Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: Mary Jones & John Jones
Title: Account Book of Mary Jones & John Jones
Place of Publication/Source: Original document
Date: August, 1802-1840
Extent of Work/Condition:
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: Items noted: Location of Wynnewood House: Sixth mile stone on Lancaster Turnpike is 242 perches, Distance to Turnpike Road: 148 perches, Distance to Joseph Price’s house: 224 perches, Ninth milestone on Old Lancaster Road is 134 perches from house, Accounts for Wynnewood House, starting August 9, 1802: Barn construction by Joseph Price, Carpenter and Mord. Davis & Aaron Smith, Masons, 1803: Litzemberg & Black, well diggers, Hugh Torrence, James Widdifield, Daniel Thomas, Stephen Sagar, 1804: Widow Wannerwik, Isaac Tell, Joseph Price & Titus Yerkes, permanent bridge on Schuylkill River, John Kuglen, David Bettle, Isaac Warner, David Bainbridge, Sarah Whiteman, John Clain, John Jones, Llewlellin Young, Esq., Morris Clain, James Knox, Jacob Sibley, David Evans, 1805: Widow Margan, Samuel Holcomb, Francis Shippin, Lexington, Kentucke (old spelling), John Wilkins of Pittsburg, James Morrison of Kentucke, John Elliott, 1806: Ja. Sibley, Titus Yerkes, Joseph Price, Jno Evans, George McClenachan, Ino. Lippin, Jacob Sibley, Potgrove, Allentown, Kuts Town & Reading, Ino Reyess, Dell Price, Joshua Robinson, Joshua & Samuel Humphreys, ship carpenters, Richard Blankney, Tho. Mason, Michael Riter of Germantown, Mathias Holstein, John Tomlinson, Christian Carpenter, 1807: Jonathan Miller, Widow Price, Dr. Adam Seybert, Dec. 29th, appointed by Court to lay out the road from South Corner of Wynne Wood Plantation to the Phila. & Lancaster Turnpike Road: John Hughes, John Elliott (King of Prussia), Elisha Evans, Nathan Potts, Esq., Mathis Koplin, Uriah Thomas, John Elliott of Lower Merion was Surveyor, Owen Jones & John Witter, 1809: Clement Lee Brady, John Jones of Darby and son, Richard, Joseph Price, Jacob Sibley, John Evans, Jacob Sibley, Jr., Simon Litzemberg, Jr., Evan Evans, 1810: Clement Lee Brady, 1812: John Byerly, 1813: Edward Lobb, Samuel Young, 1814: Jacob Hagy, 1815: Abraham Richardson of Haverford, master mason, Clement Lee Brady, Mr. Rigter, Christoher Markley, Jacob Hogy, William Jordan, 1825: Persons joining on Owen Jones’s farm: Lewis Knox, Baltis Whiteman, Dr. James Anderson, Jane Price, George McClenachan, Sr., John Lewis, John Conrad, Thomas Price, Jonathan Jones, 1826: James Calahan, John Ripley, George Carr, 1824, 4th month, Mary Jones began to pay Stearn & Leveren for meat, Isaac and Edward Hailey, T. Whiteman, Lloyd Barr (1822), Margaret Evans, 1823: George Printre & Co., Rambo & Davis, 1824: Christopher Lintre, 1826:Isaac W. Roberts, Insertion of separate sheet: 1827: account of Mary Jones to John Coats for hauling, Dr. Walter Harris, 1817, 1815 & 1826: Baltis Whiteman, Dr. Benjamin Johnson, 1821: Margaret Clime, Thomas Forman, J. Coper(Cooper), Hugh Henry, Virginia William, Schively, Willliam Rose, J. Miller, W. Hollowell, William Priest, blacksmith, P & T Tunis, Hoskins, J. Miller, William Evans, Doctor Brookfield, T. & C. Smith, Hugh Henry, Carter, R. & H. McIlvaine, John Conrod, 1822: Isaac Haley, William Taurence, L. Standleys, Hoffman, the blacksmith, W. Hollersell, J. Blaily (sp?), H. Henry, Edward Haskey (sp?), Mifflier Moore, G. Williamson, Dr. Brookfield. 1823: Hugh Henry, E. Haily, Sister H, D. Humphreys, Wm. Cleaver, Major Thomas, Charles Hoffman, Wm. Holgate, Wm. Thomas, Mary Ann Rawlins, Margaret Evans, Arthur’s store, James Jackson, Jonathan Miller 1824: Joseph Hailey, ElishajMoore, Jonathan Cleaver, Wm.Taunence, G. Jones, James Davis, James Miller, David Daniels, David Williamson, Charles Yerkes, William Rose, James Cooper, Adam Hansel, Charles Smith, Rebecca Smith, Hannah Davis, Sarah Davis, Hannah Hoskins, Kitty and MaryAnn, Catherine Rawlins, Rebecca Henvis, Susanna Davis, Elizabeth Thomas, Maria Beuly, Margaret Litzenberg, Hugh Henry, John Whiteman, Mary Vaughan, C. Marchley, Joseph Hailey, Henry Bear, Jacob Sibley (Libley ?), James Davis, David Hunter, G. Printz, Ruth Anna Rawlins, 1825: Hetty Weest, Henry Purdy, James Cooper, Priscilla and Jane Tunis, Hoffman’s stores, Stone’s (store?), Isaac Evans, Thomas I. Heston, Kitty Keech, Joseph Warner, Charles Atmore, 1828: Robert Taylor 1834: Henry Barr, 1827: Polly MIller, 1840: Willliam Fisher, 1826: Charles Yerkes, 