley Roberts &c–

17th Wind S W fine day about again Peter Mays & Sundries– Pass very Clever amongst them

18th Wind S.W. & Warm day, Jos Holland Sawing

19th Wind S E & rain or Drisley Set off to Stadlemans & Bowmans, Got their acct. home to Dinner then up to buck. an arbitration Chapman & Briggs, Did not any thing goo they not agree on the Principals to work on– so home spent 2s4

20th Wind S W Prety fine Ingaged about this perplexing Sessing this first day — Evening at Righters for old Sessing book, at Saml Jarvis’s Got his return So home–

Jan. 21st 1799 Wind N W & high wind & very Cold. at John Roberts, to Look for Sessing book my Mind much oppress With this perplexing, I Beleive the Lord Suported me or it would over Came me set off to Righters & Curwens, him & I to Horskins Drank tea their then Back to Curwen Stayd all night, he is my freind Sincearly, I made my Situation known to him, he agreed to Assist me all he Could

22 Wind S W froze hard Morn, off before Sun rise at J Jones before he rose, then up to W Georges to Consult about this sessing back to Curwens & begun to transcribe work Late, stayd all night remarkable warm day Parson Jones their so I home before night

23 wind S W & fine day. Curwen & I at Streapers gate at turnpike Sent aletter home work till noon then home– my Minde Much releivd tho adread, & my Mussels & Nerves affected yet Curwen & I transcribing till then Parson Jones Came & all over, I set off home confused entry, probably reflecting JP’s state of mind.

24 Wind N E. & Cold, Curwen down to Breakfast we Work hard all day, Snowey day, Gethered about 4 or 5 I Sleated Evening J Curwen hear all night

25 Wind S W & Cleard off Clouddy Curwen & I wrote till near night before we finished. then he went home

26 Wind S E & rain & foggy all day afternoon at Streaper & Alley Roberts, mare run away had A bad tramp but Ketch her before She got home

January 27th 99 Wind S W & W thawing at home Calculating all Day Jacob Morris here up at pike, back and at Calculating till night Land

28th Wind N W meet J Curwen & Alley Roberts at Streapers to Look over my Assessment Dinner &c 13s3 home afternight– froze hard Last Night

29 wind N W & prety Cold Cessing the Land all day the afternoon forenoon at Streapers, in hopes to Meet J Jones

30 wind Ditto Cold Assessing till noon afternoon all day in Book forepart at Streapers in hopes to Meet John Jones

31 Wind N W & begun to transcribe into Book A nothing remarkable, but Great attention for fear of mistakes Obviously JP was so busy and distracted that he made entries late and was confused about the timing of events.

February 1 Wind N W & Cold Day. Robert Roberts & Jacob Morris here, I finsihed Book A & a trying time

2nd Wind S W & Clear & prety Cold at D Roberts to Borrow a pair of Oxen back to Breakfast John & Joe Holland halling Sleepers to Roll Logs on, I hard at Book B. Rating the Land, & other Buildings, very Great Trust finished about night Raind Evening turnd to Snow

3rd Wind. NW. & abrave Snow 6 I Deep at Least I beleive David Roberts in Slay to Meeting Jos Walter & I Compareing my Books, till afternoon at Mothers & Antoney Tunis’s to Geet get him to Sell the place at Alloways, a good while Evening So home bad rideing Soft. & bolls much.

4th Wind. N W. & prety fine but not much thaw at David Roberts. Got the old Mare & Dragd a plank up to Tunis; afternoon David & I in slay to haverd Haverford & sold the old Place to Isaac Bond 605L

February 4 1799

father bought it I beleive for 170; or 180L at Sherriff Sail 8 or 9 years agoo, Spent 1s10½ to treat the Cryer

5th. Wind N.W & Cold at and about home till noon then, Set off to Fraleys he Paid me for Old Elizabeth Evans Coffin home by Alley Roberts afternight

6th Wind N W. & very Cold Morn up soon & set off for Norristown at Buck Jinn 4d at Curwins then over to Meet Several of the Assessors Dinner &c 6s ferry 1s10⅔ Gate 3 Cents back to Curwens & Stayd all night– Cold Roof rough Ride

7th. Wind N.W. & Cold, home to Breakfast then over to Streapers to assist laying County tax Dinner &c 5s– work till about 9 OC- then home–

8th Wind S.E & Light Rain John Holland & I Cuting a white oak tree on Conrad Goodmans Land I Bout of one Phillips at 7 Dollars & he Bout. of Conrad for 6 D Some time before about 3 feet over. home to Dinner then Cut 2 poplartrees in my own wood & 2 Oaklogs

9th. Wind South, & raind in night but not Great, to my Wonder the Snow was 5 or 6 I Deep Last night & this Morning their was Scarsly any to be Seen a triffle on the North sd. of the hill, Such is the Effect of South wind it Raind & blue very much till noon then Cleard made a great fresh Drew the Gate at Dam, did some damage but not Much

February 9th 1799

put on alarge white oak log of Owen Jones & Cut 4 Cuts then went over to Christophers he had a vandue of sheep hogs &c, over before I Got their, at the Schoolhouse & sold John Leadom 59 feet walnut boards Bout 1 lb Coffee 2s8. 2 lb Sugar 2s6 at Streapers, Spent not so home David Roberts & I, the fresh tore the Dam Some

10th Wind N W. & prety Cool at Meeting home to Dinner Jacob Morris here with him up at pike Glass of Ginn 8d So home Drank tea, then at David Roberts Chated a Good While then home.

