Joseph Price Diary

January 1st 1795 wind N E & Cloudy all Day Leveling for my Dam, & Dischargd the men that was Diging my Tail race, at Streapers & at Rees Price's D[r]ank 3 Glases wine with Thoms Roberts & home I came wrote this paid Negro Tom for work at Dam 18s6

2nd wind S W. & over Cast till [omission] then fine, up turnpike to Spread Eagle, pd about 200 Dollars for work Done Calld to see Jane Humphreys at old plow [tavern in Radnor], Meet Morris Wagon George McClenechan this day Married to Polly Morris Polly Streaper along, he Maried her to Day & took home After night very Sly Every person had douts that he never would Marri her--

3rd wind S. by E. & raw Down the pike as far as David Jones paid some Money, then to Society a full Meeting had Sup[p]er & Club 4s8 Curwin & I Lost a bottle of wine apeice about the road Viz we laid it would befinishd by this Christmast, so we paid it 7s6 per Bottle, begun to Snow about 10 [O]Clock perhaps 2 I[nches] morning got to rain

Jany. 4 1795 wind S. Light Rain & thawd all the Snow afternoon Cleard of[f] & wind N W & high, hard at work makeing a Coffin for Addam Sitters Wifes Mother finishd it & sett off with it a little after sunset jog'd on till I got their, & to my Great surprise I had Lost Coffin the Shame they [the] fears (Least some wagon might run over Brake it & not a board to make another) & Destrus [distress] of flowing [following] Idea[s] Did acur, took hors[e] Left the herse road I hardly know how, & found it Raisd up against the fence just apposit Hestons, took it before Me & returnd to the ferry about 8 OC put her in & tarried all Night, this all happened on first day

5th. wind W & prety Cold frose'd hard Last night Trotted all the way to Radner, Dined at old Sitters, treated us at Buck going & Comeing & paid me 71/2 Dollars for Coffin & so home I came after a trying Seen Master Holget at work at Dam

6th wind S.E. & frozed hard overCast all day Self work at turnpike Gates Holget at Dam finishd stone part I at Jont. Walter Got a yo[u]ng son Chrismas day Drank tea at David Roberts so home

January 7th 1795 wind N E a good deal of rain last night & this Morning Broke off about 10 OClock Set off to Curwens & from their to Eagle & Settled with sever[al] turnpike people & paid 400, or 500 Dollars to them Spent 2s10 & returnd to Curwens & staid allnight

8. Wind N W & froze hard Set of[f] for home Curwen along got our Dinner & set of[f] Down the turnpike Measured several part[s] of the road that has been Lately graveled pd Gibson 71 Dollars for work he had Done, Call at E. Georges Drank tea their & so home about 8 OC- at night Curwen here all night

9th wind about E & smokey Light mist of rain throuout the day Curwen to the falls to see Nicolous Glass works not any thing in Readiness to goo, built 6 Stone houses some of them people got to Live in Dined at A Roberts, & then home boys makeing gates for turnpike

10th. wind Got to West & Cool day Froze at home till afternoon then Set up [off] to old plow for Jane Humphreys She learning Tavern Business with Moors Wife frosed hard & very Roof [rough] Riding & Cold Home about 8 OC- at night Left her at Mothers & I home

11th. wind N W & very Sharp Morn Coldest this winter I at home all day Except at Rees Prices B Edw. & R Tunis up--

12th. wind N W & very Cold night & Morn killing my hogs 4 B. Jonh [Brother John] helping & old verginia Will Weighed 789 viz 206, 206, 183, 104 & one of Rees Price 272 lb & one of Jon Walter 103 lb-- total 1164 lb one Cow 458 the read Cow 460 lb total 938 lbs-- [Errors in addition.]

13th wind S E and Over Cast begun to Snow about 10 OC- at Jos Georges Measuring Road on turnpike viz the stones of Georges, Able Thomas & Jonathan Walter Dined at Walters & at Mothers So home Snow about 1/2 [inch] Deep rain in night

14th wind S W & warm Clear at home till noon then over to haverford place to see the tenent, got Cold froz[e]

15 Snowd & Sleated in morn at home all day Evening wind got East & begun to snow about 4 I Deep

16- wind N W & Clear & Cold up to Bill Lewis in order to have at [a] hunt he gone Spent 4s & I back to Walters & home to Dinner Righted up my Slay gears & so to bed Gave old Sealey 1s- for helping to make pudding

17th 95 wind N W & avery Sharp Morn at Morris's breakfasted their then up to hunt a fox went found none Stopt at Lewelling Young & stayd & Dined their & so home,

18th wind N W & very Cold at home all Day Ex[c]ept at Streapers, & spent 1 Gill of Wine 6d Polley Slaying with Ratclif's poor Slaying

19 Wind N & Most perdetious Cold (as Holget Says) Set off afoot with Saml. Gibson to town Exspences at Eliots 3s6 at play 5s71/2 Curwen & Edw along all night at Elliots

20th wind N W & Cold Deliver [Delaware] froze over top Breakfasted Tunis, & set off home 2d. ferriage got home about noon very tyard indeed thought I Could walk to Lancester but find it wont Doo--

21st Wind W. by S & More pleasant thawd A Good pace, afternoon at Lewis Robesons Bowers & at McClenechans first time since he was married home & to bed

22nd. Wind N E & over Cast thawd; a little snow in Morn, but no rain at town about a trial between Obirn Garret & us Concerning Bill Lewis affairs nothing Done Reckening at Elliots 1s101/2 Chees 9 lb at 11d--8s2 so home Negro 11d ferry 4d

January 23rd 1795 Wind about East froze Last Night but Giving to Day, yet Raw & Unpleasant, overCast all Day B Tunis hewing posts for turnpike Gates I in part at home about the frames & at turnpike geting the holes Dug for the Gates severale people here for money on acct. of turnpike pd Gibson in full for his Work on road Whiskey 1s101/2

24th wind N.E & Snowd about 4 I. last night hail & rain till noon then rain very Much, with David Roberts Halling post for Gates, too bad hall but one Load so home, at Mothers She had Cow died by Calfing Evening at Streapers Supt their & spark Molly home about 1 OClock turned to snow then

25th wind N. by E snow about 9 I Deep, & at it hard old Mattis Fols to be Buried this Morning 96 years old, Lent my Herse to Carry him Bear made the Coffin, at Meeting afternoon at David Roberts Drank Coffee their, at Mothers so home had word of Polly Wickershams death & to [be] Buried to Morrow, Snowd till Night about 12 I deep, much Slush in low places

26th. wind S W & very remarkable fine day, Raising posts for turnpike Gates, at Jon. Thomas's home Evening & so got supper & Dinner together 1/2 Gallon Whiskey 3s9 one Qt. before 1s101/2 Brandy 4d

January 27th 1795 Wind N W & little s[h]ower of snow from S.W. froze prety hard but a Giving day took down my Slay, B. Tunis & Morris & self Road above the buck to one Bob Johnsons to get posts for turnpike Gates I spent 1s101/2 so back & Drank tea at Morris's Jon[a]than Walter pd me 3s2 for hinges &c pd Baymount for shewing my horses 5s- pd Polly 2s that she pd Negro Woman for me pd Jacob Morris 7L for old Cow & Calf & so to bed--

28 wind N W & aprety fine day took the Gates & house over to turnpike Raisd the house but not the Gates. B Tunis Helping, Cold toward night spent to treat Ben 11d so home & Settled with Bill Wagoner & one Houton for work Done on turnpike M- -----

29th. wind S. by E & white frost set off to Curwens took Marks & White along in my slay Got posts of Jonh [John] Sizer at 7s6 per post

29th 1795

Begun to Snow about 10 OClock Smart for While then to Rain, Dined at Curwens, then set off for home very wet, Spent 11d at Bill Lewis arivd about Dusk supt & so to slope as the Dutchman says

30th. wind N W & prety high & Clear the snow Melted Much Struck up Slaying afternoon to Cochrons he with me to Linch's one of B Humphreys Tenents told him he must pay 20L & all taxes So back at Streapers Spent 11d for Brandy B Tunis & others their--

31st. wind N W & very Icee set of[f] for Cochrons Got my Mare Shod at Robesons Cochron & I at Sturges & Barrs told Sturges he must pay 60 Dollars & all Taxes, Barr 40 Dol. & all Taxes, home Rod[e] in Jones (Judg) Slay to Society, bad gooing, made not house [no quorum] so broke up soon--

February 1st 1795 wind N W. & prety Cold Tom Roberts & I Dined at Cochrons & up to Jones Drank tea their & back & Spark Cochrons girls old Tom [sparked] Polley, Stay till 12 OC home about one [O]Clock--

2nd. Wind S.W. & fine day to Town paid for sugar tea & Coffee 7s4 Chalk 11d. at Elliots 3s- ferry 4d Stockens 9s41/2 fish 1s101/2 Bot. 40 lb Nails at 38s9 Viz 20 Cut Nails at 111/4d those are made Cold the first ever had of the kind, So home Curwen along & Stayd all Night

3rd Wind S E Warm & rain till near noon then N.W & snowd most violent, set off with Turnpike Gates & house, got stald Rees Price's team had to unload twice Bad time undeed, Spent 1/2 pint Rum at Lewis, 1s4 Eat at buck & fed my Mare Curwen pd all Spent 1/2 Gill Brandy so home about 8 OC--

4th. wind N W & very Cold up to the ten Mile Gate & halld the posts &c &c

February 4th 1795

Dined at Curwens, Robert along Back to Buck Oats & Brandy 1s101/2 So home by David Roberts home & ---- Mol--

5th Wind N W & prety Cold Eat Breakfasted [breakfast] about Day & set off to 10 Mile Gate Jake & Right along Raisd the Gate post & the house Dined at Curwens the Boys also-- Bottle Rum of Miller at 2s8 Wiskey 51/2d 1/2 Glass Ginn 4d. Back about 8 OC Night John Robert[s] for turnpike Money paid 102 Dollars, now about Eleven OC & so I begin to think of Bed & so I Lay Down my pen & will ascend--

6th Wind N W. & prety Cold Robert here he & I up to Prince of Wales to fox hunt, Let out [fox] about 10 o clock made a fine Run 10 or 12 Miles; most of them throwd out, I first at hole in Hugh Jones's feild by Darby Creek took him alive back to prince Dinner & Club 4s6 Let him Loss [loose] Dogs took him on Ground in Less than a Mile Running so I home at Streaper a little while-- one Powel sent for Me their Wanting Buy the old place in Haverford offerd 400L--

February 7th 1795 wind S W. & prety fine went to Philada. Bout 1100 feet Ceadar 700 pine boards & 1000 shingles for turnpike, horse &c 2s6- ferry 4d Molley in twon [town] Calf & pigs- Jos Wilson & wife home & Drank tea with me, & off they sett for home

