The Committee
Research at Swarthmore College
of several years of the Radnor
Monthly Meeting Minutes (of which Merion Meeting was a part) indicates that
a committee, which
Jacob was appointed to, was started on October 13, 1778. Although a lot of
discussion was reported in the following years, there was not much
progress. Not only was Jacob aware of the 1778 directive, but the Jones
family knew Anthony Benezet who co-authored the directive. Benezet had also
begun a Quaker school in
Philadelphia. This directive offered constructive advice, for example,
"...a lot of ground be provided,
sufficient for a garden, orchard, grass
for a cow, etc. and that a suitable
house, stable, etc. be erected thereon:
Such a provision would be an encouragement account of boarding him
[the teacher], from one house to
another, amongst themselves..."
"And if to what has been proposed,
Friends were willing to add the promoting the subscription, towards a
fund, the increase of which might be
employed in paying a Master's salary,
if necessary, and promoting the education of the poorer Friends' children;
a fund, tho' it might be small in the beginning, being a fixed object,
would draw
the attention of Friends to contribute,
whereas so long as there is no beginning
made, this weighty service is neglected,
by many who would be glad of giving
encouragement to so necessary and good
a work. People frequently appear to think
it is at their option to do what they will
with their own substance, which they
call their own, to give or withhold, at
their pleasure, forgetting that they are but
as stewards accountable to him who has
entusted them..."
Early Photos of Israel Irwin (top) and Clifford Levering who were Headmasters of the Academy and Superintendents of the Union Sunday School.
Lease agreement (1828) between Headmaster Newton M. Boggs and Trustees; D. Roberts, P. Jones, I.W. Roberts and John Levering.
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