1926 Edition
1926 Edition
Atlas of Properties on Main Line Pennsylvania Railroad From Overbrook to Paoli.
From Actual Surveys and Official Plans by George W. and Walter S. Bromley, Civil Engineers. Published by G.W. Bromley and Co., 147 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1926.
Click on any of the links below to view a pdf of the plate. You may find it easier to zoom and examine details of the map in PDF.
Ardmore R.R. Station (Plate 11)
Bala, Cynwyd R.R. Stations (Plate 6)
Berwyn R.R. Station (Plate 30)
Bryn Mawr, Rosemont R.R. Stations (Plate 15)
Cynwyd and Belmont Hills (Plate 7)
Daylesford, Paoli R.R. Station (Plate 31)
Haverford R.R. Station (Plate 14)
Narberth R.R Station (Plate 5)
Overbrook, Merion R.R. Stations (Plate 3)
Radnor R.R. Station (Plate 24)
Spring Mill & Conshohocken State Rds. (Plate 18)
Spring Mill Rd. & Montgomery Ave. (Plate 19)
St. Charles Seminary (Plate 2)
St. Davids, Wayne R.R. Station (Plate 25)
Strafford R.R. Station (Plate 27)