Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: John Roberts, suveyor
Title: Last Will and Testament of John Roberts, surveyor
Place of Publication/Source:
Date: October, 1775
Extent of Work/Condition: Registered in the office of Benjamin Chew, Register General for the Probate of Wills and Granting letters of Administration, in and for the Province of Pennsylvania, February 7, 1776
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: Detailed account of worldly goods distributed; Benjamin Chew, Rebecca Roberts, Algernon Roberts, Joseph Abraham, Blockley, Merion Township, Ford Road, David George’s land, Morten Garrett, William Turner, merchant, of Philadelphia, Schuylkill (land fronting), Plymouth, John Vanderen, Thomas Norris, John Leacock, Jacob Bealerts, William Stadleman, Jonathan Roberts, William Denny, Esq., Benjamin Roberts, John Roberts, son, Robert Roberts, son, Edward Roberts, Elizabeth Palmer, daughter, Tacy Palmer, daughter, Grandson John Roberts, son of Benjamin, Owen Jones, Jacob Jones, James Jones
Call Number: R0043