Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« The Roberts Family Collection

Roberts Family Collection

Author: Evan Jones
Title: Will of Evan Jones
Place of Publication/Source: Original Document
Date: April 12. 1748
Extent of Work/Condition:
Series Title/Volume:
Collection: Roberts
Notes/Abstract: Heirs: Stepdaughter Ann Obowrn(sp?), Nathan Garrett, Darby Township, J. Cannah Lewis’ widow, Amos Lewis, sister Sarah (Jones), Elizabeth (Jones) (sister), brothers- in-law: Lewis Jones and Jepthah Lewis, Robert Roberts, Friends Meeting House in Merion, Schoolhouse near Merion Meeting, Richard George, old negro man named Peter, Dwelling house and plantation of 300 acres in Merion, Jonathan Jones, daughter Ruth Jones, four sisters: Elizabeth, Catherine, Ann and Serah, Conostogo Road, father-in-law John Jones, trustees for advising daughter Ruth: father -in-law John Jones, brother(s) -in- law: Lewis Jones, William Faulke, Evan Jones, witnesses: Edw.Rice, Jacob Jones
Call Number: R0017