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January 1st. 1794 Win[d] N. W & prety Cold, Set of[f] for Phida. Dined at Enoch Tompsons, Gimblets 3s- files 2s3 Coffee & Tobacco 1s101/2 horse & wine 1s6 & 7s6 to hannah to buy Cloth for Jacob, 41/2d ferriage R.Tunis Paid me 20s for Joe Walters 5 Days work home about 9 OClock paint blue 3s oile 2s9 segars & black ball 11d 2nd win[d] N.W. & prety high not very Cold finish David Jones table & painted it at the bridg & Ned George & Stadlemans Spt. 11d. Wine so home, at Streapers Settled John Whiteman Drank tea there & So home, S 3rd wind S.W. at David Latch's at a petition [partition] & at Stadlemans, Mending Table & home Getting stuff for Slay, at Rees, begun to rain home hard in night 4th wind. W. & Clear remarkable fine day up to fox hunt McClenegan along so warm that I left my Suttute at McC. poor hunt Dogs Lost him at Bill Thomas got 25 lb Nails of John for things he Bout at Streapers pd 3s4 for mowing at Buck wine & oats 2s4 1/2 pint of it had before So home & at Rees Sary Dyer Rather Better January 5th 94 wind N W & prety Cool at home all day Brother John & Edwar[d] up, N Evans here Finishd my 3 Gallons of Rum 6th. wind N W prety Cool at work at bridge after noon begun a Coffin for John Ervine Daughter Jane --- 7th Wind N & over Cast prety Cold took the Coffin down & buried her afternoon went up to buck meet Fisher & Dick Cochron Drank wine that do [Fisher] & Will had Layd about turnpike, turnd on me & made me sick went home with Dick Stayd all night 8th wind N W & Large white frost Left Cochrons before Sunrise, went & begun the Shinglin Blockley schoolhouse very fine day as warm [omission] 1/2 jill Cherry 3d. at Wagoners home at night Dine at Ned Georges--1/2 jill jin 4d 9th wind S W & very fine day So warm Could Shingle without Coats finishd one Sd at noon, to David Jones Measurd his Mother for a Coffin, home & at Rees at Streap a while a little Desertation with M-- so home January 10th 94 wind S W arainey Night Dull all Day finishd Coffin & took it home back & Supt on our pet Rackcoon very fatt Indeed T. Roberts here Holgate & I to Streap with T.R. & Drank pint wine they pd. Chat M--- a While & so---- 11th over Cast & bad Riding frost out a[l]most attended funeral & at Meeting John Pemberton Preach'd R. Crain Dined here at Streapers Bound with Holgate & others for the performance of Bridges Built on turnpike; after meet Society at Stadlemans pd 10s fines & Quarterly payment So home found 11d in Road, Rcd 14 Dollars of R Crain for his father & Mothers Coffin 32s3 of A Roberts advancd for Books for Society So home; 9 OC. at Night Wind begins to blow from N W -- & got Cold 12th wind N & Very Cold high wind at Meeting afternoon at Mothers, been in town to he[l]p Polley [s]he Is very Delerious, Evening at Rees' Sally Dyer poorly, at Molleys a few Minuts So home & to bed we goo--- January 13th. 94 wind S.W. & more modert over Cast & begun to rain in Evening alittle hail & Snow at work at Slay all day. Solomon here thrashing 14th wind to W fine Snow about 4 I Deep, prety Cold & Clear, at work at Slay. at home all day at Rees in morn for Cumpers [compass] saw at St.[reapers] 11d bacco & Bear 15th wind W. by N & Clear & prety fine not much thaw, at Streap Evening Spent 161/2 for wine B Tunis & Loyd Jones-- 16th. wind S W & very Fine Day Clear at work in shop at Slay at Streapr Evening for bacco got none so home McClenegann here paid Solomon 3 Dollars for thrashing wheat 30 Bushels about 100 Dozen poor 17th wind S.W. took a bite of breakfast & set off to blockley achool house Shingling back Side Sharp morn but very fine day overCast in afternoon & thawing at Wagoners 1 jill of apple Brandy, helpt E G[e]orge & J G[e]orge to put in Glass at the Schoolhouse till 8 OC. at night then walk home--- 18th. at home work at Slay, afternoon at McClenegens & at Michels Spent 2s on trust, home 19th wind S W & avery fine day at Meeting & at Mothers Brothe[r] E there & up with me at Streapers Sp-- M, Jany. 20th 1794 wind S. W. & thawd much, went to town 4 lb Read Lead at 8d per 2s8 & 2 ownces of Ber Million [vermilion] 2s-- Brandy tea sugar & Musterd at Brot. 15s horse & porter 2s3, horsler 11d Sloppey Rideing Curwen & Fisher along Supt & stayd all night-- [See Dec. 9, 1793: Brother Edward had rented a grocery store in Market Street and Brother John was helping to man it.] 21st. wind S E & raining they stayd Breakfast & off, work at Slay, & at Schoolhouse valuwing old Stove jill off [of] wine 51/2 paid lit[t]le Powel 15s on acct schooling Rcd. 2 Do of Holgate for Board John Erwine son David dead being the 4th & Last Child all the Family dead but Self very Extraornary waht [what] it was, he Lay a Great while, 22nd wind S W. & overCast work Coffin finishd & took it Down Buried him afternoon at Merion up to Bickens about Lath for Bridge & so home 23rd N W & Snow in night Cleard off about noon Boild oile for to paint at Rees's got T. Roberts paint stone grinding paint, at Mothers 24th wind N.W & high at Cochrons & Youngs & at Norristown Chuesing Colonel, Pugh spent 9s101/2d home with Curwen he abad fall horse fell January 25th 94 wind N W & very high & Cold froze hard stayd Breakfast & so home painting Slay not very well-- 26th wind N E Cold & snowing a little about 1/2 Inch Clear afterno[o]n, at Meeting in Morn at Mothers & David Roberts & Rees's Holgate along---- 27th at Hoffmans to get Irons for slay at Stadlemans with Table Leafe at old Wills he very Poorly, gave him a Dollar home fisher here all night--- 28th. hewing tongue for Slay, &c. after at Bill Smith Laying out Barn so home, at Streap & Morris's-- 29th wind N.E Set of[f] to town Rees along pd Coleman Taylor 3L 12s6, pd E P [Edward Price] Rum &c 27s6 pd for watch 11s3 for paint & brush 8s9 pd Screws 1s6, pd for Boards 41s8 pd at Elliots 4s8 horsler 51/2d at ferry 4d got 50 Dollars of Peters begun to Snow about noon Snowd verry fast, home about 6 of Clock 30th. wind N W & Clear finishing of[f] my Slay Roads Beat prety fine snow about 9 I Deep but Drifted much January 31st 94 wind N.W & snow shower from W, got swingletrees Iron'd & fixt them Robert, Polley Morris & Poll Streaper & Curwen In Slay Robert Road his horse, went up to Curwens, Drank tea there, Back to Buck Fisher & Dick Cochron in Compy. Drank 2 Bottles muld wine & 1 Raw & 4 Qt. oats 24s2 I pd. 7s6, this the first time my Slay Run home about 10 O'Clock at Night February the 1st wind N W. & Clear & Cold, at Mothers Brot Edward up, Bob Roberts put his horse in Slay & him & I town, he sold his horse for 100 Dollars, got one Smith to put his Mare in & I fetch Molley Tomson & Hannah Holland up, Stopt at Streapers McClenegan there in Slay, Robert pd all for me but 11d took Molley to Rees' Moll Morris Moll Streap & Han Holland, went with Mac to his house, I home from Rees's 2nd wind W. & thawd, first day of week, ned Price & 6 others in one slay, from town up to his fathers Several of them had to walk George Thomson T Roberts & Brother Ned Dine'd here, Evening sent Brother to ferry & took Han Holland home Polley Shuester along home about 9 OC at night [Ned Price is son of JP's cousin Rees.] 3rd wind S W Large wihte [white] frost & warm Day went with Righter to Myers he Seaze on 2 Cows & a Cart home & mending my slay Runer Richard Tunis here in slay Febry. 3rd 1794 at Rees's and back at Streapers, settleing Lewis acct against the Estate, there all night-- a great fray with Enoch Jones & an Irish man F 4th. wind S W. & thawd very much work in shop till noon then met about a settlement between Aron Johnson & Lynch, N Jones & self where [were] the men [the arbitrators] 5th makeing Coffin for our old Will, he has been poorly all winter, he left 7 Childern (I think) finishd it Buried him afternoon, I went to Myers Evening & Streapers & walk with Polley Morris home. Chated alittle while & so home wind N W & prety Cold 6th wind about North & froze hard, at Latches & Myers, to Look for a Cow that run away, that Righter had Drove here of Myers to sell, begun to Snow, About 4 I. & rain before Morn made a Crust,--- 7th over Cast but no snow or rain thawd at Rees helping to rais a horse that was kick at Streapers, spent 11d. & so home---- 8 wind S W & thawd a good deal, at Rees's paid Righter 21 Dollars to keep the two Cows he took of Myers up Alloways Got a fall the mare broke in & threw me back & mett the Society, spent 4s-- so home 9 wind S W & snowd all day amost at Mothers & Rees & Streapers 1 jill of wine so home Feby. 10th 94 wind E & very foggy, with several showers went to town, sugar & teay 3s6-- Timothey seed 1s-- Chalk 9d. Glue 1s101/2 horse &c 1s6 ferry 4d So home very Slopy, Curwen & Fisher Sup here & then set of[f] home--- Enterd for hall & Sellers paper 7s6-- 11th- wind S W & fine warm day work at Cradle till noon then went, to Neddy Georges he pd. me 9 Dollars for work & I pd. him 10s for a Bushel of seed wheat-- pd. Wagoners 1 jill of wine & Tobacco 1s3 so home 12th. wind S.W at Pratts boarding