11th Wind N.W. & froze hard Last Night, Set off for Court overtook Alley Roberts W. Stadleman & Loyd Jones, arrivd their about 11 OC– Dinner 5s3 waited till night no Court but one Judge Come Supt & to bed about 12 OC–

12th Wind W & very fine day, up Breakfasted & Sauntered about till near one OClock, then Settled my Reckening 17s9, & 11¼d to horsler & 11¼ for wine in Company with others, & 1s10½ ferriage, so home about Sun Set, Stopt at Streapers, Morris treated to Jinn Spent near 3 D- & Did no Business Grand abuse on the County, I was Second on the List of Grand Jury & perhaps Should been foreman, all owing to the Judges not Attending, & we have 4 of them besides the Presedent & he was Sick

February 13th 1799 Wind S W. & fine warm Day at pike Cut the Copper & Lapt it for spouts afternoon up to Sturgises for the Dormant dormer window frames Heck made back David Roberts Oxen & he along treated mug bear 11d ½ pint Whiskey 11¼d So home Evening

14th Wind N.W & Cold & windy, afternoon wind fell & much Pleasanter Set two Windows in Roof & Shingle’d in the Copper about ½ total Heck, J. Holland, J Walter & tunis ½ day Each

15th Wind N.W. & a little Shower of Round Snow from W in night, very Little, very Cold & high wind Some Said it was as Cold a day as any this Winter, meet John Righter Lay in on tax at till about 7 OC- at night, meet Randle Evans at Streapers & had a great deal of Chat with him Came to See Molly–

16th Wind N W & Cold morn got Pleasanter afternoon Laying tax at Streapers again, L Young meet today, he & Righter Got so high that Young Put on his Cloake & Swore he not have any thing to do with, & all because we would not Rais Judge Jones Buildings higher, I had to Ackt as Moderatur between them so Got on again, & finished about 4 OC

February 16th 1799

and Over to Tunis to Meet Briggs & Chapman being appointed one of 3 men by Delavar Delaware Court to Settle Some Dispute between them, they had put it off till this day 2 weeks I home & set off, & meet the Society, had Supper their Spoke for it at Last Meeting paid 3s9 per man Supper & Bottle wine & some Bear home Settle the treasurer Acct. Stayd till 10,OC. then home a great Cirkle Round the Moon

17th. Wind N.E. & Snowing till noon about 4 I Deep, I at Meeting, home to Dinner after at D. Roberts Daughter & Poll, home to tea, Clear & Sun Shun, Bill Lewis here and took Bowman for a fox hunt to M–

18th. Wind W & Prety Cold, Horatio at Mill I Put on a Rotten Poplar log I Got of Bare, then up to pike Back, & Sawd, George Heck & Joe Holland at work afternoon, I up in Evening, so they down with me to supper–

19th. Wind S. by E. Horatio Sawing I up & helping to board on first the Dormants, begun to Snow about noon too bad to work I off to Jonathan Pearsons Vandue

February 19th 1799

it Snow very fast till near night, not gaind much perhaps 1 I., few People at the vandue I Bout.Iron Pott 5s9 Lanthorn 3s- Grubing How hoe 3s10 brushes 6d., tob tub for Tunis 2s3, this Pearson was an Englishman a very Good Mason, Married Jesse Jones’s Natural Daughter, had they had 4 Childern & now they Parted he Cryd her Down, He Bot. Thomas Davids old Place of R Roberts for about 650L 110 Acres, he Built a great house & Sunk the hole, tho he Sold it for 14 or 1500L Poor Destrest fellow now Drinks hard, Spent 11d bear

20th Wind N E & very Raw & Cold, hail & Sort of Sleet all day, Jos Holland Went out in Morn & Killd 9 Pigeons & had a potpey, Heck here to Dinner, I up to Pike pint bear 5½d Borrowd D. Roberts Oxen & halld 3 Little Logs, a very Disagreeable day, Sawd 16 Joyst, for Owen Jones 556 ft

21st. Wind N.E. & over Cast. & Ice froze to trees, up prety Soon & Sent Horatio for horses they Run away, I turnd a log on the Mill & Sawing. took alittle Run after the Pigeons got none home to Dinner then at Streapers, finishing our township session assessments John Righter & Young Got Supper And Club 3s7 home about 10 O’C night– over Cast Cold day misted & froze

February 22nd 1799 Wind N & Cold Raind & froze to the trees uncoming uncommon Quantity Small Limbs brakeing, & Ice falling off the trees Daingerous gooing through the woods Snow Shower Pretty Smart & wind W. before noon & Cleard off about 1 or 2 OC. very Cold Sawing all day Evening at Brot. Johns. & he & I at Rees’ he not at home So home we Came, wind high & very Cold Jos Holland makeing a Sled

23 Wind N W & Clear & Cold nearly as Cold as any night this Winter, fine Clear Day, Wagon Run over aCarter near Tunis with atun & half Plaster over his Breast Last Evening. I up this morn to See him, Dot Doctor Fiss Examined him, found no bounds bones broke, he badly Bruised on brest he Complanes much Jacob Morris Came over in Slay before noon to See us, I not very well Got a bad Cold– afternoon over at Morris’s he & wife & my wife & Childe up to McClenechans in Sledg Morris’s Sledg & he fetch us home in Evening–

24th Wind OverCast to Sunrise a Snow Shower about 8 O’C in Morn & Blue up very Cold, Jarvis here in Morn went with him I to meeting he home, home to Dinner at home all afternoon, at pike Evening mug bear 11d So home to Supper very Cold & wind Prety high

25th February 1799 wind N W. & very Cold Morn, but fine Clear day I helping Streapers to hall Ice & David Roberts Evening thawd in Sun out wind tho a Cold Day in Shade–

26th. Wind E & over Cast about noon Raw Cold Day at Widow Rights to Look for Money meet with a Burial old Dutch man Livd many years with old Rever back with them to Church yard then to Tunis. Drank a Glass toddy with Brooke & N Jones home to Dinner then up to Jarvis Drank tea their back to Streapers 1 lb Coffee 2s8 Brandy toddy with David & Jacob Zell 11d So home begun to Snow about Dark & Sonwd snowd very fast

27 Wind N & over Cast & Sleeted alittle Snow about 4 I Deep at Johns & Isaac Bonds he paid me 105L towards the Place he Bot. back to Johns & he & Jos Holland at Rees Price’s Signd a bond for 150L I Borrowd Last Spring of him So back at Streapers Rode home with Bill Smith & Brooke & S Herse in Sledge Spent pint wine at Tunis with them–

28th Wind W. & prety Cool in Morn but Got to thaw very much, Polly Streaper & Richard Streaper & I went to town in Slay very Good Going in morn but very bad Coming home Evening Drank tea at Streapers So home about 9 OC. at night tea & sugar 7s- Dinner at Elliots 5s7d

March 1st. 1799 Wind about N & over Cast & Cold all day at D Roberts & took Carrage over to Smith Shop to Get it mended Jacob Morris their home & Dined with him then back to Streapers at the Carrage Drank Coffee with Christopher D. Roberts Wife & my wife & Davids Nurse in Slay home Evening

2nd. Wind N.W. & thawd Some David Roberts halld two white Oak Logs fron from Conrad Goodmans for me afternoon meet at Tunis on Arbatration between Chapman, & Brigs, Benjn. Smith & David Lions finishd about 9 OC. Night, Snowing but Did not gain ½ Inch

