Gertrude Asam, Bala-Cynwyd
John Ashmead, art, architecture, literature, theater, historical commemoration and preservation
Marie Bartlett, Catholic churches, editorial consultant
Gloria O. Becker, Gladwyne, assistant editor
Rabbi Martin Berkowitz, Judaism
Michael J. Boucher, military commemoration and history
Elizabeth Brady, Catholic churches
Annette Brenner, banking
Betty Brinton, Wynnewood
Margaret Hill Collins, social services
Phebe Evans Cooke, Haverford
Elise Copeland, Penn Wynne
Katharine Hewitt Cummin, Bryn Mawr
Warren S. Davis, Wynnewood
Ronald DeGraw, transportation
Henrietta M. Deubler, Penn Valley
Robert Diskant, Wynnewood
Cecilia Gray Draffin, Methodism
Elizabeth A. Fletcher, assistant editor, land development and population
Marjorie A. Fletcher, insurance, libraries
The Reverend Louis P. Giorgi, Belmont Hills
Susan Glazer, dance
Eleanor Hammonds, sports, communications, assistant editor
Rabbi Max Hausen, Judaism
Myrl Herman, music
The Reverend George E. Hollingshead, Jr., Presbyterian churches
Robert L. Keane, Penn Wynne
Mary L. Keim, land development and population; taverns, inns, and restaurants; Baptist churches; historical commemoration and preservation; fire departments; and co-editor
Norma E. Koenig, education
Rabbi Abraham A. Levene, Judaism
Laura Lloyd Longstreth, Gladwyne churches
George Magee, Jr., businesses and industry, co-editor
Phyllis C. Maier, editor, communications, libraries, Armenian church, Lutheran church, Peace Mission Movement, introduction to towns, Rosemont, Villanova
Celeste Maschmeyer, social services
Gerry Snow Mason, overview
George M. Myers, sports
Margaret North, government and politics
John M. Nugent, journalism
William G. Pinkstone, government and politics
Samuel X. Radbill, M.D, medical history
F. Karl Schauffele, 1980 perspective
Inez Scheele, land development and population; taverns, inns, and restaurants; Episcopal churches
Allen Sommers, communications
W. Robert Swartz, Ardmore, photographs
Della Tate, education
Dolores Williamson, Penn Wynne
Mary M. Wood, co-editor, business and industry, education, Merion Friends Meeting, Belmont Hills, Merion

Gloria Agre
James M. Anders
J. Conrad Barker
Donald R. Beever
Eleanore Bradway
Barbara Bugbee
Patty Cawley
Joseph F. Collingwood
Dr. Henry Comman
George Culbertson
Patricia Davis
The Reverend Russell Doherty
Joan M. Doroba
Ronald Doroba
Nancy Evoy
Marie Gill
Ann Eggert Githens
Dennis Glackin
Rabbi Theodore H. Gordon
Elsie Graves
Henry Hallowell
Leah Hemphill
Josephine DeN. Henry
Lorna Hoopes
Carl Hornung
Jeannette Hornung
George Jones
Regina Karol
Harold Kline
Philip U. Koopman
Clarence Langzettel
Edward D. Lewis
F. May MacFarland
Virginia Mattison
John Minsker
D. Roger Mower, Jr.
Alfred O. Mueller
Ralph Mueller
Mary Ohl
William J. Phillips
E. Rotan Sargent
Dorothy L. Saunders
Melissa Shupert
Sara E. Shupert
Alice Smith
Jean Staples
J. Clinton Stirk
Cooper Tatman
Olive Tatman
Jane Trippe
Dorothy Urban
Theodora Linn Wilbur
Arthur Wolfe
Thomas Elliott Wynne
Florence Young
Jill Zeimer

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