Lower Merion Historical Society

The Lower Merion Historical Society

« Articles & Ephemera

News Articles and Ephemera

Title: NJ supt. to be new LMSD superintendent; Intrigue: From outset, interim LM superintendent had no chance; Agreement can’t stay dissent as L. Merion OKs superintendent; Savedoff to L. Merion: ‘Give me opporpunity’; Make no mistake, Savedoff is in charge
Author: McCaffrey, Jim
Source: Main Line Life
Date: 12/14/2002-3/12/2003
Folder/Item #: Schools-Public-Lower Merion School District (4) 2002 to 2005; 18
Notes: Many articles
Abstract: Review of the search and intrigue leading to the selection of Jamie Savedoff as the new LMSD Superintendent