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July 2, 1768 gift to John Roberts II from his father, Robert Roberts. Next notation is to Algernon Roberts in 1779, from his mother, Rebecca (Rebechah) Jones Roberts, in her will. Names and places noted: Robert Roberts , Sydney Roberts, Merion Grave Yard, John Roberts (son of Benjamin Roberts), John Roberts (son of Robert and Sydney Roberts), Algernon Roberts, Rebeckah (old spelling) Roberts, mother of Algernon, Lydia Warner (mother of Tacy Roberts), children of Algernon Roberts & Tacy Warner Roberts: Rebeckah, Lidia, John, Isaac W.,Gainor, Ann, Elizabeth, Algernon Sidney, Edward, George, Tacy, children of Isaac W. Roberts and wife, Emily: Rebecca, Mary, Gainor, Emily, Rosalinda Evans Brooke, George B. Roberts, Lydia Roberts, Edward Roberts, son of Algernon and Tacy Roberts, Mary Roberts Jones, Miriam Pyle Roberts, Sallie Lapsley Brinton, George Brinton Roberts, Algernon Brooke Roberts, Thomas Williams Roberts, Elizabeth Williams Roberts,Isaac Warner Roberts, Miriam Williams Roberts, Bishop Mcvickar, Trinity Church, Philadelphia, Alice Tyson Butcher, Henry C. Butcher, Ellen Page Butcher, children of George Brinton Roberts and Alice Tyson Butcher Roberts: George Brooke, Brinton Page, Laurence Page, Henry Butcher, Mary Hoppin Howland, Frederich Hoppin Howland, Ellen Swan Dobbin, St. Peter’s Church, Alice Roberts, Elizabeth Fisher, Elizabeth Binney Evans, Church of the Redeemer, Rowland Evans, children of Algernon Brooke Roberts and Elizabeth Evans Roberts: Algernon, Rosalinda, Rowland, Gwendolyn, Rowland Roberts married Evelyn R. Page, their children: Rowland Evans Roberts, Edward P. Roberts, Rowland married Jane Hoy, their children:Brian Evans Roberts, Elizabeth Dane Roberts, Gwendolyn Roberts married John L. Randall, their children: John Alexander Randall, Ann Randall, Elizabaeth Williams Roberts married Percy Hamilton Clark, their children: Miriam Roberts Clark, Mary Todhunter Clark, Percy Hamilton Clark, George Roberts Clark, Thomas Williams Clark, William Lincoln Clark, John Roberts Clark, David Williams Clark, Thomas Williams Roberts, Ellanor Cecilia Thompson, Charles Trotter Thompson, Maria Louise Thompson, Rev. John M. Mackridge, Ellanor Cecilia Roberts, Gainor Roberts, Maria Louise Roberts, Thomas Williams Roberts, Jr., Frances Kellett Roberts, Ellanor Thompson Roberts, Frances Williams Roberts, Kimberley Kellett Roberts, Elizabeth Brooke Roberts, Thomas Williams Roberts 3rd, Caroline M. Henry married Isaac Warner Roberts, their children: Algernon Roberts, Bayard Henry Roberts, Mary Elizabeth Roberts, Brooke Roberts, Howard Henry Roberts, Miriam Williams Roberts (daughter of George Brooke Roberts & Miriam Pyle Roberts) married Spencer Ervin, their children: Miriam Ervin, Katherine Mudge Ervin, Louise Spencer Ervin, Virginia Ervin, Spencer Ervin, Laurence Page Roberts married Isabel Morrill Spaulding, daughter of Morrill B. Spaulding & Ellen H. Spaulding, Henry Butcher Roberts married Mary Paton Rauch, daughter of Rudolph S. Rauch & Mary French Rauch, their children: Brinton Page Roberts, Henry Butcher Roberts, Jr. |