3rd Wind N W & Prety Cold, at Meeting & at D. Roberts alittle While, Robert Down but gone away so I home Several People their here Rees Price, John J Walters I at Pike Evening pint bear 5½d So home

4th Wind N W Been alittle Snow shower in Night & blue up very Cold I Whet the Saw, begun to Cut Ice off the Wheel but so Cold & much on Give it up at H Knox’s home to Dinner, then at J Robeson a dispute between John Roberts & him about the mill wright work of Mill back to Streapers but did nothing, home Evening avery Cold Evening mare Run away, walk home She at Locust hill

March the 5th. 1799 Wind N W & avery remarkable Cold Day at Brot Johns & at Streapers, Meet with them Burying old Arche Watson Stayd with Alley Roberts aWhile at Streapers, he Treated to apint of Wine I home to Dinner after at Isaac Bonds Vandue, Back by Tunis. Spent not So home—

6th Wind N W. Cold Morn Set off about Sun rise to town afoot Prety fine day after, Gave Millner 6 Dollars as afee to Settle between us & the Haverford Place Bout of Willm Lewis. Dined at Elliots Logd lodge at T Roberts Got 6 Dollars of Wilson that I had Deposited in bank

7th Wind W. by S & the Warmest day Good while, Schuylkill & Delavar Shut up no Vessels Passing, Breakfasted at T Roberts Some Person, a Woman, the Milk Girl Sd.said Shee Seen a woman Come out, & had Stole a watch, While the woman where were in kitchen I had Come Down Stares, but it is beleivd the Milk Made Got it, for they offerd 5 Dollars & I here hear today the Milk Made illegible the kitchen & they have got watch

March the 8th 99 Wind S E & over Cast in Morn but Cleard off to be afine day at pike Boarding Dormants, & begun to Shingle Heck, Holland & Self pd Jesse Thomas 3L 18s9d a balance due him Smith work 5 Dollars Paid Aron Smith, 5 D. pd. Heck I Got 41 Dollars of Peters yesterday 1 Sheet of Copper yesterday 33s- old Saddles Paid for &c 33s9- Boards of R Evans 3L 18s9d Reckening at Elliots 2 Dinners & ½ Jill Ginn & ½ Jill Peach 8s5 Pear pair Shoes for Ann 2s9 very Star Light when I went to bed

9th. Wind S E & rain about Day Light up & Cuting Ice off the Wheel, never had so much Ice or so bad to get Loos, got it Loos about 12 OC & begun to Saw, rained prety much till near noon wind S. by W. & Seen the Sun afternoon Tunis Holland & Self mending Dam Walters Oxen & Cart Pint Whiskey 9d fogy Evening & Like for a thaw– Star & Moon to be Seen before I went to bed

March 10th 1799 Wind S W and Butifull morning up & Sawd 3 Cuts in alittle Poplar log. being first day Morning then went to Meeting home to Dinner, Evening Rode to See Morris he a Got avery bad Leg kick by ahorse at old Joe Fishers Burial, it very bad hurt home Sat up & Read till prety Late, alittle rain

11th Wind N W & froze Some Wind Prety high. at Walters Prety Soon for Saw Butted alarge White Oak log & began to Saw about 10 OC fine head Water up to Tunis. for a Saw back Jos. Holland helping to butt Log & Got Some Studs &c for a Cart Boddy over Cast & begun to Snow about Dusk, & Snow very fast by bed time,

12th Wind N W. & Clear & Cold, & the Snow 7 or 8 Inches deep, it Came when begun from near S. I dare say it Cleard about 12 OC. it was a Great fall for the time, the Snow Driffts & is avery Cold winterlike day, I Sawing & Broke 7 Cogs out of the big wheel Jos Holland helpt to put them in pint Whiskey 11d– & got to Saw about 2 OC again, it freeses to Wheel as it Goo’s. & the Gate froze fast while we Stopt about 2 hours Evening at D Roberts, B. Tunis fetch 1 Doz. Small Pearch perch Bout. out of Cart, 1s10½– I back to Supper

13th. Wind N. & hard frost & over Cast, Cut the Wheel Loose much froze, begun to Saw made a poor out

March 13th 1799

Jos George here very Cold & begun to Snow before noon & very like for it wind N E Got Dinner & Set off to Streapers, was to Meet Several in order to vew aroad of W Hagys Paul & Loyd Jones meet, but it Snowd so very fast none of rest Came, ½ Peck Salt 11d Brandy 11d. went to see Jacob Morris he Got a bad Leg accation’d by the kick of ahorse but it is in alikely way to Do well So home Snowing much

14th wind N. in Morn and over Cast but Quit Snowing (it about 4 or 5 I Deep Last night,) wind Got to S W & Clear to be a fine day, a very Great Job to Gett the Wheel Lose. B. Tunis fetch me a Letter from John Wilson, Giving me the Maloncoly news of the death of Brot. Edward in Georgia Near Savana, it was very Sorrowfull Stroke, for I had aGreat Affection for him the Lord have Mercy on me aSinner, I have agreat Loss in him for I have involvd myself & I had a hope he would Come home & take my Locust hill, what Poor Creatures we are– I remember, his remarke to me Sometime, that the flattering Prospects turn out to Disadvantage, & the most unlikeliest vice visa so frale or weak is man’s Idea or Judgment

15 wind N E & Cold Raw unpleasant Day Got to rain before noon but hail & Snow alittle at first froze on the trees & very unpleasant, sawing floor bords for Self all day Horatio at Mill, at Pike Spent not So & back again

March the 16th 1799 Wind S W in Morn & very like for fine day, & the Snow melted & Run agood deal, Got Cloudy & Colder afternoon up with John Price to Settle with Sturges, then up to Torrances township Meeting, Hugh Knox & Henry Colflesh Supervisors high ways, Jot. Robeson & John Horn Const. Constables Hagy S.Evans David Roberts & myself Settlers, 54 Voters their 1s4½ apeice, I Paid but 11¼ d. a Great Rabbel their, back by Curwens, & Got a dish tea Hugh Knox along. J.Jones & Olliver their too Cloudy but blue up from West & Got prety Cold froze a good deal home about 9 O Clock

17th. Wind S W. & thawd a good deal tho appeard to be Cold air Wind to N W & very Cold night, at Meeting home to Dinner Saw 4 or 5 Cuts in Morn, afternoon at Alley Roberts, & at Jacob Morris he Gott very Sore leg. kick horse but Geting better home about Dark