Gable Ends & repair his Mill home at Mothers & at Streapers, a few Minuts home Read some to bed 13th wind W. & Snowd about 1/2 Inch Last night paint Slay, & at work at Clock Case for self at Rees's Evening & at Streapers Polley Thomson their, home soon--- 14th wind S W. & white frost fine day overCast afternoon & few snowdabs, at work at Bridg till [omission], N Jones & I trying to Settle Aron Johnson & Linch's Acct in afternoon N.J. been at Monthly Meeting so Came here to Dinner, at Streap Evening Settled Lewis Scathorns acct & Chat Polly awhile February 15th 94 wind N W. & Clear froze prety hard, fine Clear day at boarding the Bridg afternoon at Sturges s & Buck, Spent not, home, snowd in night about 1/2 I. deep 16th wind Nor.W. prety Cool at Mother afternoon paid David Zell 9L 17s6 for Beef pd old Will for Cuting wood for Dunwoody 8s5-- pd Solomon 7s6 for Dressing flax 4d Tobacco- 17th wind N W & prety Cold Ruff rideing to town bought Compers saws 5s screws 4s6 Chisel 1s4, Spanishbrown 1s8 Segars 1s6 Din[n]er &c 4s1 Coffee & sugar 3s9; ferry 8d- Supt at Ned Georges, Curwen along, Stayd all night with me-- 18th wind N W & Clear Curwen breakfasted here & Set off home, I at Supplees to get board to Cover the bridg at E Georges, A Roberts Old Wills Widows & T George's so home, at Streapers, Spent 1s5 Tobacco & wine, so home 19th wind S W & warm overCast, work at Clock Case Jonh [John] Evans at Work for Jacob & made a Greate Coat for Curwin here 20th. wind S.E. & raining & got very foggy & snow run away work at Clock Case, at Mothers Evening Shower from N.W. & Cleard of[f] before Morn at Polley Streap a little while So home pd Isaac Price 4s11/2 for halling boards 21st wind N.W. & very high & Cold, working Shop pd David Roberts 7s6 for halling boards for bridge at Lewis Thomas to git him to Rig up a wagon for Me 22nd wind N W & Cold work in shop till noon then up to buck to get Stones Valued T. George & A Roberts home, & overCast about 9 OClock at Night to bed we goo pd 3s9 for wine [Stone to be valued was that used in turnpike construction.] February 23d 94 wind E. & Snowing very smart went to Meeting Snowd about 6 I Deep & turnd to rain prety much Robert & I at Streapers Spent 51/2 so home 24th Wind S.E & froze some Got slushe about noon wind Shifted to N W & brought up the most violent Snow shower (perhaps Ever was Seen here) & wind, I could here it a considerable while before it Comeup Lasted about one hour, Done a good Deal of Damage to vessels that were in the River at Streap--- all night---M 25 wind N.W. & froze violently Schuylkill froze over at the ferreys, Set off to town in slay Hannah Price, Molly Tompson M. Streaper, M. Morris & Self. waited good while till they finishd Cuting or Clearing a gan[g]way arivd in town very late. put up at Davis's oats & hay & one jill of wine 4s6, horsler 61/2 Molasses 3 Gallons 15s0 tea Coffee & Sugar 7s6 plush for Briches & Stocking 20s6-- M Streaper & M Morris home with me at ferry 2s101/2 home about 9 OC at night, Jacob Got Drunk while I was away & hurt his Eye bad, very Cold & froze hard very Cold I was by the time got Morris's Got 3L of Rees & Jonathan [Thomas] February 26th 1794 wind N W & Cold Day tho More Moderate than yesterday, at Mother's the two unhappy Sisters seem [to] be rather Worse, afternoon up the buck Sheaff & Fisher Meet me to to [repeated] Measure the Stones that Came off B- Humphreys Land Spent 3s9 Call at Streapers, several there Bob Roberts & Enoch & two Girles Road with them to Latches & Back Spent not-- in slay 27th wind S. W & overCast Snowd a little & thawed work at Clock Case at home all Day my Dog pluck Streapers pet Sheeps woll [wool] all out, She Just Ready to Lam worried her so that she died without Biteing her atoll killd the Dog So much her wanting frolick 28th wind N W Morn & froze prety much Master Holgate walk over the Ice at writers [Righters], 4 Days agoo the Long Boats went down with wheat one had 600B. at home all Day finishd Clock Case at Pratts he pd me 13L 11 for work at fatts & Bark house--- March the 1st 1794 wind S.W & overCast & very giving at home till noon at Mothers Cosen Ben Davis there, went away with the British in the year 78 not seen him Since, before to Day, [Been] at Jamaca & noviscotia; at the fullers for a peice (half Cloth) paid 9s3 for Dressing it so home at Streapers, Spt 4d for Bear---[interlined: "2nd.. wind S.W. & fine Moderate Morn Blue birds Chirping at Mothers & Rees's Brother up"] 3 4d at home till noon at Supplees, & John Roberts & so home at Streap pint of Bear so home again wind North & geting Cold 4rd[th] wind N W & very Cold Jerret pd 15s for a Coffin one Moses a turnpike, I pd him 9s7 poor tax, pd Joe Walter 20s8 on acct of Jacob Amos, at Mitchels spen[t] 51/2d; at McClenegans Sup there, so home Cold very Cold.--- Boys Makeing Coffin Nelley Thomas, or huver-- Bargaind with John Conrad to Quarry me In Knox's Quarry 300 perch at 1s2 per perch; 1s6 for a pair of hames 5 wind N E & overCast took the Coffin to Nelley Hovers & then Buried in Merion yd. begun to snow before noon, very Cold indeed Evening at Rees's Sarah Dyer very poorly at Streaper pint bear 4d so home & to be[d] we [go] March 6th 1794 wind N E. & rain & hail freesing as it falls, afternoon raind hard & thawd John Evens here made me a pair plush Briches him & I at Streapers, settleing his acct against the Est. home to tea, Made Ned overhalls & Horatio jacket 9s6 he allowd me 5s7 for Board whilst he work for other people I pd him the Ballance---- 7th Wind S. & pleasant Sun shun some time Rain a little Geting very Muddy at work a[t] Bill Wagoners Cuting Box afternoon at Mothers, so back spent 51/2 at Streap, 8 wind N W & froze pretty much Set off to town, Coffe[e] & Sugar 4s6 horse &c at Elliots 1s41/2 at ferry 1s41/2 Met the Society jill of wine 51/2, Got 27 Dollars of Dunwo[o]dy to pay, John Lewis for 11 Cord of wood & Choping, so home. 9th wind N.W. & froze in Morn prety fine day tho very Muddy, Makeing a Coffin for Edw George's Daughter Hannah at Rees's Evening, first day ofthe week March 10th 1794 wind S. W. & very fine day took the Coffin home & Buried it before Dinner afternoon at Robesons & Sheets, & Back to Streapers Meet Algernon there Settle some Matters with Poll Coulter, or Streaper,-- Sp, M---- & so home 11th wind S W & fineday triming apple trees & Loading stone, at home went to Knoxes Quarry 4 Men Diging Stone for Me at 1s2 so home, word came to Make a Coffin for another of E Georges Childern begun it 12th. wind S.W. & fine, work at the Coffin most made it, frad [afraid] it was too small. sent [illegible] to see & it was to[o] Short, had to make another, from about 10 OClock till 2 OC. took it Down & Buried in afternoon frogs Crying & heard a peevee to Day, Boys working Boards for Lower Bridg, pint of Bear 4d-- 13th wind E & overCast all Day Alley Roberts & self at Willm Thomas to Buy Cattle Alley Bot. 2 Cows 17L a pair of old working oxen, (not Large) 22L 3s0 at Curwene, then at our place in Harverford & John Morris's place, Corry's vandue Cows sold 8 & 9L per peice so home March 14th 94 Wind N W & fine day up to B Humphrey Marks & I marking trees for to Build a little house for Quill McVaw at the Buck spent 1s3 at all the Tenents so home 15. wind South & warm Grafting till noon then to Bob Roberts vandue of his place not sold, rainney afternoon spent 1s1 at Streapers & 8d the day before at Mitchels 16 wind S W & very fine day pd Bensil 22L 6s9d on Streaper Acct, at Rees' & Mothers being first day Sarah Dyer very poorly 17th wind S W. & a very Butiful day Cuting & halling Logs to build a house for Aquilla McVaw Dined at Buck & bear & oats 2s6 home at Night at Rees at Streaper 1/2 jill of Brandy 5d infestation on head------ 18th Wind S.W. & fine up to Hump Estate finish halling Logs & home Down to Bridg & at A. Roberts so home 19th wind N W. & froze alittle at Bicking to get Lath for Bridge at Rees & Mothers & David Roberts, at Streapers 1 jill of wine 51/2 plantin peas & gardin some March 20th, 1794 wind N W a little Cool in Morn, very fine Day, at Rees's Sary Dyer is alive & that seems to be all, Set off to town, Bout Brandy & Coffee 7s9 hinges & Lock book Case & two pair of small Butt hinges 5s3 Chees 16lb3/4 at 16s9 at Eliots 1s9 horsler 3d at falls Tavern 11d So home & Rees's Sarah Dyer yet alive Brot. along 21st. wind S W & fine day at Mothers Brot E & I went to Rees Sary Dyer bad Indee[d] up to B.H. Est Layd Bottom Log of house so home & at Bill Smiths Settled with him & fell 22L 4s2d In his Debpt Andrew pd. me 3 Dollars for work So home smart Showers & thunder at Distance went to Rees, stayd all night--- Sary Dyer Dyed about 2 OClock this morning 22nd verry hard Strugeling from about 12 O'C till a few minutes before She Exspired, Went for boys to Bridg Bot 6lb bees wax of Stadleman begun the Coffin & up to Rais AQuill house finishd & at the Coffin hung the Lid with hinges took it Down about 10 OClock at Night March 23rd 94 wind S W & foggy morn fine afternoon Buried her before Meeting R Tunis Dined here at Rees Evening at Streaper a ChitChat ---so home 24th S W & very fine Sowd No 1 all over with Cloverseed, Jacob in town the 22. Bot 8 Bushels plaster for 52s Clover Seed 1/2 B.