8th. Wind N E. & over Cast Nicolus Boyer Calld about Midnight last night for me to make a Coffin for his Mother, work at it & finished it about 2 OClock Rich- Cochron Dine'd with me & then we set of[f] to A Roberts back & at Streapers Spark Molley awhile begun to Snow about midnight--

9th wind N E & Snowd all day at Meeting to [two] Woman freinds their one Delivered a well adopted Discourse afternoon at D. Roberts Bout. 100 feet Walnut boards of Robert for 22s6 the highest price I ever gave--

10th Wind about North, set off to Norristown Court T Roberts Rees Price & Brother John along Dinner &c &c 7s6 obtaind an order of Court to sell Streaper Tavern Snowd till noon about 5 I Deep wasted much afternoon home about 8 OC night

Feby- 11th 1795 wind N. & Giving & over Cast 5 Mile Turnpike Gate hanging &c &c- boys their Mordica Davis & wife here, about Money pd White for graveling D & 18s9 for helping to hew the gate post for turn pike

12 Wind S W & over Cast Set off for town Breakfasted at R Tunis's Bot Stove for turnpike 400 of Ceadar boards 100 f 3 by 4 oak. I helpt to Load 7 Milestone meet Curwen at ferry measure'd from E. sd. Schuylkill & put Down 7 6 of them so home Curwen & D Roberts along & Dined here on Coffee 5 OC P.M Exspences 2s3 begun to shingle pike house, I read till 11 OC night the Life of Doct Franklin

13th wind N W & fine till towards Evening then got very Cold & froze hard, Work at turnpike house myself Dined at Jon. Walters, Little John Gibson along with me their home Evening & soon to bed Some pain in my Right keen [knee] Suppose Like the Rhumitis, Could not sit Still & Read so to Slope--

February 14th 1795 Wind N W & very Sharp this Morn Set off about Sunrise to David Roberts, he & oxen's Started with 8 Milestone & planted them & 6 yesterday Makes 14 Miles which is above Spread Eagle, I Breakfasted at Buck & Dined Eagle pd for Curwen & self 6s8 pd several of them for work Done on pike returnd to Curwens & Drank tea their & so home without halting, Boys finishd Boarding & Shingling 5 Mile turnpike house, I wrote this & not amiss

15th. Wind I forgot where first day of the week & I at home all [omission], Thomas Roberts & several others here

16th wind N W & prety Cold Set off for town Meet Curwen, & stopt at Wm. Warner & sold 2 turnpike Carts, one for 7L & -4L1s arivd to City Bout- 1/2 box of Glass 2L 3s9d, Dinner oats &c 4s7- ferry 4d pd for 2 stoves for turnpike 48 Dollars, arivd home Curwen along, Nehemiah Evans here

17th Wind N E & snowd in Night & this Morn about 2 I Deep, Smart Shower fr[om] N W & Cleard off went over to turnpike Gate No.1 Nehemeiah Evans Keeper, and Demanded toll North a stone Cutter & another Stone Cutter was the first that paid toll for a road in America Came Several Waggons & horsepeople, they Objected much to paying he Recd. about 9 Dols. I at work there, Jacob Griffee to town with my Cart for stove box of glass & two Lamps for Gates put[ty]ing Glass afternight home about 9 OC

18th- wind N W & very Cold, froze Schuylkill over as far as Jacob Jones ford, this second time I at turnpike, puting Bolts &c &c, & makeing a Coffin for Phinn Davis, Ned & Right work at Coffin

19th wind N W Cold not so bad as a day or two agoo finishd Coffin & sent Ned home with it Buried him in Merion old yard by the Mulburey tree, I at David Roberts & at Gate No.1 Brother Edwd. & R Tunis here, this was proclamd a day of thanks giving by George Washington, went with them to Mothers, & as far as gate No.1 on turnpike they walk up & Down I stopt at D Roberts & so home

20th Wind S.W. & thawd More than it has Done this ten Days perhaps, I set off soon to Curwens he along as far as Robesons at Peoley, Paid About a thousand Dollars to Sundry people on acct of work Done on turnpike, spent 51/2 to horsler so home

February 21st 1795 wind S W & a butifull day Sent Jacob with the Waggon to town & got 1000 shingles & 500 f boards for turnpike Use I along & pd Britton, 30 Dollars for them, I Bout 2 padLocks 5s for turnpike, Glass for Clock & Oile 7s6 C[o]ffee & sugar 4s41/2 Dinner oats & one pint of Bear 4s21/2 horsler 51/2d ferry 2s21/2 so home prety soon Sup at Streapers, Sp--- Molly till about 12 OC & pd a Score of 2s9-

22 Wind N E this Morn & Looks for a Chainge not at Meeting Brot. Edw. up at Mothers then home, pd 11s3 for Cleaning my Clock & put it in my new Case--

23rd Wind N E & rain at turnpike gate & at Motherrs all day Brot. Edw. asettleing Bridson acct I home at noon & their again Jacob halld a Load of Boards to turnpike gate No 2--got hail very fast after night very stormey Night

24th. wind N.E but soon got N W & Cleard off at Mothers & at turnpike hung a Large Lamp for the Gatekeeper so back to Mothers & home--

February 25th 1795 wind N W. & sun shind out & Read to sunrise Clouds to W Breakfasted about 6, Boys Ready to sett off for Gate No.2, But their come up a Snow Shower from West, & Was the Most Tremendious Gust of Wind & snow that perhaps I Everseen to Last as Long, from before 7 OC till near 9 OC I think it Exceeded or Quite Equal to that this time Last year (or their abouts), Sun Shind Clear about 9 OClock but Wind Continued high & very Cold

26th Wind N W & been a most Violent Cold Night heard to day Schuylkill froze over at the ferry & up to Righters set of[f] with boards &c to Gate No.2 on turnpike, Jacob with wagon walk With wangon [wagon] within about a Mile of buck Jumpt on my Mare & made near half Speed to buck, the air so keen that I was alarmed for fraid my face or Cheek bones would frees I have been Much Exposd but think I never felt it so kean to my face, but we are apt to forget past trials, & think the Last the [blot] Greatest & not So hardy perhaps, but the[y] say the hidorimeter [thermometer] stood at 9 at 9 Oc in Day boys trying [to] work Could not make any out, Dine at Curwens & home at night Spent oats & wine 1s101/2

Feby. 27th 1795 Wind N W & most violent Cold Set Jacob to begin to hall stove from Knox for house on turnpike I up to Buck Gill of wine 6d, at Gate No 2 at Curwens to Dinner full of Stiches throat sore & Chilley boys trying [to] work but to[o] Cold for them stayd all night

28th Wind N W. & very Cold Sent the boys home & I set of[f] for home at buck Cherry bounce 4d Cald to see Russel he poorly home to Dinner & finde myself Better Meet the Society at Stadlemans Brot. Jonh [John] Meet the Society home about 8 OC-

March 1st. wind about West & prety fineday viz a good Deal Warmer-- Dine at home on apeice Rost beef afternoon at Brode's to see Polly Bridson & at Shippens & at Cochron Thoms. Roberts along Spark the girls till about 12 OClock & so home

2nd Wind S W & pleasant day up to norristown T. Roberts

March 2nd 1795

along. got two Deed[s] one to Peter May & Russel, & Confermation of Sales Streapers Lotts & an Order for the Sale of the tavern Dinner &c 3s1 horsler 4d-- home by Jonathan Walters Jacob & Rees halling stone from Knoxes Quarrey for Me so home

3rd win[d] S W & very fineday Makeing Coffin for an Irishman Dyed at Holgets, finishd it by Noon & took it up & buried him at Merion Strangers Yard, Dick Cochron here to tea at Streapers spark Molly a Little While & so to bed

4th wind S W & avery fine Day up to turnpike gate No. 2 at 10 [milestone] Robert their finishd Shingleing Evening at Buck spent 1s4. at Lewis' spent 1s101/2 so home Robert along

March 5th 1795 Wind S West & very Butifull Day Childern Barefooted about up to No. 2. Glassing &c Robert along Dined at Curwens home in Evening Mett N. Jones at Streapers he been over Susquehannah & Bout a place Near the River Juniatee home Drank tea Wrote this & then to bed we goo

6th. Wind S W & fine day after breakfast up to No 2 put the gate to Work Viz Sheaff begun to take toll in the afternoon I home

7th Wind S E & overCast, Set off to town Bought 3 Locks 6s Hinges & thumb Latches 10s- Brandy 3s5 sugar & tea & Coffe[e] 6s111/2 horse 1s10 ferry 4d several smart Showers in day home about 8 OC. very great Storm of Rain & wind Drerect [directly] after I got home & some Shower in night

8 Wind N W & high & Cold, at Mothers Brother E thir [there], afternoon at Curwens Brot. along I home he stayd

March 9th 1795 Wind N W & prety Cold over at Gate No.1 & at Mothers, afternoon at turnpike with John Wilson & Edward with them to Gate No.1 so home Billy Lewellin here paid me for his fathers Coffin 50s-- Phinn Davis's widow pd me for husbands Coffin yesterday, I got 153 Dol., 45 C from Bank by Edwards Check Bridsons Money paid Rees Thomas 7s6 for Loading stone

10th. Wind S W Jacob & I halling stuff from Saw mill for my Mill, Spent 11d. at Mothers

11th Wind W. & prety Raw up to Curwens, then up the pike Road to Warren hill Dined at peoley Back their Supt & stay all Night

12 Wind S E & over Cast Raw Breakfasted their the hole Bill 6s6 horsler I give 6d pd Robeson 800 Dollars, set off at Parson Jones, & Sundry places at Curwens Dined their & set off home begun to rain home & to bed

13th Wind N W has Snowd near 2 I deep thawd much set off for town Dinner at R Tunis's Rain Smart then Snow Shower from West Coffe[e] & Sugar 3s9, publishing Streaper place [advertisement] 7s6

March 13th 95 Hors[e] & Drink 2s9 horsler 51/2d home I set 4d at ferry, got 16L for 16 Cord awood of Hansel for Jane Humphrey, so home I Came paid old Will 27s for work

14th Wind N W & very Cold day at No, 1 paid for Joe Evans team going through turnpike 3s9 so back boys & I makeing Coffin for Henry Helembould Child Scalded yesterday & Died Last night, paid Henry Shoester for Weaving 36s9- paid for gill of wine & 1/2 gill of Brandy & yd of Tobacco 1s2 Wrote Several Advertisements for Streapers place & so I will goo to bed past 10 OClock. Molly Streaper from Town been above a week Looking a house to keep boarders She & I all aback & I begin to Slack

15th Wind. W. & prety Cold Set of[f] about 12 OC. with the Coffin at Roberts old paper Mill & Buried it Ditch [Dutch] Church home R Tunis & B Edward been up & gone at Mothers heard the Mollicolley [melancholy] news that Jane Humphreys had

March 15th 1795

news been Delivered of a young Son never was more superised [suprised] had no tho[u]ght of such a thing, home to bed but Little sleep

