Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: John Roberts, millwright, son of John Roberts II
Title: Rough draft of will of John Roberts (1747-1803), millwright
Place of Publication/Source: Original Documents
Date: Undated
Extent of Work/Condition:
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: Heirs: Pennsylvania Hospital, Merion Meeting House, Quaker Burial Ground, nephew John Roberts (son of this John’s brother, Algernon, Isaac Roberts (brother of young John),Gainor Roberts (sister of young John), Lydia Roberts (sister of young John), Ann Roberts (niece), Elizabeth Roberts (niece), Algernon Roberts (nephew), Edward Roberts(nephew), John Roberts (nephew – son of Benjamin), William Palmer, son of late sister Tacy, Washington Roberts, Mary Buford (sp?), William Palmer, Elizabeth Palmer), Asher Palmer, George Palmer, Charles Palmer, Tacy Palmer, Washington Palmer, Mary Axford, George Roberts
Call Number: R0056