Joseph Price Diary

January the 1st. 1810 Wind S W & avery fine day froze prety hard Cleard of[f] Last Evening Quite Calm at home till noon then with Yost measureing the Mason Work of the Sheds Spent 6 Cents very little Shooting about or near here

2nd Wind S avery warm day thawd much very Large white frost, pleasant Like Spring, John Wright & I at Work at Pughs, Brakeing doors & deviding Shed 1 mug Cider 1 J Whis & 1/2 Jill Gin 1s8

4rd[th] wind S & been a Smart rain in Night & avery foggy morning frost Comeing out no rain sun now & then warm day at Pughs Elliot & Baler & Self measureing the Lott Baler Bout of Bevans Est. Spent 2 Glasses 25 C Evening at J. Jones drank tea home about 9 OC-

5th. Wind S.W heavy due or fog & amost remar[k]able warm day puting a new Side to Light wagon, John Evans helping him & I at Morris, Robins & Evan Evans Shingleing, the old house Built in 1712 with 67 press Shingles drew of[f] Several acct for John Evans vandue paper [for Lippens effects]

[in margin:"NB I Mist or omited this in its proper place-"] January the 3rd 1810 Wind S W froze very Little bad roads up soon & off to Elliots to Get him to Run Bevans Lott off again, Stopt Queens tavern 1/2 Jill 6 Cents, home Got Breakfast then attended to Lippens vendue John Evans, administrator I Bout Stove & Cow for Widow, 22 Drs. Oyl Stone 2..75 Coopers horse 90 Cents, plain Phillester [filister, a plane for cutting grooves] 90 Cents Eat Dinner & took tea with the widow--

6th Wind S.W frost all out of ground & avery fine warm day Sun Shind in part, about Wagon till noon then at Pughs. & Jane Walters & Jont. Jones's drank tea home between 8 & 9 OC- muddy roads & raind but not hard--

7th Wind S by W alittle rain morn but Got Near W & held up fine day Jane Caldwel at Yerkus Sent for me about her son Horatio so not at Meeting about home all the remainder. afternight Wind N W & blue prety High or hard Spent 12-- Thomas Price Plowing the 5th Like Spring Great many people Got Cold & Coff not healthy wether

January the 8th 1810 Wind N.W & forze [froze] pre[ty] hard & not Bare a horse, off soon to Isaac Price helping to kill hog Killd 8 weighed 2275 lb very nice Killd a young Bull he Bought over the other side Germantown Last Spring 3 years old weigh'd 923 lb very fine Beast. Paul Jones Juner & Self all the Strangers they Where as fine alott of hogs as perhaps I ever help to kill very good one weighed 353 the heaviest & the Lightest 254 lb I think they averaged 284 lb & 3 lb over. Paul & I lost 5 dozen of fish on thee [the] weight of Bull it turn out a very Clear pleasant day

9th Wind S.W. Little frost fine warm day over Cast in afterpart at the Jane Price's helping to kill her Bull David Roberts Shot him very hansom he Suffered not, Colbert Evan Evans Black Ben & Self drest him hide 120 Carcase 700 lb Good kidney & insd. Back not so good, Dined their then home & up to Elliots Meet Ruben Lewis Rent my tavern 300 D a year & I to give 5 Cord [in margin: "wood Raind all the way home tho not hard"]

January 10th 1810 Wind S a foggy morn, very foggy warm hens on fence thinks will Clear but keep dull rather all day, at home about Swingletree for waggon & Sundries at Jacob Morris twice they Building hen house & Necessary, Isaac Youst here to Settle Mason work at pike Could not agree about the number of days Gave him 4 Dollars on Acct & have pd him 23 Dollars before his work by perch is 28 dolrs 31 Cents he has Chargd for his tender 14 days & I Say he was but 11 days, first week 5 days 2nd 3 days 3[rd] week 3 days, I Lent him Groveing [grooving] plains & 1/4 [illegible]; Calld up about 11 OC- by Jackson to Make a Coffin for Judge Jones Negro Lad 16 or 17 yrs old over Cast dark--

11th Wind S by W & amost remarkable foggy, not the Least frost & amost remarkable warm day Sun Shineing at times , Sent for Casper & Joind the Coffin hard; out of Roff boards He wanted a poplar But I had none Made him a prety good Coffin without molding finishd befor[e] 3 OC- Got Bolts of Carriage punch for keys & keys made & Godfrey would not Charge

January 11th 1810

Rigd up all thing[s] belonging to Carriage, Ready for an Early Start in morn, then walk to J Morris's the old Lady Prest me so much that I Stayd [for] tea a very good dish & amost Excelent Beef Stake I Eat to[o] harty Why because I am very fond of good Stake Isaac & Tom Price & Enoch Thomson their after me & the old Lady put out her Cherry & Appeley brandy Coupiously, Home about 7 OC Moon Light before midnight raind & blue hard up at 2 OC-- bed again up at 5 OC

12th & blowing hard & Cold begining to freeze hard Set of[f] alittle of 6 OC- with the Coffin to Judge Jones for his Negro boy it was very Cold George Streaper drove the wagon & I rode Titus's Mare, We ware [were] very Cold & bad gooing not froze so as to bare I warmd at Thomas Cochran his boy Plowing yesterday & begun to day but had to give it up no frost but what was Made this morning Buried about 12 OC- John Hall here to Get me to make a Coffin for Edw Heston daughter Sarah died with 2 or 3 days Illness [in margin: "at Isaac Roberts to get J. Evans to help at Pughs Spen(t) 121/2 Cents Sent E(van) E(vans)"]

January 13th 1810 Wind. W. prety hard froze, a smart Snow Shower the night before, John Evans here Soon & we begun the Coffin 1 qt whisy 25 C- hard boards work Constant & did not get dun till near 4 OC- Sett of[f] & took it down & put her in & Carried her downstairs Got a dish of tea Left the Wagon & Rode home, Moderated much to day- Roads very bad So that we Went by Jos. Georges--

14 Wind S. by W, a very remarkable fine warm day, John Evans [the] Taylor say their was Colder days Last June I set off half after 8 OC to Burial house & Left their about 10 OC- & interd her at Merion yd before Meeting Spent 51/2 not at meeting afternoon J. Morris here & I home with him thawd much to day some places ground dry

15th Wind S.W. of[f] prety Soon to Jane Walters to kill hogs kill 5 two very fine perhaps 300 lb apeice, 3 Spring pigs very good, Spent 1s41/2 at pughs, at David Roberts so home in Evening Colbert, Abraham, J. Holland, Casper, Ben White & Self finished by Dinner very fine white frost & froze Some tho not hard

16th Wind S W. & white frost Mary Bevan Came here Last Evening & Stayd Breakfast

Jany. 16th 1810

David Roberts & Jacob Morris here Praising Lippens Shop & Other things omited at other Praisment H. Torrence here for tax had paid him 8 D- before & pd him 2..35 Cents in full for County tax, pd 50 Cents for G. Streaper 45 Cents for Casper Goodman at Yerkus With him to See the township book Spent 121/2 Cent with him, After dinner at D. Roberts & Balors to Execute the deed D.R. went for it But Eliott was not at home, so was disapointed, drank Some peach Brandy & a good dish of tea with Bealear [Balor] home & read till near 11 OC over Cast all day almost Cloudy & begun to rain

17 Wind S in morn had raind all night but not hard, up soon over Cast & raind about 9 OC- hens on fence picking themselves, think it will Clear, of[f] to D Roberts then to Bealears Executed the deed, & he pd us 450 Dollars I pd. Mary Bevan 50 Dors. & 20 Sent by her Brother the 31st december makes 70 D Paid Ann 9 Dols. & Got a receipt for 8..63 Gave D Robts 80 Dollars to pay Debts Wind about noon Got near N W & Sun Shind out very fine No frost might plow home to Dinner Evening at Pughs D Roberts Balor & I up to Elliott, got the dates filld up & we Signd the Recept to the Deed & He Balor gave us his note for 270 Dollr some odds Spent 6 Cents

Jany. 18..1810 Wind S & over Cast at Thomas Price here Soon Sent for pint 121/2 Cents, I down to T.P. & begun a gate, Snowd smart from S & some rain, Sun Shind alittle very warm not in Good gear for work So did not finish the big Gate home in Evening, Black Clouds to West begun to blow about 7 OC- & blue a Mere Herrican & freeze Like wonder a dredfull night of wind--

19th Wind N.W & uncommon Cold froze Anns Orrange tree & her Jorenian [geranium] Shrubs in the house I Set off to goo to Hagys but so Cold I give out I only went as [far as] about Tom Price's & I was afraid my Ears was froz[e] so home, Schuylkill froze over at Spring Mill Middlebridg this morn I at Yerkus Jane Colwell their from town about a tract of Land her son [Horatio] made or gave a Morgage On to her & now He was turning tale to her, I was much displeased with her Calling on me, Says he drove & Push'd her out of the house, at Pughs with Swingletree to get Irond, their meet Jont Jone[s] home with him & drank tea the Glass or Horaameter Stood at 8 that is 24 Degrees below fre[e]zing point frezeing point is 32-- home about 8 OC