18th Wind N W. & high & very Cold froze very much off to town, to Enquire about Brot. Edward, I beleive their is no doubt but he is dead, watch for repairing 8s5d. Eliots 2s9. Din’d at R Tunis’s

19 Wind N W & froze hard tho the Pleasantest day this some time did not thaw so much, at Tunis, he hear alittle While hanging the Wheel I Sawing Hagy here about his road I to See Morris Evening, he Prety brave Qt molasses 1s6 ½ Jill Peach 4½d So home—

March the 20th 1799 wind S.E & Snowd allittle a little before I got up & Some after Almost Coverd the omission tho not ¼ I Deep then Got rain, Prety Smart till noon, then went to Powels Vandue bad Rideing & Cold & unpleasant Bot. not, went to See Benjn. Bavan Bevan, S. Gibson their illegible he & I off soon Drank tea at Walters so home before Dark Sawing Joysts for Walter

21st Wind S E & very hard Rain till noon & Some after, Evening Red to W. & hopes we Shall have a Good day to Morrow, Sawing all Day, Sawd 2 Logs for horton & part of one for Walter Earnd 20s- yesterday

22nd. Wind S.W. & a fine Morning, frogs Crying. & Seen & heard a peewee, Spring Like day, up soon & Sawing 26 f for Horton before noon. 12s6, Jarvis heare, about the Poor, Without my Coat all Day Whilst at Work the first time Since Last fall, has been avery Sevear Winter, afternoon with R. & D. Roberts to Curwen to Get a release acknowledg. home about 8 OC. night Cut my hare off Yesterday been tyd many years, a great Quantity of it, it Got very wett & I dreaded the Combing of it–

23 Wind N W & froze a little Last night a fine day tho alittle windy Sawing at Tunis before noon pint bear 5½ d home to Dinner, after at Hagy, with Several others, agreeing with him to make a road to Spring Mill for 150 D

March 24th. 1799 Wind N W. & froze prety hard, but avery fine Morn bluebirds Chirping &c. Hagy Treated us very kind wine Spirrets & a good Dish of Coffee I got home about 9 OC. I think he is Got abad bargain for it is amost Tremendous place for a road Round Taylors point. We as a township out to oppose it, but he has Raisd about 200 Dolrs by Subscription, & he is a stiff obstinet fellow & we agreed If he’ll Make it to Give 150 D. from town at Meeting in forenoon Jont Robeson here for Dinner after I set off to Meet John Wilson at Buck I meet this sd. & so back & went to Johns Drank tea their then went to See Jacob Morris, So home

25th Wind S W & abutifull day Jos. Walter J.Holland & Heck & Warner & Self Shingleing at pike Qt Whisk 1s10 Jill whisk to Treat Ben Bevan

26th Wind S W & abutifull day Shingleing I with Several others. Settleing terms Between Ben Tunis & Bevan, Viz the no. of years Tunis Shall have a Mill Seat for Build house &c we Judge it 10 yrs. without Rent & 10 at 6L pr Dine’d at Tunis after at McKnights Praising his Personal Est. Fredrick Grow & me home about 9 OC- very Brite Light to S–

March Wind N. & Very Great Rain & Wind & very Cold Run over the Dam much Drew the far Gate, Sawd above 800 feet to Day, very wet Cold day over at Christophers and Poll Streapers Evening, to Look for Money Got none So home

28th Wind N W & Cold Morn froze hard two or 3 Snow Showers through the Day up very Soon & Sawing put on a Log near 3 f over for Walter, at Tunis Jill Whiskey 5½ & up in Evening for a peck Cloverseed Bout of Wagoner from Lancester 2Do. 75 Cents pint Bear 5d–

29th Wind S E over Cast & Cold froze prety hard up Soon & Sawing a Large white oak Log into Boards for Walter at Tunis a fox Let out Sent from town, Road very hard after him to Darby very near the town & Lost him Suppose Some Person pick him up back Spent 11d at Store on this Road 11d. before I went, Dined at Tunis Good Dinner But Dear Cuting Dinner & Club 7s6 & Drank not any thimg of Consequence I Drank but ½ Jill Brandy, home soon Stayd not

30th. Wind S W & prety fine Sawing till noon then Settleing overseers of Poor & Roads Acct Stay till near 9 OC. at night so home

March 31st. 1799 Wind W & Prety fine Sawd 3 or 4 Cuts then at Meeting home to Dinner over at Mothers Come a thunder Gust a great Deal Lightning but no Claps very near home

April 1st 1799 fine day Shingleing & Sawing & arbitrating between tunis & Bevan– Evening

2nd Wind N.E & thunder Gust about Day & very hard Showers till 3 or 4 OC at Isaac Bond, he paid me 150L toward the farme he Bought; at Jarvis Dined their at Morris’s So home Blue up Cold

3rd Wind N W & avery Cold day, at Isaac Bonds Moving. hard froze, & avery remarkable Cold day Race froze over. home before Night

4th wind N W & very Cold froze hard Rather better than yesterday, Sawing & Morris Got wood of him for Slates slats for Cart home to Dinner Evening at Paul Jones, Borrowd 50 Dollars & he is to Lend me 150 more So home afternight

5 Wind S W & fine day begins to Moderate at the City 30 lb Nails at 9½d 23s9, Shingles 6L 16s10½d 50 f Boards for J. Walter 3s9 Recking at Elliots 3s9. ferry 4

April 6th 1799 Wind S W & fine day Seting Cornish &c Round the Dormant Window, & Puting on Logs &c

7th Wind S W & very fine day at D Roberts morn then at Meeting. (had a shad Edw. Gill fetch it from Schuylkill) Wilm Ashbey Preachd much, afternoon at Mordica Davis & Hugh Roberts, & Paid Bridson 10 Dollars pint Sider 5½ So home–

8th. Wind S W & fine day at Roof & puting on Logs &c Saml. Gibson hear. pint Whiskey for Carpenters.

