Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: Deed: Mary R. Jones, widow, Rebecca Roberts and Gainor Roberts, single women and George B. Roberts
Place of Publication/Source: Original letters plus two pages of notes
Date: May 1, 1886
Extent of Work/Condition:
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: $9,820; Triangular piece of ground on corner of City Ave. and Belmont Avenue (Map of property included); property abutting those of V.M. McLaughlin, James Roach, Joseph Abraham, Robert Roberts, John Roberts, Algernon Roberts, Isaac Warner Roberts, Rosalinda E. Roberts, widow of Isaac Warner Roberts, (five children of Isaac and Rosalinda: Mary R. Jones, Rebecca Roberts, Gainor Roberts, Algernon Roberts, George B. Roberts), Witnesses: John W. Harding and Al. P. Burchell, Notary Public
Call Number: R0096