20th Wind N & been night of the hardest frost Some say 7 years & some think 15 yrs I Pottering with fiting Shetters &c afternoon meet at Kuglars to finish Goodmans [omission]

Jany 20th 1810

most Tremendous night home about 8 OC drank tea at Jones Pain or Cold about my Breast fearfull Some Like the Cramp drank some toast & water & went to bed

21 Wind N & very tremendous Cold up Soon & Sent for John Evans by Little Georg to make a Coffin for Widow McDermont too Cold Scearcly Could Stand it but we did hang Lid & finnished after Sundown J. Evans E Evan[s] Georg Streaper & Self took on foot to Hestons & put her in & so home Spent 121/2 at Stadlemans a lump of Ice froze to my Eyelids tho walking I showd it to J Evan[s] & put it in his hand as big as a pea almost

22. Wind N W very Sharp morn of[f] about 8 OC & attended the funeral to Haverford back to Pughs to Get the Wagon Mended up with Jont Jones Dined their then back to dam at Pughs Ruben Lewis halling Ice 3 teams filld it nearly Spent 1s41/2 it moderated alittle

23th[rd] Wind W. & hard frost but not so Cold about home till noon then at Pike Got the Swingletree Irond Gave the horses 1/2 B oats 1s9 So home Over Cast Titus halling Ice G Streaper help him Colbert kill new Cows Calf

24 Wind S.E at 5 OClock & begun to rain before day Mary Rebecca & I off to Market raind till noon

froze as it fell Raw & Disagreeable the river Shet up Seen 2 men walk on the Ice as far as the wind mill Island boats Dragd over on Ice Gave Polly 5 D. to buy Shirts dined at Elliots & Glass Gin 4s8- horses & gin 3s9- horsler 51/2 so home after dark most tremendous Roff roads & dark before we got home

25 Wind N W or W Give a little fore part down to Hestons & Castner about McDormants affairs, Home by Pughs, with Elliot Drank some Gin John Thomas & Mason their in Prety high key, Krickbaum with them their heard old Isaac Comley was dead & sent for Coffin, hurried home but it was a mistake for it was for a grave the first Express Spoke a Coffin & John Evans begun, but the next messenger said they had bespoke the Coffin Darby

26th. Wind N E & prety Cold & over Cast & begun to Snow about 2 OC- at John Leadoms, at Isaac Roberts & Pughs Mason S.Powel & several their Dined with them pd. 25 Cent whisk & Gin 111/4 wine 25 Cents; there was no Peace with Mason but I must toss so Lost back Snowing very fine-- Hannah Supple[e's] Child dead

27 Wind W. & Snow about 3 I. deep Cut out board for Coffin & John Evans got to work I off about 9 OC to town Jany. 27th 1810

to try to Get a letter of Admn. on Widow McDormants Effects, Gave Lawyer Milner 5 Dollars to know how to Act, Eate no Dinner Spent 121/2 horse with Bill Smith, horsler & horse 371/2 fer[r]y 4 Gates 41/2 Cents so Home Evans had finishd Coffin 4 ft 6 Long Got Supper

28th Wind N W & Sharp morn Set of[f] about 7 OC- with the Coffin to Hannah Sup[p]lees Got no breakfast up to Merion yd & they [the] people went to Meeting I at Yerkus's Jill wine 7d. afternoon at T. Prices Loyd their in Slay Several Slays at the Burial but very Roff gooing

29 Wind W by N. very Cold Set off about 7 OC to Hastons then on to Town Got a letter of Admn. for John Leadom & Bill McDorman on his Mothers Est. A. Heston & I went their Bondsman Dinner & horse 56 Cents pike & ferry 81/2 & paid 2..50 for Letter of Admn. up to Haston Got N Supplee & John Hall & praisd the widows goods 140 Dollrs about So home very Cold

30th Wind S W White frost of[f] to pike Bill Smith after me I home & paid him 39..75 Bevans Est owd him pint whis 121/2 paid Doct Anderson 2 Drs. on Bevans acct.

January 31st 1810 Wind S W Sharp morn But fine day thawd good deal, up to Baptis[t] Meeting in order to Measure it, at Elliotts & Dined then on to J. Jones He indisposed Stayd Tea then home had Yerkus Mare Spent 25 C- so home about 9 OC--

February 1st 1810 Wind N again fine day out of wind at work at Gate for T. Price without my Coate I begun this Gate this day 2 week when it Blue up, hung the Big gate Cow yard hom[e] 1/2 Jill Brandy at Yerkus 51/2 took my 3 sons over to Pughs to See the Barn Spent 121/2 Cent So home Frezeing prety hard

2nd Wind N by E of[f] after B. to T.P work at Little gate off about 12 OC- to pughs to See bare Beate [bear baiting] had but 1 Dog that would Sease [seize] Dinner & Club 75 C- 1/2 Jill Brandy 6 Cents Loyd Jones & I went to Jont Jones & drank tea & Chated till 8 OC- so home Rode behd [behind] Loyd very Cold & Like for Snow--

3rd Wind N.E & high & Snowing gaind perhaps 2 I. but it Drifted very much Snows finely 1/2 after 10 OC- over to Pughs many of them their from day before it Snowd very much from N it gaind much 6 or 8 I. deep

Feby 4th 1810 Wind N W prety fine the Lanes very full not at meeting after put the Slay together & took the Childern to Jane Walters so back in Evening good Slaying

5th Wind N.W. David Roberts got my Slay & took Jane Walters & sister Rebecca to town to 1/4 [quarterly] Meeting Jacob Morris & I & Sister in town in Slay A most violent Snow shower from S at first then to W. Last near N Lasted near 1 hour & gaind 11/2 Inch, fine Runing I mending Cuting Box & at Rees Prices to get Bags to goo for Shorts [by-product of wheat milling, consisting of bran & coarse meal]

6th Wind S W. froze Prety hard Got Yerkus Slayd [sleigh] & George Streaper & I of[f] with our horses to Richard Robert[s], Gulph Got 36 B. Shorts at 30 Cents per 10.80 Spent 25 Cents at Torrences & Pughs

7th Wind W. fine day thawd good much Jacob Morris & Self in Slay to J. Millers to Look for Clover Seed, He Sells at 7 Drs Back, I at Rees Prices, J. Morris took his Wife & mine to Jane Walters I at Rees Prices to make some arraingements about his Will J Morris Came in Slay for me treated him at Pughs, & drank tea at J Walters

Feby 8th 1810 Wind S.W. hard frost at Night Pleasant in day. at Rees Prices took home his Bags & Read the Will to them & made Some notes, Ruben Lewis to Look at their Colt, Savadge their to get Petition for Tavern at the flat Rock where they are Gooing to put a bridge, home at noon & at Pughs & Jane Walters Spent 51/2

9th Wind W at night S W day & thawing Night froze hard, of[f] to Rees Price Staked out alott for T. Price Round the Spring house Dined with T.P then of[f] to Kuglars to Sign the devision of Goodman Place Eat Supper at Jont Jones Got of[f] my Gard--

10th Wind N W hard frost & Roof [rough] of[f] to Rees Prices him & I of[f] to town with him to Bates's to Get his will Drew over, I Bout lb Tobacco 1s41/2 Spent about 25 Cents so home

11th Wind W hard frost walk to Hestons about McDermons affairs home to Dinner after at Jacob Morris Got Some Cider good Cyder So home Loyd Jones, Toms. & Isaac Price along, thawd good deal Spent 1s41/2

12th Feby. 1810 Wind W. hard froze but Give prety much in Mid day Jacob Morris & John Evans & Self of[f] to Norris Court time Got a letter of Adminrs. for Jacob Morris on his Motherinlaws affairs, they bore my Expences at to [except for?] 25 Cents, Home about 4 OClock John Evans & I begun a Coffin for old Mother Lippens work till 9 OC--

13th Wind W. froze hard up Soon & finished about 11 OC. & took it up Dined their & then home for Wagon Atten[d]ed Funeral inter at Church, Spent 6 Cents at Pughs

14 Wind N.W. hard frost fine day at Thomas Prices, finished his Little gate & hung it that goos to barn yard Spent 51/2 to day

15 Wind S.W good walking in morn Sloppy in day at Rebecca Georges to assist her on a plan of Barn back to dinner after put Latch on T.P. gate & at Rees's Read his Will & Settled with Godfry [Castner], fell 48 Cents in his Debt pay him [illegible]

16th Wind S.E thawd Ben & George tharshing [thrashing] at Jacob Morris then whet Price's Cross Cutsaw & my Tennent [tenon] & Panel Saw, afternoon at the falls to Look money for a Coffin for Adams Child Spent 25 Cents so home tho Got none Morris one Ewe 3 Lambs