-- 3 Dollars, afternoon to Jacob Amos's Vandue, Bout. old hammer &c 1s4 spent 1s6 so home -- sowd flaxseed on Corn near one Bushel 25th at Mothers, Balor here Softing hem[p] afternoon, at John Erwine's & old Wills Vandue, Bout 6 plates 7s4 old Dish Spoons &. 2s4 bag 1s6 &c total 15s6 Bout Sundry old articles at Wills Spent 1s6 so home---- 26th wind N W & prety Cool at David Roberts, Afternoon at Mitchel's Laying Road Tax, N Jones & Wilson Supt their the hole 9s111/2 they pay it N Jones Horse run home went with him & Stayd all night--[Mitchel's was Prince of Wales tavern, located at Montgomery and Anderson Avenues today.] March 27th 94 Wind N W & frost plenty painted the Herse & in garden Rakeing &c-- afternoon at Bill Thomas's for Nails for bridge & at Mitchels Vandue Bout. 6 Barrels So home 28th wind N W. & prety Cool took Nails to Bridge & at Duns he pd me 36s3 on acct of Fraley a Coffin I made at Young & Robesons & Lints's at Bairs at Streapers 1 gill of wine & 1/2 Gill before 1s2 so home, 29th wind S.W. & foggy. Jacob Sowd 8 B plaster in far feild No.4 I to town 15 lb nails for turnpike at 111/4d a lb 3 lb sugar 3s 3 lb Do [nails] 2s6 at 11d at ferry 8d. Met at Streapers Settle township Acct. Spent 11d., R Roberts Sold his place to J. Pearson for 655L half Down first of June the remainder 2 years without Intrest, then 3 annual payt with Intrest, so home to bed we goo 30th wind S. W. pretty fine helpt Robert a bill of Scantling [for] barn at Goshen, first day this, at Mothers Evening So hone [home] wrote a Letter to John & another to Edwd Price thence to bed March 31st 94 wind S W & Light Rain Battes here pd 5s71/2 for Tobacco had several years agoo Set off to Curwens Smart shower from W. & thunder at Lee to Borrow Carriage to hall Log at Streapers Spt 51/2d Geting Cold April the 1st wind N W high & Cold froze Set off a foot, Boys too for Curwens at Work Raw Day-- 2nd. wind N W Cold Ice on Curwens Dams till ten OClock fine Middle Day, work there 3rd wind S.E. & rain very onExspected wet the Boards, Broke off about noon afternoon thunder Gust from W prety Smart did several little jobs till sunset then set of[f] home bad walk of it 4- Wind N W Clear & no frost as I Seen at Mothers afternoon, at Alley Roberts at Polley Streapers,-- home 5th Wind N W & rawday about home R.Tunis & Brother Edward walk up Jon Holgate runimg [measuring boundaries] round Zell place make them com[e] up went Down their with them-- 6th. wind N. & Cool Morn Clear till noon then overCast Sent E.P. & R. Tunis far is [as] Black horse so home--- this first day 7th. wind N W Cold Ice up to Mitchels he moving to town Bout. Barrell 4s6 Chairs & 2 Cleveres [cleavers] 15s-- up to buck Dine'd their 1/2 pint wine total 2s9 Brandy at Bill Lewis 10d- so home Pratts wife & Polley Miley Drank tea here 8th. Wind N W & Made Ice Set off to town pd 15 Dollars for boards, pd 7 Dollars to Edw for Cloverseed Rum & Salt at Eliots 1s2 Dined at R Tunis's 4d ferriage 2 lb Coffee 2s10 powder 11d 9th. wind SE & rainney Day at home all Day 10 up to buck made a bill for Peaza [piazza] & addition to the house, home David Lewellin dead, went to Leverings & Jacob Jones Chated awhile, & so home. 11th wind N Ice plenty at work at Coffin finishd it & took it home, another Came for an old Garmin [German], Dyed at Sheets---- 12th. Wind N & hard frost Buried Lewelling about 81 or 82 years old home & attended & Buried old Calley at Church, then meet the Society, finde [fined] one Shilling being absent at Rool [roll] Call home. & at Streapers spent 51/2 Soldiers their 13 wind N Large white frost at A Roberts he up with me helping to State Streapers acct of our administrator ship 14th 94 wind South & pleasant Morn got 4 Dollars of Jonathan went to town pd Edward 1 Dollar for things out of store 3s61/2 for tea & Sugar for Fimple, at Eliots 5s7 ticket to go to play, Curwen along 5s71/2 paid 111/4d for ammons [almonds] at play poor fun Mear stuff one half of it, pd Dick Cochron 12s41/2 being half the Exspence for waiting Polley Morris & Polley Streaper, to See the play, so much for play--- my Mare rune away from Dunwoody, Door 12 OClock at Night watch man took, & the horsler followed us with her to ferry, gav[e] about 7s6 so home in jerk, Dick stayd all night with me 15th wind S W & very warm day Holgate up to build a Chimney & Seller at Quill house Spt 111/4d for wine & 9d for Brandy at Bill Lewis so home-- Dined at Buck 16th wind N E & prety high. Road up took 21 lb of nails Dined at Buck so home by saw mill, at Streapers Settle with David Latch Streaper fell 5L, in his Debt [interlined: "spark Polley the Last time"] 17th Wind N E & rain went Down to Ma[r]sh Spent 1s8 Stopt at Jacob Warners & Drank tea so home April the 18th wind S W & fog (white frost before fog Came up Set of[f] to Quills house Raisd Rafters & Dine at buck, Lent my Mare to Polley Streaper the first time a woman Ever Road her home 1 jill of wine so home 19th wind S W & fog & heavy Due old ant Bettie Roberts, Movd Back to Robesons old house, Meet Jury at Streapers Landlord & Tenent Case Viz Snyder & Latch, Snyder Cost Sherriff & Court Cost 5L 7s6d, Judge But 6d Damages the Expence of house Divided between them, I spent 1s2 so home 20th Wind S E. fine day at Mothers Brot up at Mothers again & sent Brot. Down to Jesse George's hill so home 21st wind N E & Whitefrost Light, to Jesse Thomas's got Nails 113/4 for Humphreys at Jos. Georges about work, at Wagoners to set their Cuting box to goo so home & at Mothers Repairing theire pump then Down to Dick Roberts fishing place & at Phinnes Roberts's got 2 Shad 2s6, wind N.E. & Spit Snow hard to be observd tho, Lighting & thunder & raind hard just as I got home, good Deal in night April 22nd 1794 wind N.E. wet, two or 3 smart Showers before noon, up to Quill house & Buck 1 jill wine 51/2 at the Coopers no Money at Rights 25s11 for goods Bout. at Streapers vendue, Bout. 3 poplartrees & 2 Bark Logs of Jacob Bare 42s6 at Jonathan Walters Dinner their so home, walk Down with T. Roberts Broke the sun----- with housk----r 23rd. wind N E, Morn & a little Mist Cleard about Noon & very warm work Jos Georges, old Barn & Stables & pulld Down the old kitchen house 24 wind S.E overCast in part up to Quill house Dine'd at Buck home & at Streapers, a little while--- Rain evening 25 Wind N E Drisley Morn, took a Coffin to Warners place Grand Child of old Lippens & buried at Church at Mothers severall smart Showers from the South at Streapers Evening back & to bed wine 51/2d 26th. Wind S W & fine day up to Norristown Jon Walter a long, to Settle Streapers acct, did not doo it Polley must goo, took John Zells deed to be Recorded Got a Rect for it April 26th 94 spent at jail 11d at Davis's 1s101/2, at Moors Dinner & Club 6s7 & 9d Boy Call at Matsons Got 4 houndpups 2 near 3 mont[h]s old, he give them, 2 6 Weeks old 8s3 & 8s4 Cash for them, one I Left at McCleneghan Jonathan Walter the other & 2 old ones I keep my self, home about sunset-- at Streaper for a few Minuts so.---- 27th wind N W pleasant day at home till noon at Morises, with R Roberts to Algr- Roberts, he road my Sorrel Colt the first time he had a sadle on, home soon in Evening--- 28 up to AQ[u]ill's house to work at buck to Dinner & horse Quart oat's, Meet Fisher at Buck he pd me 80 Dollars on acct of work at Bridges, I pd 15 Dollars wanting 6d to Humphreys purse that I had Borrowd pd 4s3 that Jon Robeson had Bout, at Richard Tunis's Request so Charge'd Tunis with it, 15s6 over pd the Estate 29 wind N Morn but p[l]easant afternoon up to Q[u]ill house Shingling 1/2 jill of Ginn at Bill Lewis April 30th 1794 Wind. Westerly & A fine day up to Quills house 1/2 Gill of Ginn at Streapers with Hufman Shingling & Dined at Buck 1 Gill of Whiskey at Lees to Look Carriage so home at Dick Roberts to Look for shad so back & at Streapers 1 Gill of wine home B. Tunis along-- drank tea with me--- May 1st. wind S W & very fine warm day, very uncoming [uncommon] nights Sleep Could not get to Sleep straing Ideas-- perplexing, Polley Streaper & I up to Norristown Settled our acct as Administrators to Streapers Est in office's home about 9 OC-- at night- Jacob & Walter for shad this morn Stayd all day & got 72 Shad, Walter a Coffin for Jacob Balors Jr. Child 2nd Wind W. I finishd Coffin & took it Down & Buried at our yard 1/2 Gill of Brandy 51/2 at Streapers after up to Quills house [illegible]. at Sheets & McCleneghans So home at Streapers Drawing out acct 3rd Wind S W & Warm day pd 7L 5s for boards turnpike Curwen & Self & for Humphreys paid 161/2 at Elliots sprigs & files 6s11 25 Nails for Humphreys of Brother & 7 lb for Streapers Estate paid 1s4 at fery 1s was for the night was at play, Polly Morris & Polley Streaper I pd for 51/2 at Black