9th wind S in Morn Got to West & 2 or 3 Showers & blue up very Cold & high wind So bad we had to Give out Shingleing, about the Sawmill & makeing Bench &c– Betsey Wagoner dead with the Consumtion at Stadlemans

10th. Wind N W & very Cold froze the race over & ground very hard. Set off to town, about Brother Edws. Will 1 lb nail 1s10½ two Stampt bonds 4s8 Cakes 11¼d Chalk line 11¼d Recking at Elliots 3s9 So home after dark–

11th Wind N.W. & more Moderate tho frost this Morn. Jos. Walter & I Shingleing Dormants Horatio Sawing

April 12th 1799 Wind S W. & avery fine day Shingleing without my Coate home to Dinner without it, Jarvis & wife hear, I down to house with Jarvis, Doct Fiss & McClenechan at Tunis, had a great Quarrel McClenechan Suspect him of Playing Some trick. to his Creater (or Mare) one Swore Bitterly he did not & the other is as Bitterly he did, Jos. Walter my Mare to go to Sherreff sale of horse. &c. of Johnson Vaughns. Spent not home in Evening

13th. Wind N & very Cool Morn, up Soon & Shingleing finish Dormants, afternoon at Society. Spent 2d. Sleave Buttins old Streapers 5½ Seen Sy Pawlings wife their have not seen her many Years. Says her husband has Left her 14 years, he avery indifferent fellow

14th Wind N W & very Cool Morn at D. Roberts had sent us ashad, afternoon at Jacob Zell’s Drank tea their at Jacob Morris’s at Streapers 5½ so home–

15th Wind S W & fine day up Soon at Tunis’s for Saddle bags put on a log Set off to town Jacob Morris along for Shad he Bout 125 & I got 25 Seven dollars & ¼ per hundred pint Sider 5½ horse &c 2s4 horsler 11¼ So home after dark

16th. Wind S W & like for dry, morning Cool Rhudolph Sibley here Cuting Wood or trees for Sawing 1 Qt Whiskey 1s6, I Shingleing Gutters behind Chimney Evening illegible Logs off, Saw none with Mill no Log

April 17th. 1799 wind S.W. & fine warm day David Roberts & I halld 3 Logs, 2 at a time Whet the Saw, sent for old Mare & Plowd the Potatoe patch at pike for flax then, went to See Jarvis Drank tea then home thunder to West Evening

18th Wind S W & a butifull morn been a fine thundergust before Day, all things look Cheirfull up before Day to Look for the harrow & harrowd & sowd the Potatoe patch at pike very windy, then Meet at Streapers to Settle Jarvis Acct. as overseer of poor

19th Wind N W & Windy Cool Morn up Soon & Sawing & helping about a Little Cart & Halling Logs Morris’s Oxen & D Roberts, hall 10 Logs Jos. Holland & Isaac at Cart afternoon making harrow for Morris; Cold Evening–

20th Wind N W & remarkable Cold, Ice & Ground froze hard up Soon & sawing then over at Smith Shop Get Irons for Cart, home & finish the Cart Body. Evening Holland & I over at Morris’s, & Streapers 1 lb Coffee 2s7 Sider 9d So–

21st Wind N W harsh & Cold & Snowd Alittle in morn, very Cold to be Shure at Meeting home to Dinner at home all Day after

April 22 99 22nd. Wind N.W. & prety Cool morn old Will hear Spliting Rails I Sawing & &c &c Isaac hear at work, nothing Remarkable over at Paul Jones’s Borrowd 200 Dollars home Late

23rd Wind N W & Cool morn, John & I Down to Jacob Johnsons for Shad I Got 75, John 63, Jont Walter 25 home about noon. Cleand &c I took 2 Shad to Jarvis Rain prety hard

24 Wind N.E. morn over for Morris’s wagon Sett off for town took old Jacob to Hospittal Bout. white Lead & oil 8 Dollr, Brush 3s4 pike & ferry 3s– John Ives & wife up with us. moveing to Jones Place Cloudy but no Rain to Day

25th Wind N W & pleasant day over at Christophers at Streapers Sider 9d. home to Dinner, after at Morda. Davis paid him 45 Dollars home by Buck, Meet George McClenechan Got prety Wineney Stayd all night Quarreled with one Evans, much Insulted violent mad.–

26th Wind N W. & Cool morn very Sick in night up Prety Soon & home very bad & Rediculus Conduct much Convicted Harrowing the Meadow & Plowd afurrow for the Water at Walters for the Saw ½ J. Whisk

27th Wind N.West fore then N E & Rain about omission very Smart Clap before night & then only one till after dark I think then avery Great Gust. made agreat fresh in dam

April 28th. 1799 Wind N W & prety windy Clear fine day at D R in Morn, Richard Tunis at Bens, Sent for me I up to See him home to Dinner after at Able Thomas to Look for Solomon Drank Tea at Jos. Georges then at Nathan Thomas’s to Look for Jim home after Dark

29th Wind N W & fineday up Soon Cuting a White oak for Joists, after Set off to town to John Wilson about Edw Brothers affaires, Bot Nails 20 lb at 8½d Sprigs at 3s9 pr. 1000 horse & Dinner 6s6 1 pound of Spirrets of turpentine 1s6 Last out of my Pocket wounderfull at the oispittal hospital to See Jacob, Able Thomas along. home about 9 OClock very Cool

30th Wind W morn I thought & Cool Borrowd D R oxen & horse of John Price & hall 4 Logs 1 white Oak Gotte of David Roberts 16 f Long Done about noon Whet the Saw & begun to Saw I over Evening at Locust hill Carpenters at work their Laying floor Smart Rain Evening

May 1st. 1799 Wind N E & Rain in night & over Cast & Smart Rain in Evening at J Curwens & Wilsons Bout. 12 Lombardy Poplars trees 7s6 Drank tea at Curwens So home after Dark–

2nd. Wind N.W. & high Wind. over at Locust hill to See how the Carpenters Come on, home & Seting Isaac to Make window door frame, at Pike & Walters Morris along. Seting old Will to Cut Rails. afternoon halling Potatoes from Pike that was Coverd up their. Planted 12 Lombarddy trees

3rd Wind N & very Cold black to West, over at Locust hill & John’s. home to breakfast, after at Meeting Stranger preacher their afternoon about home till Evening then D Roberts & I at Streapers to meet our wifes–raind prety Smart till noon some said Snow

4th Wind N W. & avery Large whitefrost & Some Ice Ground froze up & at John for my Cart he had it for Herren, very soon home halld doorframes to Locust hill, back pint bear 5½ Settled with Watkins James Rusel Est. after at Pike & Jesse Thomas to Look a Cow So home

5th Wind N W & Large frost, at Jesse Ellis’s Burial Havorford Haverford home to Dinner Calf head Christopher here paid me 16 Dollrs on Acct, after at Locust hill & Morris’s So home