16th Wind S.E. & over Cast & snow all day from about 11 OC- Makeing a Coffin for John Taylors Child finishd & took it up then to Radner to see Jane H-- She is prety Brave but frets much Gave James Surgis's [Sturges's] wife 15s to buy Necessary's for Jane H 2 Dollars Gave Bridget 4 Dollars on Jane Humphreys Acct So home Stop at Sturgeses Ingaged her to goo & take the Child--

17th Wind W. & the Little snow that fell yesterday soon run to Day Makeing a Coffin for James Rusel & I up with hears[e] to take Taylor Child to Haverford, back & took Russels up so home at Streapers alittle while, home & wrote this heard the frogs Crying in Streapers Ponn [pond] the first time

March the 18th 1795 Wind S.E pretty fine forenoon, Buried James Russel in C[h]urch yard home to Dinner afternoon to Nathan Jones vandue, bought a Sled 3s9 Rainney Evening very hard home about 9 OC at Night, Sperrits deprest, with one reflection or other so to bed--

19th Wind N W. & Cold freesing all Day in Shade at Gate Nub 1 & at about home all Day

20. wind N.W & Cold Ruff Riding Set off to Buck oats & Brandy 1s3. at Curwens Dined their, then to See Jane Humphreys & so home--

21st. Wind E & Raw but moderated some at Stadlemans Set[t]led turnpike business with him, he gave me 7s6 for an Apple Nut [for an apple mill], & 7s6 before, So home & up to Township Meeting, Hugh Knox & Krickbaum supervisors of highway, Loyd Jones & John Taylor Constable this is the first time that Const. are Balloted for, & he must be freeholder Esqr. Youn[g] Brooke Hagy & Self Settlers Spent 1s41/2, so home I Came

22nd. Wind-- being first day at home afternoon at Streapers Spent 11d. Rich Cochron & T Roberts along

23rd Wind S W & fineday Makeing Coffin for Baymount Child, (Smith at Wagoners), took it home & to Heston's David Jones at Gate No.1 so home and at Streapers Spark Molley for the Last time-- one gill of wine 6d

March 24th 1795 Wind S W & fine day set of[f] to Curwens Dined their up to Mall, Settle & pay him off, at Vanleers pd him 100 D at John Lewellens pd him 266 D & 5s3 at Peolia all night Supt & Breakfasted their Expences 7s- Bootboy 51/2 horsler 6d- up to Warren hill but one hand at work back Smart Shower Stop till over Set of[f] for home pd Calohan 10 Dol

25th Oats & wine at Spread Eagle 1s101/2, whent [went] to see Jane Humphrey She Lays the Child to Brot. John, Stopt at Mothers heard of Hannah Zell death home Robert Roberts help Jacob to make the Coffin & they had taken it home, poor Night of it as to Sleeping, pd Powel for Schooling 15s6

26th Wind S W & a fine Morn Quite warm, set off to Zells a large gethering Buried her & had Meeting, R Tunis & wife up, they at Rees I their Wind N E afternoon & Cold begun to Rain & hail afternight, at Jon Walters & at the gate Nubr one, head ache & not Right so home

27 wind N E & been a hailley night & about 2 I Deep. Lost a fine Lamb, head & Nerve Some what Effected at Mothers & up Russels Vandue a very hailley Day

28 Wind Nor E & been a very hailey night 4 or 5 I. deep, set off to town, frose to the trees & grate Iceticles to Side of brid[g]es & several slays Runing about tow[n] hail I think 6 I deep in the Streets, Bout handles for Buerow 9s- Lock 1 Doz. 11s- Lock & butts 3s- plain bits 7s101/2- Screws 4s6, 2000 sprigs 7s9- glue 1s6 Dinner & oats 4s9

March 28 1795

Set of[f] & meet the Society at Black hores [horse] by 4 OC Alley Roberts & self & McNight after Rool [roll] Call spent 1s6 apeice more than the Shilling. & so home about 8 OC been hailing & Raining all Day, Very great Storm for the season, [Apparently it was customary to pay a shilling each to cover drinks during the meeting.]

29th Wind S.W but over Cast part of the day Snow Melted Some but seems prety tite it is all haill-- at home all day not very well

30 wind S W & pretty fine day Cuting Cogs at Humphreys sawmill, afternoon at Natn. Jones's & Settleing Township Acct. at prince of Wales. home about 10 OC- very Exstreem bad roads--

31st. wind S W & rain in forepart at A Thomas's settled pike work, at David Jones's Settled with him at Gate No 1- so home--

April 1st. wind W & Clear at Mothers & at Curwins with my Acct. Brot. Edw along Calld & seen Jane Humphreys so home

2 wind S W & overCast at Wagners Spent 1s6 went to town, to Look for Saml. Jones to measure pike houses, 3s a[t] Eliotts ferry 4d so home Tom Dewese stay all night with me

April the 3rd 1795 wind W & prety fine Set of[f] for Curwens Stopt & Dined at Buck, Wells & Jackson along from Norristown, up to Curwens, & Settled My turnpike Acct. fell out prety Near Left their about 10 [O]Clock at night so home

April 4 Wind S W & fime [fine] day Measureing Streapers Lot, afternoon, Sold it a public Sale by order of Orphans Court Molley Streaper Bought it at 405 pounds, a great price, but I veryly beleive If she had not bid it would went to 500L Spent 1s101/2 for Brandy

5th wind S W & Butifull warm day Richd Tunis up, & Dined with me at Mothers drank tea their Dick Cochron at Streapers Polly Ogdon their Smart Shower with thunder & Lightening. home about 10 OC

6 wind S W & very warm indeed at turnpike Gate No.[omission] Meet Mr Curwen & Disired to Inform the board, that I Declind Supt. the road at Humph[reys] Saw Mill after Spliting Cogs,

7th wind S E & overCast Cuting & hewing for sawmill Curwen hear [here], hard thunder in night & heavy Rain-- at the Saw Mill again

April 8th 1795 wind Got W over Cast fore noon & Little rain set of[f] to Curwens, & from their to Warren hill pd a few Dollars to pike people Dined at Piola 2s6 boy 51/2 returnd to buck 51/2 their so home

9th wind N W high & Raw unpleasant Geting trees to hew for Mill at Humphreys sawmill & Down the road to Supple[e]s bridge[e] & with Robert Roberts runing round his Lot & spent pint of sider 21/4d so home

10th Wind N W & very Cold Morning Ground froze Quite hard, at Hoffmans Mattis Died while I was their, been poorly 2 or 3 years took his Measure, & so home made the Coffin at Streapers Evening B Tunis their Spent 51/2d so home,

11th wind N W high & Cold froze hard set of[f] to Curwens, & from their to Spread Eagle 3 Qt. of oats & Gill of wine 1s2 measurd the road that was Stone'd by Gramhams [Graham] at Lewellins pd one Rees 100L Gram [Graham] about 100L Spent 11d up to Robesons Dinner &c 3s9 boy 3 or 4d so home about 10 OClock at Night, Stop awhile at Sheafs gate [No.2]

12th Wind S W & white frost & pleasant day Buried Hoffman Richd. Cochron [ate] Dinner with me

April 12 95

at Mothers, & Brot. Edw & I at Rees Drank 2 Glasses of wine with Tom Roberts up to see Nathan Jones back & a gill of wine at Streapers 51/2d (1 Gill Brandy in forenoon 11d.) so home & to bed---

13th wind S W & very hard rain in night & wet morn & wet till Noon, Cut a log for Saw Mill at Mothers & so home--

14. wind W. & prety fine, got 4 horse[s] from David Roberts, & he along & halld white oak Log 241/2 long to Benj Tunis's Sawmill for waterwheel shrouding, makeing a Coffin for old Mary Heelers & finishing settleing the poor Acct [for the Township with] Brooke & Young [fellow auditors] treated David & Ben 3 Gills of Brandy, Suppers &c 6s--did not finish till Eleven OClock

15th Wind S W & warm day Jacob Moveing Hannah Holland, now Gardner to town from the falls I by their & so to town Bout Walnut pine & poplor [poplar] boards 2L40s sugar &c &c, 4s6 mending Glue pot 6d files & Rule 4s7. Reckening 2s8- ferry Wagon & self 1s2 so home--

16th Wind W. Several Showers Looking Stuff for Mill after noon at Bill Lewis's 51/2d spent up to where Jane [2 words illegible] so back

April 17th 1795 wind S W and prety fine day Evening wind North & Cold set of[f] to Curwens, Gramham & Green men who contracted on turnpike here & I along with them Measured & Settled their Road at the Eagle & I up to Peola all night Spent at Eagle 2s11--

18th Wind N & Cold but seen no frost, pd for supper &c &c 6s1 (& paid a man for 90 Rod of Road 100L) & set of[f] for home about 10 OClock at Hugh McKinley's paid 9L 7s for Diging my Tail Race, up to See Nathan Jones, he poorly, home about 10 OClock & to bed

19th Wind N & Coold [cold] R Tunis up & Dined with me at Mothers John Wilson here Informd me of the safe arival of Jos Fisher at Liverpool 7 Weeks passage & bad time at Streapers alittle while drank tea their & so home

20th wind N W & Cool Morn but fine day at the Gate No.1. & with Curwen to One mile stone back & Got a Ironbar Got Dinner & work intail race all the afternoon a very bad Job,

21st wind N W & some say white frost but saw none at tail race till noon then up to Jane Humphreys, Spent 51/2d at buck & 6d at Streapers so home pd. Bridson daughter Polly 19L 2s & 20 Dollars [2 words illegible] Got a recept for [several words illegible] with her Mothers death

April 22nd 1795 wind North Cold drying wind up to Curwens Dine'd their up to Abraham's pd him 136 Dollars Up to David Lewellins spent 51/2d back to Curwens Drank Tea & so home, took Horatio to fetch Jane Humphreys down

23rd at Humphreys sawmill & back at Jesse Thomas's speak [i.e. order] Irons for Sawmill home & work at Race John Roberts Come yesterday to work make it Jump Ben very Shackeling white frost this morning Jacob says

24th wind North & very Cool disagreeable whether at the race and at Mothers Spent a Glass of Brandy 11d With John Roberts & Tunis at Streapers Roberts all night

25th Wind N E & Light rain set of[f] to town Polley Streaper along by Alley Roberts She Got 50L Borrowd of him arivd in town about 1 OClock I Dined at R. Tunis & paid Sickel 74L Streapers Debt Bout at Eliots 3s6 sugar &c &c. 6s9- paint & oile 2s5, hinges &c 4s6 ferry 9d so home about 9 OClock--

26th wind S.W & nature Looks gay, afternoon at Rees Price's & at Nathan Jones he Load a waggon with goods to go to over susquehannah Juniatee Spark Nancy Jones all night-- home very soon

27th Wind N by E got breakfast & up to Nat Jones Loaded two waggons & set off, David Roberts Got Morris Waggon took Nancy Pol Streaper & Sally Jones to send them as far as Jehu Roberts I along as far as Peola Robert & Enoch & I treated them to Din[n]er &c about 8s apeice very wet Robert Enoch Curwen & self stay all night, Reck[on]ing morn 5s11/2d per peice