horse Neighbour Morris in Company 4th Wind S W & fine warmday at Meeting at home after till night at Streapers Spr. Poll till about 10 OC then home 5 Wind N E Morn Like for rain blue of[f] helping to Right Shed at Streapers pd Holgate 10 on acct Streapers Est Cow Lost I found on turnpike Drank tea at Streapers & so home 6th Wind N E & Light small rain all day with small Intervals, at Bill Smith about his barn, home & at turnpike meet James Jones Thoms. George & Alley Roberts, up with them they valueing Stone on Humpy Est. takeing for pike we Dine'd there Knox David Roberts & I paid 6s per peice which was the hole, home afternig[h]t---- 7th wind N & Cooler than pleasant up to Q[u]ills house pd Miller 10s2 for Dinners & Drink since I have been at work at Quills house Layd the Sleepers in Lower floor, so home May 8th 94 wind N. & white frost Cool day at Bill Smith to Look at the hewers so home before Dinner, afternoon Got my Sorrel Colt Shod, Spent at Streapers 11d. John Eliot Henderson & McClenigan home with me Eat bread & Chees so away 9th Wind N & smart frost killd beans in garden in som places up to Quills house Glassing & makeing seller door Dinner & Bear & oats 1s101/2 Layd out a new End of 18f by 30 for Millers house so home spent 51/2 at Streapers--- 10th wind S. W Dry & prety warm day went to town Bought hat 35s five pair of Butt hinges at [omission] & Screws 4s10 hansaw 15s three Locks & 3 bolts & Escuchons 6s9 paid for Encyclopedia 20s for Society Dinner horse & 1 jill of wine 4s10-- then Meet Society at Stadlemans, & home. 11tn Wind S- warm gave patt a Dollar to get a gourd Clover (very backward) She been here all winter wants 2s6 per Week not Give it so she gone home, fine Little Girl I was fond of her [May be referring to Polly Shuster.] 11th May 94 old Amos Moor Came to Get a Coffin for Abner Evans Child, begun & most Made it Meeting time Ricd. Tunis & B. Edward Dined here finish Coffin & took it home back & at Streapers Spark Polly a little while---- 12th Wind S W & very warm, set of[f] to Norristown by the Buck Left tools there boys begun to Work at a New End arrive at Norris town by 10 OClock [blot] Quallifyed as a Jurry man & begun business, prehaps [perhaps] 6 or 7 of us Dined at Davis, & the rest at moors & other places, home at Night Doct Shippen our fore man he Came along with me as far as his Lane then alone I was,-- a shower very Light, Cool the air 13th wind S W & overCast set off for Norris town Calld on the Doct & breakfasted with him arivd at town before 10 OC Got Discharged before Din[n]ner all Dined together 6s8 per man & 10s3 for horse & Dinner the Day before & 11d to horsler total 17s10 so home 51/2 for Brandy at Streap 14 May 94 wind S. & very hot till then a thunder Shower not very hard Coold the air Some at Millers Laying Lower Joysts walk home at Night J [Jacob], planted Corn 15 Wind S W & warm at Britson & put a lock on for Quill at Buck oats & sperrits 13d. boys there at work; home to Dinner, at Stadlemans, so home at Streapers a little 16th. the Wind S W. at Stadlemans Shingling his springhouse home at Night--- 17th wind N W & Cool at Ditto finishd his spring house & home Down to Wash Sheep, Drank tea at Nehemiah Evans so home & at Streapers Polley Thompson there-- -- 18th wind N & very Cool they say frost but I seen none at David Roberts & Mothers, Brother Up-- home R. Tunis Hug[h]es & Cochron here--- afternoon at Streapers a little while 19th wind about W. to Bill Smith fouls [Folts] begun to work for me at Smith barn thence up to buck begun to hew a girder 3 Q oats at 6d home at night May 20th 1794 wind S W. at buck warm day finishd girder & walk home after night- 21st. wind S W. & fine warm day, but very dry at Russels Shingling Springhouse, home before night went to Bill Smith. Dickenson makeing Pool fence for Me planted pompkins yesterday----- 22nd wind S. W. up to buck Cad Evans runing a line between Miller & Humphreys Brot Edw & R Tunis & T. Cochron there Jont Miller pd Cad & I pd Bill of house 27s3 Rais'd the girder 2nd floor thund[er] gust, not much, very hard with hail in town & up to Stadlemans tho not so hard as in town at Millers all night Spent oats & wine 2s-- fisher Stayd all night 23rd Wind S W & warm finishd Raising Joyst & so home prety Little shower not Soke much, at Myers about Cows, so home Evening at Str- Drank a little Brandy with McCleneghan & home Spent not [margin: "23rd turnd Cows in Clover"] May 24th 94 Wind N E & overCast Set off for town Rownd by Bill Smith Bout of Edw. tea 9s6 Coffee 2s10 Loaf sugar 15s pd for Bottoming 8 Chairs 16s porter for Carr[y]ing 1s101/2; Tobacco 1s5 horse 1s101/2 boys 51/2 ferry 4d Dined at Tunis, gave Hannah 3 Dollars for Stockens, bought of Brot Jack So home take a Sup Bro E Sold out in the Store Got 5 Dollars of Rees & Jonathan----- 25. wind N E & a light Mist, at Mothers in Morn at Meeting Evening at Rees Price's & home-- -- 26. win[d] Still about N E but no rain at David Jones Raising Centers for Holgate then at Bill Smiths work at Barn home Evening Calld at R. Georges got some fine peas Jacob finish'd planting potatoes 27th Wind N E over to Bill Smiths & up to Buck Dine their & at Nathan Jones to Get old Will to Make Shingles so home spent 41/2d Mr. Fisher here D.[drank] tea & off, pd. Able Thomas 5s for halling boards fine rain this Evening not very heavy at Streapers a little while with fisher 28th wind N by E over to Bill Smiths foules [Folts] their helping me mist before noon some, afternoon very wet indeed makeing window & door frames & so home got weat [wet] 29th wind N E & been a very wet night & till noon, afternoon not Quite so much Morris & I to Righters ferry to goo to see the horserace, heard their it was put off so returnd home at Streapers McCleneghan & T Roberts spent 1s11/2 with them & so home 30th wind N E overCast little rain to day, up to Buck & Curwens Dined their at Wilsons & Saml. Jones to get him to Measure the turnpikebridges So home at Mothers & Rees Price's, So home--- 31st wind N E & Rain all day but not hard finishd Alley Roberts Cupboard, after Road to John Davis by Schuylkill it very high gr[e]atest fresh[et] this many years they Say; at Alley Roberts so home Drank tea & at Streapers Chated Polley till about ten OC-- so home June 1st. wind N.E. & still Misting at Meetung after at Mothers & at Rees Moll Thompson there so home--- June 2nd 94 wind N W. & fine Day at Bill Smiths at Work at Barn, home in Evening a Shower in Evening not heavy 3rd. Wind N W & rather Cooler at Smith till noon then home & at Germaintown to See a horse race Grand race over before I got their, several Little races Layd out. 2s51/2 in all so home, Seen Brot. Edw. their 4th. wind W. & pleasant Day at Smiths at work home Evening-- 5th wind N E & rain set off to Smith, home to Make a Coffin for Jonathan Supple[e] Daughter Prissey Dyed in a waste it is sd. but has not been aMiss or so as to Complain but a few Days, rain till night by Showers had two Mowers in Clover feild No 4. till noon then mowd some in Meadow between Showers 6th wind N & Cleard off took Coffin Down & Buried her in yard at Merion Dined at home & over to Smiths, 6 Mowers their, begun to frame rafters, home in Evening; pd. old Mother Fimple 2s93/4 for spining 31/2 Doz. of two yarn, owe her 8 pence, not work the hay to Day Jacob poorly June the 7th 1794 Wind S W & warm at Smith till noon met the Society, & after meet Hugh Knox & Jos George as arbitrators between Pratt & John Miller we soon agreed, pratt to pay agreeable to what the bank Measured at yard & not in the Woods & half the Exspence--- 8th. wind N.E. & overCast & hard rain Evening Dined with McCleneghan, one Janivary & Underwood & Henderson their also, home in Evening & at Morris's back & to bed 9th. wind N E till noon with Light rain broke off at home boys too working shop Jacob in town Brot. Edward Rode the horse up. Drank tea here walk to Mothers with him so back & to bed 10th wind about W. & foggy Sun brok[e] out about 10 OC. warm, raind about 2 OC very hard Shower at Smiths till about 3 OClock then up to buck, 3 Quarts of oats 6d, wine 6d home hard Shower with Lightening Dickenson begun to put up fence 11th wind W. & fine day at Smith Raisd the Joysts & home Jos with A little Shower 12 wind S W. & very warm at Buck & at Aron Joh[n]sons Jacob Humphrey so home & got My Clover &c June 13th 1794 wind S W & warm at Buck Raising Joyst home & got 1 Gill of wine at Streapers 14th wind-- & overCast set of[f] to John Wirts about turning out 515 Militia In our County the Officers Drew by lot who should goo, pd 5s2 Dinner & Club 51/2 to boy & 1s101/2d at Jail, 1[s] at Moors for oats &c. 4d at Terrences so home about 2 OC in the Morn of the 15, had 3 Mowers in Meadow yesterday 15 Wind N W & pleasan[t] Cool day about home & at Mothers at Streapers Evening Dick their Drank Bottle bear Ditto pd for it, home & to bed. 16th wind N W in Morn overCast before night & Raind in Evening at Work at Buck Stayd all night,-- Spent 8d at Buck 