Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: Lower Merion Realty//T. Williams Roberts for Lower Merion Realty Co.//G. Brinton Roberts and T. Williams Roberts.
Title: Regarding restrictions in Deeds conveying property on St. Asaphs, Llanberris and State Roads, Bala, belonging to the estate of Geo. B. Roberts and Deed to Jessie Harris Perot from G. Brinton Roberts et al
Place of Publication/Source: Original documents
Date: 1907-1917
Extent of Work/Condition:
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: No. 1: Memo as to Brown Farm, Bala , Pa.; No. 2: Lower Merion Realty; No. 3: Letter to Isaac W. Roberts from Franklin L. Wright; No. 4: Indenture between Lower Merion Realty and James C. Bell; No. 5: Trustees under the will of George B. Roberts, Re: property consisting of 2.359 acres. No. 2: Franklin L. Wright, Esq., Norristown, Jane B. Reichner, Louise H. Strawbridge, Louis C. Baker, Mary R. Baker, Lower Merion Realty. No.3: Nicholas H. Lazelere, Franklin L. Wright, Charles Townley Larzelere, Isaac W. Roberts, Jane B. Reichner, Llanberris Road, Conshohocken Avenue, Barmouth Road, Louise H. Strawbridge, St. Asaph Road. No. 4: G. Brinton Roberts, Thomas Williams Roberts, Isaac Warner Roberts, Elizabeth B.E. Roberts, Alice Tyson, Elanor T. Roberts, Caroline H. Roberts, Percy H. Roberts, Lower Merion Realty, Samuel H . Brown, George B. Roberts, Miriam P. Roberts,G. Brinton Roberts, Algernon B. Roberts, Thomas Williams Roberts, Elizabeth W. Roberts, Miriam W. Roberts, Percy H. Clark, Rowland Evans, Gwendolin Evans, Jane B. Reichner, Lower Merion Realty, Llanberris Road, Elizabaeth R Clark, G.C. Kuntz, witness. No. 5: Lower Merion Realty Company, James C. Bell, Saratoga , N.Y., Lower Merion Township, Llanberris Road, Winthrop C. Neilson, Conshohocken State Rd., Louise H. Strawbridge, David E. Williams, Land Title and Trust Co., Commonwealth Title Co., Commonwealth Title Insurance & Trust Co., Barmouth Road, G. C. Kuntz, witness, T. Williams Roberts, E.J. Hedeen, agent for James Bell, T. Nevan Carson, witness
Call Number: R0131