April 28th 95 Wind about N. & Cl[e]ard off & prety fine day Set off for home arivd about 11 OClock; Jacob got 48 Shad helpt to Cleen them & at Race Eqs. [Esq.] Young here to hold an Inquest on a Drowned Man Negro fell out Boat at Spring Mill Buried on the banks by Righters ferry, back & Nomber [number] pike people here Young Sup with mee [me] & Edward [Interlined later: "it was not the one that fell out at Spring Mill for he was found after ward higher up the Crick"]

29th Wind S W. & fine day at Ned Georges framing Rafters for Springhouse, afternoon home & at the Race Brot. Edward & John Roberts Sup on a fine Rock fish Jonathan Got at Dick Roberts, T Roberts Got in a pet & went off before we Came--

30th wind about North & Coll [cold] towards Night work in Race till noon then at Esqr. Peters he Sent for Me to Undertake to build a barn at Edw. Georges Spent 51/2d at Wagoners so home

May 1st at Jesse Thomas's mare shod & other work at the Race Made 2 or [3] Blasts but Did but Little up to Curwens Evening spent 51/2 so back

2nd. wind N W & [so] Cool that I wore my Great Cote to town, Bout pine Scantling 10s6. a Miracolous pocket Book & Instruments 30s- Reckening at Eliots 2s4 paid Luke Morris 35s- for haveing a Mare to his horse 5 or 6 years agoo he gave a receipt in full of all Demands, 40 s. for Encyclopedia pd back by Alley Roberts- pd 29s- Johns fines & Quarterly payment & 1s for self

May 3rd 1795 wind about East & foggy morning got 62 Shad Last Evening & Cleaning them this Morn being first day, wind got South about afternoon very pleasant & warm R Tunis here, at Mothers & Rees, Price's at Streapers Spent a 11d. & so home, Robert along

4th. Wind S W & fine warm day, at work at Race & frame of Sawmill, Got the tail race Low a nuff, been a Tedious Job Cost about 20L had 2 lb of Powder for blowing 10s- Curwen sent for me from the race & he staid all night

5th wind S W & verry Smart thunder gust in Morning set of[f] with Curwen to Gate No.1 & then to town, bout. wafers 51/2d Change Rect. with Nathan Jones & treated him with Brandy 11d. Spent at Eliots 2s4 ferry 4d so home

6th. Wind S W & a fine war[m] Day up to Curwens he along to the peola [omission] Dinner &c 2s6 back, oats & wine 1s6, Sider at Lewellins 21/2d so home about 9 OClock

7th Wind -- & foggy up to where Robeson is going Build his paper Mill to see Holget, back to Breakfast, & of[f] to Edwd. Georges at one Milestone [Interlined: "& makeing Coffin for Nanny Roberts & at Burial in Merion yard"] 8 [Apparently JP has missed writing for several days and has confused the dating.] up a violent Thunder Gust & wind home in Evening

9th wind N W & Cooler up to Curwens & home by Lewelling Youngs Spent 1s2 Gill 51/2d. so home & to bed

April [May] 10th 1795 wind N W. and Cool at home only at B Tunis's Quarreld Myers & got in apassion far & on out of some Wickedness, which was to get out of Temper with such a Dirty fellow

11th Wind S. & thunder gust before breakfast then up to Norristown & Dinner &c 6s5 on the Grand Jury no bills to Day set off for home arivd about dusk Gill of Brandy at Streapers & 1/2 Gill before 11d fine warm day--

12 Wind S W & fine day up to Norristown by Curwens. on Jury severall bills Dinner Jury Dined together 10s5 & 6d to boy Left ther[e] at Candle Light so home Late

13 Wind S W & foggy & Cooler Cleard off up to Co[u]rt Got the Sale of Streapers Lot Confirmd & Left there & Dined at John Elliots' 2s93/4d up to Paoli Come a very great Thundergust raind till night Stayd there all night

14th Wind N W. & Cooler. Breakfast their & walk up to Warrin Hill

May 14th. 1795

Robeson along back & Drank 1/2 pint of wine supper Breakfast & 12 Qt of Oats 8s3 boy 6d to the Bare [Bear Tavern] Measurd Several Rod[s] of Road & Spent 1s101/2d thir [there] Set of[f] & Neighther fed Nor Drank Eat till I came home Masons walling my Sawmill

15th wind N W & fine Day at the saw mill Geting the Shaft & Cog Wheel in the pit Evening at Levi Lukens to see Nathan Jones home Late Smart rain

16th wind N W & Cool set of[f] & Calld & got John Jones Gulf along & went to Sherrifs Widow to [get] the Money that Nathan Jones had pd Sherriff for Graham being a Morgage that he Servd for Dined Norris town 4s71/2 Arivd at Phila about 4 OC- Rod[e] 40 Miles or their about then home David Roberts Poney horse stood it Well I rode about or near 50 Miles

May 17th 1795 wind S W. & Cloudy Walk with Jarvis & Brot Edw. up to Jones Place Meeting while afternoon at Mothers & down to Levi Lukens to see Nathan Jones, home--

18 wind N W. & Cool day at sawmill till noon then down the Pike Road below the Gate No.1 Met Curwen & back & so home, Tunis & John Roberts along--

19th wind North & Cool that I Rode all day with my Great Coat Cloudy up with Curwen as far as warren Tavern paid Sundries for Work & so home Spent 3s9 Dinner &c &c- finish planting Corn

20th wind N E & over Cast, Masons out of Stone Got up Cart & ahalling Stone till noon Great horse race at Germantown to[o] Busy to goo, a few drops of Rain, Turnd out my Cows in Clover-- the first time this Season

21st Wind S W Prety fine Morn great Shower in night. up to Cochrons & at Curwens & at Buck, Runing the Line between Mill [Miller] & Humphreys Place Cad Evans our survayer home Evening Prety Great Shower at Noon

May 22nd 1795 wind S W & over Cast a little rain Raising the frame of Saw mill, finishd by noon & up to Buck paid Cad Evans 30s for two days survaying & Am to pay 2s2 the Expences at the Buck Miller to pay the other half so home

23rd wind S.W & wet morning Cleard off about noon very fine up to buck to Lay Road tax Jones & Krickbaum not their, so measurd Hugh Knox's Stone on turnpike, Spent oats & wine 2s2 & at Gate No2 & then home

24th wind N.W. & Clear about home all Day at Mothers awhile--

25th. Wind N & prety Cool Set off to town, pd for Gudgeons 6 D & 19 Cents Spikes 7s6 Nails 12s6, sugar & tea 6s41/2 Dinner &c 4s6- Nails for Curwen 22s11d Ferriage Cary & self 1s10 Turnpike 14 Cents- Horse Cart. So home--

26th. Wind N. & Cool Set off to Curwens & up turnpike to Peola, Dine their up to Warren hill amost back & at Peola all night pd David Lewellin 10 Dollars that he said I had made a Mistake in before

May 27th. 1795 Wind N W and Cool Morn Settled the Tavern Bill 10s6 & boy 51/2d & Curwen up & I homewards, at Spread Eagle 6d so to Curwens my Boy at work their, home about 1 OClock & then Down to Wash Sheep Back at Rees's & so home 2 Glasses of T. Roberts Wine, at saw mill & Mothers so home again-- Warm about noon

28th. Wind S W & warm at Sawmill & Jonathan Walters, & David Roberts & home to Dinner, then up to Lewellin Young to Get him Marry Brother John to Jane Humphrey, he Down with me & went to Walters & their performd the Seremoney She a Little [blot] with a good fortain [fortune], back about 11 OC young Stayd all night raining hard all night flood & took our Milk away [springhouse flooded]

29. Wind S. & Rain prety hard in Morning then Broke off, at Sawmill & home to Dinner at Mothers & at Streapers 1 Gill of Wine so home--

May 30th. 1795 wind S W. & prety fine day to phila Bought Westcoat pattern 18s9 & 100 segars for Society 1s101/2 up to Germintown [Germantown] to See a race between a Meriland horse & the Brown [illegible] Bucks County Breed for 500 Dols. aside, 23 miles & repeait Meriland Beat Easy, met the Society & spent 4d Come up a hard Shower abaited & so home begun again & had a good Deal in Night

May 31st. wind N W & remarkable Cold, at Meeting forenoon then up to Yocums to Get him to make a pair of Boots followd him to Torrances spent 1s6 so back to Cochrons, Drank Coffee & back to Streapers pd Wine & tobacco had some time agoo 1s9 Chatted her a Little while & so home about Eleven Of'Clock--

June 1st Wind N & high & Cool at Bill Smiths hanging barn door then to town Bout. Boot Legs 11s3; 15 lb of nails at 13s9 Dinner &c &c 4s-- ferriage 2d. so home

2nd wind N.W. & Cool morn, & Strang[e] to beleive it raind before 10 OC. prety smart tho so Cool, And very hard Shower about 2 OC at Curwens & up to Peola

Dinner &c 4s- pd some pike people & so Back pint Sider at Lewellins 3 Cents so Down to Bridgets where Jane humphreys was when she was Brought to bed pd them 10L for her being their so home by 9 OClock at night

June 3rd At work at Sawmill & about home all day

4th. At Ditto & at Gate nomber 2 & about home

5th. Wind N W & pl[e]asant morn Set off to Curwens & from their to Paoli Settled with several pike people & Stayd at Paoli all night

6th Wind S W. & fine day Breakfasted Robeson's Reckening 8s81/2d. so Down pike to Buck 11/2 for horse & self so home, & planted Several Rows of white bean & white Calavans peas & finishd planting Potatoes Evening at Rees Price's to Acquiaint them of Sarah Hays's funeral tomorrow at 2 OClock very old woman Ant of my Mother her fathers Sister the Last of them I beleive at Streapers Ned price along Spent 11d so home

7th wind S W warm day, Rich Cochron Dined here him & I in town at Ant Hay's Burial, Spent 9s in town & Came by Lower ferry, Spent 2s3 Polley Streaper their & a Great Number of people thire [there] home alone

June 8th wind S W & warm day, at work at sawmill treated B. Tunis 1 Gill Brandy 11d about home all day

9th Wind old Co[u]rse, Set of[f] to Gate Nomber 3 Jake their at work, then up to Peola Spent 6s for Dinner & horse &c home in Evening

10th Wind old Course & at home at work at the MIll Brother Edward Set of[f] for fort Pitt Treated B Tunis Brandy 11d so to bed

11th Wind S & been a pretty Great rain in night & this Morning. wind N E & up to the gate Nomber 3 very hard rain got wet spent 1/2 gill at buck 51/2 & home--