17th wind about W & Cleard off about 12 OC framing uper floor Joysts, home afternoon & helpt to Cock hay, Evening 2d for Tobacco at Streapers [blot] 18th wind N W & avery fine hay Day Got all hay Dry that's Cut--at Streap in Evening no Stay 19th. wind W. & a fog few dropts of rain thunder soon in Morn I up buck Raising Rafters Smart shower about noon Jacob & Rees halld all the hay before the rain Came I home stopt at Streapers [illegible] Polley awhile----- June 20th 1794 wind S W & warm day, set off to town Bout. hat for Horatio 6s11/2, 2 Chisels & plain bit 3s Shugar & Coffee 3s3- tea & sugar for Fimple 3s8, horse &c 3s 1 Gill of wine at Wagoners 6d. Dined at R Tunis's 4d at ferry, so home, 7s6 for a sash plain 21st wind N W & Cool & fine, up to Buck work Cornish [cornice] home after Dinner at Streapers Drafting Militia, spent a glass punch 1s3 wine 1s -- Quarter of Veal 5s8, So home Got a Check of Lee for 16 Dollars for his wifes Coffin 22 wind N W & Cool at Meeting at Mothers & sent Saml Gibson to ferry almost at Stadlemans, pd him 8d for oats had at Society & 41/2 for wine so home & at Streapers a Little while but no stay 23 wind N W. & fine day, Samuel Jones down to Measure bridges at my Request, Viz Centers & Covering, back to Streapers & treated him 1 gill of Brandy 11d. so home Got Din[n]er & over to Smith so back & to Slope [sleep] 24 Set of[f] for Buck Seting Cornish &c. Fine day Stayd all night 25. wind W. & warm at Buck till noon then Walk home and went to Bill Smith's & raisd plates & Rafters --S--- so home June 26th 1794 wind S E & over Cast up buck working boards for Gable End wet afternoon Hard Showers in Evening the bigest fresh in the rouns [runs] we had this spring-- Stay all nigh[t] 27th walk home wind N E wet all Day went to town, Nails for tunis stable 9s6, sugar 1s101/2 horse & Dinner 3s7 horsler 51/2 frerry [ferry] 4d so home 28th wind E & overCast all Day Solomon Mowing Ned & self Shingling Tunis Stable-- finishd before night at Mothers at Streapers no stay 29 wind W. & fine day R. Tunis heire Dine'd at Mothers & Rees Price's back & Drank tea &c walk with Brot. to Mothers I at Streapers Stayd till 10 OC. so to bed Morris Makeing & halling hay all Day, being first day many others at it they say auther [Arthur] Howel at our Meeting & at Haverford afternoon 30th Wind S W & rather over Cast Brot. & I settled Fathers Acct with Streapers, afternoon up to buck & Curwens drank tea & at Wilsons, So home about 10 [O]Clock night July 1st up to Buck Boarding Gable End & Shingling their all nigh[t] I Lost a Glass of punch with Marks July 2nd wind S W & warm Rain about noon Smart at Buck & a[t] Lees sawmill no Lath, set off Stopt at Polley Streaper 1 Gill wine 51/2 Stayd awhile & so home--- 3rd. wind S W at Buck Shingling one sd & part of the other, home in Evening 4 Wind S W. & fine warm morn Set of[f] for town uperferry punch &c 1s81/2 great perade on the Commons Infantrie the Anniversity of Independence Dined at Eliots Dinner &c. &c. 7s51/2 Set off for Grays ferry Mr Fisher along Come up a very hard Shower wet us much before we Got their, great number of People their Brt Ned their in a Company of horse newly raisd Call'd the Greens Spent Glass of punch 1s6 Fisher pd. a Dollar for Coffee for 3 of us Viz Brot . Ned himself & me--- set of[f] rain all the way Fisher Stayd all night 5th wind S E & Dull & weting all Day at Buck 51/2 for wine at Curwens Settle he pd me Ballance of 15 Dollars Back & met the Society at Stadlemans so home & to bed 9d for oats July the 6th 1794 Wind [blank] fine day, at Mothers, Brt. Edw up afternoon at Buck, Glass punch 1s41/2 17 Indian[s] their, on their way to the Presendent [President] Mountain Leader they Call their Cheif home at Stearp [Streap]--- Spent 1s3 so home 7th fine Cool day Reaping Rye & part of the wheat had 3 hands from Mothers Tanner & Holget, Tunis boy, Colbert Jacob Self & Robeson--- 8th at Bill Smith beginning to Shingle his Barn, home Evening not well vomited in the night & got Better 9th back to Smith, work all Day 10th at Do-- till noon then home to make a Coffin Lid['a5]s now Holland Tinleys Child had by Tom Durnal at Paul Jones Evening, & at Streapers McClenachan their we Drank 4 Bottles of Bear I pd. 2s6 So home 11th. wind S E & overCast took Coffin down & buried the Child, & about home all the afternoon Evening at Streapers & Morris & back to bed Soon, July the 12th 1794 wind N E & very Smart rain allnight at Mothers in [morn], abated raining & set off to town, 1/2 after 11 OC. Dined at R Tunis's Bot [bought] plainbits 2s5 three table buts 3s6 2 lb Tobacco 2s9 oats 1s- at ferry 1s111/2 news paper 6d, so home finishd Cuting wheat 11 Doz. I Left poor stuff 13th wind W. & fine morn but ove[r]Cast went not to Meeting Jos Warner here all the afternoon most at Rees's Drank tea & Eat Catfish at Streapers at Mothers Kate very poorly with the flox [flux] 14th wind S W at Bill Smith Shingleing very warm, walk home, at Mothers 15th wind old Corse & very hot, up to Buck, made a bill & Layd out Seller for a house for old woman, then to Smith, finishd Shingleing about Sundown Stopt at D Roberts & Mothers & so home-- katy very bad with flux 16- at Linches hanging do[o]rs & at buck home -- -- 17th set off for buck at Mothers Girl very bad, Rain in Morn begun to Shingle paint house, most violent Shower for near 2 hours in Evening July 18th 94 wind S W. & very warm at buck at the painthouse Spent 3s9 yesterday for Porter in Company with Fisher home Evening at Mothers Girl very poorly at Streaper A little while spen[t] 51/2 [illegible] 19th wind S W & foggy Soon to Mothers Little Cate Firman Dead about 10 OClock Last night, home & made the the [repeated] Coffine & buried her in Evening very fine good Child, I very much unman'd at their taking leave of her Hannah much Affected at it-- My Birth day, & not reformd a poor sinner the Lord help me & Enable me to work out my many transgressions by humiliation & prayer, the Lord keep, me Righteous;--- at Streapers A Little while with Polley-- 20th at Meeting Morn afternoon at Buck Spent 1s-- at Benj Brook's to get an order to Move a Child to blockley, 2 or 3 Smart Showers got very wet, back to Streapers Spent 11d I. Roberts & B Tunis their home before night July 21st 94 at Rees Prices, to see Tom Roberts, at Mothers Brot- Edw. their so up to Buck at work their all night--- 22nd at the Buck fine day warm their all night 23rd at Buck still at work Got in stage Evening & rode home, Gave him some brandy & of[f] he Set for town, I to bed 24th Took horse & set of[f] for buck work all Day home at night Jacob sowd Buckwheat in stuble ground at Colberts at Mothers all pretty well, Calld at Streap. 1/2 gill Brandy 51/2 so home & to bed 25th. wind S W & warm morn, Jonathan Thomas pd me 40 Dollars on acct. of Board, & I pd Molley Shoester 30 Dollars for keeping house so set off for Buck work all Day, home in Evening. Rain about Sunset & I Beleive all night at Streapers Spark Poll till 10 OClock--- then home-- the Last time I think I shall Ever keep her Company, haveing been somewhat attatch to her I have got Clear, without any Remorse or Leaveing place for any Reflection on her--- 26 Wind S W & very rainey Day Set off for town got very Wet got in about 8 OC-- July 26th 1794 Bought files & 2 Copeing gague's [gauges] 3s-- plain Bits 1s6 hand vice 3s & Gimblet 41/2 Recking at Elliots 4s-- ferriage &c 1s71/2d Wagoners 11d, so home,-- 27th Wind S.W & a little Misttey this Morn at the Joe Hollands Childs Burial Leadom made the Coffin John Roberts B Tunis Leaveling watter for a Saw Mill, walk to Stadlemans & Treated them 2 Bow[l]s of punch 5s6 so home 28th Walter Amos Get a Coffin for Jacob Amos, set to work Got Done about 4 OClock & set of[f] to Commons with it put him in & went to Elliots, Stayd all night Recking 7s1 horsler 1s-- 29 Breakfasted at Tunis & up with the Burial to Merion yard at Morris's Repair Siderworks & at Mothers at Streapers spent for Bear 1s3 wine & Ginn had before 1s8 July 30th 1794 wind N W & fine Cool day up to Buck at work their all night 31 wind N & Cool at Buck at work pd him for oats &c 8s10 so home Augt 1 wind S W & very warm sawing Eves [eaves] at the Upper Bridg, Rees Thomas helping me at Streapers Polley Ogden their 2nd wind S W & very warm at the bridg till noon then met the Society paid Quartily payment 3s fined 1s boy 51/2d so home & Drank Coffee at Streapers-- 3rd wind old [course] & very hot being first day at Paul Jones's papermill & at Loyd. he & B Tunis with me to the place I Intend puting saw mill treated them to pint wine 2s4 4th. Finishd Cuting the Eves at Bridg & walk up to Buck 1/2 Gill Brandy 5th at Buck at work walk home 1 Gill of wine 51/2, Glas of Punch 1s3 Augt. 6th 94 up to buck Rain, yesterday & fine & Cool to Day not Much rain John Zell up to buck to Get me to make a Coffin for Jacob son walk home again-- 7th at the Coffin finishd by noon meet at 2 OC. & Buried the Child Sherriff here to aquaint me had Sirefacious or Somthing Else; Sute of Thom Roberts against Streapers Estate I as administrator Set of[f] about 5 OC. to town pint of wine 2s4, at R Tunis allnight 8th Bout Screws 6s for a grosse horse &c 3s boy 9d, Set of[f] about 6 OC for home at ferry 1s1 Got [home] about 8 OC Got Breakfast & up to Buck home in Evening-- 9th wind S E fine Shower about day bought about 40 f walnut boards 5s & up to buck, work all day, Light Showers all day home at night Sowd turnips, at Streapers, Gill wine 6d Chated poll awhile Augt. 10 1794 Wind S W & fine Clear Morn, over Cast after & sultery walk with Morris to Rusels Sick man in his barn, first day Makeing a Coffin for Isaac Bonds Child died of the flux, finishd about 5 OClock & took it up-- Back & 1/2 pint of wine at Streapers 1s -- Enoch along--- 11 Wind N W has been a grate rain in night flooded the Springhouse & Lost all milk &c &c Set off for norris town Court Walter along to Shippens he poorly arivd & Petition Court to sell part of St[r]eapers Land Dinner &c &c. 7s7 set off & got home about 9 OC P M. Esqr Young.