Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: Mary Jones
Title: Account of social occasion hosted by Mary Penn Gaskel to meet Granville John Penn
Place of Publication/Source: Original documents
Date: Jan. 31, 1852
Extent of Work/Condition:
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: Mentioned: Peter Penn Gaskell (brother-in-law), Priscilla Tunis (cousin to Mary Jones), Patty Humphreys, Mary Bowman, Sarah McKeever, (cousin), William Wister, John J. Smith of Germantown, William Penn, the Aubreys, R. Thomas, Thomas Loyd (spelling?), the first governor appointed by Penn, Thomas Wynne, the first speaker of the first legislative assembly in Philadelphia, Isaac Norris, chief justice of Penn during lifetime of William Penn, James Logan, corresponding secretary of William Penn, William Biles, Valentine Hollingsworth, Anthony Norris, (M.Jones, P. Tunis and her niece, S. McK. were lineally descended from Reese Thomas and M. Aubey), further discussion of lineal descent with initials of persons
Call Number: R0083