Feby. 17th 1810-- Wind S E Sun Shind very fine but by 9 OC Got to hail & Got foggy Raw day prety hard froze in Morn, Titus & I in his old Chair to town I Bout 7s6 worth Cut nails paid for horses & Gin 50 Cents Book for John 56 Cents Blind[?] Boards 18 Cents 71/2 mills Dined at Saml Mc Dormants home after dark

18th Wind E foggy & Little rain with J. Morris to his Job Evans Place meeting While afternoon at Myers house Methodis[t] Meeting Isaac James Preachd very well

19th. Wind, S & rain in Morn then Sun Shind pleasant of[f] to Rees Prices, with his Will about 10 OC- Come up asmart Shower home to dinner, & got to work at Toms. Prices fall Table & down their to get the Sise of it he up & Stayd agood while Several hard Showers & thunder & Lightening About 10 OC- Evening & heavy Shower pint Bear 51/2

20th Wind W. & avery fine day the ground much Sodend bluebirds Chirping John Right Says her [he] heard the frogs Last Evening, I at Work at T. Prices fall Table most finished Right help me from 11 OC- till 4 OC- had Coat & Jacket off & Sleaves Rold up, So at Yerkus & to Dinner without Coat, Evening at Pughs, mug Cyder 111/4 very fine day

February 21st 1810 Wind N W prety Cold & high Wind Ice all gone Yesterday out of Schuylkill finish Prices table & He Carried it down I along & hung it Sent for about 12 OC- to make a Coffin for Abraham Hestons wife been 6 or 7 weeks Ill Nathan Supplee up to bespeak it I home & sent for John Evans & Isaac Roberts & dash at it Got all dun but Lids, & got them most work[ed] 1 qt W- 1s6. Cold Evening Ann & I at J Morris Borrowd a little Lump of beeswax

22 Wind N W hard frost nearly bare a loaded wagon, up soon Joind the Coffin finished about 11 OC- Polished the Lid Set off 1/2 after 11 OC- got dinner their, interd her on their own ground Corner of woods near Supplees gate that goos to his mill Left their about 5 OC Spent 25 Cents at W. Stadlemans She has Left 7 Childern a very sorrowfull Seen [scene] the Childern So much affected, it Softend me to tears

23rd Wind S W & avery Butifull day Roads bad of[f] with mare to pike got her Shoes Movd Eat Dinner with Pugh then up to J Jones He Lame, but Rode in his Chair to Pughs I up to Elliots, he away I back Meet Rees Price at Pughs He Signd his [will] Jont. Jones John Curwen, & Saml Pugh witnessed it

23 Feby 1810 meet with Jacob Zell Junr. at Buck, at Kuglars Spent 111/4d He & I Got Supper at Pughs & mug Cider & Jill of Whiskey 44 Cents, so home

24 Wind S Most delightfull day Little Ice in Morn & Whitefrost, George & I took aload of Straw to Cover Ice [blot] at pike Spent 6 Cents So home Lent Morgan Rueben [Reuben Morgan] 100 Drs for 10 or 15 Days Evening over at pike to Meet Right to Settle pint Cyder on trust 6--

25th Wind S W hasey Morn no frost Like Spring & beautifull day, at Meeting afternoon at T.P. & I.P. & at Seels to Look at amare She gone, Drink tea their then home & at J. Morris's Remarkable warm day

26th W- S & over Cast in morn then fine warm, with James Jones & D Roberts measureing Covering on grave yd well & Lining Shetter for Self afternoon at John Elliotts to Get some Bonds filld up for McDormonds to Sign Drank tea, Margret very Clever Wind about 2 OC- Shifted to N W with asmart Shower of Rain & got very high wind & much Colder

27 Wind N W & froze Some tho not hard, but Raw & unpleasant day finished & hung the N.W Shetter in Stove Room, & made a gideing tong[ue] for Wagon, Morris boy Run against post & broke it & [illegible] J Sibley dressing flax pd him 3s9 & George 3s9

Febr. 28th. 1810 Wind[d] S W. fine day at work at hounds [side bars] of Light Wagon, & Pottering about paid G. Streaper night before Last to Goo to Show--

March 1st Wind W. not any frost I Got up Poney & took the Wagon to Pike Smith Shop Got it mended or Irond Dined at Pughs & Spent 2 Jills 121/2 Evan Evans with me

2 Wind W. & fine day about home till noon then at Pughs vendue Bout not any thing but pint Cyder & I Jill Whiy. 121/2 paid Hall 2 D 50 for Bevans Est. of[f] with Jones before Sun Set Drank tea their So home

3rd Wind N W & prety Raw day finished a Cow Rack by noon after at Zells Vendue Bout Cream jug & Slate pencils, 121/2 a pott to keep Tobacco in 15 Cents tin Scupe 16 Cents paid Loyd Jones 10 Cents toward the scupe & ows him 6 Cents for I Bought it of him He Bout 2 & Let me [have] one Spent 6 Cents for Jill so home John Evan[s] Run his [horse] twice & the 3 time He fell Lost Race

4th Wind. W & Prety Raw of[f] after Breakfast to Pughs to Settle with Right But put it of[f] home to Dinner afternoon at Methodis[t] meeting Isaac James Preachd at Myers

5th Wind S by E & begun to rain soon in Morn & keep at it but not so very hard afternoon at John Goodmans, & Kuglars John Evans & Right had men Viz Weist, J. Jones & Kuglar to Settle their Acct they Differ about the number of Days & the money, they Settled Left their about 9 OC- most Tremendous dark went back & got Lanthorn Down pike Jont Jones along put him inside Gates but we J. Evans & I to pughs Got Candle It soon out but we got home

about 11 OC wind Shifted to N & N W & blue the greatest Herrican that been here a good while did much Damage unroofing Sheds at Hestons blue the top of a tree on Icehouse & broke it much at pike blue signs Lamps &c & fences much

6th Wind N W, Clear & froze hard, put up Cow rack &c. afternoon at Pughs Settled with John Right I fell 6..50 in debt Gave him an order on Pugh, So paid him off Carpenters work Spent 121/2 Cents, home about 8 OC-

7th Wind E in Morn froze prety hard then Cleard & was a fine day, Evening over Cast & wind E Snowd alittle about 8 OC- night, I at Pughs Settled with Casper Goodman He had 39.671/2 I fell 19.65 in his debt, Rent 16 Dollars So I still owe him 3..65 Cents I wrote of[f] asettlemnt & gave it him I Spent 1 mug Cyder & Glass Gin 25 Cents So home Got Poney Shod by Abraham

8 Wind Right East & Misting alittle Gave Yerkes acct of what I had against him; 1:50 I paid at Court for Renewing his Licence, I had gave him Cr for 130 Cents & I paid 150-- so their is 20 back to me [interlined: "at Pughs & Got Poney Shod noon"] Wind about home till noon after at Pughs and dined at Jont. Jones over Cast & alittle rain Back to Pughs & put a Rafter to Ice house a top of tree fell on and Broke it home Evening

9th Wind S E in fore part afternoon Cleard off at Jacob Morris forenoon him & I at Pughs after I spent 121/2 So home fine Evening frogs Crying

10th Wind W. fine day Polly with Jacob Morris to Market I off to town on Yerkus's Mare Bout Mehogany board for Coffin 4..50 Sperrit turp[ent]ine 121/2 oyl 25 C horse & Ginn 25 Cents ferry & pike 81/2 Cents

March 10th 1810

when I got home about 3 OC- had word to make a Coffin for Judg Jones daughter Ann, they wanted handles, I Got Titus to goo to town for them & rode his Little mare the one I had Just Come home with I begun the Coffin Got the head & foot on 1 qt whis 1s6

11th Wind S W fine day Sent for John Evans to help but He not well so not Come Evan help me I work all the boards & put on Mouldings & handles Evan scrapt [scraped] &c. I Polished with Sperrits of turpine & wax took it home about sun set Raind as we Came

12th Wind N & very heavy Titus put in Mare along with Poney in Bowmans Wagon mine was so Shabby & him & I Left their about 10 [O]C. & Buried at Radnor about 1 OC. She was avery fine Calm Charming Little Girl about 23 yrs old Died with a decay Back about or near 4 [O]C- Spent 121/2 Brandy Titus paid pike So home Smart Shower of Snow before day from north when Wind Shifted

13 Wind West & moderated much from Yesterday puting up Nest for hen, under over Sho[o]t at Yerkus with Zell Spent 121/2- Evening at Pughs Spent 121/2 mett Zell the 2 Jacob Zells their I home

14th Wind N W & Cold Several Small Snow Showers at work for hens &c till [ommision] got Titus Mare & went to Griffee Davis Place by Darby Crick the Sherriff Sold it on a Morgage that I Sued out for, it Sold for 3340 dollars 74 Acres 44..59.4 per Acre back by Rueben Lewis & drank tea their. Doct Hydrick along