--along 12 Breakfast & set off for Court, Dinner &c &c 6s3 Get Business Done returnd home about 10 OC at night. 13th at Buck work all Day-- home Even[ing] 14 at Ditto ------------- home Evening 15 at ditto Walter poorly home Do. & work till 1 OC at Coffin for Jacob Zell Child 16 finishd Coffin & Buried afternoon verry wet smart Showers 16th Augt 94 Richard Cochron here afternight to Get a Coffin for his Brot- Benjamin, no mehoganey set of[f] to uper ferrey where he died & Counsel'd [consoled] the old Man, & went to David Evans & spoke one [ordered a mahogany coffin made] Back to ferry about Midnight 17th Up about day & to town to hurry on the Coffin Brought out about 1/2, 10 OClock, put him in Set off Got to his fathers got their about 2 OC home much fateaged, t[o]ok a little sleep & walked to Streapers, Back & to bed--- 18th wind N W & pleasant day to Burial at Harrison School house yard-- their to Dinner & home & Made a Coffin for on[e] Shivers Child--- Augst 19th wind N W. took the Coffin to Isaac Warners from their to Buck at work home Evening Walter very poorley 20th Up to Buck at Work Cloudy & rain afternoon not hard, Spent 3d at Bill Lewis & so home 21 wind N W. & fine Day, Jacob at hay in Turnip Bottom, Solomon Mowd it yesterday & Day before Self up to Buck, work hard & home in Evening Meet Little Jinney in the Road----- Got 40 Dollars of Fisher on Acct. of Bridges on turnpike & 8L for a Cow got of Myers from Jonathan Walter, 22nd Wind-- up to Buck at Work all day home Evening Walter rather Better 23- Up to Buck work till noon then at Curwens & township meeting spent 11d Augst 24th. wind S E & rain, finishd a Coffin that I had (made for E Georges Child & was to little) for Shrivers Child & Ned took it up I at B Tunis & Nehemh. Evans home & at Streapers spent 51/2 25 I set of[f] to town wind S. W & warm pd for advertiseing Streapers Lot 9s41/2 pd for paint for turnpike 33s6 paid 8 Dollar for Cary Geography oats & wine 1s4 ferry 11d Hankerchife 2s3 home, by wilfong about takeing his son Prentice [as an apprentice] Esqr Young Robert Rober[ts] & David at Frayleys Geting Releas from Bettey Evans to David & Robert at Streapers Robert Makeing Deed to Pearson &c &c 26 Up to Buck very soon Panneling doors walk home in Evening, 27 up to Ditto Rode home Evening 28 Makeing a Coffin for Robert Tilleys Child. & took it to Bickens place &c at Buck afternoon Evening at Cochrons all night August 29th 94 wind N W & overCast at Buck soon home to Makeing Coffin for Joe Hollands wife begun about 7 OC & finishd half after 2 OC Burried about 5 OC Mr Fisher Drank tea withe Me--- 30 wind S W & foggy morn Set of[f] & Breakfasted at Esqr Jones, he a long to Norristown I pd Streapers Licences, & 21s6 for an order to sell a Lott of Streapers thence to Jos. Tysons tavern & meet committees from several Townships & agreed on 5 Men to represent the County in a conference With Bucks North hampton & Chester to fixt a ticket for Congress, & Senators, Dinner & Club 7s6, at Wentz's taver[n] 11d. at Moors Sup[p]er &c 3s2 left their about 10 OC & got to Jones about half after one tired anuff, to bed 31st wind [illegible] overCast raisd about 7 OC Breakfasted with the Judge & set off home about 10 OC-- at Mothers R Tunis & wife their Brot been with Jane Tunis to the Valley, Meet Richard he turnd & they all Came to Mothers Sept 1st Wind I forget where set off to buck afoot work all & their all night Sept 2nd 1794 wind S W & fine war[m] day Laying Lower floor at Buck Jos Walter Road my Mare up, he begun to Work a little been Sick above 3 Weeks I went to Esqr Young I Sued John Fisher [not the person JP calls "Mr Fisher"] for Rent Due to Humphreys Est Drank tea with him & so Home 3rd wind S W. & very Warm up to Buck very Soon work all day by Lentzs, to Look for Seed Wheat at Streapers, spent 6d Gill of Wine 4th wind S. & over Cast, & Serveral [several] Shower[s] throughout the Day, home in Evening Meet Little Jinney in Road------- Contracted with White & fouls [Folts] to Dig a race at 3s9 per Rod---- 5th Up to Buck work all day & home Evening-- 6th. wind S.W & warmday went to town Bought 2000 Sprigs at 10s screws & Butt Sept. 6 1794 Hinges 7s0 an Encyclopedia for Society 20s Horse & wine 2s6-- up to Streapers & sold the uper Lot Rusils house & 11/2 acers for 50L the other 151/2 acers at 10L 0s6d per Acer paid Abner 15s for selling & so home & to bed 7th Wind S. by E. & smart rain several Showers at Mothers in Morn & Looking at Race begun to Dig for sawmill afternoon at Morris's, one Auther Graham from Carrolina ther he & Drinker home with me, harty Batchlor ver[y] Quear & Drole 8th wind N.W. & Cool up to Buck tho first to Morris's Makeing a plug for his Still, home at night-- 9th at Ditto & home at night harrowd & sowd 3 Bushels of wheat 2 from Robeson 10. at Dittos & their all night 11th at work at Ditto. home in Evening meet Little Jane--- walk---- Gill wine at Streapers 6d---- Sept 12th 1794 Wind W & warm day paid Britson daughter 10L 9s part of her Legacy then up to Buck at work their all Day, Stopt at Streapers Spent not & so home--- 13th. Wind S W & set of[f] for town Bought Hinges for Buck Doors 17s71/2 Segars 1s101/2 Leather Breaches 45s oats &c drink 2s41/2 horsler 51/2 fery 4 Stadlemans 11d so home & run out to Streapers Lotts that we sold to peter May & Russel Spent 1s101/2 & Spark Poll awhile--- 14th at Mothers in Morn Brother Edwd. & Self up to Cochrons Poll Ogdon there. Dine'd & Drank Tea & so home & to bed---- 15th wind S W & up to buck walk their home in Evening Peter May & wife heir [here] paid 100L for the Lott, in hard Dollars 16th wind S. & overCast up buck begun to rain about 8 OClock several smart Shower[s] & Cleard of[f] about noon with Jos Wilson to Lee's sawmill & then home & at Streaper spent 51/2 for wine & back to bed Sept. 17th 94 Set of[f] to buck, framing Joyst for old womans house & home in Evening Clear & very windy,-- -- 18th wind S W & fineday up to buck Leveling first floor Joysts old Womans house home Evening---- 19th wind S.W & very warm Making Coffin for Isaac Warner, Sett of[f] a[f]ter 3 OClock to Norristown the Governor their Haringen [haranguing] the Militia to turn out, against A riot in 2 or 3 Countys in this State, against the Excise Act. Spent 2s71/2 home about 11 OC. at Night 20th Wind S W & very warm Set of[f] about sun rise with the Coffin & Buried him here R Tunis & John Roberts Dine'd here at my hay, Robert & I Look at my sawmill race, at Streaper but no stay, thunder & a great Gust of wind--- old painter 8s3 21st Wind N W & Cool at Mothers in Morn Linnen for 3 Shirts 31s2 sugar &c 6s1-- afternoon at Cochrons Drank Coffee & so home at Streapers Gill of wine 6d--- Sept 22nd 1794 wind I forgot where Thoms. Cochron & Dick here there boy Jacob Run away, with them to forks of road, found Jacob at the Camp ready [to] march they Give him up old man took him home I to town hansaw 15s-- paint for bridg's 2L 4s0 Reckening 3s. Ribbons 2s-- Cag for oile 4s6 pine board at Wests 3s6 ferriage 4d--- Grate many Troops Marching to the West 23. Up to buck helpt to set windowframes & home at noon helping to hall hay at Streap -- Spent not 24th Finishd halling hay after at prince of Wales, Militia Meet their Spent 1s101/2 home Makeing Coffin for Johnson Vauchens Wife 25 Finishd Coffin & took it up Buried at haverford & home to Dinner overCast & a little rain Set of[f] to buck smart Shower Spent 51/2 back at Streapers Spark Polley awhile Gill of wine 51/2- not pd-- 26 Wind west Up to buck framing second floor old woman's house Mr Fisher their Evening we Drank Bottle of wine he pd, I home paid fuller 19s.--- Sept 27th 94 Wind S.W & over Cast set of[f] for buck after breakfast very smart Rain as I went & several showers through the day Did not work much at Sheets' got [blot, possibly a sum of money owed to] Humphreys Est.