6th Wind N W & Smart frost up soon, & at David Roberts & whet the Crosscut Saw & hand saw over at Shop got mare Shod & at Stophels pint bear 5½

May 6th 99 wind got to S & over Cast & Raind alittle before night, at Walters, hired anegro for 8½ Dol Old Will making Posts, Evening halling Posts Joists up from mill

7th. Wind N W & Cold up soon & over for Morris’s two Oxen halld 2 Logs my wood one Load of Joists 28 up the pike for one Brookes that is Building on pike & hall a log from Walter Amos’s John‘s Land, took the Oxen home mug bear 11d So home very Cool Day Carpenters at work for me at Locust hill

8. Wind N W & windy Cool Day took a load of Boards &c to Locust hill their at work all Day almost about the Stairs mug sider 9d So home,–

9th Wind N W & Still Continuus continues harsh & Cold, no Grass nor not much Hay any where about here Many People been feeding on Cut Straw this 2 Months, I had no hay this 3 Months nearly that was fit for them to Eat, at work at Christophers, at Stairs &c till noon then at Jesse Thomas Vandue he Going up to Canady under the British Goverment Sold a fine Little Settlement hear, I Pronounce he will Rue it before Long to go it is too Cold a Climit

May the 10th 1799 wind S W morn & Cloudy about noon wind W & high up Soon & Cut off alarge Chesnut Log for post & halld it to Mill Walter halld it Isaac hewing a post for Gate at pike, I at Walters helpt them to Rais Scaffel poles so home to Dinner Horatio & the Negro Cuting Corn Stocks afternoon at Jos. Taylors to Look for Cow, at Bill Smith’s he very unwell, at Abner Evans Brandy 11¼ then to Nathan Thomas’s to see to Get Jim to Come Live in my sawmill house pike Noo 2 pd 3 Cents Alittle rain few Drops from W, the warmest day this Spring I think, but Got Cooler in Evening

11th. Wind N W & Quite Cold Morn up & over at Locust hill at work home to Breakfast & Back again Isaac, Walters Prentice apprentice along puting up Wash Boards &c home to Dinner, I Back again hanging Doors &c finish Enoch Jones man finished them meet at Streapers Arbitrating between Helembold & Bare, they Quarreled & fought. Some Pulld hair &c. home In Evening I Drink too much Bear Rather

12th. Wind N.W. & Serean morn tho rather Cold being first day Morn Lay Long or Late up & at pike, John Moveing his fence in old feild yesterday, over at D.R. then with him up to Isaac Walkers Dine their then at Eliots ½ pint wine David pd. So home after night, I went Look at Covering horse at Eliots

13th. Wind N W. & Cold & Dry over at Smith Shop Got mare Shod & at Christophers, home to Dinner, then up to Quilla’s to Look a Cow then to Bittles tavern 3 Qt oats & ½ Glass 1s2 then at Edw Lobb to Look for Girl So home afternight

14th Wind S W & very fine warm day. up & Set off to Court Able Thomas along, about Old Bette Evans Will nothing Done Dinner 3s9 horse 1s10½ &c. Spent in hole 8s4 or their abouts fed at bird Bird in Hand home afternight Able & I Alone he is an Observing man

15 Wind S.W. & warm day & Evening at the Pike Lineing out 2 doors, & Halling Rails & helping outLine over the road; afternoon David Roberts & I at illegible to Look illegible

May 16th 1799 wind S W. & fine warm day with 2 or 3 very Light Showers, Marking out for Corn over the pike all day the Negro man Burning Brush briers &c &c & Isaac Warner at work at house

17th-Wind S E & fine Morn tho over Cast marking out for Corn Negro Making fence, afternoon Jont Walter hall 20 Joists to Brook on Pike, then helpt him hall a Girder. Humphreys Land, Several Smart Showers Got very wet a very Smart Shower Evening till it run ½ Jill whisk 3d– So home

18th Wind N Cold up finished marking out, Raind prety Smart. 2 or 3 Showers Cleard off about noon fine Evening about the new house N.E. corner Lancaster Ave. & Cloverhill Rd.

19th Wind N W & fine day up being first day up Soon at Locust hill & Streapers Tobacco 8d. 2½d for Dram at Johns home to Breakfast with Morris at Johns to Get him wright a Deed he Bout. aplace of Jesse Thomas. at Righters ferry, home our old Jim hear Bargined with him at 9 Dolrs per Month finde a house & wood, at D Roberts & Evening at Morris— Jim to have 9 Dollars monthly plus house and firewood.

20th Wind N.W & fine day in town in Morris Wagon Jesse Thomas & Wife along & Morris & Saml Becket I Bought, hat 6 Dols. Nankean 9s- Jeane for Breches 8s3 Rule & Square 6s3 Reckening 5s7½– So home Evening

21st Wind. S.W. & fineday Jim hear Wagon & Horses to move up to David Roberts Shop, he is to have my woodland hut when I move to Road; I at Davids Cleaning out the Shop, home with W. Dill begun to Put up fence at Pike 4 Pannels Negro halld all the Rails 160 Not illegible Pinted

May the 22nd 1799 Wind S W & Sun up Soon & to Bed Soon thunder in Morn. & a light Rain afternoon, at Michal Uphoult to Look for Cow; he gone with his Drove to Darby or Bell or Town I know not Where, at Stadlemans Bout old Cow of him for 17 Dollars, the Calf sold about 4 Days agoo. home before Dinner, after at Pike puting up Bed Mould &c &c William Put up 30 Pannel of 4 Rail Post fence along the pike, Rails & Posts was all Ready I think it was Great work. Avery fine Rain after dark with thunder. Molly Lobb & a girl that we are gooing to hirer hire

23rd. Wind W & very fineday or morn, up soon & Looking for the Cow Got in Morris Woods, home Breakfasted & up pike at Work at 2 Doors, 3 or 4 Showers one very hard Dash & the Sun Shun most of time, Jim Put up 9 Pannels & Point Rails 32 his days work. I at Walters for ½ illegible

24 Wind S. & Scud of Rain & thunder Set off to town Cart & one horse Polly Tunis & Child Rode with me Cleard off & fine day warm. Bout. 5 lb nails for Walter at 1s1 per lb 1 lb Spirrets turpintine 1s6 Tobacco 1s2 Dinner 3s9, oats wine Bear &c 3s9 Compesses 11¼d 10 B. Corn at 3s8 pr, 4D & 88 Cents, Thoms. Roberts very Bad, set off for home Come on in Evening very Great Gust with Thunder Ketch me near home but very wet Great deal Lightening.–

