Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« Photographs

Houses and Estates Photograph Collection

Title: “Bella Vista” – Rear garden terrace
Photographer: William Alan Morrison
Collection: Houses & Estates
Binder #: 7 (Villanova)
Image Information: Two 8″ x 10; b & w; courtesy of Avery Architectural And Fine Arts Library
Abstract: Montgomery Avenue & Old Gulph Road, Villanova, PA; original owner: Peter Williamson Roberts, iron manufacturer; architect: Eyre & McIlvaine;; plot size: 70 acres; 1915; now demolished; had rebuilt and greatly expanded an earlier house, “Yorkston”, by architect John Ord for William E. Garrett, Jr., snuff manufacturer (1890s)
Item Number: PHE7-BEL 05