& 5 Dollrs. on my acct so home paid Foules 3 Doll, for work at Smith being all his Demand-- 28th. Wind S W & over Cast at Pearsons Looking at his house Pulld out the Gable End John Roberts Squaring my Sawmill Walk most to Stadlemans & so back John Warners stepson Topleat Dead it is sd with the yellow fever prety great alarm about it, Several have died it is said with it pd Jacob 2 Dolls. pd Tobias Hofman 4s6 for one Days mowing Capt Henderson bought a Carterage box 7s6 not pd., pd. Jon. Thomas 6s for nails---- 29 Wind S.E. & foggy or Misting up to buck at work a warm day home in Evening at Streapers Sup their & 1 Gill of wine & one sometime agoo. 1s.--- Sept 30th. 1794 wind N E up to Buck Seting joist at the old womans house, begun to rain at noon fine Rifle Company Commanded by Taylor from Philada. going against the insurgents the Motto on their Caps. Let the Laws Govern Republicans, at Buck all night Oct.1st fine day at buck at work home Evening 2. at Buck at work -- home Do. 3 at Do--- 4. wind N. & Cool to town 2lb sugar 1s101/2 horse &c 2s6- tobacco 8d fery 4d at Stadleman Society day fined 1s & paid 11d Exspences so home--- --- Oct 5 wind N. & Large white frost at Mothers up to Shippen Dine'd their Dick Cochron along back & spark Streaper 6 Up to Buck 1 Gill wine 6d work home Evening- 7th. at Buck at work hard frost home at night 8 at Jonat. Walters morn then up to Norristown an appeal for Mil[i]tia Sup at Esqr Jones a little rain home about 10 OC spent 7s6 Oct 9th 94 wind S W & Clear walk up to buck at work there all night- 10th. Wind W. & high work at buck spen[t] 6d home in evening at Streaper a little 11 at buck till noon then at township Election Cochron Inspector Saml Evans Sessor, Spent 1s101/2 home work till 10 OC at a Coffin for Richd. Peters Irish Girl 12 finish it & took it down thence buried her in Merion Yard before noon pd Sollomon 31s6 for mowing. pd old Will 14s Makeing Shingles at home all the afternoon 13th finish a little Nut for my appel mill & went up to buck then home & to bed 14th. wind S W & fine day up to Norristown the General Election, Chose one of the Jud[g]es finishd Counting about 11 OC got Sup[p]er & Drank some wine to bed about 4 OC- in Morning 15th. Wind S W & fine Morn up & pd 11d & 5d to Boy Set off Spent 1s at krickbaums breakfasted Cochrons & so home Oct 15th 94 helpt to Clean buckwheat 30 bushels Sowd with one plowing Clover up to the beam of plow, & 25 at Colberts 16th Wind W & pretty windy up to Buck Raising uper floor & Rafters old womans house home Evening 17th- Wind [omission] & fine day went to town paid Brinton for Tom Roberts & Cost on Edw. & Father Acction 39L 10s41/2d & paid him 60L 9s71/2d for Sickel on acct Streapers spent 2s93/4d Sprigs & files &c 7s6 Sugar &c 3s6 at Stadleman 7d. so home-- 18 at Morris's Make bedposts for Neighbour Morris Drest them out & took them to A Foreman to be turnd up to the bird in hand several gentlemen their to try to rais a Companey all aback-- Sup at Bill Lewis 1s101/2 & paid for N Evans 1s101/2 so home Stopt Moly. Streapers 11d---- 19 At Mothers & Meeting about home the rest of the day-- pd John Thomas 4L 9s for Nails he had Made for turnpike October 20th 1794 at Jacob Jone's paid 5 Dollars for 2 Shingletrees [swingletrees?] afternoon at James Russels he meet me at Streapers & set[t]led for his Lott Spent 11d home about 11 OClock at night Smart shower 21st Up to buck & finishd Raising Rafters so home by mill & Rees Thomas Roberts up with me & so to bed 22nd Wind Fouls here Leveling the Race & paid him 14 Dollars & 20 before makes 34 Do for diging 68 perches of Race 4f wide top 2f6 bottom & 2 feet the[y] Acknowledg to have made 5s71/2 per day I dare say they made 7s6, afternoon at Supplees pd him 12 Dollars for Board while at work at turnpike at James Jones Jehu [Roberts] & wife [there] Spent the Evening & so home 23rd. Drest & meet the Batalion on the East Sd of Schuylkill, Small Dined at Peter Mathers seven stars Spent Drumers & Cloub [club] 21/2 Dollars, so back to Streapers Spark Polley till about one OClock then home--- October 24th 1794 wind N W & Prety high up to buck work till most night home by A Foremans Got bedstids for Morris he turnd for me at McClenechans & so home pd 10s for turning 25th Wind East begun to rain about noon very wet after at the City Bout. a Ledger 9s6 Rect. Book 1s101/2 Inkstand 1s101/2 Quills 1s101/2 Sugar 1s101/2 Reckening 1s101/2 horsler 51/2d ferry 4d So home 26th Wind E. & avery stormey day at Meeting after at home Spent the Evening at Streapers Mc Their ----- Polley aWhile---- 27th Wind still about East wett night & like for wet day--- raind all day work in Shop & Bargaind with an Irishman to dig my tail race for 26 Dollars, Peter may here pd. the remainder for the lott, 28th. wind S W & very fine day work in shop till noon then went to Stadlemans to Lay out his barn meet Mr. Fisher & McClenechan got to Drinking wine, spent 6s3 per man & so home I was very sick-- drank to much, I hope never to Drink so again 29th. Wind S W & warm day up to buck Setting Cornish, tho not quite well there all night 30th 1794 October wind W & very fine day at Buck seting Cornish & begun to Shingling-- home at night-- 31st wind old Corse & very ple[a]sant up to buck Shingeling home at night. Signd two deeds one to Russel & one to Peter May at Streapers Spent 11d so home Novr. 1st Wind W. & fine day work in shop till noon Judge Jone[s] here Acknowledg two deeds afternoon meet the Society Annual Election Peter[s, Richard Peters] prest. Curwen Vice A[lgernon] Roberts Treasr. Self Secrty.---- 2nd at Meeting finishd Table for E George 3 [Interlined] at Moris's Spliceing bedstids & about home 4rd[th] went to Phila. To See the Law[y]ers about Streapers affairs, Horse & Dinner 5s. Sugar & Coffee 3s3 & 1 lb of Candles at 1s5 the first I Bought since I keep house home in Evening 5th about home till noon at prince of wales 1s101/2 5 Goats to be Sold offerd 5 Dollars for two, home without them 6th fine day about home till noon, at Doct Bensyl for Polley Streaper She very bad with a Swelld face, got a jar of ointment 5s 1/2 pint of wine 11d ferriage 8d So home 7th. wind N. W & a little Raw Rode to the warren [General Warren Tavern] Tom Roberts along Dine there poor anoff, 4s-- then up & measured aturnpike Bridg Drank tea at Richd. Thomas & up to Jehu Roberts all night Novr. 8th 1794 Breakfasted at Jehu's & meet Curwen & set off for home was to have Measured abridg at warren but put it off, Dined at Robesons Peolea good, Curwen pd all, Settled a dispute between Curwen & Penington that ownes the bare Tavern about some sheds that the turnpike pulld down ordered them to pay 68 Dollars arivd at Curwens Drank tea & so got home about Dusk. the boys Makeing a Coffin for young Irishmam that Came in Last Spring, Brother to Sam[u]el Mason that keep school at Blockley 9th Wind N W & frost but fine day took the Coffin & Buried him before Meeting at Mothers & about home Rich Cochron here 10th. Robert Roberts & I go to Norristown Court got May & Russels Deeds Confirmd by Court Sickel sett the Sherreff to serve a writ for a debt again[s]t Streapers Est I as Admr. Spent about 7s6 so home afternight 11th Up to Buck begun the peaza, back in Evening to David Roberts Stayd all night up to buck 12 Robert along work at peaza home Evening at Streapers polley Better Spent 51/2--- 13th Walk up to buck prety fine tho a little raw Robert & I walk home in Evening Stopt at Mothers Curwen & Fisher here Nov'ber 14th 94 Wind N.E & overCast & Cold froze'd prety much begun to Snow about 10 OC Geathered about 2 I Deep Got to rain Evening work at Buck Stayd all night 15th At Buck rain & winter like morn Cuting a truss for Mantle all day, Set of[f] home, read the newspaper & to bed- Joe Walter Freed this Evening has been a good boy [Joseph Walter was an apprentice.] 