1827: William Lentre, 1828: George Darr, 1833: Ann Whiteman, Catherine Whiteman, Norris Hunsel, 1829: Marget James, 1828: Mary Vaughan, 1829: Catherine Vaughan, 1830: Hannah Litzenberg, 1832: Hannah Thomas, Sarah McClenachan, Ann Cain, Tacy Thomas, Susanna Hollowell, 1833: Gardiner Latch, Lewis Warner, Norris Hansell, John Bell , 1836: Laurances store, 1831: Hunter Miller, full name, James Hunter Miller, (wife, Mary Ann Miller), 1831,1832: Ice House Expenses paid to: Christopher Lentre, Casper Whiteman, Benjamin Lentre, Baltis Whiteman, Henry Barr, Charles Coulter, George Printre, John Bell, 1837: Mary Taurnence, 1841: Betsey Calahan, Elmira Burr, 1825: Enoch Walker, teacher, August Cornman, 1835: Owen Jones, Mary’s nephew, Herbert Thomas, John Ewing, 1838: Nancy Hayden, Elizabeth Whiteman, 1829: Christopher Lentre, 1832: John Cook,Charles Coulter, John Rupley, Baltis Whiteman, Hiram Hendricks, 1836: Walter Pearce (Pierce), 1838: Edward Hayden & wife, Nancy, B.D. Smiths, Dr. Anderson, 1840: Charles Leland, 1840: Betsey Calahan (Eliazbeh), Northampton Bank of Pennsylvania, Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine, Easton Bank, 1834: Catherine Whiteman, John Bell, Manayounk, Ann Whiteman, 1838: Mary Smith, Elizabeth Burn, daughter of Isaac Burns, John Warringon, 1839: Isaac Burn, 1840:Isaac S. Bonsall, teacher, Wynnewood School, Lower Merion, Isabell Burns, Elmira Burn, Henry Barr, 1841: William Boid, 1835: West Philadelphia Rail Road, Schuylkill Bank, Joseph Trasel,, Treasurer of Bank, 1836: Rufus Mason, Willliam Horton, 1835: Charles Smith, 1837:Josiah Knox, Carmichael & Otis, Charles Smith, 1838: Charles Smith, 1839: Robert Carr, 1840: Isaac S. Bonsall, Hugh McClelan, fence maker), 1839: Charles Smith, Dr. John Coatz, 1840: H. Suppl?, Wm Moore, Abner Dolby, Willliam Pope, 1841: Notice by Mary Jones of her son Owen’s birthday making him the owner of Wynnewood House, 1840: George Runkle, D. Tell, M. Jones’ niece, Naomi Thomas, SEVERAL BLANK PAGES with newspaper clippings and profile cutouts, (unidentified), 1838 Ice House Expenses: Benjamin Taylor, Charles Smith, E. Haydon, William Fisher, Baltis Whiteman, John Bell, Henry Barr, Isaac Burn, Henry Stellwagon, James Carr, 1840 Expenses: Josiah Knox, Charles Smith, Baltis Whiteman, Henry Barr, Isaac Burn, Charles Jones, Casper Whiteman, Henry Stelwagon, Alexander Fullerton, Edwin Smith, clipping showing Ecole Militaire, SEVERAL BLANK PAGES, 1837: EXPENSES FOR REPAIRING MANSION; Caspar Whiteman, John Bell, Isaac Bartnam, Joseph M. & George Trumans, Adam Hansel, Levi Morris, Phineas Paste, Levi Swallow, Philip Mowney, Dawsons for paint , Charles Coulter, Samuel Davis, George D. Rine, John Ritter, James Knox, John Beaumont, Stephen Martin, on small added note papers: Blockley, Sam’l Jones, Josiah Knox, (Several separate, small sheets: “A Watch Word”, a bill from John Beaumont, notations of stone purchased from John Beaumont, notation of Mary Jones of purchase of wood from John Evans, Hugh McIlvaine and Son, John Levering, SEVERAL BLANK PAGES, TWO PAGES RIPPED OUT, 1840: Notes on the planting of a young orchard, A full page of philosophical thoughts, 1838: List of shrubs and trees purchased at Carr’s Garden, April, 1834 and other dates in 1834 : with sister, Tacy Thomas and son, Owen Jones, purchases of more trees and shrubs from Carr’s, 1826:Blair McClenachen, C. Loentre, David Anderson, 1824: Planted 67 apple trees with help from brother-in-law Isaac W. Roberts, list of trees, reverse of note of stonecutter arriving to do work, note re: Wm Quin to make rails same as in 1833, list of apples, newspaper in Middle Eastern script, small notes attached: Aunt Martha Murray resides in New York opposite Washington Square and reverse: concern over a fire, note re: George Gallagher, Chamber St., N.Y. married cousin Ann Jane Murray and reverse:Abigail Wells married Parson Ludlow, 11th mo. 19th day 1824 (9?), Added note: Cousin Rees Tunis lives in uper Canada near the Town of Dundas, last page: Rachael Warner, Sibley, Loose inside back cover: Newspaper article re: Causes of the premature and sudden decay of Pear and apple trees, several pages of blotting paper, Letter to Owen Jones from Nicholas Ridgeley in Dover, Delaware stating that he does not owe money to Owen Jones, Newspaper: The Village Record, Westchester, dated Wednesday, April 2, 1823, small clipping from “Gazette”, undated. END OF JOURNAL.
Call Number: R0167