12th wind N E all day with Some rain down to the Gate Nomber 1 so back--

13th Wind S W & Cleard of[f] to day, up to Curwens & Peola Dinner &c 6s6 & 1/2 Gill at Lewellins 51/2, measurd some road & left Chain & Scruers on the sd of Road, Lost I fear back to Streapers drank tea their & Chated Poll alittle while & so home -- [in margin: "13 planted popkins in orchard"]

14. wind N & Cool at home till noon, then up to Cochrons Meet Hughes & Peter Rambo whent to old Powder Mill with them & then to buck Spent 1s101/2 so home--

June 15th 1795 Set off to town Met Curwen at Evans Gate 2 Closet Locks & but[t] hinges 5s9-- Sugar & Coffee 3s9 Reckening at Elliots 3s3. ferry 4d paid Gibson for work done on Road so home

16th wind S W up to Curwen thence to paola. several Light Showers, Dinner &c 4s6 So back Gave Isaac Vanleer, 120 Dollars on acct of work, Lewellin 50 Dollars so home about 10 OClock very dark & a Little Rain--

17th. wind S.W. & fineday at sawmill & at Evans's gate, & about home all day--

18 wind S.W. & warm day, Makeing a Coffin for Peggy Zell wife of John Zell, Dyed very Sudden in the Garden about 1 hour before she died prety Well finishd it took it down & put her in & back & up to Curwens, 1 Gill wine 6d So home

19th wind S.W & warm day over very Soon to Johnson Vaughan to Get a bond he has of Bill Lewis's John Roberts & father that they where [were] bound to his wife for Lewis for their shear [share] of the Ma[r]sh, I gave him a Rect & promised to Return it so back to breakfast

June 19th 1795

begun a Coffin for an Irishman that dyed at the falls, at Niclo's [Nicholas's] work[s] at the funeral of Zell then back & finish the Coffin 1 Gill of wine 6d at Thomas Pratts-- got 17L 6s9d of David Jones Paid Joe Holland for Work 10 Dollars

20th wind S W & warm took the Coffin Down & fetch him up to Merion yard, & Interd him set off to town, Bought hatt 27s6 Hinges & nails 4s6 Dinner & 1 Gill of wine at Eliots 3s9, ferry 1 Gill of wine &c 10d prety little Rain 1/2 Gallon of Brandy 7s-- so home

21st. wind S W. & warm day R. Tunis up to Breakfast, he & I to Meeting afternoon at sawmill & at Rees's. I at Streapers heavy Shower from West hard thunder home about 9 OClock

22 Over to Nehemiahs Gate, back to Dinner B Tunis & I to falls to Get Castings for Gudgeons to run on Got fried Catfish & Drank some punch 7s6 Slap high Life indeed

June 23rd 1795 Wind W. & fine day up to Curwens & on to Paoli settled with a nomber of pike folks. Dinner & Club 6s3. so back, to Mr Curwens, their all night

24th wind S E & over Cast rain before noon & amost violent Shower afternoon, settled with one Jones pike Contractor, & one Loyd, help to put asmall Girder in Curwens barn & set off home my Dam very full so that it broke at a low Corner, a luckee Circumstance or it would been over it all & swept it away-- Quite Likely

25th wind N E & smart rain all night & till 8 OC- then seem to brake of[f]. afternoon a shower from west & Rainbow, & Cleard, up to buck wine 6d Dine'd at Curwens, after makeing Stairs at Gate No.3 so home Evening,--

26th Wind N.W & fine Cool Morning & fine hay day at sawmill & David Roberts. home to Dinner, afternoon at falls, for gudgeon. Irons were not Done, Seen them makeing Mustard Bottles the first time I ever seen them Makeing Glass Gave them 1s6, Glass apunch at Cutwalts 1s6, Drank tea at Phines Roberts so home

27th Wind N W & fine day-- prety warm with Polly Streaper over to Henry Streapers from there to one Leadoms about a bond that Come agains[t] her fathers Est, Stopt a[t] Chusnuthill at Dulls Taver[n] and got Dinner 7s6 then set

for Leadoms, it's near Abton [Abington] Meeting Drank tea at a ants of Polly's then back to Germantown, 6 Qt of oats & Glass of punch 3s ferry 1s4 Horsler 51/2d total 12s31/2 so home about 10 OClock 5 Dollars for 3/4 of flour (viz) 50s pr

28th being first day & fine, makeing a Coffin Conrad (Peters Tenants) Child after Dinner took it Down & Buried at Merion he paid me 15s for it & John Zell paid 71/2 Dollars for his Wifes Coffin

29th. wind S W & fine day at work at trunk [large pipe] at Dam Evening at A Tunis's to inform him that he's appointed Gate keeper at Nomber one

30th. Set of[f] to Spread Eagle begun to rain hard returnd to Curwens & so home Dinner &c 3s101/2--

July 1 Wind N E Set of[f] to Curwens bengun [begun] to rain hard Dined there & so home begun to Mow at Mothers Brot Edward back from fort pit[t], very hard Shower

July 2nd 1795 Down with Curwen to Gate Nomber one to Give Antoney Tunis Pos[s]ession instead of Gibson, who was removd by the Managers for Nigtlect of Duty home to Dinner Curwen along, then Mowing after

3rd Wind N.E in Morn & overCast got North & Cleard off, up to Curwens then up to Paola Diner &c &c 5s6, Shewing my Mare 4s6-- at Lewelling's 9d. so home about 10 OClock at Night

4th. Wind W & fine hay day at work at it all day John Wilson & Curwen here

5th Wind W. prety fine being first day of Week Cock some of hay & makeing Coffin for Betsy Amos's Child borned since her Husband died spent Jill of wine Streapers rain Evening & Rainbow

6th wind S W. & fine day took the Coffin to Race Street & buried at Merion, Spent 11d at ferry & 51/2 at Wagoners afternoon halling hay 5 Loads--

7th Wind North & high Smart Shower before Sunrise the[n] Cleard of[f] & very fine day halling hay day, hall 12 Loads Rees helping Jacob fell of[f] Load yesterday help none to day

8th wind N W & a fine day halld 3 Loads finishd Jonathan helpt Rees & Wilfong at N Evans & at Rees's Evening home

9th wind N W & Reaping Rye & Wheat 48 doz. at Colberts on halfs, 40 Doz Rye & 50 Doz Wheat at home, Done before Night

July 10th 1795 wind S W & avery hot day Reaping at Rees Price's, home Evening

11th. wind S W. & very warm, up to Curwens & settled with Wilson for work done on Road home & work at a Coffin for Jacob Balor, finishd & took it down Gill of wine & 1 Gill Brandy 1s5 at Streapers

12th wind old Course attended the funeral Burial at Merion under the Mulberretree John Graves son of Jesse Dine'd here Richd. Tunis here at Mothers with him at Streapers, a little; at Morris's Eve[n]ing

13th Wind S W & very warm indeed makeing a Coffin for Joe Roberts's Child, finishd halling in my Graain [grain] Brot. John begun to reap, I Burying the Child Stopt at Streapers, with Abner Evans, spent 11d for Brandy, Curwen drank tea, after at Mothers, so back & to bed,--

July 14th 1795 wind S W & warm day, up to Curwens Saml.Jones Measurd pike house numb 3 for me home Curwen went to Burial of old Waters, Deweas' father in law I home & Reaping for Brot John home

15th Wind S.W. at Rees Price's Boarding his peaza at barn till noon at Mothers the[n] home Made an Estamate of pike house of Stone--

16th Wind W & fine Morn but warm day up to Curwens, & to Paoli Dinner & Club 4s81/4d back & home About 11 OC--

17th. Wind W & warm day at David Roberts & Mothers and about home all Day pulling flax Evening

18 Wind S W & finished pulling flax thunder & fine Shower paid Bower 25s- for 1/2 barrel of flower at Mothers & Rees Price, home all day-

19th wind S W & warm day Makeing Coffin for for [repeated] Tom Roberts Grand Child, Got by Ben West afternoon Buried it, first day--

July 19th 1795

after the Burial at Gills to see If he would Come to work, home

20th. Wind N.W. & fineday sowing Buckw[h]eat afternoon at Lukens & Jones Store bout 4 lb sugar 4s- one lb of Coffee 1s101/2 Bowl of punch 2s9 so home David & Robert Roberts along

21 wind S W & warm up to Paoli Dinner &c &c 5s9 home at Night

22nd at home Makeing a Coffin for Dutch Glass maker at falls & one Childs Coffin for Pratts Journamans [journeyman]

23 W N W & warm tho overCast took the Coffin & put him in took to the Roman [Catholic] yard home by Dinner. Spent 2s21/2, ferry & pike-- they Buried the Child to day makeing Coffin for Jos Taylor's son, finished & took it home, dyed with Lax [dysentery], Set off home overtook by a most Violent thunder Gust, Very Much Lightening indeed 3 very near Clapts, put in to Jos Georges abated set home, an Irishman been in but two or 3 Days, found Speachless in the road & Brought to Streapers Do. Price bled him & tryed other thing[s] but to no perpose he died about Eleven OClock. McClenechan & Brot. stayd till morn with me

Several hard Showers in night about 2 OC in Morn we Came home very hard rain

24th Wind S W & rain till 9 OC- Cleard of[f] very warm, made the Coffin for the Irishman & Buried him & home to Dinner had 2 Measures, one for Pratt's Child & another for Bartle Hinnuckel very hard Shower in the Evening & rain till about Eleven [o]Clock, Polley Streaper very Poorly & the Old Woman [Polly's stepmother] Drunk this 3 or 4 Day & no boddy to take Care so I stayd all night, about 11 OC order from Betsey Amos for a Coffin for her Daughter Polly--

25 Wind N W & fine day, set to work by times [betimes] finishd Bartles & took it up, home by 10 OC-- finished Pratts & Amos's, I took it to Commons by 2 OC- & they where [were] to Meet at 1 [O]C-- hurryed off & got to Pratts by 4 OC-- Screw'd it up & Carried it to the Grave yard, after meet Society at Stadlemans, home & to See Polly Streaper so back & to bed we goo--

26th wind S W & warm being first day orders to Make a Coffin for Isaac Bonds Child to have it by 3 OC- Set to work hard & finishd it by 1 OC- took it to town (they had it their at nerse) Set of[f] from their about Dusk arivd at Bonds about 1/2 after

July 26

after [repeat] ten, Stayd Drank tea, & arivd at home about 12 OC very nuch fateigd-- Spent, 2s10 & Bond paid 1s6 of it so I spent 1s4--

27th Wind S. & overCast Sun Shun weak in Morn begun to rain about 10 OClock attended the Burial at our yard, wind got S W & appears to be settled rain, Bill Elliot Borrowd my sittute [surtout], I at Mothers in Morn & Call at Streapers, 1/2 jill of wine 6d, a very great Rain from about 4 OC- not be[e]n such afresh this year at home all the afternoon

28th wind S.W. & fine day praising the Man's good[s] that dyed at Streapers, & makeing a Coffin for Jont. Pearsons Child, at Rees Price Evening so home.