15th Wind N W high & Cold at J Zell he Moveing to Marple Bout a new Hog[s]head of him 1:50 puting up fence Round the feild wind Blue down &c afternoon at Pike & Jont Jones to tea so home

16th Wind N w & blue hard & froze very hard Good deal of Ice on dam & Ice at Spouts &c Set of[f] to Chester Got Elizabeth Conrad Money She sued J Wright for Spent 75 Cents home about 5 OC--

March 17th 1810 Wind N W & hard frost, George Streaper off been here 4 Months, I pottering about took John Evans horse home had him to goo to Chester then Meet the Society, & & [repeated] paid all fines--

18th Wind W Cool air but not so Cold not at Meeting about home only at Morris's & Yerkus's Spent 6 Cents

19th Wind E & over Cast & begun to rain 10 OC- & hard Showers till Sunt [sun] Sett or near, Set of[f] as far as J. Jones for Norris town, Bias Miller after me to Make a Coffin for his Father Stophel Miller I home & sent for John Evans & made the Coffin I finished about 8

20th Wind N.W. & fine Morning Set of[f] before 8 OC & had agreat Sermon took the Corps in Church home about 2 OC & halld 4 Small Loads of wood & Spent 5 Cents so alittle Shower at night

21st Wind N W no frost prety Morn Black Clouds to N W & had 5 or 6 Snow Showers one So heavy it Cover the ground all from N. Titus & Self went to Jos. Pauls Mill on Wissihicken for Shorts, got 251/2 B. Dined their the Rich[ard] Johnsons wife their, had Titus Cart & Mare & Ponny, got home about sunset I got 6:051/2 of the Shorts, Been here for a Coffin for Peter Ott's wife, Drank tea at Yerkus's & Spent Glass Gin--

22 Wind W. & frosty Morn Joind the Coffin at Yerkus pint Whis. He Sd. he help me till noon, then He of[f] to Hannah Supplee vandue I finish'd and took it down & put Her in Stopt at Abm. Tunis back Dusk, Major Rose Buried this afternoon. died the 19th Had information Jacob Jone[s] died this morn about 9 OClock

March 23rd 1810 Wind N.W. froze some little up soon & went to Jacob Jones to take Measure of him they had Sent the Measure 2 ft 4 wide & 6 ft 4 Long back alittle after sun rise & Layd out Bottom Cut head & foot out, and Sides then Geard up & attended the Burial of Otts Wife Buried at Church, they took in Church & I home Calld at Pughs, 1/2 Glass Gin 6 Cents 1 qt Whis. 25 Cents home & Joind the Coffin for Jacob Jones. I Expected John Evans but He did not Come Titus help me nail on the Sds. & cut out the Lid Georg West here all the afternoon almost mending a sheckel [shuttle] for a Weaver-

24th Wind W fine day Joind the Coffin work hard till noon Mary & Jacob Morris in Market they home by dinner & B[r]out me hinges to hang the Lid [blot] Phillips fetch me a Sett too at 2s1. Mary 33 Cents, So I hung & finish about 3 OC. & took it down & put him in Made 17 I [wide] & 5 f 111/2 Long & Quite big Drank tea their So home Mary along in Wagon with Me

25 Wind S & Large white frost & Remarkable fine till towards Evening Wind E Raw & Cold & begun to rain about 8 OC at night, Geard up & went to Burial, arivd at our yd. about 11 OC- & had a Great Meeting 3 Preachers, afternoon at Lippens 1/4 Tobacco on trust & at John Conrads paid his wife 156.69 Except 75 Cents I Spent when I went to Chester for it and She Gave Me 1 Dollr that I Gave the Law[y]er when I servd the Bond out Gave Evan Evans 50 Cents on acct of work so home

March 26th 1810 wind E. by N. & Snowing hard about 3 Inches deep on Board Pile & keep at it till near night Wind N W about home Drawing Bevans Acct &c James Jones here, I at David Roberts & at Pughs Spent 1s41/2 at Finance paid him debt & Intrest due from C. Bevans Est 57.44 paid him 2.20 Cents my own Acct Being full of all a[blot]-- So home about dusk

27th. Wind S W & fine day Snow went off. Titus & I at Castners & Hannah Supple[e]s Titus went for Articles Bout at her Sale & I to look at her horse afternoon at Lobb & Gillchrist Eat Supper at Lobbs so home about 9 OC- Rodes Sloppey-- frogs Crying

28th Wind N W N E of[f] with Bias Hofman & Yerkus to Saw Shingles Bott for Phillip Hoffman begun to Snow & keep at hard till near Night then broke off, about home & Yerkes Jockey Zell Sent for Me David Robert[s] here made out a bill of Colberts work at Grave yard He Drank tea Bias Hoffman in high Glee--

March 29th 1810 Wind N W & fine Morn froze Little or none, off after Breakfast to P[h]illip Hoffmans, Rivd [split] Shingles, B & P Hoffman Shavd did about 250, Gave Evan Evans 50 Cents Little Jake Zell Sued him for about 2 Doll[ar]s, home by Jacb. Morris's home to feed 2 Violent Snow Showers till it Coverd the Ground nea[r]ly so from W. very fine [when] the Sun went down Clear fine day in [w]hole

30th Wind N.W. & froze hard Snow Laying north Side Young Ewe had 2 Lambs & [one] Read & 1 white attended to her & put her in garden about house till noon then at Pughs took my Shoes to Finances to [be] Mended Meet McClenechan at Pughs Spent 121/2 back to Yerkus's with him Spemt 121/2 Cents So home

31st Wind S W. I makeing Sawhandle &c till noon then of[f] with Thomas Price to in Cart & his new horse to Pughs & Jont. Jones, drank tea their & so home Isaac Price's wife Got a young Son to day, at Yerkes Jacob Zell their to Settle between him & Antoney Zell-

April 1st Wind E & Snowd in night near 2 I deep got to rain hard till noon Cum up afog & took the Snow off wind got North & Cleard a[t] night I at Pughs, he Paid me the Ballance of Rent 40 D wanting 86 Cents I allowd him 40 D. for Dung home after dark bad walking Spen[t] 121/2

2nd Wind N by W. Geard up the Light wagon & off to Pughs took the Childern & some of the womans to fork of Roads where he has Rented had 5 Wagons & 2 Carts, they went Haverford road I down the Pike paid 45 Cents pike Pugh gave me 50 Cents Spent 6 at Hestons back to Wm Penn R Lewis Got their had avery good dinner & drank Coffee with him

April 3rd 1810 Wind S W & begun to Snow about 6 OC in morn fast for a little while at Yerkus Spent 6 Cents John Jones's team fetch me 10 B Shorts yesterday from Richard Roberts to pughs, I mending fence &c till noon, Rees Price & George Price fetch a hogshead from Zells I Bought from Jacob Zell for 150 Cents & went to Jos George & got a side of Harniss, I off with Jacob Morris to Schuylkill Jones's men begun to fish Second hall ketch one Small Shad, Great Joy they tryd another hall ketch not, we home I paid George Latch 3 dollrs. 1 Dollr I owd him tax 1..871/2 for Shoes for George Streaper & 1/2 lb Bacco 121/2, so back & drank alittle Jack with J. Morris

4 Wind N froze Ice & Large white frost about home only at Pike to Get Some Smith work dined with Ruben Lewis, & Spent 25 Cents Jacob Morris their, home in afternoon, I have Little hopes of his Success in the Wagon way, I had better never Built [Lewis is new tenant at the Wm Penn.]

