Lower Merion Academy
A Legend in Learning

  Chapter 1 - The Academy
Chapter 2 - Jacob Jones - Devout Quaker
Chapter 3 - The Wills
Chapter 4 - The 1887 Directive
Chapter 5 - The Committee
Chapter 6 - Jacob's Generosity
Chapter 7 - State Laws
Chapter 8 - Life of Jacob Jones
Chapter 9 - The Trust and the Trustees
Chapter 10 - Constructing the Academy
Chapter 11 - The Plan
Chapter 12 - The Academy Teachers
Chapter 13 - Joshua Hoopes
Chapter 14 - The Academy Opens
Chapter 15 - General System of Education
Chapter 16 - Union Sunday School
Chapter 17 - The Library
Chapter 18 - Summary

Research and Text: Jo Anne Debes
Design: Dick Jones
Scanner: Sigrid Berkner
© Copyright 1997