29th wind S.W. & fine Clear day warm in Sun took the Coffin home & back & up to Curwens with Lewis Jones, back to Dinner, & attended the Burial home & Down to falls for Casting to goo under the gudgeon pd. for them 15s6 & Spent 51/2d so home, Eat Supper & at Streapers Polly much Better Chated her awhile & so back fine moon Light & pleasant

30th wind S E & rain up soon down to dam Drawd the gate Come up amost violent Rain one Shower after another, till after dinner went about 10 OClock, it was not able to bare the pressure it broke throw [through] & Carryed away about 30 feet of it

July 30th 1795

This has been the Greates[t] rain that ever was known here B Tunis here Spent 11d for Brandy

31st Wind S E & rain in Morn broke of[f] Aferter [after] went to A Leverings, Schuylkill higher by 4 feet Levering says than he Everseen it in the Summer without it was the Daming of Ice took Paul Jones Levering Bicking Hagy & almost all the Dams in the Neighbourhood, the most tremendous fresh that Ever was Seen here Tore up an Arch Bridge on turnpike and Vast Light [lot] of Damages it has Done, went to ferry Sitters had to Leave the house for fear it would goo off that is at Middle ferry home & at Streapers a little while

August 1st wind S E & smart Shower in Morn Clear & hot up turnpike to buck then home by Sheets he Sufferd much McClenechan also very hard Shower about 4 OC- afternoon I home to Dinner another hard Shower in Evening from N W prety much Wind, then Clear at Streapers a little while Spent not-- Sally Jones their

Augt. 2 very Calm & foggy being first day at Alley Roberts forenoon afternoon at Robesons & Sheets John Roberts & Ned Price along back Ned & I at Paul Jones's Drank Coffee & so back Got 3 other young men their

August 3rd 1795 Wind N E and avery hard rain till noon the freshet almost as Great as before no Crossing at the ferry Dined at Rees's at Streapers & Morris's Ned along

4th Wind S W & prety Clear & warm, Set of[f] to buck Curwen Come down, turnback & meet him below Heston's he home with Me to Dinner I not well grip[e]t & feverisht

5 Wind S W & very warm & hard rain in town I rather Better Set of[f] for Paoli Meet Curwen Dined at Parson Jones's & their to Paoli Spent 3s2 gave an Old Soldier 111/4d ofit, Rode to Warren hill & Back to Robesons Stayd all Night

6th wind S.W. & not very warm supper breakfast & Lodging 3s9 & a Eleven pence for Shewing my Mare Set off Stopt at Spread Eagle 1 jill of wine 7d so home to Dinner, Nathan Jones here Down from Juniatee River Paoli , Bout. a Cow & Calf from off Road 9L Holstein & Cope Drove I suppose 50 head Cattle to Rees Price's to Paster the ma[r]shes all Under Water Spent 1s101/2 with them took T Roberts off for Silley talk with Cope & some of Vulgar Talk to Polly Streaper-- most Madden him [blot]

7th Wind S W & warm verry Set of[f] to town Bought screws 4s6 two pair of Shoes 20s1 Coffee tea & soap 5s101/2 Dinner punch & wine & oats & horsler 8s51/2 Tobacco one penney ferry 4d, paid for Edward 3s3 & Lent him 8s3 so home about Dark--

August 8th 1795 wind S.W. & very warm Cuting Logs for dam, Master [Holgate] & I at Streapers 1/2 pint wine 1s2 I Stay & Spark'd Moll till prety Late, the first time this Long while-- Rain in night

9th wind S. W. & Cloudy in part But no rain R. Tunis up & dined here afternoon makeing a Coffin for William (Right on Ross's place) finished it before Night walk to Streapers so home & to bed--

10th Wind W & prety fine Morn several hands Raising Logs at the Dam, smart rain about middle afternoon, prevented us finishing

11th Wind S W & over Cast Set off to Curwens & thence up to Paoli, Dinner &c 4s41/2 Come on a most violent rain Set of[f] for home arivd about 10 OClock at night a little rain all the weay amost, pretty heavy in Night Jacob made a Coffin Irish Child at Loyd Jones

12 Wind-- but over Cast & Like for more rain Makeing Coffin for Rights Child about home only down to Wagoners to Get him to hall stone on pike Rain afternoon at Streapers a little While

13th Took the Coffin away & Buried it at Haverford home to Dinner at Mothers & at Rees a little While

14th wind S W & prety fine up to Paoli up[p]er End

August 14th

Stayd at Robesons all night Supper, but noo Dinner, Reck[on]ing at 4s3

15 Wind S W & warm day Set off and breakfasted at Spread Eagle & 2 Qts oats 2s71/2 so down to Saml Jones Burial dyed very Sudden Bleeding nose & mouth home to Dinner & set off to town horse & 1 glass of punch 3s1- nails 6lb 7s6 & 3 lb of Doubletens 3s- hankercheif 10s6 Jacket pattern 6s6 at ferry 1s3 so home [in margin: "///////////gate with Tunis"]

16th Wind N W & fine day Dick Cochron & John Wilson breakfasted woth me I up with Dick Stay their to Dinner then up to Yokcums to Look for my Boots Drank tea at Esqr Jones, so home before Dark

17th wind S W up to Curwens to Breakfast Then up as far as warren Dinner &c 4s- at Robesons, home about 1/2 after 9 OC

18 Wind S W & warm makeing a Coffin for Widow Apty- about home all Day

19th took the Coffin & Buried her at Merion yard home to Dinner then up to Paoli Nathan Jones along on his way to Juniaty- 2s at Eagle 11d at Lewellens

August 20th 1795 at Paoli all night Supper &c 7s- Wind S W & warm day Set off for home at Buck 11d so home to Dinner about home Remainder

21st Wind N E & rain work in shop till noon- then at Blockley Schoolhous[e] & Measurd the Shingleing & flooring 1/2 Gill Brandy at Wagoners So home at Mothers Lewis Scathorn very Poorly Spark Moll a little while so home

22 wind N E & over Cast but not much wet Got Cary's Georgraphy & Meet the Society fined 1s so home by Dark

23rd Wind N E overCast no rain at Rees's Meeting while back to Dine Ned price & Enoch Thomas & T Roberts along word Came about 6 OC Lewis Scathorn was dead went Down & help to Lay him out so back to bed

24th wind S W & thunder in Morn make a Coffin for one Hannahs Child on Penns place & Lewis took Hannahs Down by 1 OClock Back & Buried Lewis about 5 OC Several Light Showers Lewis He, has Lived with the family Ever since he 12 years old, E[x]cept while apprentice he was about 64 years old

August 24th 1795

grandfather [Rees Price] Married Lewis's Mother [Ann Scathorn, widow] & he Came with her their, I suppose in the year 1743, he Servd his apprentice Ship with Uncle Ellis Price [JP's father's brother] house Carpenter, & I Learnt with him avery Good workman, but never studdied architer [architecture] much, but had a good head & hands, his Turn was in History & Geography, Great Reader & great Memory, Lived & dyed in Celebacy & of Course not much Lamentations after him

25 Wind S W & overCast or foggy till noon then Cleard off very warm, up to Curwens, their to Paoli Dinner & Club 3s9- Shewing mare 6s- Back to D Lewellins 6 Qt [oats] & Brandy 2s5 so home James Bringers brought his wife to Streapers the 19th She been in waste some time, she soon got worse & this day dyed Jake Made a roff Coffin for her & they took her to town in the afternoon

26 Wind N W & a fine morn with a very heavy due at waggoners & John Roberts's to Get their teams to hall on Pike road, up to buck Measurd for McKinley & Miller & Sturgis work on Road Oats &c 3s7 to Day home Evening

27th Wind S W & very warm Set off for Paoli R Tunis & Edw. along on their way to & John Roberts I Dined at Sitters 4s8 arrivd at Robesons & stayd all night

28 Reckening 7s51/2 at Kanadays 1s101/2 & at Lewellins 111/4d so home at Streapers 7d

29th 1795 wind S W & not very well about home till noon Spent at Streapers 1/2 pint wine 1s2 up to Cochrons to Look for my Boots Drank tea Coffee & so home--

30th wind S W & warm about home till [noon] Dick Cochron here, set [off to] meet Brother Edw. Smith & Croser at Stadlemans they Dined went with them to Lower ferry pint of wine 3s9 so Brother & I back Dick Stayd their he's Corting Polly Ogdon

31st wind S E Set of[f] Stop at Mothers begun to rain back dinner had a very heavy Shower with Smart wind afternoon [to] John Roberts Milestone to get him to hall on Road back before night-

Sept.1st wind S E morn & Light rain set off meet Curwen, & turnd & went to town with him bought sprigs &c 5s3 Reckening at Eliots 5s51/2 ferry 4d so home Jacob makeing a Coffin for David Loyd, fell off the gangway Carrying stones at Jon[a]than Robesons papermill he was half Brother to Robeson, it was the first Load he attempted to Carry, It was Supposed he got Giddy, some think a fit, fell and Cut his [omission] against a log never spoke Live'd about an hour after I work till ten OClock & after, to bed we goo

2nd wind S W & raind a little took the Coffin up & screwd him up. I up to Curwens Dinner their then up to Paoli fine afternoon, Curwen along Stayd all night Sup[p]er oats & Methelum [methaglin, alcoholic liquor made of honey]

3rd- wind N W & fine Cool morn Road to warren hill back to Breakfast had 13 Qt oats Reckening 9s- Set off Measurd Road at bear [Bear Tavern] Spent 1s6 so on

Sept 3rd 1795

To Lewellin's paid Sundry people & Spent oats & Brandy 1s5 & yesterday going up 111/4d down & measurd McClenechan's Stoning 183 Rod, then to Eagle paid Pugh & Calahan, 1/2 pint wine & oats 1s8 so on home about dark Came by Curwens no Stop

4th. wind N W. & very fine Cool Morn not very well at home all day only at David Roberts puting up fence at Bottom of New Meadow, home & at Streapers had Rosted Corn for Supper--

5th Wind N W & fine Cool morn up the [pike] Measurd along streach of Rut [road?] filling up as far as Lewelins Spent 1s1 Back to Canadays, Spent 2s9 the[y] Gave me Bread & Chease so home I Came Stopt at Streapers paid along Tavern Scoure Standing from 27 of June, amounting 13s9 Her Cosen Leonard Streapers daughter [incomplete]

6th Wind S W & raind before Nine OClock I not Expect it prety Smart R Tunis & wife up at Rees & Ned Price & one Bohannon they here, Evening prety Smart Shower Over Cast but no rain Midday Layd [bet] abowl of punch with Massy our school Master that Gorgianus Sidus is Lattin

Sept 7th 1795 Wind S E almost & rain Smart in Morning rather Broke of[f] a Little, making Coffin for Hardens wife, John Levis's wife's Mother Dyed at Israel Roberts House Rain Evening, at Streapers a litt[l]e.-- Read till ten OC-