5th Wind S W Large white frost, pottering about till noon then at Pike meet Owen & Jonathan Jones they want to Buy my dung I Bout. of Pugh, I Gave 4[0] Dollars Owen offerd 60 D I spent not, went to Jonathan & took tea So home, Spent 6 Cents at Yerkus's [interlined: "this is the most Like Spring day we have had"]

6th Wind W & avery fine Morn up soon fed then down to Isaac Price & Cut his big Ram Eat Breakfast with Thomas, home & begun to plow in Orchard for Early Potatoes so tuff gave out plowing it in 4 forrowd [furrowed] Ridges, Mended a fence at Barn, then at Meeting had a good watery time a man from Massechuset Sound fine orthodox man, afternoon at Lay[n]hoffs, Looking hay

April 6th 1810

at Christopher Lentz & paid him 100 D. & 20 Dollars Intrest & Gave him a Bond for 100, I Borrowd May 1808 to Build my Barn & to pay Journey men for Building Charles Bevans house from thence to Thomas Cochron to Look for hay He very Chearfull & his faculties wonderfull Past 85 years, this day two Weeks He Rode to Massey Tavern & Bout 19 head Chattle [cattle] & drove them to Esqr Linsey & home that night perhaps 25 or 30 Miles home alone, but He say his Mare Got francey driveing & Tired him very much, But he is an example of the Effects of Temperance & good order, Perhaps few men have work harder or Used More industrey very Sturing active man

7th Wind S W & very fine day at Jane Prices her dog Gone of[f] made [mad] they think I back geard up poney & halld 6 Loads of dung in orchard & Spread & plowd in 11/2 Bushel of Potatoes Bout of J. Mower at 50 Cent Per, Jane sent for me & I went down her dog Came home I Shot him back at Yerkes Jacob Zells wife their I was to assist them to Settle between her & Anto Zell but put of[f] I home & fed then with Tom Price to the William Penn Tommy treated

8th Wind N E prety fine till noon then begun to rain & had a very wett afternoon Set off as far as R. Lewis to Goo to James Elliots Burial but so wet gave it out & Come home Spent 121/2 Cents wind got N not much rain after night, Walk about back feilds with Jacob Morris & at his house with him Drank alittle whiskey & home to dinner

April the 9th 1810 Wind N.W. Clear & raw or Cold day Evan Evans & I off soon to Tommy Prices to make trounks [trunks], at the great house, Isaac & Wife very unwell, She Layd in a few days & Brought forth a young Rees Price I home about 10 OC- at Lewis & He & I to Ashtons, Bout a Stack or part of Rick of hay for 32 dollars, Calld on Crickets & Drank a little whis, with his wife He not at home, back to Lewis & dined, 1 pint Cyder & 1/2 Glass Gin 121/2 Cents, home & at Thomas Price's & finished his trunks I perhaps 4 hours at work Evan near a day or we ware [were] Rather Better than a day I think it is Better or 9s4 makeing 3 trunks mett Bias Hoffman at Yerkus with a fine Shad weighed 61/2 lb He Said If I would Drest it & I Give him his supper & Lodg him He give me they [the] Shad, I agreed & we had half Drest for Supper, But He would not Stay all night Evan Evans pertook with us It being the first Shad I have tasted this Season, He is too Generous for his own Intrest, Rather a disagreeable day

10th Wind N W & Cold morn a pail water under the pump froze all over & Cart Ruts Cold Raw day Put on my great Coat to Ride to pike at Rebecca Georg Laying out her Barn dined their after helping Baler to put my 2 new Logs all Round on Nelly Stulls house He Bought 2s4 at Rubens

April 11th 1810 Wind S W tho Cold or Raw morn heavy white frost & Ice on Cart Rut near the dam I off soon to Ruben Lewis, got David Roberts oxen old dick & his hay wagon & of[f] to Ashtons, & halld above aton perhaps near ton & half back to Lewis by 12 OC- unloaded & took a bite & a mug Cyder & off & got another Load as big as the other, & arivd at My house about 4 OC we gave 32 Drs. for Rick & think we had 21/2 tons & think a prety good Bargain, Report says He is a Sharper but He dealt Like a man of Integerity 2 pints Cyder 1/2 Glass Gin & Glass Gin say 2s9

12th Wind S.W & very fine day warm, Begun to plow in new Orchard that I mist sowing Rye, till noon then took a Small Load of Straw to mend the Icehouse Roof Meet McClenechan & others so work none at Jane Walters to Cut a pig but was Bursen [?] therefore would not operate back to Lewis & sup their & Spent 1 pint Cyder 1 Jill Whis. & Borrowd 25 Cents of R Lewis to Joine for Oysters So home

13th [interlined: "thunder & Lightening & blue up Cool a little rain ketch very few Shad"] Wind N W & Cool morn & pleasant day of[f] to R Lewis thatching Ice house &c at J Jones to Look boards He not at home back & Sent for Straw to Locust hill, Seen aload of the Merina [Merino] Sheep 13 old & 4 Lambs from pitt[sburgh] on their way to Masucesset, ask 1000 Dollars for the Rams, would not take Less than 400 Dollars apeice for Lambs perhaps one month old treated them to Stop to 1/2 Pint Whis 121/2 Bill Smith & James Disbury their for me to pay 24 D 68 Cents I Consented Disbury home with me-

April 14th 1810 Wind S.W. & avery fine day at Yerkus with Disbury Treated him to Glass Gin, He Gave me his note for 24 Dollars I Engaged to pay Smith, over to R. Lewis & ingage a boy to Come to work Spent 1 pint Cider-- back to Dinner then Meet the Society Borrowd 121/2 Cents of Mr Rhudolph we had over run our Allowance

15th Wind N E Clear pleasant day Coll [cool] morn, not at Meeting at Lippens to Look for a Coppy of Power of atorney home to Dinner after at Wm Penn Spent 1 pint Cyder, home with Jont Jones drank tea their

16th Wind N W put Bars & fence Round Barn yd. my Little man begun to Work went before noon, with a Welsh man John Williams, that I hired for Her to farm at 9 D. per M. to Jane Walters Dined at Lewis, then him & I up to John Elliots, Drank tea their so home by R Lewis

17th Wind N E & a very Large white frost & Very fine day, I wheting Saw makeing a horse for Churn &c. Joe [new boy] halling wood & at Goodmans for C[h]erry trees, I at Jacob Morris, & so potterd about Spent 9d--

18 Wind N by W & foggy morn, at J Morris Cut 5 or 6 Lambs home to breakfast made a Spade handle & took over to pike & Drove the Harrow teet[h] in dined at Lewis & Spent pint Cyder & 2 Jill Whiskey & went Evans Bail for 2 D to horn, home & begun a Coffin for Lintz Child

April 19th 1810 wind S W & fine day work at the Coffin at Breakfast Horn Come to get one for old Molly Cochron, sent for Casper He work at Big Coffin I finished the Childs & took it home & Buried at Church home by R Lewis s & Casper had most finishd the other I help 1 Jill Gin & 1 qt Whis, walk to Morris s Evening

20th Wind N W overCast but no rain. I finished the Coffin about 10 OC & Set off Morris s mare I dined at T. Cochron & left their about 3 OC & interd Her at Thompsons Yd. So home

21 Wind N in morn Cool, Sowd about 1/2 B flax Seed in new orchard, 31/2 B of Oats then pi[c]k up Stone in Old pompkin patch, at noon John Hall Come to [order] a Coffin for Widow Halls Son Brought up by A Heston, this is the 4[th] died within perhaps 3 Mo. of the family & at or on the place. Viz Edww Daughter Abrahams Wife & Boy 14 Yrs. old & widow McDermont, I got John Evans begun at 1 OC- finishd 1/2 after 4 OC- 5 ft 6 Long work hard Geard up the wagon & took it down intended to Bury but had put it of[f], put him in & Screwd it up, some Scears it is the Spoted fever, & Ketching Spent 121/2 at Stadlemans

22 Wind S W heavy fog & due, off about 8 OC to the Burial Several people their, interd him, in their family yard where Abrahams wife was put, Spent at Gibensons Hestons old Tavern 1s41/2. So home to Dinner being first day, at J. Morris He not at home, at Yerkus's, Been agreat Meeting, at the new Meeting house at Thompsons the first they had in it 6 preachers 500 people Some say so--

April 23rd 1810 Wind S.W heavy due & fog, set Joe to plow in far feild, I at pike, back & went to Meeting A Strainger their, from York Gover[n]ment, a Great Sermon, afternoon at R Lewis's & at Balors, He paid 200 Dollars, for Bevans Land, Home afternight-- pint Cyder 51/2

24 Wind E by S. Joe & Ruben Lewis Boy plowing in far feild for Oats, afternoon helping, helping [repeated] J Morris to plant his gate posts at the Roade, over to See the Boys plow, then off with J Morris to the fishing place, Stayd tll morning I got 2 Shad & Morris 3. Bias ketch 30 & Job only one I paid 50 Cents & gave 25, a treat for them [in margin: "4 Sows alter'd paid 50 Cents for"]

25 Wind S E & begun to Rain perhaps about 2 OC-. and Several fine Lite Showers till near noon, after very fine put bars up at Barn yd. & Latch on Lippens gate Ruben['s] Boy & Joe finishd the far feild, I at Lewis in Morn Evening to See Isaac Price He Ill with aplurisey, Back & to bed 10 OC a fine Shower afternight with Lightening

26th. Wind E & over Cast all things Looks gay Like Spring & fine vegitateing morn Been a remar[k]able dry time no April Showers of[f] Soon to See Isaac Price He had a bad night back to Breakfast a fine rain too Light, Joe & Geor[g]e of[f] to Holloways Got 5 B. oats & sowd 6 B in far feild Evening at Lewis Spent pint Cyder 1s4 Weist & Jones along [in margin: " pd Weist 50 Cents my own a/c 8..32 Bevans Est-"]