25th. Wind S W & fine day Gust in Evening not very hard at Work at house &c till noon then Meet the overseers Poor. Esqr Curwen their Examining old Bilson he Comeing on town,

May 25th 99

after at James Jones & a Nomber of Places Inviting to Thomas Roberts Burial to Morrow at 1 OC- to be interd at Merion yard, Pint Bear 5½

26th. Wind W. & fine day Set off to town to Meet the Burial Got in about 12 OC Judg Jones along went to Thomas Roberts & Dine their, helpt, to Screw him up & put in the Coach, then went to Elliots & went for my Mare, & fell in before they Got ferry Crosst at uper ferry, Got up & Buried him before 5 OC- ½ Pint Wine 11d. So home

27th Wind– have had a bad night’s Rest, not well a prety Great Destrest of Mind, at work alittle at new house; at Walters, about home all day

28th. Wind S W, not well at work at New house begun to make Gardin at Pike, I up to McClenechans to Get him take my Colt Evening at Streapers Sider 4d So home–

29th. Wind S W & fineday at work at new house till near noon, then over to Grave yard to Show them Where to Bury Pearsons Child, & went up to McClenechans with my Colt Dined their then at Old Crows Grows to Look apoplar tree & at Jarvis’s So home–

30th wind S W & prety fine day Raising Jont Walters house, Got done by Dinner my men planting Potatoes home Evening– a fine thunder Gust

May the 31st 1799 Wind N W & Cleard off Cool & fine day Borrowd Rees Price’s Oxen & halld 3 Loads of Scantling to Brooks near the Buck & halld 2 Logs my woods, then I up to Jones Building Got John Eives to Certify Brooks Bill

June 1st. Wind N W And a Remarkable Cold Morning & Raw day, at town so Cold at 2 OC whilst waiting for Dinner at Elliots went to fire & felt very Pleasant for ½ hour Brook Paid me 22s8 for Scantling Settled & Paid 5 D 42 Cents for Porapin’s Porcupine Paper 3s9 for Dinner 11d for Bear & wine 25 Cents horse home along the old Road illegible very Cold Rideing Cald to See Thomas Roberts widow–

2nd Wind N & very Cold, Peter Matson Deliverd me ½ tun hay at Pike at 10 Dollars Yesterday at Meeting fore noon a Low time with me Left a good deal to myself as to inward Instruction afternoon Ann & I at Streapers & Rees Prices George & Enoch Thomson their, home Evening.

3rd. Wind S E & over Cast in Morn but Cleard without Rain, Puting on boards on akill kiln to Dry at Locust hill for a Stove Got 2 Stoves in, & Set fire before night, put on about 100 boards I Suppose near 1500 feet. at Pike at Work till night Ned & Strong Dresst a sill Stone in the house Whiskey 5½d

Juen June the 4th 1799 Wind N W. & fine day about the Pike at work &c &c & tending fires under boards &c

5th Wind S.W very warm in the middle of the day Set off to town afoot meet Isaac Leadom Rode in waggon with him, So Cold as to be unpleasant, Bot. 1 lb Brandy at 13s & do. of Jinn at 8s9 & 1 Qt Cask of wine, Bot 15L Glasses at 8s4 Jont. Walter in with Waggon & halld Me up, home before night & Put the Licker in seller

6th Wind W & fine day, begun Soon to move up to the Pike, to Commence Tavern keeping I have some discouragements, I cant, See the way Clear, Great tryals I had, the Lord known’s knows what best, We are Poor Creators creatures when Left to our selves, Tunis movd on Beavans Land a Little frame, & Jim to the sawmill, So & so– we move round, open house all most, Jacob Johnson, Paid me 4 or 5 Cents for a glass of Brandy the first Money I receivd in tavern Way, David Davis pd. for 2 Glasses of Brandy 1s10½ the Next — had 2 Wagons here, & a woman from the Gate keeps store ther today she was gooing to Lancaster with the Wagon

[in margin: “7th. nothing remarkable but felt ashamed to tend tavern–“

8th Wind N E & Raind in Night & morn about noon begun to rain hard & had avery Wet afternoon raisd Crick, So that I drew the far Gate Abated in Evening 4 Waggons hear all night 5 or 6 Person to Supper

9- Wind West & fine Clear afternoon Pleasant day, being first day the Wagon’s Stade afternoon then Set off I at B Tunis McClenechan hear to tea & Several others, S. Jarvis Sent a present of Sallet & Redishes, treated his man to Glass of Brandy so went the day Cant Sleep Since I Came Here

June 9th 10th 1799

June 10th 1799 Wind N. W. & fine day makeing Morter to top the Chimney 3 Masons Came I at Streapers for 1 lb nail 6s3 Glass Sider nothing home help to Scaffel &c–

11th Wind N W. the Masons at Locust hill Plastering Horatio & I halling sand from old road to pint point after at Wilm. Smith Raising of his house Drink alittle Brandy with them & Some Pig. tho I eat Dinner before I went, home by Leadoms to Look for oats Got none

12th Wind N.W. & Prety fine up Soon at Locust hill to Cut away the Joists for a harth illegible about 10 Oc.-½ Jill of Wine at Streapers after Riddleing sifting Sand & Lime, for Pointing Mason back to Dinner, Painting Some–

13th Wind W. Prety Warm, I Painting all Day amost mason Pinting very high Wind-

14th Wind N W & high Shower from West but not much, high wind & very remarkable Cold Evening at Streapers Evening repeat Bot aserver 1s10½ pint Sider 4d I ride, tho when went too Late for it Gave me abad Gripeing, Jim Plowing the Corn, 3 Wagoners to Supper–

15 Wind N W. & very remarkable Cold had on my winter Coat & westCoate & Cold after my wife Poorly I hanging one on about house all the forenoon, after at Hugh Knox Borrowd 100L of Hannah James, after at Stadlemans to Meet Society, they Broke up & Gone

16th being first day about home, only at Meeting & Morris’s Big Ned Price Returnd Seen him at Streapers

June 17th 1799- Wind S W & warm Jos Walter & I to town he Bout. Shingles 4800 at 18 Dollars pr Drest, I Bout two Servers at 14s10½ Candlest. candlesticks 3s6, But hinges 9s- Screws 5s- 2 Dollr for Mill Saw I Left unpaid Some time–