8.. Wind S by W. & a Very heavy Rain about day & several Showers through the day took the Coffin & Buried her at Haverford, Stopt at H. Knox & Drank some Grog, home to Dinner, afternoon walk down to Zells hurt by his Bull Broke his Coller bone & put his shou[l]der out &c &c Dot Shippen & Tom Roberts here drank some Grog & Chatted the afternoon away Broke off

9th Wind S W & warm day up to Curwens their to John Lewellins Dinner their Oats &c 3s9 so back home by Night

10th Wind W & very warm got Morris wagon & took Betty Roberts & sister Jane, to Saml Gibsons, went afishing Cautch [catch] abo[ut] 2 doz. so home brought Mother up fryed some fish & supt & to bed

11th Wind S W Set of[f] to Curwens & Breakfast their he & I up to turnpike Dine at Paoli 4s21/2 back to Eagle Spent 51/2 so home to prince of wales 1s3 & home

Sept 12th 1795 Wind N W & fine Cool Morn, At work at Raise [race] at Saw Mill, John's Man & William helping Drink a Qua[r]t of Whiskey Evening at Russel place & at Rees's & Spark Molly Streaper till about Eleven OClock- got 71/2 Dollars of Apty for his Mothers Coffin--

13- Wind S E & smart rain this [morn] over Cast all day but not much rain after Morn afternoon up to Youcoms for boots paid 6 Dollars tea Coffee at Cochrons home about 1 O'Clock --

14 Wind S & foggy or overCast, Sibley & Hoffman aMowing Cleard off about noon very Warm at the road & at E. Georges at Jacob Johnsons at the falls spent 51/2 at Boyers Got 61/2 Dollars of him for his Mothers Coffin so home & [incomplete]

15 Wind S & very warm day up to Curwens & up to David Lewellins. dine'd at Isaac Abrahams Spent 5s11/2 so back to Curwens stayd all night

16th Wind S. west & very warm up to road to paoli Dinner & Club 3s3 at Himes & Lewellins 2s91/2 not any thing working Right this day work bad home about 8 OClock at night

17th. wind W & fine day took a Coffin for Mordica Davis's Child, 4 or 5 Days old, buried at Merion yard

Sept 17th 1795

afternoon at hay halld 5 Loads in & Stack all but one load in the barn. 2 Qt. of Whiskey, two Irishmen at work at sawmill

18th wind South & overCast in Morn work at hay finish'd about 10. OC all we had Cut, then set off to Town dine'd at Tunis Bout 1 doz, Gimblets 1s101/2 Sugar & tea 3s5, Oats & punch 3s10. horsler 3d. ferry 4d. so home--come up from South a very hard Shower Lasted 1/2 hower, Cleard off

19th Wind N W & very Cool suden Chainge, Doct.Shippen Says frost about them . up the turnpike as far as David Lewellen's Dinner &c 3s9 returnd in Evening at Streapers Spent 51/2d so home Supper & bed we Goo--

20th Wind N.W. & very Cool Morn Doct. Shippin Says frost about them, at the Sawmill & Mothers in Morn, at home all the rest of the day, my Sperrits some what Deprest at the Depravity of my self & the Emptyness or Nothingness of the things of this world, Spent the day in Reading-- 2 or 3 Showers from W but soon over

21st Wind N W & Cold (almost) & Clear, up the pike as far as David Lewellins, Dined their Wine oats &c 3s11- araingd the teams by Day & Set back arivd about 8 OC Polly Sheoster [Schuster] abed all day. her Mother here Two Irishmen at work at Saw Mill

22nd wind N W & Cold no frost that I Could See at the sawmill & at Mothers Hannah Up their from Gibsons, with [illegible] home to Dinner afternoon at Walters to get Molly to Keep house for me, home in Evening 2 Mowers Hoffman & Sibley

Sept 23rd 1795 Wind W. & rather More Moderate but frost White by the barn on the Straw the first I seen, the two Irish Men begun this Day by yd-- the dam rat[e] 1s3 per cupial [cubic] yard at Mays to Look Board for them, At old Linches Laying out stairs for Jake; at Jont. Walters & so home Rebecca here Bakeing Polly Shoester still poorly

24th Wind W. & very fine day up the pike as far at [as] Paoli Din[n]er &c &c 5s51/2 they Driving on Strong Back in Eve[n]ing Polly Walter Came to keep house Sollomon here, Mowing this two Days

25th Wind W. & foggy in Morn, Solomon Mowing at [omission] about Home till Noon then to town Bought [omission] & Whip 11s3, Elliots 1s101/2 horsler 111/4d 4 lb Coffee 7s6 Sugar 3s9 ferry 4d. Tom Roberts 7d towards a glass punch, so home

26th Wind s.w. up turnpike & Breakfasted at Eagle, & oats 2s71/2 then up to Vanleers & back home about 4 OC & halld 4 Loads of Hay overCast & Like for rain spen[t] 1s8 at Lewellins

27 Wind S.E & rain hard Showers sometimes Brother E up at Mothers & makeing poor Books to Lay a tax, at Rees's Evening to get Sealey [black servant] to Wash hard Shower after night home & to bed we goo

Sept 28th 1795 wind. W & fine Clear warm Morn Set of[f] to turnpike & set hands to Work in Vanleers Contract, Dined at Paoli 3s & 3s Left unpaid before back to Lewellins 1s7 Come to Mr Curwens their all night-- Solomon finishd mowing

29th wind N.W & flying black Clouds & Colder breakfasted & set of[f] Up the road Dined at Paoli 4s3 at Lewellins 1s51/2 So down home--

30 Wind N.W. & Cool frost at yard they say, at Pratts Carpenters Shingling his house & halling the remainder of hay Evening at John Roberts (milestone). Got 2 Dollars for B West Childs Coffin so home--

Octob 1st. Wind S W & fine day up the road to Paoli Dined their 3s- back & drank Tea at Parson Jones with Polly fine sencable Girl Back & fed at Lewellyns 2s8 so to Curwens their all Night, Mrss Robeson says they say I was grog[g]y on road Great lie--

2nd Wind E Breakfasted Curwins & up the road to Vanleers, 6 Qt [oats] at Lewellins 1s6 no drink nor Dinner back to Curwens & home few drops of rain Evening

3rd Wind S.E & overCast, at the Dam & at Mothers about home walk to Stadlemans T Roberts along, Glass of Brandy T R paid so home we Came

October 4th 95 Wind S. by E & prety fine at home all the forenoon Gibson Jones here to Dinner after noon at David Roberts back & Meet Nathan Jones in Road at Streapers he home with me & s[t]ayd Night, heir [here] from Juniatee River

5th Wind S & fine day at Phila Dinner 3 Qt oats & hay from 12 OClock till 4 OC & 1/2 Bottle of porter 5s6 Dear times, home Evening--

6 Wind N W & Cool been two or 3 Showers in Night, Set off to Curwens & up to Paoli Din[n]er & oats 2s11, back to Lewellins Oats 6, Qt- & 1/2 jill brand[y] 1s11'/1-- So home about 10 Oc at night &c

7th at home makeing a Coffin for John Colflesh finishd before Night & at Rees Price's, spent 51/2d

8 Wind S.E & Several Showers through day took the Coffin up & Buried him at dutch Church, home to Dinner, at home after

9th Wind N W & fineday up the pike as far as Vanle[e]rs, Dinner oats &c 2s9- so back to Curwens their all night,

10th Wind S W & fine day till Evening then rain afternoon at Township Election

October 10th 1795

Bob. Roberts, Inspector & John Roberts Assessor, our Club 16s1 per man Stopt at Isaac Bonds Got 71/2 Dollars for two Coffins so home, very dark & 2 Dollars a Roff Coffin of Brinest[?]

11th wind S W & Rain morn prety fine after dined at home after at Rees's Jehu Roberts their he has a fine son the first time I seen it. Got 7s6 for an Irishmans Child Coffin

12th Wind N W & prety Cool Set up pike road heard Curwen was Gone to town so turnd back B Tunis finishing my Mill at a Certain Widow Rights (on Ross's place) [ap]praising so home Evening Jos George & R. Humphreys assisting

13th Wind S W & a Butifull day up to Norristown to our General Election, Chose one of the Judges & Confinde their all night

14th Wind S W fineday finishd the Election Return & answerd as a Struct Jury man a suprem[e] Court Court adjournd & home I Came, Spent 11d- the County paid all the Rest

15th Wind N E & amany hard Showers till noon then abated Made a Coffin for hirded [hired] man at T Pratts Dyed with a kind of flux, & Buried him in Little yard Merion walk to Dam

Oct- 16th 1795 wind N W & prety fine at Jont. Walters & down to Supplees to Get some of [omission] to repair the pike road, back and up to buck to see how the[y] Come on their, Spent 51/2d & 51/2d at Waggoners made Eleven pence [spent] to day

17th. wind N E & begun to rain soon in Morn Cleard off before Noon high winds & Cool, Set off to town about 12 Oc- Dined at Tunis's 2 lb Coffee 3s9 Oile 1s6, 3 lb Nails 3s6 three Quarts oats & 2 Gills of wine 2s0- Gave Law[y]er Brinton 37s6d on acct of Streapers affairs ferry T. Roberts paid So home--

18th. Wind N W high & Cold More frost than has been this Season, Got 18 Dol- of Jacob Zell for 3 Coffins bedstid & Dough trough at home all day being first day at Streapers Evening paid Hugh McKinley 10 Doll. for work at Dam--

19th wind N W & Cool & Clear up pike to Buck & Down to E. George's & so home pd Hugh Knox 15s for Sundries out of Store

20th Wind N W & warm day about home all day E[x]cept in Evening at Evan's Gate [Nehemiah Evans's toll gate]

Oct. 21st 1795 wind N & very Raw, set off Down pike as far as Gate No.1 Meet Curwen & turnd back he Dined with me, afternoon as far up as buck Down by Walters & so home at St[r]eapers Spent not--

22nd Wind. S W. & Large frost but Desolvd very soon, set off & Meet the Batalion at Mathers Tavern had above 300 Rank & file, Dinner & Club 7s6 Drummer & fifer 7s6 McClenechan pd ferriage for me gooing 6d & Lewis Lent me 6d to pay Comeing back (at Springmill) paid Sibley 11s3 for mowing Gave Polly Walter 3s9--

23rd Wind S E over Cast & raind by 7 OClock Smart Shower Broke off about noon Made a Coffin for Bill Smiths Child & Buried at Church made one for Fredrick Sheets's Child & took it home, back about 9 OClock at night Master Holget Road up with me Spent 51/2d to Day--

24 Wind N W & fine Clear morn up to Sheets then accompanyd the Corps[e] to town waited till 4 OC Clock to Screw it up again Dined at Weeds 3 Qt. oats & hay from 1 OC till 4, & Dinner & Club 7s6 & horsler 51/2d had but 1 jill of Wine, hard times this Society day Broke up before I Came