April 27th 1810 Wind S W & avery warm day over at R Lewis at Jones Got 11 Lights of Glass 10 by 12 and He paid me 20 D. for Judeg. [Judge] Jones's daughters Coffin back & Glased 7 Lights, then back with Jones & Dined then back to Rubens, Rees Price Jones & Elliot Spent 25 Cents, Had word that Benjaman Harry death to be Buried to Morrow, at Thomas Price Borrowd his Gray, for to Morrow so home Shaved &c [in margin: "paid Abraham 6 Dors He had pd Knox for Stone"]

28 Wind N E. of[f] about 5 OC- Calld & [at] T. Cochrons with him to Norris town to prove his sister Mary['s] Will, pd. 3 dollars to printer for advertiseing the Sale of Bevans Est & 2 dollars per Paper 1/2 lb Tobacco 10 Cents Breakfasted & Dined at Thoms Cochron, By gooing to Norris prevented me gooing to Benjamin Harrys Burial, Spent 51/2 at Yerkus's Got to Cochron by 1 OC--Viz Back [in margin:"Raind by noon. a little & in Evening"]

29th Wind S E & Raind in night & till noon Lite my mare Colted a horse Colt as Black as a Crow nearly not a white Spot, I pronounce it a gray from G Hansels horse, it Could not Stand when I found it in morn, I held it by the tail & it attempted to kick at me Several Several times the horse is awicked Cross annimal & fear the Colt will pertake after the Sire, Spent 121/2 Cents at home all day only at Yerkus drank tea their, Sarah Roberts & Sister Rebecca their my hay all gone tho I Bout 16 Dolrs worth

April 30th 1810 Wind S W & amost delightfull morning Was a fine Shower before day with thunder, the heaviest Shower this Long time up soon & fetch the mare & Colt up, took Poney & Cart & mended the fence between the sawmill meadow & Matsons meadow afternoon with Jane Price at Bill Lewis's vendue, Bout not Spent 111/4d Cakes & Whisy. home about Dark fine growing time appletrees almost infull Bloom & Cherry trees, much Lightening to N.

May 1st Wind N W & Cool & high, Lent Yerkes 20 Drs over at Pike put in Glass & Spent 121/2 Cents Eat dinner their, afternoon at T Price Stakeing Line between Jones's Meadow & them, at Tommy Prices drank tea their then down to Stadlemans with him & J. Morris to See Mason but He was gone, T Price Lent me 121/2 Cent to pay Stadleman I owd when we took Abm Hestons Boys Coffin down, so back

2nd. Wind W. & Coold [cool] fine day over at Jane Walters Sowd 12 B. oats then with Jonathan Jones & Dined, Him & I in his Chair to Johnson Fisherry Got 8 Shad I took 3 & He 5 I paid 4s11/2 & He 3s9 & 1s101/2 a treat to the fisher Men, up to Mendinghall He Treated to 2 Glasses 25 Cents So home [in margin: "at Lewis Spent 1s41/2 paid so I goo on"]

3rd Wind E over Cast & heavy due Got Yerkes s Cart & of[f] to town paid as I went at Gibesons 25 Cents 18 I owd him at the time A Hestons Boy was Buried, on paid McIlvain 165 Drs 28 Cents Bevans Money, Cag [keg] white Lead 5 drs 2 G. Oyl 16s101/2 Spirrits turpintine 25 Cents 2 Gimblets 20 Cents Rule 50 Cents Cloverseed 3..50 Cents Horse &c 31 Cents Bread & Cakes 121/2 ferriage 121/2 at Pughs 121/2 pike 10 Cents, So begun to Rain from E about noon, very Great Rain all the way home Carried G Latchs wife most home

May the 4th 1810 Wind N W over Cast in Morn & Cold I fear this N E Storm will inger the fruit I have thought these Storms injur the Blossom before they get to Meterrity as bad as frost for some Seasons their has been no frost But N E Storms & the fruit has faild, of[f] after breakfast to Jane Prices & Layd out a fence on the Line of Rees Price & Jonathan Jones & Jane Price Back of Swamp Meadow, Dine their & home Got the mare & Colt & Rode to R. Lewis Isaac Price along, Spent 8 Cents paid home at Cline Johns Meadow with I. P. Bowman Cut & bark most all the trees on the Land Prices Bout. of him Back & put the Mare in Backfeild not Pleasd with Joe he Lett [the horse] out So soon we have had Jacob Morris Mare 2 day plowing for Corn at Do.[J.M.] in Evening

5th Wind N & very Cool morn a light white frost on the Clover I off very Soon for the Mare & took the paint over to the Wm. Penn Wm Hays their & begun to paint the window frames back & got a big Brus[h] of S Lippens & back to pike Breakfast & Dined at Lewis Spent 1s6 Cash He & I off for T. Prices Ruben Dock 2 Colts & put them in Pulleys so I home & sowd Cloverseed on Rye & Oats in Orchard. Cloudy to W. no rain

6 Wind W. not so Cool as yesterday no frost as I Seen up Soon & Sowd Clover & Timothy Seed on oats & Rye as far as the hollow; at Jacob Morris's Blooded or Bled his youn[g] Bay Mare, Back & at Meeting. Isaac Price at Morris & we all 3 walk to Cline Johns Meadow before meeting, afternoon at Yerkus Pint Cyder 6 Cents at home all Evening, Cooll [cool] N Wind

7 Wind N. & asmart Whitefrost, mended the fence by Shop after breakfast at Isaac Price's Repairing insd Celler door & put a Lock on for Sarah, Dine'd their, then home & sowd Clover Seed on the wheat in new orchard about 1 peck to[o] Late, But I Could not Rais the Bitt

May the 8th 1810-- Wind [blot] Large white frost; yesterday was Musterday they [blot] in Morris's feild, Abraham & Finance home [blot] me & drank alittle Brandy, I walk with them to the Wm. Penn, they treated with a pint wine & I Spent 2s91/2 drank more than did me good not well to day, I with the boy to Harrow the Potatoe & Corn ground & at Jane Price with a note of Jn Jones that the Jury was to be on the Line to day Took my mare to Penns Grove for the flag of truce to-- Look at Her pint Cyder at Yerkes 51/2 1/2 Jinn 51/2 G Whis for Wm Hays 51/2 He painting their for me, 1/2 day [Penn's Grove, another name JP uses for the William Penn.]

9th Wind N & E & some times most S prety warm, at Jacob Morris's put a brace to his new gate & hung it at the Road, Evening him & I at Fishing place He gave me 2 Shad for my work to Day Home about dark pD. Matthew Roberts 7s6 for 2 B. Potatoes of the noviscotia Kind boy Harrowing for Corn

10th Wind E & S E (& S W Evening) fine Morn thunder & Rain afternoon Not much here, thunder far off Boy marking out for Corn, I at the Grove Wm Hays painting yesterday & to day, He has been about 31/2 days in all, I must pay Lewis 31/2 days Board, home to Dinner, at Jacob Morris alittle while, then Spliting Rails & patching up fence &c &c Spent 2s9 at Lewis paid & 111/4d at Yerkus

11th Wind N W Butifull morn only to[o] Cool fine pleasant up Soon Got a Small Bucket of Plaster of Yerkus to mixt with my Corn & pint whiskey 121/2 Cents paid Soked a bucket of Corn in Dung water Boy Joe marking out Little George & John & Self planting afternoon Joe killing Calf for Jane Price I with Jacob Morris, to Johnsons Fishing Crosst the falls Bridge, 2 Cents & Spent 6 Cents at Watkins Kanadays Tavern He sold to Watkins for 115.00 dollars about 1 acre of ground, Drank alittle Brandy with Horatio Jones, 6 Cents ferriage Got no Shad so home

May 12th. 1810 Wind N.W. up soon & planted [blot] Corn till noon 35 quarts had not seed Enough afternoon Meet the Society & Clubd 21/2 Cents & paid Rudolph 6 Cents He had Lent me 12 at Last Society, Evening at T.Price's His Sister Mary Levis to Be Buried to Morrow--

13th Wind S E & begun to rain about day up soon fetch Cows & Horses Home 2 or 3 prety Smart Showers before 7 OClock Set of[f] for Burial, at R. Lewis's Got his horse & on to the Burial Great Concourse of People interd Her near Darby in the Methodist yard, Great Preaching Back to Jos Davis & Dined their, Paul Jones A Zell & Tommy Bealor too, so on to Ruben Lewis Paul gave his Walters Mare the horse I spent 121/2 Cents So home Smart Rain as we Came from the Pike--

14th Wind W & Clear fine day finis[h]ed Planting Corn in morn perhaps 1 qt to Look for Casper to help to Build Sheds for freinds Dined at Rubens, home after dinner of[f] with Jacob Morris to his Fishing place got 2 Shad So home about 10 OC- whiskey for fishermen 7 Cents Morris 13 Cents, 2 Shad 50 C--

15th Wind W by N, I at T Price's Righting his Clock Casper her[e] soon & we begun the Sheds at Meeting house, all day,

16th Wind S W & the warmest day this good while Casper, E Evans & Self 1/2 day at the Sheds, after noon, washing Sheep at Righters ferry, Jane Walters

Jane Prices, Jacob Morris s & my owne 38 in all, & we had 7 men they Soon scrub them I in throwing them out of the flatt Broke the Leg of Jane Walters Ram his Leg Caut in the Clevis that hold up the Bridge & shaft it off, We had to Carry him home on horseback, I splintered it up & I hope He will do well 1 qt whiskey 20 Cent, Jane Price 1 qt 20 C-- I paid 25 Cents for a Shad Casper Got & 25 Cents for one Black Ben got, so home about 6 OC- P.M.