18th. Wind W & fineday Harrowing Corn &c. at work alittle at house about home all Day–

19 Wind S warm day at Work at house Billy Lewis hall me 1000 feet Sap pine at 5L up Late with Waggoners– very hot

20 Wind S & warm Day at work at house over Cast But no rain

21st Wind S W & thunder in Morn & Smart Shower Soon in day. Jont. Walter &c for Load boards 1022 feet at 5L, Nails brads at 8½ pr lb. Cloudy & avery Little rain in Evening, tea kettle 4 Dollars Ladel 5s7 pint & Jill Glass 1s7- paid ferry &c perhaps 4 or 5s–

22stnd Wind S & Somewhat Like for Rain but none Comes, at work Jamb Caseing &c afternoon at T. Cochron Bout. hogshead of Sider 12 Dollars Back Evening– no rain

23 Wind S W & very Exstreem hot Prety Strong day in the tavern Way, at D Roberts, Evening D R & I Set off to Leadoms, Meet him above the buck tried my mare would not Stand So home

June 24th 1799 Wind W & warmday Looking up Barrels to Get Sider 2 at Streapers ½ Pint Wine 1s3. So home Jim helping John to hall hay.– alittle Shower afternoon

25th Wind W & Rather Cooler but warmday at Horton Whitemans Enoch Jones to Look my Grooveing Plane & about house Got 3 or 4 Different Breakfasts– for travelers

26th Wind W & thunder Soon & Smart Shower at D R ¼ Veal 22 lb at 6d Perhaps, Dull time on pike other roads so Good, my Irish Carter Down but no Whiskey, a barrel of Lancaster Ginn at 4s6 per Gallon Paid 19 Dollars Something Better Jim & Horatio at Cochrons 3 Barrels Sider 12 Dollars Cash– a Shower in Evening Interlined: “at Conrad Goodmans Got 2 Casks of him”

27th Wind S. west & very Warm, Jim off with Cart & Barrel Sider to Elliots Gave me 4½ Dollars I in town Bout barrel Whiskey 30 G. at 3s6 one Barrel Spirrets 33 Gallons at 8s3, about 8 lbs of Sugar at 2s1 per lb Come up whilest at Dinner at Elliots a Violent Gust with thunder. & a Second alittle while after Dinner & horse &c 6s6 I Left town & home before Dark

28th Wind W & prety fine tho very warm aplowing all Day for Buck wheat very warm horse Sweat much

29th Wind S W Plowing very hot fine Shower about 4 OC & very hard one about Dark & about all after day Severale People to Supper & Lodg

July June 30th 1799 Wind S.W. fine warm day at Meeting fine Parte after Richard Tunis here and Several others– at B Tunis to See how he Goo’s on Back & home all the Evening

July 1st. Wind S W & warm day, begun to Plow prety Soon, at the Saw Mill Sawd 2 pair Sledge Runers & put on Log of Jones Jim Plowd whilest I was at Mill

2nd Wind S W & Rather Cooler this Morn Plowing for Buckwheat all Day Except alittle while over at Saml Jarvis’s overseers of the Poor sued him for Township money; he fell about 100 Dollars in Debt

3rd Wind N W & Pleasant Day Plowing till noon for Buck Wheat, then Puting harrow to Corn one horse Evening at Morris Looking Reapers

4th wind East in Morn & overCast Got to W & Cleard Prety warm this the Anniversity of Independance, Intend Gooing to town, but wife Poorly so had to Stay, about noon went off for Molly Latch, & Sent for Several old Woman; Buckleys Carter & 3 others hear to Supper &c. the old Woman hung on all night, about Midnight, they Brought to the world ayoung Son I have some Doubts If it was Bornd on the 4 or 5 day of July, I up all night almost, Had fell asleep about the time the Infant was born,

5th. Wind S W. & very warm day Set off to town Jacob Zell along to forks of Roads treated me Glass of Punch, I off to town

July 5th. 1799

Paid Cooppers 4L 15s3d in full for Rum & Whiskey ½ Dollars Limes ½ Dollars oile mint &c Dinner horse &c 7s- files 2s4- at Hoistpital hospital to See Jacob ferry 4d Pike 9 Cents– Has been alarmd about fever in town, but seems not So much talk to Day

July 6th Wind W. & avery Smart Shower with hard thunder about Sunrise Cleard off by 8 OC- & begun to Reap my Rye, A.Tunis, Jim, John McGaw, Isaac Warner, Adam Got Ishmael Jos. Walter & Self, Uncle Robert Holland & Jacob Morris afternoon had 76 Dozen of Rye at Pike And 4 Doz at Mill I think it will make 50 B. for it has fine head

7th Wind S W & Pretty warm being first day felt fatieged. not at Meeting. a nomber People hear afternoon, at home all day, Busey

8th Wind S.W. & fine day. Plowing Corn finishd the Single forrow furrow Round

9th Wind W. & fine day Halling my Rye 80 Doz 9 Lengths 80 feet Long Evening Morris’s to Borrow his Waggon fetch Jacob from Hospital Salt 11d 3 Gallons apple Whiskey, Put it in abarrell Sider & mixt it Made avery nice Siderroil ½ pt wine 13d so home thunder & rain Thomas Carter here a very Smart rain towards Morning

July 10th 99 Wind N W & fine day Got Morris’s Wagon & off to town Bout 180 Lights of Glass 10 by 12 18 Dollars Cag keg White Lead 4 Dols. Corkscrew 2s4 Shoes for Ann 2s9 Cag Crackers 6s6- horses 3s4½ ferry 1s6 Pike 2s5 So home fetch Jacob from Hospital Paid 44 Dollars for 11 Weeks board–

11th Wind I know not, over at Mothers took Jacob their Morris’s Wagon home–

12 About home all Day after Lost my Journal through the Multiple city multiplicity of Business, till first of August I begun

Augt 1 at work at the Building Joe Walter & boy here

2nd at work at house– my Spirrets fine rain

3rd about home work Carpenters work a little rain

4. at home all day being first day

5th Wind n.W. Puting on a log & work at house

6th makeing front door

7th at work at Do.–

8th work at house begun to Lay second floor

9th Lineing the West door & hanging

10th Wind S.W. & dry, Set off to town at Bank to See Wilson Bought Coffee sugar &c Rain after dinner not much