Formation of the Horse Company
The formation of the Lower Merion Horse Company can be traced back to Joseph Price, who was the fourth generation of this Quaker Price family to live in Lower Merion. He was one of Lower Merion’s most important citizens…a real Renaissance man. A Historic Roadside Marker on Montgomery Avenue, near Meetinghouse Lane in Narberth, states:
Price House • 1803
Built by
Joseph Price
Quaker Farmer, Innkeeper, Undertaker, Militiaman, Diarist, Saw Mill Operator, Milestone Installer, Carpenter,
Turnpike Supervisor,
Patriot, Concerned Citizen.
Joseph Price is best known for and through his Diary, which is primary source material…a window to our distant past. He began his diary when he was 35 years old, and the last entry was made three days before his death at age 75. This 40-year document (1789-1828) offers a treasure trove of details of Lower Merion life in that era and a testament to the varied skills and interests of this extraordinary man.
The origins of our Horse Company can be traced back to entries in Joseph Price’s diary. On January 24, 1818, he wrote:
…wind east, snowed and sleeted, covering the ground, misting and freezing all day…afternoon at Buck at forming Horse Company for apprehending horse thieves. Nineteen men met and appointed a committee of seven to draw up the rules…

Less than two weeks later, on February 7, 1818, the official date of the formation of Lower Merions Horse Company, the following entry appears:
…to home and then up to Buck to meet Horse Company for apprehending horse thieves, adopted the rules and choose officers. Jonathan Jones (President) and George F. Curwen (Treasurer, Secretary)…we paid 100 cents entrance and 25 cents expenses…