
Title: Anderson Estate-St. Georges, Ardmore
Abstract: Homeworth or Ellerslie. Homeworth or Ellerslie dating circa 1800. Originally part of the 100 acre Lloyd tract in 1686. Mrs. Jonathan Jones called the place Homeworth in the mid 19th century. The MacFarlan family bought the 11 acre property form the Jones' in 1893 and renamed it Ellerslie after their Scottish ancestral home. Dr. Douglas MacFarlan a founding member of the LMHS lived there until 1966. It was demolished in 1971 to make new homes and Llanfair Circle and a small LM township Packer Park.
Keywords: St. Georges/Anderson Family/Houses/Ardmore
Source: Lower Merion Historical Society Archives
Binder: 2 Collection: W. Robert Swartz