17th Win[d] N W fine day But very windy about noon, I mending fence & put the bars from the Cherry tree to Ceader tree afternoon at E. Georges to get him Send Some Scantling for the Sheds pint Cyder 6 Cents, Drank tea their So home this is their Batalion day all them out of our Town almost, Abner Evans Buried his wife here in Freinds yd. about noon

18th Wind S W by N.W. fetch the Sheep home in order to Shear but Jnt. Robeson here to Get a Coffin for John Rawlin I got Evan Evans & at [it] we went hard Roff boards, got it all done to the Lid treated to Glass Gin in Evening, help Jesse George to unload Scantling for meeting Sheds He treated to mug Cyder

19th Wind N W or from S.W. Cool morn fine day tho not so hot finished the Coffin Polished Lid, Set of[f] about 1/2 after 1 O'C- Dined at Funeral house & interd him fre[i]nds yd Merion about 4 OC- I Spent 1 J. Brandy 111/4 after at Schuylkill for Shad but they all Quit for fear of fine

May 20th 1810 Wind W fine day at Meeting afternoon at R Lewis, & Jones drank tea So home

21st. Wind N W. Sheard my Sheep after Casper & Self at Johnsons fishing place got no Shad ketch 12 only Come on a violent wind Hail & some rain with thunder from N. bore to S E Spent 1s41/2 at Stadlemans

22nd Wind N W & Remarkable Cold but Seen no frost Casper & I at Sheds for freinds pint whis 121/2C

23rd. Wind W. fine warm day Set of[f] about 8 OC- with Jacob Morris, to Norris town by Jones Ferry appeard before Esqr Potts, He finded [fined] Morris 40L for fishing 2 nights or day Contrary to Law He appeald from his Judgment I went his Bail in 80L Dinner & horses Morris paid I gave the horsler 51/2d. So home-- very much fateiged had Godfreys horse

24th Wind S W. Set of[f] about 2 OC- to Bias's fishing place Got 24 Shad & Susan[?] 25 home Cleand the Shad, after Casper & I at work for Meeting pint whisy. 121/2--

25th. Wind S W very warm day & dry Casper & I Raisd the Sheds for freinds, at J Latchs Evening about his Daughter & J. Johnson

26. Wind S [blot] & warm day at work for freinds not much they Sent 3500 Shingles Spent 121/2 Cents a little rain only a few drops, Bout beef of Levering 5s-- at Jacob Morris s Evening-- thunder at Distance

27th Wind S W & warm day at home all day till Evening Ann & I Rode to Goodmans & drank tea with or at Jones--

28th Wind S & very warm & dry at work at freinds Sheds all day Cuting Rafters & puting up

29th Wind S and hot day at work till 10 OC- then of[f] with Weist to the falls fishing Caught but five water So Low perhaps never Seen so Low this time of the year [in margin: "Spent 2s9"]

May the 30th 1810 wind S E or more S & over Cast in morn & thunder at a distance but few drops here about 10 O'C Cleard off very warm of[f] with Jacob Johnson to Esqr Young to Settle between him & Jacob Latch for Geting his a Childe by his daughter Johnson Gave him 100 Dollars in hand & his Note for 113.33 so Settled 1/2 lb Tobacco at Rawlins 10 Cents on to Jones's & on to R Lewis

31st Wind N W & amost wonderfull Chainge in the Air So Cold had put on my thick Jacket, I dount [don't] doubt but frost about Shingling till 11 OC then of[f] to Rubens Dined their & Glass gin 111/2 home about 4 OC & at work very high wind the roads so dusty people Could Scearstly Travel it was Like a Snow Storm in winter only much worse to meet

June 1st Wind N W much warmer than yesterday but very Cool to what it was 3 days agoo, 5 of us Shingling the Shed at Meeting I got 26 fine Shad of Bias Hofller [Miller] we finish'd Shingling had 2 qt whis. James Jones treated to 2 M Cyder Ben & a Jerman halling dung from pike to Potatoes

2nd Wind S W dry, dry, dry, no Grass in the naturall meadows scearsly, Steve & I finished the Sheds & over to pike halld 9 Loads of dung for Tatoes, hall 10 Loads yesterday 19 total, 12 one horse Loads Jont Jones Got & 1 Load Sibley Got which is all I got for 40 Dollars so made poor out home & at Yerkus's Spent not, ajusting between J Latch & J. Johnson to Settle Got it done

3rd Wind S by W warm day I of[f] to [omission] about 7 OC- to take measure of David Jones He died about 11 OC- Last Evening back & begun about 10 OC- John Evans & me & got done about 5 O'C- & I took it down & put him in & Screwd him or the hind part up He much Sweld & purged so I back about 9 OC this being first day

4 Wind S by W, thunder in morn & alight Shower about 10 OC- Just Layd the dust, I mended the gears & Righted the wagon &c &c Borrowd J Morris Mare & Set off about 1 OC & interd about 5 OClock

June the 4 1810 Come on a thundergust but not very heavy Layd the dust but Soke none in the pompkins, Titus & I at Latches Settled between him & Johnson so home

5th Wind W. fine Cool day, planting potatoes in far feild 2 B. of the big Bout of Mathew Roberts for 7s- next Widows fence then R. Lewis, thence my old kind planted 9 B & Better to day, Ground fine & Melloo

6th Wind N W. fine off to Jont Jones Bout 31/2 B of Potatoes, hone [home] Got 2 B of noviscotia sort of Yerkus, Planted them in Middle Lawyer Fraser here pd me 170 D. belonging to Mothers Est. Finished before night the potatoes had no more Seed

7 Wind N E & most Remarkable Cold, Seen Bowman Gooing from Meeting with agreat Coat on & he walking E. George & Several of them with Great Coats, Jos Evans Say He had as many Clothes on Gooing to Market this Morning as in Winter He had to Gett out & walk, I plowing Corn all day over Cast Wind N E evening & Looks for rain

8 Wind N E & avery wet day I woke before 12 OC- & was raining, not hard Showers but Constant rain Like a September Storm much wind & very Cold, I makeing Malls &c-

9th Wind Still N.E & been a wet night & morning Cold, so that Polly Yerkes had fire in Stove yester day & to day; & the people hove[r] round it

9th June 1810 afternoon at Ruben Lewis, & at Society no person their but Self wet till night--

10th Wind W & very fine Morn, at Meeting afternoon Cloudy & Rain about home being first

11th. Wind S.E. & rain till noon at times afternoon Bartel & I makening [making] fence Round the orchard fenc, I at Jacob Morris for how [hoe]

12 Wind S.E makening fence &c Come up about 5 OC- 2 very heavy thunder Gusts one Clap very near, made great fresh in our Little runs--

13 Wind N W & fine made or Mending fence till about 4 OC-- then I to Pike & Bartle planting pumpkins that had mist Spent 111/4 & 1 qt W.-- so home--

14th Wind S W & fine warm day up soon Raisd & bolted up a good deal fence along Clover feild, I of[f] to Rebecca Georges & help to Rais the Joists on her Barn & frame in front, wrot [worked] prety hard, home before night

15th Wind S by W- aplowing Corn all Day Broke the Beam of my Plough Borrow the Widows & finished about Dusk Spent 121/2 Cents with Jont Jones at Yerkus's

16th Wind S & very warm day Mending Harrow & Sundries till noon then at Pike with plow to Get Casper to make a beam, pint Cyder. down pike to Hestons for 3 B plaster Little Jos. along pd at gate 41/2 Cents empty Spent 51/2 at Hestons tavern thunder a little rain home about Dusk

17th Wind S. & very warm day made alittle Mehogany Coffin for J. Goodmans Child & took & Buried at Church at Lewis's

June 18th 1810 Wind S. by E very warm Harrowing Corn Bartle plasterd all the 3 B., I at Rubens Evening pint Cyder J. Jones & Hydrick & J Morris their thunder to E. but no rain here--

19th Wind S E & Cloudy in Morn but very warm till about [omission] Came up a thundergust a very Sharp Shower but not so hard as to make a fresh in Crick Bartle & I halld 5 Loads of Lime from pike to the Potatoes in the far feild No-5. the rain prevented us from geting done 1 gallon Whis, work hard to day