25 Oct Brother Edwd. & Tunis here being first day Dine here at Mothers with them & Rees's 26th set off turnpikeing Tom Roberts Meet me at Buck, up to Paoli Dinner &c 3s2 at Lewellins 2s11 for Dinner &c I had sometime before, Down to Isaac Abrahams Sup their & then home

27th Win[d] S W & fine up to Curwens & up the pike 3 Qt oats at Lewellins 11d. Dinner & [omission] at Paoli 3s9 so to warren hill, turnd & so home that night

28 Wind S W & very fine day filling in the dam Rees, B.Tunis & 2 Jacobs, & Barney afternoon (1/2 Gallon of whiskey) helping 29 at the dam one hand from David Roberts Colbert & Rees. Jacob 1/2 Gallon Whiskey

30 Wind S.W & very fine day Barney & Rees at Dam Rees Stript & swam all round the dam so warm, I to town to see Brot for Hannah Spent 1s9 & ferry 51/2d

31. Wind S W & rain in Morn, afternoon NorWest & Blue up Cold Set off to Spread Eagle, settled with some pike people, then up to Paoli their all night

November 1st 1795 win[d] N W & Blusterry & Cold Got Breakfasted [breakfast] at Paoli & supt Last nigh[t] 6s6 Set off to Jehu Roberts & attended his Mother Jane Roberts's Corps to Uchland Graveyard where it was interd Stayd Meeting Spent 51/2d at a tavern Close at hand, back & Dined at Jehu's after- Thoms. & Richard Cochron & self set off for home Stopt at Paoli wine & oats 1s5-- arivd at Cochrons about nine OC- very dark Sup & so to bed we goo all night at Cochrons

2nd wind W. & more Mild Set of[f] and Got home before br[e]akfast, at Mothers & about home all day

3rd Wind N W & fine morn Curwen here from town up with him Stopt to see an Inglishman at Nathan Jones, old Place, up pike as far as D. Lewellins Settled with B. Calahan spent 2s4 so back to Curwens all night their

4. Wind W & fine up pike to Paolia [Paoli] Dinner &c 3s6 so back to D Lewellins oats 9d. so home

5 wind S W. & very fine Husking Corn all day at Sun Set of[f] to town at Tunis all night-

6th wind S W Breakfasted at R. T. horse 3 Qt. oats & hay 3s1 horsler 51/2 ferry 4d so home

Novr 6th

at Paul Jones settled Streapers acct back & at Streapers Got her Rct Titus Roberts pd me for his Childs Coffin 26s3 I Spent 2s-

7th Wind S W & fine up to Norristown in order to settle Streapers acct- Spent Dinner &c 5s11 so back to Streapers jill of wine 51/2 so home--

8th first day Morning at A Roberts to talk to him about moveing our road he not at home back R Tunis here, afternoon at Mothers Streapers a little while so home

9th Wind S E & very wet day at Jonat Walters & up to Buck oats & wine 1s101/2 at Curwens Got 1000 Doll for use of pike So home--

10th Wind Nor W & prety fine up to Court got B Brooke Jon Jones & Saml. Holstein appointed by the Court to Examin[e] My Acct. Concearning Streapers Estate the[y] Settled them & the Court Confirmd it Spent in the hole [on the whole] 12s8 & so for home Thoms Roberts & I spard because he went & left me-- So that, he would not Ride With us

11th Wind West & fine day makeing Coffin for Elizabeth Zell wife of David Zell, Diging Potatoes--

12th Wind West & prety fine tho a Shower of Snow Last night Coverd the Ground but Little to be seen in morning Except on the Bee house

November 12th

took the Coffin down & put her in so home & at the Potatoes--

13 Wind west fine day attended the funeral afternoon finish'd the potatoes, then to Thomas Georges to sit up with David he very poorly their all night

14 Wind N W breakfasted their & then down to Gate No.1 back Chaing horse & up pike to 12 Miles[tone] Spent 1s21/2 & so back gave Abraham 60 Dolr. pike acct

15 Wind S W & over Cast all day at home till noon Brotr Edward & Bob Roberts walk up from town at Mothers & at David Roberts back to Mothers & so home.

16th Wind S E & very rainy day at Jonathan Walters he killing Beef home to Dinner at Morris s a little while, Settled with Rees & Jonathan Walter Thomas--

17th wind N W & Cleard off up the road to Paoli Dinner &c 5s3 Stayd all Night

18 Wind S W & fine day frost in Morn Set off soon Breakfasted at D Lewellins Meet Curwen & Dined with him, then to Buck he along spen[t] 1s10-- so home

19th wind S. & fine day at work at dam 3 hands at home all day--

20th. Wind N.W prety high & Cold up to Paoli Dinner &c &c 7s- so back home--

21st wind S E & Rain soon in Morn at home till noon meet the Society 3 Qt oats 9d so home

November 22nd. 1795 Wind N. West & Cool but no frost being first day, at home all Day -- Number people here

23rd. Wind Cool Day at Evans's Gate Laying out Stairs for Jake afternoon meet a Committee of township at Hagy to Consult about a bridge that was taken away [by flood] at Streapers Spent 9d Alley Roberts & Hugh Knox along

24 Set of[f] to Doct. Shippens get him to See Hannah from there to Paoli open the fences on turnpike road the Commisioners appointed by the Governor avewing Dinner & Club 5s7- at Robesons at Bare so home

25 Wind N W & fine 6 hands at Dam I set off to Paoli Spent at Millers 8d at Bare 1s101/2 all night at Paoli--

26th Wind N W & froze the Ground prety hard up to pike house Built by Robeson & Measurd the Mason work Down & Measurd Graveling Done by him. Supper Breakfast & Dinner 7s5 so to bear 1s3 so home as soon as possible

27th. W. N.E, & Rain Down to Gate nomber one, in afternoon home forenoon,

28th David Zell here killing my Black Cow got of Mothers weighed 448 lb 34 lb Tallow

Novr 28

Then up to Bare, spent 4s- so home after night Some of veiwers of the road Returnd--

29th Wind N E & rain before noon at Mothers for Edw['s] Cheare [chair, horse-drawn vehicle], begun to rain took back had a great Scold with John's wife Right old Ben Humphreys Brazen Spit fire Saml. Gibson up went home with him Hard rain Evening Staid all night

30th Wind N.W & very high Went to Lower ferry in order to goo to fort to See Brot Edwd. but Cod [could] not get over, Spent 111/4d so home by Nat. Jones's afternoon about home

Decemb. 1st Wind S W & very fine up pike Road to Paoli Spent 1s6 so back to Curwens Stayd all night he just returnd from Lancester with the Veiwers--

2nd Wind N W & very high work at Dam all day another Quarrel with John's Spit fire Got a hard Stroke with hanspike in the breast occationed by a Log Rowling on it good deal soare this Evening Spent jill of Wine 4d--

3. Wind N W & prety fineday at work at dam all day Evening at Thomas Georges to sit up with David, who has been poorly a Great while all night their

4th. wind N & pretty Could [cold] at work at dam & makeing a Coffin for Caspher Frees to bed verry soon

5th Wind N W. Cold finish Coffin & took it down & from theire to Gat[e] nomber one gave Gibson 120 Dollars & so home

December 6th, 95 wind N W & attended funeral to the Church afternoon at David Roberts & Mother & Rees's Drank 4 Glasses

7 Wind S E & overCast begun to rain about 3 OC Killing hogs, 4 of them 811 lb killd 9 In all w[e]ighing 1461 Lb so santerd [loafed] the rest of the Day at home kill a Cow Got of Morris Weighed 350, tallow 35 lb hide 55 lb & one before 440 total 2259 lb--

8th Wind S E Morn & hard rain great flood Run over the Dam & Down to Mill the first time been all the way down the race at Algernon Roberts with a welch man that wants to keep school, after Cuting up the Hogs Spent Brandy 111/4d-

9th wind N W & fine day up pike with Curwen as far as warren Spent 2s71/2 so back home

10th Wind N W & fine up to Spread Eagle breakfast & oats 3s- Loaded 8 Milestones & planted them viz 22 was the Last Near 2 Miles above the Warren Dinner &c &c 6s6 so home Late

11th wind W. & finishd Crains Coffin & took it down & Buried him in Orchard home to Dinner after at Dam & meet at School on Business of School

Decr 12th 95-- Wind S.W. & giving day rain before Night at work at dam all day, at home Evening

13th Wind about West & very fine warm afternoon at dam Morn & Evening it prety full at Streapers spent 7d for wine home stayd not--

14 At the dam Got the Water to Mill & set it going but Sawd none Race uneven & no head Bad work Tunis's Leveling my sperrits some what dejected

15 at dam till noon then down the road to Gate No1 so home again spent not-

16 Wind N W up to Curwens Dined their and at Buck spent 1s2 so home

17th Wind S W & prety fine day at Cutwalls got pay for Glas Makers Coffin Eate Dinner at R Hollands went to town Polly Cochron Polly Ogdon T. Roberts & self to the Surcits [circus] paid 15s So back & staid all Night at Tunis's

18th Wind N W & very [omission] Snow Shower in Morn bear &c 7s8 plush 4s2 Tobac[c]o 2s3 almanac 1s6 [blot] 1s41/2 Ribbon 1s horse &c 7s6 ferry 4d so home

Decem. 19th 1795 Up to Curwens, stayd Dinner Spent 1s2 at buck, Meet the Society Black horse so home

20th wind N E & snowing all day Got about 3 I Deep, at home all day being first day

21st wind N W & Cold down Turnpike to ferry one Gill of wine 51/2d so home

22 Wind N. West prety Cold up turnpike to Paoli all night 6s9-

23 Down pike Settled with Lewellin & others so home--

24 Down to ferry Gave Gibson money & so home no Dinner--

25 Being Christmus day warm t[h]awing day up the pike & at Eqr Batholomews & Got Summons for Severall people Concerning a Dispute between Curwen & McClenechan at Paoli all night

26 a foggy & wet day. bad Rideing at Number of places at Isaac Griffees met at Paoli Doct Shippen & Wilson on McClenechans & Curwens Dispute, ajournd till 4th of January 96- so I home perhaps 11 OC- spent 7s6

December 27th- 1795 Wind N.W. & Cleard off- froze a triffel but not very Cold, a large meet[ing] 2 Strange preachers their at home all day Evening at Mothers Hannah very poorly Holget along back & to bed--

28th wind N W & frozed prety hard makeing a Coffin for Peters old Cook, Bettee I there in Morn to take the Measure of her finished it & took it down, so back & sup &c.

29 Wind S W fine day down to Gate No.1 & settled with N Gibson for halling gravel, up road to No 2 so home

30th Wind S W. alittle rain in Morn up with John warnd Bare out, I to Buck oats & wine 1s8 then to Curwens Dined their & stayd all night

31st Wind S W & fine Morn Like Spring set off feed at Kanades 11d Up to Lewellens Spent 11d their settled with B Calachan wet Raind hard Left their at Dusk & went to Robesons