Old Haverford Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
235 East Eagle Road
Havertown PA 19083

Browse by last name:

A - H        J - M        P - Z        Unknown


Old Haverford Meeting Burial Records

In 1688, money began to be raised in order to build a stone Meeting House, which was completed in 1700. It is believed that the southern portion of the Meeting House, with its rougher masonry, is the original building. The northern portion was added a century later in 1800.

An early necessity was the establishment of a burial place. A burial ground was laid out in 1684, on land that is believed to have belonged to William Howell. The first interment in the new cemetery was the body of William Sharpus, which occurred on the 9th month (November in the Quaker calendar), 18th day in 1684.

This information was collected as part of a WPA project in 1937. Transcription and additional information were provided by Scott and Kathryn Ives in 2001. Research at Old Haverford Meeting continues in order to have a more complete listing.

Updated 2001