20th Wind N W fine Cool morn up soon, Black Ben Bartle & Self halld 2 Loads Lime on No 5, dresst all but [what] was in Oats, home Ben & Bartle begun to Mow in pompkin patch, I eat a harty dinner & went to Lewis's 8 or 9 Gentlemen their & had torkle suoop [turtle soup] & fryd Catfish 1..50 Cent per man. very hansome Layd table & very pleasant time

21 Wind N W fine day Bartle mowing in old orchard I harrowd the potatoes where we Limb [limed] got done before noon, & at the Grove Glass punch with Jonh [John] Thomas 25 Cents Borrowd L. plough home & Raked hay & at Jacob Morris, He had Carrolinea men their

22 Wind-- very foggy morn, I plowing Pumpkins till noon then halld 3 Loads hay pompkin peice

23 Wind S W up soon & begun to plow in No 4 for Buckwheat, Lot out about 11 OC-- after halld in 2 Loads of hay old orchard and then of[f] to pike Small Glass Gin then at J Jones's Drank tea & had a plan for O. Jones milk house & oven so home John Roberts followd me to Jones to Get me make a Coffin for Sally Roberts Isaac Roberts widow phennis [Phineas's] Son--

June 24th 1810 Wind S W very warm mekeing Coffin for Sarah Roberts died at George widows Roberts in upper Darby, Casper & Evan help got done about 4 OC walk to J Morris s Eat Some fryd Clams their home & at Thomas Prices Borrowd his Little Grey horse to goo to Burial tomorrow

25 Wind S W & sunny warm Day Sett of[f] about 5 OC- with the Coffin Arivd before 7 OC- & interd her at Freinds yd, Merion about 12 OC-, about Blind Richard [Eckrod] trying his mowing Meshean it come to nought Spent nought--

26th Wind S by W. Steven Goodman here put handles to Chisels & made a Mallet &c I Harrowd the pompkins, afternoon at Rebecca Georges Raising her Barn begun to rain by 5 OC- & asmart rain till night & nearly all night Goodman & [I] walk home wet & dark

27 Wind S W & dull morn Hyerd a man John Grig to mow, I off to plow for Bucket [buckwheat] in No 4- turnd out about 11 OC & at the Spreding out & Rake'd up most all halld 2 Loads in the master helpt awhile after School

28 wind S W begun at hay as Soon as the due was off, Spread [illegible] out & Raked up much of it, I of[f] to Owen Jones Evening

29th Wind S W. a most remarkable warm day had much hay to rake & Jersey man & George halld 8 Loads Bartle & I Rike [rake] nearly all up, Hannah Davis & Ann Rake after Carte fine hay Wether

30th Wind S W. & fine hay day Geard up & halld in 6 Loads 2 Small Got done by Dinner, after I with Jont Jones to Vohriose Vendue at Stadlemans & Bout 4 Cow Chains for 130 Cents Cart quarters $2- So home Evening

July 1st. Wind S. & fine day not so hott over at Lewis Got 50 D John Eliot paid me back to Breakfast at home all day Except at Jacob Morris's alittle while--

2nd over at Lewis & Owen Jones about his smoke bake & Milk house back to Jonathans & Dined & Drank abottle wine He & I at Lewis's drank & we drank a pint good Medari I at Jane Walters Righted her Barrack & so home

July the 3rd 1810 Wind S W & fine pleasant day, of[f] by sun rise plowing for Buck Wheat, plowd 21 double Lands before noon after plowd one Land the ground So Stoney & dry I had to Give it up & begun in the Corn, Loost before night & at Jacob Morris's drank alittle whiskey So home

4th Wind S by E fine Cool morn Barney back & ingage for a month 9..50, I off & plowing Corn till noon over Cast & Some appearance of rain a very Little Jacob Morris of[f] to flat Rock bridge to see George Savage He badly Cut with Size [scythe] by Bill Fullerton had wound in his Right arm will Loose the use of his hand Except his five fingers & thumb-- Bought 6 Cents of Cakes & a glass at Yerkus's J M paid 2 Glasses at Savage's so home had an invitation to dine at Jermantown wis [with] Bensal Wister &c &c

5th Wind S W & warmd [warm] day plowing Corn till 10 OC- then of[f] to help Morris to Shock He had 12 Reapers besides as many Boys nearly I Reap with Bias Hoffman all the afternoon & Cut my arm his Rye Gluten Ripe

6 Wind S [blot] & very warm finished my Corn by noon plowd my pumpkins then help J Morris to Shock

7th Wind S & very hott halld 4 Loads of dung in far feild for Buckwheat & plowd it down then of[f] to dam work for more than an hour to Get the Gate out but faild, at Jane Walters Cut a pig Back to Lewis's drank 3 Jills of wine Come on a great Rain & very much thunder & very dark I home about 11 OC- fell over a stump & Could not See the fence till I Came Butt up to it. very dark a most lovely Rain

8th Wind S Sun Shind in morn delightfull morn but over Cast prety Soon, J M got in yesterday Several Loads of Rye He has a good deal out Cut, Come on at 11 OC as the people went to Meeting a very heavy Shower & hard wind from W violent bloe I at home all day

9th Wind N W or near W & very Cool morn & fine day at O. Jones at work & dined at Lewis's after at David Roberts help to Shock He had 31, or 32 Reapers, Reap about 600 Doz. wheat prety [blot] Spent 1 pint Cyder & Jill wine at Lewis's I Sup at D. Roberts Bartle plowing for Buckwheat

July 10th 1810 Wind W. & fine day sow about peck Buck wheat along side of potatoes Evan & I at O. Jones made a door frame dined their then helping Casper to Shock at Lewis Glass Gin He had 133 doz. wheat--

11th Wind S.W & fine day of[f] after breakfast to Jos Evans & help to Shock till about 4 OC- then home & went to Jacob Ballors He paid 50 drs 50 Cents the Balance due to Bevans Est. Home by R. Lewis

12th Wind S & very warm day of[f] by R. Lewis's Got his horse to Norris town I filed my a/c Dinner &c 85 Cakes 6 Cents at Ruben Lewis 31 Cents So home paid Levi Pawlin 8, Register 9 drs 80 So--

13 Wind S W fine day had 6 hands Reaping got all Cut & halld in before night & halld 32 doz. of wheat for Widow,- I had poor Crop

14 Wind S by E & raind about midnight & wet morning till near 10 OC- then Broke of[f] & I up to Torrences on a dispute between Mister Jones & Baptis[t] Meeting Committee, dined & adjournd till the 23. of[f] for home Come on a very hard Shower from N & wet us very much before we got to Yerkus Society day Stopt their had a very hard rain in Evening then Cleard of[f] I spent not any

15 Wind N W & very fine day being first day Casper Got all his Grain in to day I at Lewis's & Hipples 25 Cents at H. & 18 at Lewis So home afternight

16 Wind S & over Cast fog went up then misted alittle W rather to S W about noon Smart Shower appeard to brake but Smart Shower Evening moon Light but rain again in night I at O. Jones put hooks then up to R Lewis Reapers at Wileys place rain so home

July 17th 1810-- Wind E in morn no rain, Cleard of[f] at noon fine Evan & I of[f] to O. Jones made 3 window frames & Spouts, gave Evan 50 Cents pd R L. 121/2 Cents I Borrow for to Give french Woman, so home Evening Drank Little Jin with Jont Jones

18th Wind S W & very fine day-- I of[f] after breakfast to Ruben Lewis, Spent 121/2- up to his harvest Reap & got it in down & went to Jane Walters Casper Cradleing We Tyd & Reap the [illegible] & got it all in that was Cut Left about half an acre She gave us a good supper I Sent for 2 qt Whisy. So I home about dark--

19th Wind S E & over Cast in Morn Like for rain Bartle got in a pet Evening of the 16th & the morn of the 17th Settled & paid him 4 drs 2 Cents & away He went, this Morn He Back & want to work by the day 3s9 per, He a violent Passion[ate] Hession-- very wet afternoon I at Mo[rris]

20th Wind S E & over Cast foggy. Seen Sun over Cast, afternoon Smart Shower at John Evans Cut 2 bores [boars] home made a [omission] for Jacob Morris big Gate afternoon Jane Price & Rubens back in Evening Cleard up quite Cool Evening

21st Wind N W. fine morn of[f] & Sowd the remainder of the feild with Buckwheat & at R. Lewis s 2 Jills wine, So home halld 1 Load dung & Sowd turnip seed got of Peters along the Potatoes [in margin: "Adam Hoil Gooin to the Ohio State James Disbury Gooing"]

22nd Wind-- Rainbow at Sun Rise several Little Scuds of rain throug[h] the day, Polly Poorly, I of[f] for Doct about 12 OC- He Came in Evening Jane Walters neighbour Morris, & S Lippens Sent for Fanny & Mother May-- 23rd at 1 OC- She was Delivered of a fine Boy A.M. [son William Penn Price]