Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

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News Articles and Ephemera

Title: LMSD buses on the move; Lower Merion plans bus depot in city; L. Merion bus depot still not finalized; Sales agreement reached over LM bus depot, details pending; Bus tests go OT in LM; Operations Department Move; City residents protest LM bus move; Buses
Author: Allison, Cheryl
Source: Main Line Times; Lower Merion School District
Date: 12/23-3/31/2005
Folder/Item #: Schools-Public-Lower Merion School District (4) 2002 to 2005; 35
Abstract: The on and off plan to garage the LMSD buses in Philadelphia at the former Budd Co. site; back to square one to find a site or sites for garaging the school buses in Lower Merio Township