Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: Elizabeth George
Title: Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth George
Place of Publication/Source: Original Document
Date: December 1, 1806
Extent of Work/Condition:
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: Heirs: Ann Ledom, Isaac Ledom, Elenor Supplee, Jonathan Supplee, Blockley, sister-in-law Susannah Jones, Hannah Williams (sister), Jacob Jones (brother), Mary Jones, sister-in-law, Rebecca George, niece, Sarah George, niece, Hannah Foulk, niece, John Roberts, nephew, Algernon Roberts, nephew, Benjamin H. Smith, nephew, Mary Davis, sister of Benjamin, Jesse George, nephew and son of Edward George, May Axford, niece, Lydia Roberts, daughter of Algernon Roberts, Gainor Roberts, sister of Lydia, Ann Roberts, sister of Lydia, Elizabeth Roberts, sister of Lydia, Hannah Jones, daughter of Evan Jones, Priscilla Foulke, daughter of William Foulke, Martha Sanuy, Jacob Morris, witness, Anthony Levering, witness
Call Number: R0058