16 Wind W & very fine Morn Georg Thompson here from town, along with him to McClenechans Dined their Lewl. Young & Cochron their all got Prety much Snapt [drunk], Young & Dick along to Streapers Young & I Quarreld it terminated without any blows, owing to Mac in a great Degree-- 17th Wind N.W. & frost, head not right or my feeling a Smart Remorse on Me-- took horse & set off for buck Meet Young he being Moord at Strap [Streaper's] all night, talk it over, but he not rememberd a word of our Differance, so bury it in Oblivion, Irishman up to buck before Breakfast, Get me to make a Coffin for his Brothers Child on penns place, home made it & he pd 12s71/2 for it & he took it home, & afternoon Buried here Little yard November 17th at David Roberts to Get Robert to Go buck & at Mothers had a letter from Brot. from Washington Near pittsburg Dated 31st. Oct--- 18th. up to buck Raisd the Peazza Robertheritoo [Robert there too] prety fine Day-- Fisher there Spent 51/2 home Evening---- 19th Wind S W & soft & raind Intervals thruout theday up to buck [illegible] nort[h] Sd all day home Evening Mr Curwen here all Night spent 51/2d at Streapers 20th Wind S. up to buck work at Peazza rain Light thr[o]ugh the day, Smart Shower in Evening & great wind, went home with Curwen & Fisher Dark gooing 21st Wind N W & Clear & Cold Back to buck very soon in Morn got 2d of Tobacco at Clines Store Lath & begun to Shingle, home at Night 22 Wind W & White frost up to buck Shaveing Shingles fine day work without my Coat home Evening husking Corn Raisd at Colberts 1/2 Gallon of apple Whiskey 3s9--- 23 wind N W & frost prety hard being first day morn, not at Meeting Making bill for Samuel Davis November 23rd 1794 afternoon at Jont. Pearsons, he Building some adition to his house, back at Streapers a little Spent 111/4d. so home & to bed 24th. at Rees price's & to buck after breakfast wind N W & prety Cold home Evening 25th Wind N W & Cold Set of[f] to buck Round by by [repeat] Ben. Humphreys place, heard they Cut trees on his Land but found it none not so at buck, drove of Cattle from the Eastterd there I Bout one yoke gave 65 Dollars home Evening 26th wind N W been a Shower of Snow in night & very Sharp morn & rawday-- Robert bout. a pair Oxen we Drove bouth pair home at night, my boy Jacob & Amos Pearce had a fight last night, Swelld Eye so he had to Come home Quarreld Ned much about it, & was very angrey work at buck all day home in Evening--- 27th wind S W & fine day at Rees Price's framing Joysts & Rafters for Carthouse. Evening Tommy Roberts & I at Streapers Spent 9d So home 28 wind S W & fine day at buck Work, Several of our Philada. Light hores [horse] returning home the Company Brot. went in went down but [illegible] to stay there awhile November 29th wind S W & overCast most part tho ple[a]sant at Rees Price's Raising his Carthouse. afternoon meet the Society, & so back Jacob Tryd my Oxen somewhat orked [irked] 30 wind S.W. being first day at Mothers in Morn John Wilson here Afternoon at David Roberts, Drank tea at Mothers, Evening at Streapers Polley Morris their Georg McCleneghan he Sp---- [sparked] Do. & I Polley Streaper had a brave seen--- Dec 1st Wind S.E. & rain at David Jones to Look Money, home Antoney Tunis & Evans here killing my Cow, weighed 458 lb hide 58lb Tallow 421/2 lb very good 2nd.. At Hugh Knox to get Salt Got all he had 1s-- after noon at Buck Spent 11d so home 3rd wind Nor.W prety Sharp 2 or [3] showers from West Holgat & I up to Curwens & from their to Warren Bridg & measured it Dine their Spent 7s6 for Holget & Self Left their about Dusk Stopt at Curwen & Drank tea December 3rd. 1794 & arivd at home about 11 OClock----- 4th wind N.W & prety Sharp went to Bill Smith Ned & Jake their home, & begun to Calcalate the bridg-- 5th wind N W & prety Cold, Set of[f] to buck work at brest home in Evening at Nathan Jones Spark Nance till about 11 OC so home Long time since I was their, near 12 Months [in margin: "6" about halfway through entry, entries following are one day off.] 7th wind W. & white frost, Up to buck, work at Breast home by Knox Bout 1 lb Coffee 2 lb sugar & 1/4 Pepper total 4s4 Call at Streapers Lewelling Young & I Brandy 11d pd old score had at Sundry times 3s4 so home--- 8th. Wind S.W. & over Cast latter part fine day at Meeting R. Tunis here after dinner walk to Race [for JP's projected sawmill] & at Rees's Rode with Tunis below Wagoners & walk back to Morris's Drank Tea their, walk Down with Polley Streaper got 1 yd of Tobacco & so home December 8th 1794 wind S.W & overCast & Raind alittle but Blue up from N W in Evening Helping Rees Price to kill hogs, Got one of him wt. 272 lb afternoon to Prince of Wales helping N Jones & Peter Evans to Lay Road tax they pd Reckening 12s5 & so home we Came I found Bouth books 9th wind N W. & white frost with Jacob & Rees Cuting Logs for My Saw Mill paid Sary Bridson by order of Mary Bridson 10L part of Dower--John Curwen here want me to put 2 Gates on turnpike road Even[ing] cut up the hog & salted it-- 10th wind N W & fine day down to Levering got the Log Carriage & halld one log, & put another on-- 11th wind N W & fine Morn Started about day Light & hall 3 Logs to Levering's mill-- 12th. wind N W & fineday Started & halld 2 Logs to Humphreys & 2 small one[s] to Leverings at Boyers & at Streapers T Roberts treated me to 1/2 pint of wine so home had a Stake Drest Supt & Read the paper & to bed &c &c &c December 13th. 94 wind W. & very fine Day up to McClenechen he attemp to hall alog Got it Most up twice & then Gave it out & went home without, he no woman [to cook for him] he & I Drest a Stake & Eat Dinner he Down with me to Streapers pint wine 1s10 & Tobacco &c 3s-- 14th wind --- fine day R. Tunis here to Dinner at Rees home Drank tea Polley Streaper Drank tea the first time [here], at Streapers Evening had a prety Great Slash with Old Poll Colter She [illegible] home--- 15th Wind W white frost at Rees Price's Shingling his his [repeat] Cart house afternoon killd my Read Cow Wt. 460 lb Even[ing] husking Corn in barn 1/2 Gallon Whiskey 3s9- 16th Wind S W & fine warm day up to Curwens Rode with him to Spread Eagle to Measure Road put Glass & Locke on at Curwens there all Night, Mr Fisher his Last night he gooing for England-- rain & Dark 17th Curwen & Wife & Fisher to town I to[o] Curwen Informd me I am appointed assistant to turn pike Dec[em]ber 17th 1794 Bought Salt 5s9 Glass 6s--Lock 3s-- Hinges &c for Jonat. Walter- 3s2-- 2lb Sugar 1s101/2 Recking at Eliots 10s6 Ticke[t] to play 5s71/2 Dine at R.T-- 18th Stayd all night at R Tunis [blot] Thom Dewese told me he seen Brot Edw at Buck on his way home from the Westward very much Rejoist to here of him Set of[f] home arivd about 11 OC B. Edw here indeed, Morris's Negro Girl Dead Sudden I work at Coffin till Late at night-- 19th W. N E & over[cast] finishd Coffin & took it Down over at turn pike by Jont Thomas's & up to Curwens he Some Instruction & Rain very hard I Could not Come home, one Parke a yo[u]ng man from valley that had work on turnpike their 20th wind E & hard rain till near 12 OClock abated & of[f] I set arivd to Dinner Rec'd of Curwen on acct of turnpike 1755 Dollars, Road up to Nathan Jones he hurt by fall ahorse Getting Better, home & to bed December 21st 1794 Wind N E rain & snowshowers at home all day Brother Edw. & Curwin here from town Curwen Stayd all night, Jos. Fisher set sail this day for England 22nd Wind N W & prety high but very fineday with Curwen about a Mile above the Spreadeagle & payd several people for work Done on turnpike, home by Carrons Drank Coffee & home about 8 OClock at Night Spent 1s2--- 23rd wind N W & a very fine day at Pearsons helping to frame his Roof home Evening Tom Roberts & Savage a great Quarrel at Streapers I Down & pasifyed them so back & Drank a dis[h] of tea &c &c-- -- 24th wind S W & Butiful day over to the turnpike & down it to forks of road pd 9 Measurd David Jones Stone & pile of stones at Wagoners Spent 51/2d Jersey troop of Horse & 20 prisoners (Whiskey boys) at Stadlemans so home, at Streapers Stayd not December 25th 94 wind S.W & fine day Brot Edward & self up to T. Cochrons Dine'd their & Praisd his son Benjamins Effects amounted to about 450L He was a saving young man Except in dress Little Extravigant, but he was but a few years in town & had but Low salerrys home-- rain in night 26th wind N W & Clear & very fine Set off to turnpike & by the lower ferry to see a fox hunt but they had set off & so mist them went to town & bought Scantling & boards for turnpike Gates & 2 lb Coffee 3s & 1/2 Tobacco 8d & 4d ferriages so home 27th Wind N by E & white frost & overCast & Raind a little Evening Blue up Rather Cooler Brot Edward & Nehemiah & [I] up to Buck warnd Sturges Bare & Marks off all Tenants on B Humphreys Est. Spent 1s101/2 at Buck Stopt at Wilm Lewis Edw. pd 11d their & so home Master [Holgate] Treated 1/2 pint of Wine at Streapers so to bed we goo- 28th Wind N.W. & froze the troff over & ground some the Coldest day had this good while Horatio barefooted all about yesterday Brt Edw. & I at Nehemiah Evans, his Mother altering her Will Brot. Dined here walk with T Roberts to Rees's Drank two Glasses of wine With him & so home being first day December 29th. 1794 wind S W & fine day Holget Building a dam for me I their a good While with them, then Down the turnpike pd Ninety five Dollars, & so home before night, & pd Mary Bridson 50L 8s111/2d part of Dower left her by her father then down to Dam & so home, Curwen here all night 30th wind N.E. prety Cold Sett off before sunrise with Curwen, & Breakfasted their then Measured several Rood [Rods] turnpike that was Graveled Dined at Curwens begun to snow then to rain Stopt at Buck & spent 51/2d so home Drank tea Down to Streapers & Chated Molley till about 12 OClock home & to slope [sleep] 31st wind N. E. & over Cast very Little rain Down to town, Brt & Dick Cochron along Quallifyd to praisment of Benj [Cochron's] Effects Bought Rum 1/2 gallon 4s8 sugar & tea 4s8 Reckening 4s2 hosler 4d fery 4d at Wagoners 10d Bear, Brok my Bottles Lost my Rum & Spilt 3 lb sugar Eat O[y]sters with Jack Zell Carnarven Jake's & home I came & soon to bed George McClenechan along